The state or condition of being a human individual accorded moral and/or legal rights. Criteria to be used to determine this status are subject to debate, and range from the requirement of simply being a human organism to such requirements as that the individual be self-aware and capable of rational thought and moral agency.
The point at which religious ensoulment or PERSONHOOD is considered to begin.
A series of actions, sometimes symbolic actions which may be associated with a behavior pattern, and are often indispensable to its performance.
Persons trained in philosophical or theological ethics who work in clinical, research, public policy, or other settings where they bring their expertise to bear on the analysis of ethical dilemmas in policies or cases. (Bioethics Thesaurus)

Cloning, killing, and identity. (1/137)

One potentially valuable use of cloning is to provide a source of tissues or organs for transplantation. The most important objection to this use of cloning is that a human clone would be the sort of entity that it would be seriously wrong to kill. I argue that entities of the sort that you and I essentially are do not begin to exist until around the seventh month of fetal gestation. Therefore to kill a clone prior to that would not be to kill someone like you or me but would be only to prevent one of us from existing. And even after one of us begins to exist, the objections to killing it remain comparatively weak until its psychological capacities reach a certain level of maturation. These claims support the permissibility of killing a clone during the early stages of its development in order to use its organs for transplantation.  (+info)

Should we clone human beings? Cloning as a source of tissue for transplantation. (2/137)

The most publicly justifiable application of human cloning, if there is one at all, is to provide self-compatible cells or tissues for medical use, especially transplantation. Some have argued that this raises no new ethical issues above those raised by any form of embryo experimentation. I argue that this research is less morally problematic than other embryo research. Indeed, it is not merely morally permissible but morally required that we employ cloning to produce embryos or fetuses for the sake of providing cells, tissues or even organs for therapy, followed by abortion of the embryo or fetus.  (+info)

Persons and their copies. (3/137)

Is cloning human beings morally wrong? The basis for the one serious objection to cloning is that, because of what a clone is, clones would have much worse lives than non-clones. I sketch a fragment of moral theory to make sense of the objection. I then outline several ways in which it might be claimed that, because of what a clone is, clones would have much worse lives than non-clones. In particular, I look at various ideas connected with autonomy. I conclude that there is no basis to the claim that, because of what a clone is, clones would have much worse lives than non-clones. I therefore reject the claim that cloning human beings is morally wrong.  (+info)

Equality and selection for existence. (4/137)

It is argued that the policy of excluding from further life some human gametes and pre-embryos as "unfit" for existence is not at odds with a defensible idea of human equality. Such an idea must be compatible with the obvious fact that the "functional" value of humans differs, that their "use" to themselves and others differs. A defensible idea of human equality is instead grounded in the fact that as this functional difference is genetically determined, it is nothing which makes humans deserve or be worthy of being better or worse off. Rather, nobody is worth a better life than anyone else. This idea of equality is, however, not applicable to gametes and pre-embryos, since they are not human beings, but something out of which human beings develop.  (+info)

Prenatal diagnosis and discrimination against the disabled. (5/137)

Two versions of the argument that prenatal diagnosis discriminates against the disabled are distinguished and analysed. Both are shown to be inadequate, but some valid concerns about the social effects of prenatal diagnosis are highlighted.  (+info)

Survey of Japanese physicians' attitudes towards the care of adult patients in persistent vegetative state. (6/137)

