Most of the muscles that move the wrist, hand, and fingers are located in the forearm. These thin, strap-like muscles extend ... act as antagonists to the flexor muscles by extending the hand and fingers. The extensor muscles run as long, thin straps from ...
Most of the muscles that move the wrist, hand, and fingers are located in the forearm. These thin, strap-like muscles extend ... act as antagonists to the flexor muscles by extending the hand and fingers. The extensor muscles run as long, thin straps from ...
The cells of the nail root and nail body are pushed toward the distal end of the finger or toe by new cells being formed in the ... The free edge is the distal end portion of the nail that has grown beyond the end of the finger or toe. ... Nails are accessory organs of the skin made of sheets of hardened keratinocytes and found on the distal ends of the fingers and ... The papillary layer contains many finger-like extensions called dermal papillae that protrude superficially towards the ...
At the pylorus, however, it makes contact with the stomach and rests at approximately a fingers width from the greater ...
Fingers (Motor). *Fingers (Sensory). *Foot (Sensory). *Genitalia (Sensory). *Hand (Sensory). *Head (Sensory) ...