Neural mapping of direction and frequency in the cricket cercal sensory system. (1/411)

Primary mechanosensory receptors and interneurons in the cricket cercal sensory system are sensitive to the direction and frequency of air current stimuli. Receptors innervating long mechanoreceptor hairs (>1000 microm) are most sensitive to low-frequency air currents (<150 Hz); receptors innervating medium-length hairs (900-500 microm) are most sensitive to higher frequency ranges (150-400 Hz). Previous studies demonstrated that the projection pattern of the synaptic arborizations of long hair receptor afferents form a continuous map of air current direction within the terminal abdominal ganglion (). We demonstrate here that the projection pattern of the medium-length hair afferents also forms a continuous map of stimulus direction. However, the afferents from the long and medium-length hair afferents show very little spatial segregation with respect to their frequency sensitivity. The possible functional significance of this small degree of spatial segregation was investigated, by calculating the relative overlap between the long and medium-length hair afferents with the dendrites of two interneurons that are known to have different frequency sensitivities. Both interneurons were shown to have nearly equal anatomical overlap with long and medium hair afferents. Thus, the differential overlap of these interneurons with the two different classes of afferents was not adequate to explain the observed frequency selectivity of the interneurons. Other mechanisms such as selective connectivity between subsets of afferents and interneurons and/or differences in interneuron biophysical properties must play a role in establishing the frequency selectivities of these interneurons.  (+info)

Immunocytochemical mapping of an RDL-like GABA receptor subunit and of GABA in brain structures related to learning and memory in the cricket Acheta domesticus. (2/411)

The distribution of putative RDL-like GABA receptors and of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain of the adult house cricket Acheta domesticus was studied using specific antisera. Special attention was given to brain structures known to be related to learning and memory. The main immunostaining for the RDL-like GABA receptor was observed in mushroom bodies, in particular the upper part of mushroom body peduncle and the two arms of the posterior calyx. Weaker immunostaining was detected in the distal part of the peduncle and in the alpha and beta lobes. The dorso- and ventrolateral protocerebrum neuropils appeared rich in RDL-like GABA receptors. Staining was also detected in the glomeruli of the antennal lobe, as well as in the ellipsoid body of the central complex. Many neurons clustered in groups exhibit GABA-like immunoreactivity. Tracts that were strongly immunostained innervated both the calyces and the lobes of mushroom bodies. The glomeruli of the antennal lobe, the ellipsoid body, as well as neuropils of the dorso- and ventrolateral protocerebrum were also rich in GABA-like immunoreactivity. The data demonstrated a good correlation between the distribution of the GABA-like and of the RDL-like GABA receptor immunoreactivity. The prominent distribution of RDL-like GABA receptor subunits, in particular areas of mushroom bodies and antennal lobes, underlines the importance of inhibitory signals in information processing in these major integrative centers of the insect brain.  (+info)

Experience-dependent modification of ultrasound auditory processing in a cricket escape response. (3/411)

The ultrasound acoustic startle response (ASR) of crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) is a defense against echolocating bats. The ASR to a test pulse can be habituated by a train of ultrasound prepulses. We found that this conditioning paradigm modified both the gain and the lateral direction of the startle response. Habituation reduced the slope of the intensity/response relationship but did not alter stimulus threshold, so habituation extended the dynamic range of the ASR to higher stimulus intensities. Prepulses from the side (90 degrees or 270 degrees azimuth) had a priming effect upon the lateral direction of the ASR, increasing the likelihood that test pulses from the front (between -22 degrees and +22 degrees ) would evoke responses towards the same side as prepulse-induced responses. The plasticity revealed by these experiments could alter the efficacy of the ASR as an escape response and might indicate experience-dependent modification of auditory perception. We also examined stimulus control of habituation by prepulse intensity or direction. Only suprathreshold prepulses induced habituation. Prepulses from one side habituated the responses to test pulses from either the ipsilateral or contralateral side, but habituation was strongest for the prepulse-ipsilateral side. We suggest that habituation of the ASR occurs in the brain, after the point in the pathway where the threshold is mediated, and that directional priming results from a second process of plasticity distinct from that underlying habituation. These inferences bring us a step closer to identifying the neural substrates of plasticity in the ASR pathway.  (+info)

The control of carrier frequency in cricket calls: a refutation of the subalar-tegminal resonance/auditory feedback model. (4/411)

The subalar-tegminal resonance/auditory feedback hypothesis attempts to explain how crickets control the carrier frequency (f(C)), the loudness and the spectral purity of their calls. This model contrasts with the 'clockwork cricket' or escapement model by proposing that f(C) is not controlled by the resonance of the cricket's radiators (the harps) but is instead controlled neurally. It suggests that crickets are capable of driving their harps to vibrate at any frequency and that they use a tunable Helmholtz-like resonator consisting of the tegmina and the air within the subalar space to amplify and filter the f(C). This model predicts that f(C) is variable, that call loudness is related to tegminal position (and subalar volume) and that low-density gases should cause f(C) to increase. In Anurogryllus arboreus, f(C) is not constant and varied by as much as 0.8 % between pulses. Within each sound pulse, the average f(C) typically decreased from the first to the last third of a sound pulse by 9 %. When crickets called in a mixture of heliox and air, f(C) increased 1.07- to 1.14-fold above the value in air. However, if the subalar space were part of a Helmholtz-like resonator, then its resonant frequency should have increased by 40-50 %. Moreover, similar increases occurred in species that lack a subalar space (oecanthines). Experimental reduction of the subalar volume of singing crickets resulted neither in a change in f(C) nor in a change in loudness. Nor did crickets attempt to restore the subalar volume to its original value. These results disprove the presence of a subalar-tegminal resonator. The free resonance of freshly excised Gryllus rubens tegmina shifted by 1.09-fold when moved between air and a mixture of helium and air. Auditory feedback cannot be the cause of this shift, which is similar to the f(C) shifts in intact individuals of other species. Calculations show that the harp is 3.9-1.8 times more massive than the air that moves en masse with the vibrating harps. Replacing air with heliox-air lowers the mass of the vibrating system sufficiently to account for the f(C) shifts. These results re-affirm the 'clockwork cricket' (escapement) hypothesis. However, as realized by others, the harps should be viewed as narrow-band variable-frequency oscillators whose tuning may be controlled by factors that vary the effective mass.  (+info)