OBJECTIVES: Ethical issues have recently been raised regarding the appropriate care of patients in persistent vegetative state (PVS) in Japan. The purpose of our study is to study the attitudes and beliefs of Japanese physicians who have experience caring for patients in PVS. DESIGN AND SETTING: A postal questionnaire was sent to all 317 representative members of the Japan Society of Apoplexy working at university hospitals or designated teaching hospitals by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The questionnaire asked subjects what they would recommend for three hypothetical vignettes that varied with respect to a PVS patient's previous wishes and the wishes of the family. RESULTS: The response rate was 65%. In the case of a PVS patient who had no previous expressed wishes and no family, 3% of the respondents would withdraw artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) when the patient did not require any other life-sustaining treatments, 4% would discontinue ANH, and 30% would withhold antibiotics when the patient developed pneumonia. Significantly more respondents (17%) would withdraw ANH in the case of a PVS patient whose previous wishes and family agreed that all life support be discontinued. Most respondents thought that a patient's written advance directives would influence their decisions. Forty per cent of the respondents would want to have ANH stopped and 31% would not want antibiotics administered if they were in PVS. CONCLUSIONS: Japanese physicians tend not to withdraw ANH from PVS patients. Patients' written advance directives, however, would affect their decisions.  (+info)

On becoming non-judgmental: some difficulties for an ethics of counselling. (7/137)

The growth in the availability of counselling services has been accompanied by growing concern about the conduct of counsellors, which in turn has led to the expressed need for an ethics of counselling. This paper will argue that there is an inherent tension between this need and the central tenets of one variety of counselling, client-centred counselling. The tension is identifiable on the basis of an inquiry into the nature of moral judgment which results in the recognition of the implicit value base in client-centred counselling. It is only when this value base is made explicit that any adequate ethics of counselling becomes a viable possibility.  (+info)

The morality of abortion and the deprivation of futures. (8/137)

In an influential essay entitled Why abortion is wrong, Donald Marquis argues that killing actual persons is wrong because it unjustly deprives victims of their future; that the fetus has a future similar in morally relevant respects to the future lost by competent adult homicide victims, and that, as consequence, abortion is justifiable only in the same circumstances in which killing competent adult human beings is justifiable. The metaphysical claim implicit in the first premise, that actual persons have a future of value, is ambiguous. The Future Like Ours argument (FLO) would be valid if "future of value" were used consistently to mean either "potential future of value" or "self-represented future of value", and FLO would be sound if one or the other interpretation supported both the moral claim and the metaphysical claim, but if, as I argue, any interpretation which makes the argument valid renders it unsound, then FLO must be rejected. Its apparent strength derives from equivocation on the concept of "a future of value".  (+info)

In medical and legal terms, "personhood" refers to the status of being a person, which is typically associated with certain legal rights, protections, and privileges. The concept of personhood is often discussed in the context of bioethics, particularly in relation to questions about the moral and legal status of entities such as fetuses, embryos, and individuals with severe cognitive impairments or in vegetative states.

The criteria for personhood are a subject of debate and vary depending on cultural, religious, philosophical, and legal perspectives. However, some common factors that are often considered include consciousness, the ability to feel pain, the capacity for self-awareness and self-reflection, the ability to communicate, and the presence of a distinct genetic identity.

In medical contexts, personhood may be relevant to issues such as end-of-life care, organ donation, and reproductive rights. For example, some argue that personhood should be granted to fetuses at the moment of conception, while others believe that personhood is only achieved when a fetus becomes viable outside the womb or when a child is born alive.

Overall, the concept of personhood is complex and multifaceted, and it continues to be debated and refined in various fields and disciplines.

The "beginning of human life" is a term that is often used in the context of medical ethics, particularly in discussions about issues such as abortion and stem cell research. However, there is no universally accepted medical definition of this term, as it is also influenced by philosophical, religious, and legal considerations.

From a biological perspective, human life begins at fertilization, when a sperm cell successfully penetrates and fuses with an egg cell to form a zygote. This single cell contains the complete genetic makeup of the future individual and has the potential to develop into a fully formed human being, given the right conditions.

However, some people argue that personhood or moral status does not begin until later stages of development, such as at implantation, when the zygote attaches to the uterine wall and begins to receive nutrients from the mother's body, or at viability, when the fetus can survive outside the womb with medical assistance.

Ultimately, the definition of "beginning of human life" is a complex and controversial issue that depends on one's values and beliefs. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity of opinions on this matter and engage in thoughtful and respectful dialogue about its implications for medical practice and policy.

