One suggestion that is recommended is for the patient to write up a list of questions and concerns about why theyre visiting the dermatologist before they go to the appointment. This allows the patient to fully discuss the situation with their doctor and eliminates any time wasted when a concern is forgotten during the consultation, which results in the patient having to go back and question their doctor about the forgotten topic. 42% of dermatologists spend an average of 9 to 12 minutes with a patient while 30% spend an average of 13 to 16 minutes. (3) Any disruption could cause other scheduled appointments for the day to be pushed back.. The patient should also bring a detailed list of their family medical history, allergies, and any medications that are currently being taken. Dr. F. Victor Rueckl of Lakes Dermatology also recommends the patient being fully honest during the visit. If a patient does not fully understand what the doctor is saying, they should speak up and let the doctor know ...