Muscles arising in the zygomatic arch that close the jaw. Their nerve supply is masseteric from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. (From Stedman, 25th ed)
A masticatory muscle whose action is closing the jaws; its posterior portion retracts the mandible.
A masticatory muscle whose action is closing the jaws.
The force applied by the masticatory muscles in dental occlusion.
The act and process of chewing and grinding food in the mouth.
Two of the masticatory muscles: the internal, or medial, pterygoid muscle and external, or lateral, pterygoid muscle. Action of the former is closing the jaws and that of the latter is opening the jaws, protruding the mandible, and moving the mandible from side to side.
Pain in the facial region including orofacial pain and craniofacial pain. Associated conditions include local inflammatory and neoplastic disorders and neuralgic syndromes involving the trigeminal, facial, and glossopharyngeal nerves. Conditions which feature recurrent or persistent facial pain as the primary manifestation of disease are referred to as FACIAL PAIN SYNDROMES.
Bony structure of the mouth that holds the teeth. It consists of the MANDIBLE and the MAXILLA.
The largest and strongest bone of the FACE constituting the lower jaw. It supports the lower teeth.
The mouth, teeth, jaws, pharynx, and related structures as they relate to mastication, deglutition, and speech.
A sleep disorder characterized by grinding and clenching of the teeth and forceful lateral or protrusive jaw movements. Sleep bruxism may be associated with TOOTH INJURIES; TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDERS; sleep disturbances; and other conditions.
An articulation between the condyle of the mandible and the articular tubercle of the temporal bone.
A symptom complex consisting of pain, muscle tenderness, clicking in the joint, and limitation or alteration of mandibular movement. The symptoms are subjective and manifested primarily in the masticatory muscles rather than the temporomandibular joint itself. Etiologic factors are uncertain but include occlusal dysharmony and psychophysiologic factors.
The relationship of all the components of the masticatory system in normal function. It has special reference to the position and contact of the maxillary and mandibular teeth for the highest efficiency during the excursive movements of the jaw that are essential for mastication. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p556, p472)
A disorder characterized by grinding and clenching of the teeth.
Rigid or flexible appliances that overlay the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. They are used to treat clenching and bruxism and their sequelae, and to provide temporary relief from muscle or temporomandibular joint pain.
A variety of conditions affecting the anatomic and functional characteristics of the temporomandibular joint. Factors contributing to the complexity of temporomandibular diseases are its relation to dentition and mastication and the symptomatic effects in other areas which account for referred pain to the joint and the difficulties in applying traditional diagnostic procedures to temporomandibular joint pathology where tissue is rarely obtained and x-rays are often inadequate or nonspecific. Common diseases are developmental abnormalities, trauma, subluxation, luxation, arthritis, and neoplasia. (From Thoma's Oral Pathology, 6th ed, pp577-600)
A branch of the trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve. The mandibular nerve carries motor fibers to the muscles of mastication and sensory fibers to the teeth and gingivae, the face in the region of the mandible, and parts of the dura.
Contractile tissue that produces movement in animals.
Large, multinucleate single cells, either cylindrical or prismatic in shape, that form the basic unit of SKELETAL MUSCLE. They consist of MYOFIBRILS enclosed within and attached to the SARCOLEMMA. They are derived from the fusion of skeletal myoblasts (MYOBLASTS, SKELETAL) into a syncytium, followed by differentiation.
The SKELETON of the HEAD including the FACIAL BONES and the bones enclosing the BRAIN.
Recording of the changes in electric potential of muscle by means of surface or needle electrodes.