I'm not aware of a specific medical definition for "ceremonial behavior." However, in general, ceremonial behaviors are actions or rituals that are performed in a formal, ritualistic manner, often as part of a cultural, religious, or social tradition. These behaviors can serve various purposes, such as marking important life events, expressing shared values and beliefs, or reinforcing social bonds.

In some cases, ceremonial behaviors may have health implications. For example, participation in cultural or religious rituals can provide a sense of community and support, which can have positive effects on mental health. Additionally, certain ceremonial practices, such as meditation or prayer, may have direct physiological effects that contribute to stress reduction and relaxation.

However, it's important to note that the term "ceremonial behavior" is not a medical diagnosis or clinical concept, and its meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

An ethicist is a person who specializes in the study of ethics, which involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. In medical context, an ethicist is a person who applies ethical theories and principles to address complex issues in healthcare, medicine, and research involving clinical ethics, research ethics, and public health ethics. Medical ethicists may serve as consultants, educators, or researchers to help patients, families, healthcare professionals, and institutions analyze, clarify, and resolve ethical dilemmas related to medical care, treatment decisions, resource allocation, and policy development. They may hold various academic degrees in philosophy, theology, law, medicine, or other relevant fields, and have expertise in bioethics, moral theory, applied ethics, and clinical ethics consultation.

