"N-substituted Glycine" refers to a class of modified amino acids where the amino group (-NH2) of the glycine molecule has been replaced by an alkyl or aryl group. This modification can alter the physical and chemical properties of the resulting compound, affecting its behavior in biological systems. These types of compounds are often used in research to study the structure and function of proteins and enzymes.
Peptoids are a type of organic polymers that mimic the structure and function of peptides, which are naturally occurring biological molecules made up of amino acids. However, unlike peptides, the side chains in peptoids are attached to the backbone in a reversed order, resulting in different physical and chemical properties. This structural difference makes peptoids more resistant to degradation by enzymes, allowing them to have longer half-lives and potentially improved drug-like properties compared to their peptide counterparts. Peptoids have gained interest in the field of medicinal chemistry for their potential use as therapeutic agents, including as enzyme inhibitors, antimicrobial agents, and targeted drug delivery systems.
En icke-essentiell aminosyra som främst påträffas i gelatin och sidenfibroin och som används terapeutiskt som näringstillskott. Den fungerar även som en snabb, blockerande nervsignalsubstans.
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En centralt verkande muskarinantagonist som använts vid behandling av Parkinsons sjukdom. Benstropin blockerar upptaget av dopamin.