Muscles of facial expression or mimetic muscles that include the numerous muscles supplied by the facial nerve that are attached to and move the skin of the face. (From Stedman, 25th ed)
Either one of the two small elongated rectangular bones that together form the bridge of the nose.
The measurement of the dimensions of the HEAD.
A process leading to shortening and/or development of tension in muscle tissue. Muscle contraction occurs by a sliding filament mechanism whereby actin filaments slide inward among the myosin filaments.
The larger subunits of MYOSINS. The heavy chains have a molecular weight of about 230 kDa and each heavy chain is usually associated with a dissimilar pair of MYOSIN LIGHT CHAINS. The heavy chains possess actin-binding and ATPase activity.
The complement of teeth in the jaws after the eruption of some of the permanent teeth but before all the deciduous teeth are absent. (Boucher's Clinical Dental Terminology, 4th ed)
The protein constituents of muscle, the major ones being ACTINS and MYOSINS. More than a dozen accessory proteins exist including TROPONIN; TROPOMYOSIN; and DYSTROPHIN.
Unstriated and unstriped muscle, one of the muscles of the internal organs, blood vessels, hair follicles, etc. Contractile elements are elongated, usually spindle-shaped cells with centrally located nuclei. Smooth muscle fibers are bound together into sheets or bundles by reticular fibers and frequently elastic nets are also abundant. (From Stedman, 25th ed)
A subtype of striated muscle, attached by TENDONS to the SKELETON. Skeletal muscles are innervated and their movement can be consciously controlled. They are also called voluntary muscles.
The 5th and largest cranial nerve. The trigeminal nerve is a mixed motor and sensory nerve. The larger sensory part forms the ophthalmic, mandibular, and maxillary nerves which carry afferents sensitive to external or internal stimuli from the skin, muscles, and joints of the face and mouth and from the teeth. Most of these fibers originate from cells of the TRIGEMINAL GANGLION and project to the TRIGEMINAL NUCLEUS of the brain stem. The smaller motor part arises from the brain stem trigeminal motor nucleus and innervates the muscles of mastication.
The properties, processes, and behavior of biological systems under the action of mechanical forces.
The spread of response if stimulation is prolonged. (Campbell's Psychiatric Dictionary, 8th ed.)
Dental occlusion in which the occlusal contact of the teeth on the working side of the jaw is accompanied by the harmonious contact of the teeth on the opposite (balancing) side. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p556)
The nonstriated involuntary muscle tissue of blood vessels.
A registration of any positional relationship of the mandible in reference to the maxillae. These records may be any of the many vertical, horizontal, or orientation relations. (Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry)
Developmental events leading to the formation of adult muscular system, which includes differentiation of the various types of muscle cell precursors, migration of myoblasts, activation of myogenesis and development of muscle anchorage.
The neck muscles consist of the platysma, splenius cervicis, sternocleidomastoid(eus), longus colli, the anterior, medius, and posterior scalenes, digastric(us), stylohyoid(eus), mylohyoid(eus), geniohyoid(eus), sternohyoid(eus), omohyoid(eus), sternothyroid(eus), and thyrohyoid(eus).
The non-genetic biological changes of an organism in response to challenges in its ENVIRONMENT.
Skeletal muscle fibers characterized by their expression of the Type II MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN isoforms which have high ATPase activity and effect several other functional properties - shortening velocity, power output, rate of tension redevelopment. Several fast types have been identified.
Contact between opposing teeth during a person's habitual bite.
Skeletal muscle fibers characterized by their expression of the Type I MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN isoforms which have low ATPase activity and effect several other functional properties - shortening velocity, power output, rate of tension redevelopment.

