Community transcriptomics reveals universal patterns of protein sequence conservation in natural microbial communities. (49/4463)


Gene expression in the epididymis of normal and vasectomized men: what can we learn about human sperm maturation? (50/4463)


Diverging alternative splicing fingerprints in the transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway identified in thoracic aortic aneurysms. (51/4463)


A vertebrate case study of the quality of assemblies derived from next-generation sequences. (52/4463)


The transcriptome that mediates increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling in PRKAR1A defects and other settings. (53/4463)


Identification of transcriptome SNPs between Xiphophorus lines and species for assessing allele specific gene expression within F(1) interspecies hybrids. (54/4463)


Pathway based analysis of genotypes in relation to alcohol dependence. (55/4463)


De novo transcriptome sequencing in Salvia miltiorrhiza to identify genes involved in the biosynthesis of active ingredients. (56/4463)
