Tadjikistan är inte en term inom medicinen, utan istället ett geografiskt begrepp som refererar till ett land i Centralasien. Det är därför inte möjligt att ge en medicinsk definition av Tadjikistan.
Medical geography, also known as health geography, is a branch of science that studies the spatial distribution and determinants of health and disease in human populations, and the application of this knowledge to improve public health. It combines concepts and methods from epidemiology, medical sociology, anthropology, and environmental sciences to understand how factors such as place, environment, culture, and socioeconomic status influence health outcomes and access to healthcare services. Medical geographers may study topics such as disease mapping, spatial epidemiology, health disparities, and the impact of globalization on health.
En del av Asien som omfattar Kazakstan, Kirgizistan, Tadzjikistan, Turkmenistan och Uzbekistan.