Formation and maintenance of Lewy body-like inclusions in human dopaminergic neurons. Published:. 5 November 2023, Version 3 , ...
... The specific csv file in this dataset holds the full test evaluation details (network ... Single cortical neurons as deep artificial neural networks (bioRxiv:, SSRN: ... Live Notebook exploring the dataset: https://www.kaggle. ... Dataset and pretrained networks: https:// ...
To date, however, genome-wide unbiased screens are not feasible in mammalian central nervous system neurons except in vitro, ...
Calcium imaging from the excitatory dendritic field of the LGMD neuron in locusts. Correspondence with membrane potential and ... Pre-Synaptic Muscarinic Excitation Enhances the Discrimination of Looming Stimuli in a Collision Detection Neuron. Published:. ... Calcium imaging from the excitatory dendritic field of the LGMD neuron in locusts. Correspondence with membrane potential and ...
Entrainment of circadian rhythms depends on firing rates and neuropeptide release of VIP SCN Neurons. Mazuski et al. Published: ... is related to this dataset ...
Excitatory SST neurons in the medial paralemniscal nucleus control repetitive self-grooming and encode reward. Published:. 5 ...
We performed next generation sequencing of primary murine neurons stimulated with recombinant IL-12 to test the isolated effect ... of IL-12 on neurons, independent from a heavily inflamed CNS microenvironment. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a ... We performed next generation sequencing of primary murine neurons stimulated with recombinant IL-12 to test the isolated effect ... of IL-12 on neurons, independent from a heavily inflamed CNS microenvironment. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a ...
We found that MT5-MMP-deficient neurons exhibited an increased number of primary and secondary neurites, as compared to ... These findings provide novel insights into the physiological role of MT5-MMP in human neurons and astrocytes, suggesting that ... isogenic hiPSC-derived neurons. Moreover, MT5-MMP-deficient astrocytes displayed higher surface area and volume compared to ... Data and statistical analysis for research article on Deficiency in MT5-MMP Supports Branching of Human iPSCs-Derived Neurons ...