Health-seeking behavior for malaria among child and adult headed households in Rakai district, Uganda. (1/115)

BACKGROUND: The number of orphans in Rakai district, Uganda is estimated to be 34,902 (OCBO, 2000) which translates into 28% of children under the age of 18 years. Young people who have been orphaned and as a result became heads of households must look after themselves and their siblings. These children are likely to be faced with several health problems and have to take crucial life decisions without parental/adult guidance. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted in order to understand how child-headed households, Rakai district in Uganda recognize malaria, their health-seeking behavior when malaria is suspected and reasons for the type of behavior compared to the adult-headed households. METHODS: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in 300 households in Rakai district, Uganda, in which 8/23 (35%) of sub-counties and 150 child-headed households were included. The closest neighborhood adult-headed household to each child-headed household was selected for comparison. Individual interview was carried out with the respondents using semi-structure questionnaire. Key informant interview and focus group discussions were also conducted. RESULTS: The main findings were that the respondents in child-headed households had less knowledge on signs and symptoms of simple and severe malaria compared to adult heads of households. Respondents in child-headed households were less likely to seek health care from health facilities (OR=0.59, CI=0.36-0.97, p-value=0.028). There was no significant difference in the time lag before taking first action in the two types of households (OR=0.72, CI=0.42-1.22, p-value=0.194). The respondents in child-headed households were six times (OR=5.70,CI=2.75-11.91, p-value<0.001) more likely to use local herb for treatment of malaria than the adult heads households. Major reasons stated by the respondents for choosing where health care is sought included distance to source of health care, cheap or free treatment, availability of drugs, and quick services to patients. CONCLUSION: The respondents in child-headed households had less knowledge on signs and symptoms of simple and severe malaria and receive too little or late health care from health professionals compared to the adult heads of households probably due to lack of knowledge and money. Information Communication and Education programs should be designed and target the child-headed households and supply home packs.  (+info)

Childlessness and adoption: the experience of loss as a source of suffering. (2/115)

The present work deals with the issue of child's adoption. Adoption is presented as a difficult (stressful) situation for the adopted child, but also for the childless married couple, who has decided to take in the orphaned child. Adoption as a difficult situation is connected with the experience of loss. The childless spouses experience the loss of their biological parenthood, the loss of their biological child, who died during the prenatal period or just after being born, but also the loss of the status of a "normal" family created in accordance with the normative model of a family. The adopted child, on the other hand, experiences the loss of biological parents and biological siblings, the loss of genealogical continuity and of "the bonds of blood". The child must be confronted with the fact that "one, to be adopted, must be first abandoned". The problem with the studies on adoption lies in their theoretical character. Because of that, the psychological understanding of adoption reality is limited.  (+info)

Attachment, cognitive, and motor development in adopted children: short-term outcomes after international adoption. (3/115)

OBJECTIVE: To examine infant attachment and developmental functioning shortly after international adoption. METHODS: At 14 months, infant-mother attachment and mental (MDI) and psychomotor (PDI) development were assessed in 70 internationally adopted children. Mean age at arrival was 5.5 months, mean stay in the adoptive family 8.7 months. RESULTS: Adopted children's MDI and PDI did not deviate from normative scores. Also, their secure-insecure attachment distribution was comparable with that of normative groups. However, more adoptees were disorganized attached (36 vs. 15% in normative groups). Temporary residence in a foster home in the country of origin before adoption was related to higher MDI and PDI, whereas disorganized attachment in the adoptive family was related to lower MDI and PDI scores. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of internationally adopted children form secure attachment relationships and function at normative developmental levels shortly after adoption. Residence in a foster family before adoption may partly prevent developmental delays.  (+info)

Nutritional status, psychological well-being and the quality of life of AIDS orphans in rural Henan Province, China. (4/115)

OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of orphanhood due to AIDS on children's nutritional status, psychological well-being and life quality, and to explore appropriate intervention strategies in China. METHODS: In 2005, 186 children aged 8-15 years (93 AIDS orphans and 93 non-orphans) from a rural area of Henan Province were surveyed in a cross-sectional and matched pairs study on nutritional status, psychological health and life quality. RESULTS: We found no compelling evidence for poorer nutritional status in orphans. The nutritional status of both orphans and non-orphans was extremely poor according to the prevalence of stunting, underweight, wasting and anaemia. Depression, low self-esteem and lower quality of life were more frequent in orphans. These differences mainly existed in boys' groups. No significant differences were found between paternal, maternal and double orphans, or orphans in orphanages or extended families. Regression analysis revealed that orphanhood leads to low self-esteem and more depression which contributes to lower quality of life and mediates the association between orphanhood and quality of life. CONCLUSION: The high prevalence of poor nutritional status indicates that basic material needs of children, including AIDS orphans, are not met in rural China. Psychological problems were prominent among orphans and had become the most important contributor of lower life quality. Boys were at least as vulnerable as girls. The living conditions of all children in rural China must be improved; school-based care and support are crucial and would be a cost-effective way to improve the overall life quality of AIDS orphans.  (+info)

The effects of high HIV prevalence on orphanhood and living arrangements of children in Malawi, Tanzania, and South Africa. (5/115)

Using longitudinal data from three demographic surveillance systems (DSS) and a retrospective cohort study, we estimate levels and trends in the prevalence and incidence of orphanhood in South Africa, Tanzania, and Malawi in the period 1988-2004. The prevalence of maternal, paternal, and double orphans rose in all three populations. In South Africa - where the HIV epidemic started later, has been very severe, and has not yet stabilized - the incidence of orphanhood among children is double that of the other populations. The living arrangements of children vary considerably between the populations, particularly in relation to fathers. Patterns of marriage, migration, and adult mortality influence the living and care arrangements of orphans and non-orphans. DSS data provide new insights into the impact of adult mortality on children, challenging several widely held assumptions. For example, we find no evidence that the prevalence of child-headed households is significant or has increased in the three study areas.  (+info)

HIV-associated orphanhood and children's psychosocial distress: theoretical framework tested with data from Zimbabwe. (6/115)

OBJECTIVES: We measured the psychosocial effect of orphanhood in a sub-Saharan African population and evaluated a new framework for understanding the causes and consequences of psychosocial distress among orphans and other vulnerable children. METHODS: The framework was evaluated using data from 5321 children aged 12 to 17 years who were interviewed in a 2004 national survey in Zimbabwe. We constructed a measure of psychosocial distress using principle components analysis. We used regression analyses to obtain standardized parameter estimates of psychosocial distress and odds ratios of early sexual activity. RESULTS: Orphans had more psychosocial distress than did nonorphans. For both genders, paternal, maternal, and double orphans exhibited more-severe distress than did nonorphaned, nonvulnerable children. Orphanhood remained associated with psychosocial distress after we controlled for differences in more-proximate determinants. Maternal and paternal orphans were significantly more likely than were nonorphaned, nonvulnerable children to have engaged in sexual activity. These differences were reduced after we controlled for psychosocial distress. CONCLUSIONS: Orphaned adolescents in Zimbabwe suffer greater psychosocial distress than do nonorphaned, nonvulnerable children, which may lead to increased likelihood of early onset of sexual intercourse and HIV infection. The effect of strategies to provide psychosocial support should be evaluated scientifically.  (+info)

Care arrangements, grief and psychological problems among children orphaned by AIDS in China. (7/115)

The China Ministry of Health has estimated that there are at least 100,000 AIDS orphans in China. The UNICEF China Office estimates that between 150,000 and 250,000 additional children will be orphaned by AIDS over the next five years. However, limited data are available regarding the sociodemographic characteristics, care arrangements, barriers to appropriate grief resolution and psychological problems among AIDS orphans in China. In this article, we review secondary data and reports from scientific literature, government, non-governmental organisations and public media regarding children orphaned by AIDS in China to address their living situation, bereavement process and psychological problems. Our review suggests that AIDS orphans in China are living in a stressful environment, with many orphans struggling with psychological problems and unmet basic needs such as food, shelter, education and medical care. Based on our review, we suggest that future studies should address the psychosocial needs of AIDS orphans in China and develop health promotion programmes to mitigate the negative impact of parental death on the physical and psychosocial well-being of these orphans.  (+info)

A novel economic intervention to reduce HIV risks among school-going AIDS orphans in rural Uganda. (8/115)

This study tested an economic intervention to reduce HIV risks among AIDS-orphaned adolescents. Adolescents (n = 96) were randomly assigned to receive the intervention or usual care for orphans in Uganda. Data obtained at baseline and 12-month follow-up revealed significant differences between the treatment and control groups in HIV prevention attitudes and educational planning.  (+info)