Currently, the personhood movement is led by the Personhood Alliance, a coalition of state and national personhood ... and in debates about corporate personhood, and the beginning of human personhood. In the 21st century, corporate personhood is ... Personhood is the status of being a person. Defining personhood is a controversial topic in philosophy and law and is closely ... Personhood proponents in Oklahoma sought to amend the state constitution to define personhood as beginning at conception. The ...
Ancient Indian society used legal personhood for political, social, and economic purposes. As early as 800 BC, legal personhood ... The corporate personhood aspect of the campaign finance debate turns on Buckley v. Valeo (1976) and Citizens United v. Federal ... Corporate personhood or juridical personality is the legal notion that a juridical person such as a corporation, separately ... In a U.S. historical context, the phrase "corporate personhood" refers to the ongoing legal debate over the extent to which ...
... , Legal entities, Rights, Environmental law legal terminology, Corporate personhood, Personhood, ... Corporate personhood Legal person Personhood Rights of nature Te Urewera Whanganui River Lowri, Morgan (Feb 28, 2021). "Quebec ... Environmental personhood or juridic personhood is a legal concept which designates certain environmental entities the status of ... In Spain, the Law recognizes environmental personhood to Mar Menor. The concept of environmental personhood is controversial, ...
... (PoP) is a means of resisting malicious attacks on peer to peer networks, particularly, attacks that ... A variety of approaches to implementing proof of personhood have been proposed, some in experimental deployment. The approach ... and thus do not satisfy the one-per-person goal in proof of personhood. Aside from CAPTCHAs allowing people to obtain multiple ... Proof-of-Personhood: Redemocratizing Permissionless Cryptocurrencies. IEEE Security & Privacy on the Blockchain (IEEE S&B). doi ...
... is a movement to extend personhood and some legal protections to the non-human members of the great ape ... All advocate for great ape personhood.[unreliable source] In December 2013, the NhRP filed three lawsuits on behalf of four ... Depending on the exact wording of any proposed or adopted declaration, personhood for the great apes raises questions ... Robert Gavin (3 October 2014). "Appeals panel to weigh personhood for chimpanzee". Times Union. Beran MJ; Evans TA (2006). " ...
... does not yet have a status of personhood equal to its mother". There are also other ideas of when personhood is achieved: at ... The concept of "personhood" is of fairly recent vintage, and cannot be found in the 1828 edition of 1828 edition of Webster's ... This law makes no comment on personhood in utero but ensures that no person after birth is characterized as not a person. In ... The law effectively extends personhood status to a "child in utero at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb" if ...
"Personhood". Oxford Bibliographies. Retrieved July 6, 2022. Vezér, Martin Alexander (2007). "On the Concept of Personhood: A ... Frankfurt holds that personhood is an important feature of humans but not of other animals. However, even some humans may be ... Tshivhase, Mpho (2020). "Personhood: Implications for Moral Status and Uniqueness of Women". Handbook of African Philosophy of ... Frankfurt sees this as the mark of personhood because entities with second-order volitions do not just have desires but care ...
"On Behalf of the Neglected Body," in Ikaheimo, Kotkavirta, Laitinen, and Lyyra, eds., Personhood. workshop Papers of the ... Conference "Dimensions of Personhood," University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2004, pp. 54-60. "Filosofia della Matematica" ( ...
Toole, Karen (October 15, 2006). "Defining personhood". The Winnipeg Free Press. ProQuest 752144206. Peters, Carly (January- ...
Personhood Press. Fawnskin, California Response to Helen Hargaden's article (Script July, 2003) about Eric Berne" A letter to ...
Mason, Jennifer (August 22, 2012). "Personhood USA Calls on Romney to Back Akin in Support of GOP Platform". Personhood USA. ... Personhood USA spokeswoman Jennifer Mason said that Akin's position "is an integral part of the Republican Party platform, the ...
Personhood Initiative '08. Colorado for Equal Rights. Vote Yes on 48 Archived 2017-04-03 at the Wayback Machine. Colorado Right ... "Personhood" Amendment Fails. Denver Post. November 4, 2008. Tavernise, Sabrina (2019-05-15). "'The Time Is Now': States Are ...
"Personhood" Amendment Fails. Denver Post. November 4, 2008. Amendment 48: Definition of Person (pdf). Colorado General Assembly ...
Personhood Initiative '08. Colorado for Equal Rights. "48-Definition of Person - Results: Elections: The Denver Post". Denver ... In November 2022, Montana voters rejected a measure that would have given embryos and fetuses legal personhood status. The ...
