A Flower Show Is Fun, Boys and Girls!. "LETS have a flower show," exclaimed a Junior Gardener to the geography teacher. ... We are always sure of bloom from good ones, for the flowers and food are already stored in the hearts of the bulbs when we ... HAD it not been for the rhyming qualifications of the word, a certain little rodent which pestered my flower beds last summer ...
AuGUST is harvest month for most herbs and many flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Herbs grown for their leaves should be cut and ... Select good succulent stems just before the flowers open, and dry them in a shady place. ...
BY KEEPING in mind a few simple rules you can soon learn to arrange cut- flowers so that they are more pleasing, and with a ...
Flowering House Plants. MANY of you have gardens which have been your pride and joy during the summer, and you dislike the ... Flower Tabloids for Your Notebook. THE Canterbury bell is a charming biennial worthy of a place in any garden. (Biennials are ... IF you are a lover of flowers, you view the coming of winter with regret, perhaps, as one by one the perennials in the border ... To make a lawn of it is a problem, and then to ask shrubbery and flowers to grow in it is almost asking too much. ...
The House With the Welcoming Flower Box. THE house with the well-devised flower box speaks a welcome to friend and stranger ... Moreover, the flower box is a particular asset if the house is severe or commonplace in design, for it adds a note of color and ... Flowering Shrubs That Enhance the Rock Garden. WE DIDNT have enough color in our rock garden. We had beautiful little ... TRULY remarkable in flower, fruit, and foliage, producing a rare combination, the Viburnums excel most groups of shrubs. ...
Just a Neighborhood AFFAIR but it was fun to plan our flower show. "HEY, Jimmie, gonna take your birdhouse to the flower show ... MAGIC is in the air! Why? Tis May, the month of Flora, goddess of flowers. Pan is playing his most enchanting tune. Excitement ...
EVEN yet, to many people, chrysanthemums mean the handsome flowers on the likewise handsome lassies at football games. Yet how ... The Easter Lily rewards you with flowers in a year. Lilium henry is another that will grow quickly ...
SHADE and coolness, and a few flowers to brighten the greenness of a spot, truly this should make us feel that heaven is ... There comes a time, known to flower-lovers, when the air stands still, the colors flash more brilliantly, and fragrances are ... so that instead of there being great masses of a few flowers particularly adapted to the environmental features, there is a ... whereas poetry is the perfume of flowers, the shadow across a lawn. ...
SOME flowers, like the orchid, require a conservatory in which to develop their aristocratic blossoms, but the dahlia requires ... With the permission of their landlord, they had already turned the next-door lot into a flower garden, but what good is a ... and the same abundance of leaf and flower and seed. ...