Measurement of monovalent and polyvalent carbohydrate-lectin binding by back-scattering interferometry. (57/1048)


Pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and mass balance of radiolabeled dihydroartemisinin in male rats. (58/1048)


The metabolome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii following induction of anaerobic H2 production by sulfur depletion. (59/1048)


Metabolic profiling and population screening of analgesic usage in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based large-scale epidemiologic studies. (60/1048)


Omics-based approaches to methionine side chain elongation in Arabidopsis: characterization of the genes encoding methylthioalkylmalate isomerase and methylthioalkylmalate dehydrogenase. (61/1048)


Response and recovery in the plasma metabolome tracks the acute LCMV-induced immune response. (62/1048)


Metabolic pathways involved in cold acclimation identified by integrated analysis of metabolites and transcripts regulated by DREB1A and DREB2A. (63/1048)


Variable selection using iterative reformulation of training set models for discrimination of samples: application to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of mouse urinary metabolites. (64/1048)
