d) Bubbles associated with targeting moiety can adhere to the target molecules in tissue which express epitopes [17].. ... and bind and localize molecular epitopes in intramural tissues. Similar PFC nanoparticles targeted to markers of angiogenesis ...
G. A. Pilz, J. Braun, C. Ulrich et al., "Human mesenchymal stromal cells express CD14 cross-reactive epitopes," Cytometry A, ...
... while T-cell clones whose epitope lays inside the BCR epitope showed suppressed responses, suggesting that the BCR epitope ... Those T-cell clones whose epitope lays outside of the BCR epitope showed increased T-cell responses, ... S. Amigorena and C. Bonnerot, "Role of B-cell and Fc receptors in the selection of T-cell epitopes," Current Opinion in ... An Ia-restricted epitope-specific circuit regulating T cell-B interaction and antibody specificity," Survey of Immunologic ...
... demonstrated that ipilimumab-induced GBS is caused by an incorrect attack on the cell surface ganglioside-related epitopes ...
Concentrations of the aggrecan epitope CS846 were measured by a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit (ELISA, IBEX ... "Measurement of synovial fluid and serum concentrations of the 846 epitope of chondroitin sulfate and of carboxy propeptides of ...
Of note, this peptide includes in its sequence all the epitopes for which p190-specific CTLs were naturally found in ALL ... of 25 amino acids has been chosen as maximum length that should contain all possible HLA class II molecules binding epitopes, ...
After washing the samples in PBS, sections were placed in epitope-retrieval buffer (DakoCytomation, Carpenteria, CA, USA) at 95 ...
Q. J. Sattentau, A. G. Dalgleish, R. A. Weiss, and P. C. L. Beverley, "Epitopes of the CD4 antigen and HIV infection," Science ... M. R. Reynolds, E. Rakasz, P. J. Skinner et al., "CD8+ T-lymphocyte response to major immunodominant epitopes after vaginal ... S. Gaudieri, D. Nolan, E. McKinnon, C. S. Witt, S. Mallal, and F. T. Christiansen, "Associations between KIR epitope ...
... which selectively identifies soluble oligomeric epitopes present in common amyloidogenic proteins such as αS (PD), amyloid-β ( ...
... some researchers designed epitope markers expressed by the CAR vector in the form of cistrons and approved that monoclonal ...