"Proof-of-personhood". 29 August 2021. Retrieved 1 October 2021. "Universal Proof of Uniqueness". 17 ... In contrast with proofs of investment, proof of personhood aims to allocate to each individual one equal unit of voting power ... The proof of identity solves the problem with the proof of personhood in which individuals are requested to attend recurrent ... The proof of identity addresses the problems with the proof of personhood and UniqueID, however, there are some challenges and ...
In 2008, Spain's lower house of Parliament passed a non-binding resolution granting legal personhood to apes, but the formal ... Justin Fox (2012). "Great Ape Personhood". Retrieved August 23, 2016. Animal Rights Extremism. "The evolution of animal rights ... In 2007, Spain's Balearic Islands province granted legal personhood to great apes. ...
"Concept of Personhood". University of Missouri School of Medicine. Archived from the original on 4 March 2021. Retrieved 4 July ... The word person is often used interchangeably with human, but philosophical debate exists as to whether personhood applies to ... all humans or all sentient beings, and further if one can lose personhood (such as by going into a persistent vegetative state ...
"Property and Personhood." Stan. L. Rev. 34, no. 5 (1982): 957-1015. "Cruel Punishment and Respect for Persons: Super Due ... "Property and Personhood," first published in 1982, and a staple in casebooks for students of property. Radin is well known for ...
In 2013, the Te Urewera Forest treaty agreement similarly recognized the legal personhood of the Forest, with the Te Urewera ... 126 of 2014". (Court decision recognizing the legal personhood of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers in India) High Court of ... 140 of 2015" (PDF). (Court decision recognizing the legal personhood of glaciers and associated natural systems in India) New ... Gordon, Gwendolyn J. (2018). "Environmental Personhood" (PDF). Columbia Journal of Environmental Law. 43 (1): 49. Archived (PDF ...
"Punishment and Personhood". City Journal. Autumn 1994. Archived from the original on October 31, 2020. Character. Washington, D ...
Being able to enter into legal relations is a defining characteristic of legal personhood. For example, prior to the abolition ... The connection between legal personhood and the ability to enter into legal relations, or particularly the ability to have ... Kurki, Visa A. J. (2019). Theory of Legal Personhood. Oxford University Press. p. 47. ISBN 9780198844037. J.B.M. (1890). " ... Gindis, David (2016). "Legal personhood and the firm: avoiding anthropomorphism and equivocation". Journal of Institutional ...
Sapontzis, S. F. (1981). "A Critique of Personhood". Ethics. 91 (4): 607-618. doi:10.1086/292273. ISSN 0014-1704. JSTOR 2380296 ...
1998a). "Divine Timelessness and Personhood". International Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 43 (2): 109-124. doi:10.1023/A: ...
In a way analogous to how the personhood theory imagines privacy as some essential part of being an individual, the intimacy ... Appropriation is an attack on the personhood of someone, and can include using the value of someone's reputation or likeness to ... In addition, privacy may be viewed as a state that enables autonomy, a concept closely connected to that of personhood. ... Privacy may be understood as a necessary precondition for the development and preservation of personhood. Jeffrey Reiman ...
Ryan Lizza (October 8, 2014). "Rand Paul's Personhood Problem". New Yorker. Lynch, Rene (May 12, 2012). "Sen. Rand Paul: Didn't ...
Freitas, Robert (1978). "Legal Standards of Personhood". Xenology: An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Extraterrestrial ... Freitas considers that even if an extraterrestrial being were to be afforded legal personhood, problems of nationality and ...
"Gorilla Language and Personhood". TOK Resource. Archived from the original on February 9, 2012. Retrieved July 18, 2011. Darn ...
"Personhood movement loses twice". Politico. November 5, 2014. Retrieved July 16, 2016. "South Carolina black senator makes ...
How Corporate Personhood Works. HowStuffWorks. Retrieved 2015-12-22. How Albert Einstein's Brain Worked. HowStuffWorks. ...
"Personhood, Agency, Law, and Justice". Retrieved 2023-02-18. Winkelman, Michael (2003-01-01). "La Voz del ... "Personhood, Agency, Law, and Justice". Retrieved 2023-02-19. "Ana Mariella Bacigalupo". Wenner-Gren Foundation ... 2016 "The Paradox of Disremembering the Dead: Ritual, Memory, and Embodied Historicity in Mapuche Shamanic Personhood." ... 2004 "Ritual Gendered Relationships: Kinship, Marriage, Mastery, and Machi Modes of Personhood." Journal of Anthropological ...
Currently, the personhood movement is led by the Personhood Alliance, a coalition of state and national personhood ... and in debates about corporate personhood, and the beginning of human personhood. In the 21st century, corporate personhood is ... Personhood is the status of being a person. Defining personhood is a controversial topic in philosophy and law and is closely ... Personhood proponents in Oklahoma sought to amend the state constitution to define personhood as beginning at conception. The ...
