A root end surgery, also known as apicoectomy (apico- + -ectomy), apicectomy (apic- + -ectomy), retrograde root canal treatment ... In an apicoectomy, only the tip of the root is removed. This is in contrast to root resection, where an entire root is removed ... An apicoectomy is necessary when conventional root canal therapy has failed and a re-treatment was already unsuccessful or is ... There are many factors which will affect the likelihood of success of apicoectomy. If performed correctly, it can be highly ...
Apicoectomy is the surgical removal of tooth's root tip. Appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix; it is also known ...
von Arx, Thomas (2005). "Failed root canals: the case for apicoectomy (periradicular surgery)". Journal of Oral and ... Examples of periradicular surgery include apicoectomy, root resection, repair of root perforation or resorption defects, ...
... usually a precursor to a root canal Apicoectomy - a root-end resection. Occasionally a root canal alone is enough to relieve ... also an orthodontic treatment as it involves bones Apicoectomy - also an orthodontic treatment as part of the underlying bone ...
An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure through which the apex of a root is resected, and a root-end filling is placed, ... These include apicoectomy (removal of a root end), root resection (removal of an entire root), repair of an injured root due to ... An apicoectomy can be carried out when a previous root canal treatment fails, and re-root canal treatment is not possible. This ... Locurcio, Lino Lucio; Leeson, Rachel (2017). "A case of periradicular surgery: apicoectomy and obturation of the apex, a bold ...
Alongside the main treatments, bone allograft application, cryosurgery, and apicoectomy are available but have not been ...
The root tip is removed during apicoectomy to eliminate the apical delta and maximise the chance of successful healing. An ...
In root-end filling after apicoectomy, the anti-washout agent (chitosan or gelatin) is useful to prevent from MTA washout. But ...
... usually occurs on the mandibular gingiva, often in an area in which an apicoectomy ("root-end filling") with ...
It contrasts with root resection, where a root is removed while leaving the crown intact, and an apicoectomy, where only the ...
Such HSC is used for dental treatments such as: apicoectomy, apexification, pulp capping, pulpotomy, pulp regeneration, ...
It contrasts with an apicoectomy, where only the tip of the root is removed, and hemisection, where a root and its overlying ...
... apicoectomy MeSH E04.545.350 - gingivectomy MeSH E04.545.355 - gingivoplasty MeSH E04.545.380 - glossectomy MeSH E04.545.440 - ...
... apicoectomy MeSH E06.397.345 - dental implantation, endosseous, endodontic MeSH E06.397.370 - dental pulp capping MeSH E06.397. ... apicoectomy MeSH E06.645.350 - gingivectomy MeSH E06.645.355 - gingivoplasty MeSH E06.645.380 - glossectomy MeSH E06.645.440 - ...
Endodontic surgery Maxillary sinus surgery Apicoectomy Endoscopic endonasal surgery Endoscopic spinal surgery An endoscopy is a ...
Apicoectomy and root canal therapy (24) Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli (24.0) Incision of gum or alveolar bone ( ...