Song recognition in female bushcrickets Phaneroptera nana. (5/411)

Unlike most acoustic systems evolved for pair formation, in which only males signal, in many species of phaneropterine bushcrickets both sexes sing, producing a duet. We used the duetting species Phaneroptera nana as a model to explore the cues in the male's song that elicit the female's phonoresponse. Different synthetic male songs (chirps containing 2-6 pulses) were presented to Ph. nana females, and their acoustic responses were recorded. The threshold of the female response is lowest at 16 kHz (best frequency), coinciding with the dominant frequency of the male song. The specific amplitude pattern of consecutive pulses in the song of the male is not a critical factor in his signal. That is, songs with both a normal and a reversed order of pulses equally elicit a female response. By systematically deleting pulses from the synthetic male chirp, we found that at least two pulses are needed to elicit a female reply. Under no-choice conditions, increasing the number of pulses did not result in a higher probability of response and did not change the latency of the response; i.e. two pulses are necessary and sufficient to elicit a female response. The range of pulse duration that elicits a female response is 0.2-25 ms, and the inter-pulse silent interval ranges from 5 to 30 ms.  (+info)

Cephalobellus lobulata n. sp. (Oxyurida:Thelastomatidae) A parasite of Neocurtilla claraziana Saussure (Orthoptera: gryllotalpidae) from Argentina. (6/411)

Cephalobellus lobulata n. sp. (Oxyurida: Thelastomatidae) a parasite of the mole cricket Neocurtilla claraziana Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) found in Argentina is described and illustrated. It is characterized by a short buccal cavity armed with three teeth, a striated cuticle with the first annule wide with four lobes and the second annule divided in twelve lobes. The male have three pairs of preanal papillae and two pairs of postanal papillae.  (+info)

Evidence for DNA loss as a determinant of genome size. (7/411)

Eukaryotic genome sizes range over five orders of magnitude. This variation cannot be explained by differences in organismic complexity (the C value paradox). To test the hypothesis that some variation in genome size can be attributed to differences in the patterns of insertion and deletion (indel) mutations among organisms, this study examines the indel spectrum in Laupala crickets, which have a genome size 11 times larger than that of Drosophila. Consistent with the hypothesis, DNA loss is more than 40 times slower in Laupala than in Drosophila.  (+info)

Control of cricket stridulation by a command neuron: efficacy depends on the behavioral state. (8/411)

Crickets use different song patterns for acoustic communication. The stridulatory pattern-generating networks are housed within the thoracic ganglia but are controlled by the brain. This descending control of stridulation was identified by intracellular recordings and stainings of brain neurons. Its impact on the generation of calling song was analyzed both in resting and stridulating crickets and during cercal wind stimulation, which impaired the stridulatory movements and caused transient silencing reactions. A descending interneuron in the brain serves as a command neuron for calling-song stridulation. The neuron has a dorsal soma position, anterior dendritic processes, and an axon that descends in the contralateral connective. The neuron is present in each side of the CNS. It is not activated in resting crickets. Intracellular depolarization of the interneuron so that its spike frequency is increased to 60-80 spikes/s reliably elicits calling-song stridulation. The spike frequency is modulated slightly in the chirp cycle with the maximum activity in phase with each chirp. There is a high positive correlation between the chirp repetition rate and the interneuron's spike frequency. Only a very weak correlation, however, exists between the syllable repetition rate and the interneuron activity. The effectiveness of the command neuron depends on the activity state of the cricket. In resting crickets, experimentally evoked short bursts of action potentials elicit only incomplete calling-song chirps. In crickets that previously had stridulated during the experiment, short elicitation of interneuron activity can trigger sustained calling songs during which the interneuron exhibits a spike frequency of approximately 30 spikes/s. During sustained calling songs, the command neuron activity is necessary to maintain the stridulatory behavior. Inhibition of the interneuron stops stridulation. A transient increase in the spike frequency of the interneuron speeds up the chirp rate and thereby resets the timing of the chirp pattern generator. The interneuron also is excited by cercal wind stimulation. Cercal wind stimulation can impair the pattern of chirp and syllable generation, but these changes are not reflected in the discharge pattern of the command neuron. During wind-evoked silencing reactions, the activity of the calling-song command neuron remains unchanged, but under these conditions, its activity is no longer sufficient to maintain stridulation. Therefore stridulation can be suppressed by cercal inputs from the terminal ganglia without directly inhibiting the descending command activity.  (+info)