Personhood USA hails the ruling as "the most important affirmation of the personhood of the pre-born child since [Roe]." ... Voters reject the measure by 3 to 1, but the group Personhood USA is born, and a new, more militant personhood movement emerges ... The National Personhood Alliance, an offshoot of Georgia Right to Life, announces its formation. The group describes itself as ... Personhood politics play a big role in the November elections. North Dakotans weigh Measure 1, the proposed amendment approved ...
A. Barton Hinkle on Virginias Personhood Bill. Reason Staff , 2.28.2012 12:00 PM. ...
In a series of lawsuits, a rights group is asking a judge this week to free four chimpanzees held in captivity in New York. And if theyre successful, it could mark the first time chimps are recognized not as property, but legal persons under U.S. law.
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Free Justina Coalition and members of the Pelletier family will hold an Easter service on Sunday, April 20, from 3:00-4:00 P.M.,...
Universal Personhood 1. Canvas : Mixed Media Painting. On Our Hands. 44" x 60". 2016 ...
Ohio Personhood Amendment Lacks Signatures. Feminist Newswire , June 22, 2012 A proposed Personhood amendment in Ohio likely ... Personhood Ohio needs to collect 385,000 signatures in order for the Personhood amendment to be added to the ballot. With the ... As a result, personhood would not only put a womans right to an abortion in danger, but it potentially threatens access to ... Patrick Johnston, director of Personhood Ohio, told the Associated Press that the amendment may not make it on to the ballot ...
Compassionate Conservation, Sentience, and Personhood; An Ape Ethic and the Question of Personhood; Sandra Orangutan and ... Sam Machado: The subject of animal personhood is a tough hurdle to protecting animals in court. Without it, an animal has no ... "Thing: Inside the Struggle for Animal Personhood follows the battle to move Happy, a 50-year-old Asian elephant, from the Bronx ... Thing follows Steve and the NhRP as they attempt to convince the court to grant Happy the legal protection of personhood. ...
What the personhood of animals actually looks like is captured in many of our Mikmaq legends [9]. In the story "The Beaver ... 2. Animal Personhood. The Mikmaq view of the world is rooted in our relationship with the other-than-human animals that share ... Professor of law Jens David Ohlin notes that "personhood is a talisman that confers status, respect, and moral worth" [7] (p. ... Anthropologist Anne-Christine Hornborg writes, "I think it is better to talk about personhood as the common essence of both ...
Personhood and relationality have re-animated debate in and between many disciplines. We are in the midst of a simultaneous ... Personhood and relationality have re-animated debate in and between many disciplines. We are in the midst of a simultaneous " ... Rethinking Relations and Animism Personhood and Materiality Edited By Miguel Astor-Aguilera, Graham Harvey Copyright 2018 ... Contributors to this volume bring different perspectives and approaches to bear on questions about animism, personhood, ...
Gain insights into social organisation and the self, and learn skills in kinship mapping, with this online course from the University of Newcastle.
... , philosophy, politics, pro-life, Rand Paul, Republican, rights, RINO, Ronald Reagan, Scott Walker, Secretary of ... an acquaintance and Jefferson County conservative activist who has been one of Colorados leading voices for Personhood, ...
Personhood, Procedure and the Endurance of Corporate Compliance. Research Handbook on Corporate Purpose and Personhood ( ... Baer, Miriam H., Personhood, Procedure and the Endurance of Corporate Compliance (September 8, 2021). Research Handbook on ... Keywords: corporate personhood, compliance, corporate crime, criminal procedure, collective entity, 5th Amendment, 4th ... Buoyed by the Courts affirmation of a strong, rights-based vision of corporate personhood, new procedural rules may eventually ...
an extreme and dangerous "personhood" measure which would have amended the states constitution to define a fertilized egg as a ... "personhood" ballot initiative was put before voters in Colorado. Both times Coloradans resoundingly defeated the measure ...
Mature Personhoods charity fundraising campaign, Personeelfonds. Raise money, donate or fundraise online through GivenGain. ... A campaign by Volwasse Menswees / Mature Personhood Hermanus, Western Cape Campaign fundraising status. Raised. R957,391 Donate ... Can you commit to raising a minimum amount of money for Volwasse Menswees / Mature Personhood as part of Personeelfonds?. Read ...
Recently the European Parliament discussed the introduction of an "electronic personhood" for robots. As personhood describes ... The planned legal status for artificial intelligent machines would be similar to the highly disputed corporate person hood ...
