Diagnosis of secondary adrenal insufficiency in patients with hypothalamic-pituitary disease: comparison between serum and salivary cortisol during the high-dose short synacthen test. (57/138)


Histiocytosis X involving the thyroid and hypothalamus. (58/138)

A case of histiocytosis X involving the thyroid and hypothalamus is reported. A 16 year old female presented with amenorrhoea and diabetes insipidus. She subsequently developed a painful goitre with biochemical hypothyroidism, and stridor. The stridor and goitre responded to cyclophosphamide. Previous publications on the use of cytotoxics in histiocytosis X involving the thyroid are reviewed. We describe for the first time both the ultrasound appearances of the thyroid in this condition and the use of serial volumetric measurements to monitor therapy.  (+info)

Risk markers for depression in adolescents: sleep and HPA measures. (59/138)


The brain is the conductor: diet-induced inflammation overlapping physiological control of body mass and metabolism. (60/138)


Hypercortisolemia is associated with severity of bone loss and depression in hypothalamic amenorrhea and anorexia nervosa. (61/138)


Dietary intakes in infertile women a pilot study. (62/138)


Central precocious puberty due to hypothalamic hamartomas correlates with anatomic features but not with expression of GnRH, TGFalpha, or KISS1. (63/138)


Concordant and discordant adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) responses induced by growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 (GHRP-2), corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in patients with hypothalamopituitary disorders: evidence for direct ACTH releasing activity of GHRP-2. (64/138)

The insulin-induced hypoglycemia test (insulin tolerance test: ITT) and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) test are used to examine the activities of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 (GHRP-2), a potent GH secretagogue, also stimulates adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) secretion. To evaluate the role of GHRP-2 in assessing the HPA axis, we examined 6 patients with various hypothalamo-pituitary disorders, and measured ACTH and cortisol responses during provocative tests (ITT, CRH, and GHRP-2 test). None of the 6 patients showed any significant ACTH or cortisol responses to ITT, but significant ACTH release was observed during CRH and GHRP-2 tests. These findings suggest GHRP-2 may directly stimulate ACTH secretion in patients with hypothalamo-pituitary disorders.  (+info)