Organosilicon compounds are organic chemicals that contain at least one silicon-carbon bond in their molecular structure, where the silicon atom is surrounded by organic groups or substituents. These compounds are widely used in various industries, including electronics, coatings, and healthcare, due to their unique properties such as high thermal stability, resistance to oxidation, and low toxicity. Examples of organosilicon compounds include silicones, which are polymers with repeating siloxane units, and organofunctional silanes, which contain reactive functional groups that can undergo chemical reactions with other substances.
I en enkel mening kan siloxaner definieras som organiska föreningar som innehåller en repetitiv struktur av silicium- och syreatomer, vanligen i formen av -Si-O-Si-, kopplade till kolvätekedjor eller ringstrukturer. De är kända för sin termisk stabilitet, hydrofoba egenskaper och används ofta inom industrin, till exempel som smörjmedel, releaseagenter, kosmetiska ingredienser och i vissa medicinska produkter.