Is it only humans who are considered to have personhood and why? ... The Concept of Human Person and Personhood in Anthropology. ... It is though not only humans who can be defined within this category of personhood; spirits are also a category of oak ( ... Although defined in terms of individuality, people tend to rely on society to create their individual personhood so it seems an ... Often though it seems that understanding personhood requires a knowledge of the surrounding hierarchy or of the culture as a ...
Pulling the Plug on Corporate Personhood. Citizens United prompted cries for a constitutional amendment. But how to amend?. Rob ... Also on the table is the Peoples Rights Amendment, which regulates corporate personhood. Do you see value in combining all of ...
Personhood, place and being present. Is God calling us to be more rooted in our local places, as we root for them in prayer?. ... Prepare for personhood and purpose - in your place. What does it look like for you, your small group, your church community, to ... Perfect for the whole church together, small groups or friendship circles, to help you dig deeper into personhood, purpose and ...
Halbmeyer, Ernst and Dürr, Eveline (eds.) (2021): Fluid Personhood and the Fuzziness of Life. Reaching beyond the Human and the ...
Mississippis vote on "personhood" occurred Nov. 3, and the event was widely covered both before and after it was defeated by a ... So youd expect a newspaper like The New York Times and other national media outlets to dive into an issue like personhood, ... Mitts Personhood Problem. The media is ignoring Romneys view that fertilized human eggs deserve legal rights. ... 3 that Romney has made no explicit statement about his opinion of a "personhood" amendment, only stating his view to Huckabee ...
What really could be the difference between an organization named Personhood USA and one named National Personhood Alliance? ... "Personhood" plus the design, right, by Personhood USA; and 3) October 6, 2014, for "Personhood USA" by Personhood USA. ... and will be doing business as Personhood , Violating Personhood USA s trademark of Personhood. In addition, the emails and ... National Personhood Alliance, National Right to Life committee, NRLC, personhood, Personhood USA, pro-abortion, pro-choice, pro ...
Personhood Act of South Carolina. Section 1-1-310. This article may be cited as the Personhood Act of South Carolina. Section ... Summary: Personhood Act HISTORY OF LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS Date Body Action Description with journal page number ... TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 5 TO CHAPTER 1, TITLE 1 SO AS TO ENACT THE PERSONHOOD ACT ... D) The General Assembly acknowledges that personhood is God-given rather than an endowment of the State. All human beings are ...
The Visitation and the Personhood of the Unborn. As abortion increasingly roils American public life, the feast of the ...
No other line than conception can be drawn between pre-personhood and personhood. Birth and viability are the two most ... for personhood develops gradually, as a matter of degree. Every one of the characteristics we use to identify personhood arises ... Human Personhood Begins at Conception * PETER KREEFT Philosopher Peter Kreeft presents the arguments commonly used to explain ... First, the personhood of the fetus is clearly the crucial issue for abortion, for if the fetus is not a person, abortion is not ...
There are no nations in the world with a constitution that gives corporations the right of personhood. ... Is The USA The Only Nation in the World With Corporate Personhood? - ... Related Topic(s): Constitution The; Corporate Personhood; Corporatism- Corp Personhood, Add Tags. Add to My Group(s) ... Is The USA The Only Nation in the World With Corporate Personhood?. By Rob Kall (Page 1 of 1 pages) 9 comments, In Series: ...
Its time to recognize inalienable personhood and oppose the rising supremacy of medical truths over self-evident human needs ... The hope is to hold public attention on the difference that the human right of full personhood can make for all of us. It is ... Its time to recognize inalienable personhood. Social othering is deadly for all of us. As a species, we cant afford it. ... 72 Hour Hold for Personhood Awareness. Starting today, Friday, September 29th at 5 PM, Eastern Standard Time, a peaceful, ...
Championed by Personhood USA out of Colorado, its goal is to have personhood defined in law to include the unborn. ... The personhood movement is not attacking pro-abortion candidates, it is attacking pro-life candidates. Why are personhood ... thwarting the efforts of Personhood USA which spent significant amounts of money in Oklahoma trying to get a personhood law ... Is the Personhood Movement Really Pro-Life?. Rachel Alexander , Jun 22, 2012 ...
Sandra was granted legal personhood by a judge in Argentina. The judged ruled that Sandra is legally not an animal, but rather ... A 33-year-old orangutan granted legal personhood by a judge in Argentina is settling into her new surroundings at the Center ...

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