G. M. Sumida; A. T. Read; K. M. Perkumas; W. D. Stamer; C. R. Ethier ... G. M. Sumida, A. T. Read, K. M. Perkumas, W. D. Stamer, C. R. Ethier; S1P Receptor-Mediated Effects on Outflow Facility of ... Commercial Relationships G.M. Sumida, None; A.T. Read, None; K.M. Perkumas, None; W.D. Stamer, None; C.R. Ethier, None. ...
Harb E Thorn F Troilo D. Characteristics of accommodative behavior during sustained reading in emmetropes and myopes. Vis Res ...
Equation 3 on page 1901 should have read: \[I{=}I_{1}e^{{-}t{/}{\tau}_{1}}{+}I_{2}e^{{-}t{/}{\tau}_{2}}\] ... Equation 1 on page 1900 should have read: \[I{=}I_{0}e^{{-}t{/}{\tau}}\] ...
One of us (CPW), masked to POBF readings, divided the diabetic patients into three groups, based on the severity of diabetic ...
Baseline IOP readings were measured daily for 4 days in awake animals without topical anesthesia using a rebound tonometer ( ... Measurements on both sides of the optic nerve head were averaged to return a reading for that eye. ... It may also be possible that a tear film issue arising from the surgery influenced our IOP readings. ...
Minimum coverage was roughly 320 reads for Nextera and 6800 reads for OneTube (normalized for total read counts). ... Samples were allocated with a minimum of 400,000 reads, yielding a target average coverage of at least 20,000 reads for the ... 1). Minimum coverage using OneTube NGS (∼6800 reads) was significantly higher compared to Nextera (∼320 reads), while average ... approximately 3000 reads aligned perfectly to the 73 bp (c.2144_2216dup) contig (Fig. 2a), while less than 10 reads mapped to ...
IOP was measured in both eyes by Goldmann applanation tonometry (the means of three consecutive readings) with the patient in a ...
Readings (confidence 1-3) for both eyes were obtained for 189 children. Four children (2%) had error readings in both eyes. ... results. The PR2000 gave a numerical reading for 90% of the childrens right eyes and the message "Out of range" for a further ... In accordance with the manufacturers instructions, readings for sphere of −1.00 D or more have had 1.0 added, to take account ... There were confidence scores indicating which readings were estimated by the software to be very reliable (the average of at ...
If no letter was read at this distance, indicating acuity worse than 1.0 logMAR units or 6/60, the distance was reduced to 1.9 ... If no letter was read even at this distance, indicating acuity worse than 1.3 logMAR units or 3/60, finger counting at 1 m, ... English alphabet logMAR chart was used for those who could read the English alphabet, and E-type logMAR chart for those who ... Initially, the distance acuity was measured at a distance of 3.8 m. The logMAR equivalent of the number of letters read ...
Which image is in awareness during binocular rivalry? Reading perceptual status from eye movements ...