"Agricultural irrigation is the purposeful application of water to crops at controlled rates and scheduled times to meet their moisture requirements for optimum growth, development, and yield, using various methods and systems such as surface or localized irrigation, drip or sprinkler systems, to improve crop productivity and ensure food security in agriculture."
Therapeutic irrigation, also known as lavage, is a medical procedure that involves the introduction of fluids into a body cavity or natural passageway for therapeutic purposes. This technique is often used to flush out debris, bacteria, or other unwanted substances from a specific area in the body. The fluid used for irrigation can be sterile saline solution, normal saline, or other types of solutions depending on the purpose of the procedure.
"Root canal irrigants are solutions used in endodontic treatment to clean, disinfect and remove tissue remnants from the root canal system, aiding in the elimination of microorganisms and promoting successful therapy outcomes."

'Agricultural irrigation' är en metod för konstbevattning inom jordbruket, där man tillför vatten till marken och kulturväxterna på ett systematiskt sätt. Detta görs vanligtvis med hjälp av rörsystem eller sprinklers, som distribuerar vattnet över odlingsmarken. Irrigation används ofta i områden där det regnar för lite eller oregelbundet för att möjliggöra en framgångsrik skörd. Det kan även öka skördeutbytet och förbättra kvaliteten på grödorna, även i områden med tillräckligt med naturligt regn.

Den medicinska aspekten av jordbruksbevattning är främst relaterad till hälsa-relaterade konsekvenser av irrigation, såsom vattenburna sjukdomar och föroreningar i marken och grundvattnet. Och det finns också en koppling mellan jordbruksbevattning och global uppvärmning.

Terapeutisk irrigering (også kendt som terapi irrigering eller medicinsk irrigering) er en behandlingsmetode, der involverer at anvende en strøm af væske til at rense og desinficere en sår, et sår, en sutureret sårlæsion eller en indre kropsoverskæring (f.eks. efter en operation).

Den terapeutiske irrigering kan udføres ved hjælp af forskellige væsketyper, alt efter behandlingens formål. Nogle almindelige væsker omfatter fysiologisk saltvandsløsning, antiseptiske løsninger eller antibiotiske løsninger. Irrigeringen udføres ofte med en speciel irrigationspumpe eller en syringe under kontrolleret tryk for at sikre en effektiv, men skånsom behandling.

Den terapeutiske irrigering anvendes til en række formål, herunder:

1. At fjerne dødt væv, nekrose, blodprop eller infektiøs materiale fra sår og sår.
2. At reducere infektionsrisikoen og forbedre værtsforsvaret mod patogener.
3. At fjerne rester af kirurgiske klister, blodklumper eller andet uønsket materiale fra indre kropsoverskæringer.
4. At opnå bedre visualisering og rengøring af sår og sår under operationer eller procedurer.
5. At forbedre vaskulær gennemstrømning og hjælpe med at reducere svulst i området.

Den terapeutiske irrigering er en effektiv behandlingsmetode, der anvendes i mange medicinske specialer, herunder kirurgi, ortopædi, plastikkirurgi, onkologi og vård af sår.

'Root canal irrigants' refer to the solutions used during root canal treatment (endodontic therapy) to clean, disinfect and rinse the root canal system of a tooth. The main goal is to remove tissue remnants, bacteria, and debris from the complex anatomy of the root canals, ensuring optimal conditions for healing and reducing the risk of reinfection. Commonly used irrigants include:

1. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl): A widely used irrigant due to its excellent antimicrobial properties and ability to dissolve necrotic tissue and organic debris. Its concentration typically ranges from 0.5% to 5.25%.
2. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA): A chelating agent that removes the inorganic component of the smear layer, facilitating better penetration of irrigants and intracanal medicaments into the dentinal tubules. Its concentration is usually 15-17%.
3. Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX): An antimicrobial agent with substantivity, meaning it can adhere to dental surfaces and provide prolonged antimicrobial effects. It is often used as a final rinse before obturation. Its concentration ranges from 0.12% to 2%.
4. MTAD (Mixture of Tween 80, acid, and detergent): A combination of doxycycline, citric acid, and a surfactant (Tween 80) that has both antimicrobial and tissue-dissolving properties. It is an alternative to sodium hypochlorite for patients with allergies or sensitivities.
5. Sterile saline or water: Used as a final rinse to remove any remaining irrigant from the root canal system before obturation.

The choice of irrigant, its concentration, and application method depend on various factors, including the specific clinical situation, patient's medical history, and personal preference of the dental professional.

Towards an operational irrigation management system for Sweden with a water-food-energy nexus perspective 2022 ... In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 271. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107734. *. van Noord,Michiel et al. Landelius,Tomas ...
Effects of Increasing Salinity by Drip Irrigation on Total Grain Weight Show High Yield Potential of Putative Salt-Tolerant ...
Irrigation is dependent on high quality water resources, and the need for accessible water resources becomes stronger under ... Anna Schnürer, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Projektnummer: JTI-22-83-731 • Status: Pågående • Ansökningsår: 2022 ... Uliana Gottlieb, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Projektnummer: R-22-46-760 • Status: Pågående • Ansökningsår: 2022 ... The Swedish Farmers Foundation for Agricultural Research launches a call for project proposals on the theme of "Sustainable ...
... property rights governing irrigation furrows in Meru, Tanzania. The justification is that any grand policy or theory claiming ... poverty must be relevant to the places where poverty is foremost prevailing today and one such place is the agricultural sector ...
Journal of Agricultural Science (Toronto), 7:11 pp 28-38.. Lalander, C.H., Fidjeland, J., Diener, S., Eriksson, S., Vinnerås, B ... Luis Fernando Peres Mercado, korttitel: Hygienically safe wastewater irrigation in Cochabamba valley, 2014 mars- ... Short title: Inactivation technologies for viruses in agricultural waste. SLU, Department of virology. 2006 Jan - 2015 October ...
FarmWise: Future Agricultural Resource Management and Water Innovations for a Sustainable Europe. Berndtsson, R., Puculek, S., ... Large discrepancy between future demand and supply of agricultural water in northwestern Iran; evidence from WEAP-MODFLOW- ... irrigation Mark- och miljövetenskap 47% * soil Mark- och miljövetenskap 47% * runoff Mark- och miljövetenskap 42% ... Future agricultural resource management and water innovations for a sustainable Europe. I will also be acting as coordinator ...
During dry years, irrigation is necessary to achieve optimal yields. In addition, irrigation can bring about positive … ... The Swedish Farmers Foundation for Agricultural Research launches a call for project proposals on the theme of "Sustainable ...
During dry years, irrigation is necessary to achieve optimal yields. In addition, irrigation can bring about positive … ... The Swedish Farmers Foundation for Agricultural Research launches a call for project proposals on the theme of "Sustainable ...