Blepharospasm-oromandibular dystonia syndrome (Brueghel's syndrome). A variant of adult-onset torsion dystonia? (1/293)

Thirty-nine patients with the idiopathic blepharospasm-oromandibular dystonia syndrome are described. All presented in adult life, usually in the sixth decade; women were more commonly affected than men. Thirteen had blepharospasm alone, nine had oromandibular dystonia alone, and 17 had both. Torticollis or dystonic writer's camp preceded the syndrome in two patients. Eight other patients developed toritocollis, dystonic posturing of the arms, or involvement of respiratory muscles. No cause or hereditary basis for the illness were discovered. The evidence to indicate that this syndrome is due to an abnormality of extrapyramidal function, and that it is another example of adult-onset focal dystonia akin to spasmodic torticollis and dystonic writer's cramp, is discussed.  (+info)

Electromyographic activity from human laryngeal, pharyngeal, and submental muscles during swallowing. (2/293)

The durations and temporal relationships of electromyographic activity from the submental complex, superior pharyngeal constrictor, cricopharyngeus, thyroarytenoid, and interarytenoid muscles were examined during swallowing of saliva and of 5- and 10-ml water boluses. Bipolar, hooked-wire electrodes were inserted into all muscles except for the submental complex, which was studied with bipolar surface electrodes. Eight healthy, normal, subjects produced five swallows of each of three bolus volumes for a total of 120 swallows. The total duration of electromyographic activity during the pharyngeal stage of the swallow did not alter with bolus condition; however, specific muscles did show a volume-dependent change in electromyograph duration and time of firing. Submental muscle activity was longest for saliva swallows. The interarytenoid muscle showed a significant difference in duration between the saliva and 10-ml water bolus. Finally, the interval between the onset of laryngeal muscle activity (thyroarytenoid, interarytenoid) and of pharyngeal muscle firing patterns (superior pharyngeal constrictor onset, cricopharyngeus offset) decreased as bolus volume increased. The pattern of muscle activity associated with the swallow showed a high level of intrasubject agreement; the presence of somewhat different patterns among subjects indicated a degree of population variance.  (+info)

MRI examination of the masticatory muscles in the gray wolf (Canis lupus), with special reference to the M. temporalis. (3/293)

We examined the head of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) using MRI methods. Although the arising surface of the M. temporalis was not so enlarged in the frontal bone, the small frontal bone did not disturb the M. temporalis from occupying the lateral space of the frontal area in the gray wolf as in the domesticated dog. In the gray wolf, it is suggested that the M. temporalis may not be well-developed in terms of size of arising area, but in the thickness of running bundles. We suggest that the dog has changed the three-dimensional plan of the M. temporalis during the domestication and that the M. temporalis has developed a large arising surface in the frontal bone and lost the thickness of belly in the frontal area in accordance with the enlargement of the frontal bone and the increase in brain size.  (+info)

Behavior of jaw muscle spindle afferents during cortically induced rhythmic jaw movements in the anesthetized rabbit. (4/293)

The regulation by muscle spindles of jaw-closing muscle activity during mastication was evaluated in anesthetized rabbits. Simultaneous records were made of the discharges of muscle spindle units in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, masseter and digastric muscle activity (electromyogram [EMG]), and jaw-movement parameters during cortically induced rhythmic jaw movements. One of three test strips of polyurethane foam, each of a different hardness, was inserted between the opposing molars during the jaw movements. The induced rhythmic jaw movements were crescent shaped and were divided into three phases: jaw-opening, jaw-closing, and power. The firing rate of muscle spindle units during each phase increased after strip application, with a tendency for the spindle discharge to be continuous throughout the entire chewing cycle. However, although the firing rate did not change during the jaw-opening and jaw-closing phases when the strip hardness was altered, the firing rate during the power phase increased in a hardness-dependent manner. In addition, the integrated EMG activity, the duration of the masseteric bursts, and the minimum gape increased with strip hardness. Spindle discharge during the power phase correlated with jaw-closing muscle activity, implying that the change in jaw-closing muscle activity associated with strip hardness was caused by increased spindle discharge produced through insertion of a test strip. The increased firing rate during the other two phases may be involved in a long-latency spindle feedback. This could contribute to matching the spatiotemporal pattern of the central pattern generator to that of the moving jaw.  (+info)

Craniofacial pain and motor function: pathogenesis, clinical correlates, and implications. (5/293)

Many structural, behavioral, and pharmacological interventions imply that favorable treatment effects in musculoskeletal pain states are mediated through the correction of muscle function. The common theme of these interventions is captured in the popular idea that structural or psychological factors cause muscle hyperactivity, muscle overwork, muscle fatigue, and ultimately pain. Although symptoms and signs of motor dysfunction can sometimes be explained by changes in structure, there is strong evidence that they can also be caused by pain. This new understanding has resulted in a better appreciation of the pathogenesis of symptoms and signs of the musculoskeletal pain conditions, including the sequence of events that leads to the development of motor dysfunction. With the improved understanding of the relationship between pain and motor function, including the inappropriateness of many clinical assumptions, a new literature emerges that opens the door to exciting therapeutic opportunities. Novel treatments are expected to have a profound impact on the care of musculoskeletal pain and its effect on motor function in the not-too-distant future.  (+info)

Masticator space abnormalities associated with mandibular osteoradionecrosis: MR and CT findings in five patients. (6/293)

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Imaging of patients with a clinical diagnosis of mandibular osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is often performed to support that clinical suspicion, evaluate the extent of the disease, or exclude coexistent tumor recurrence. The purpose of our study was to describe the clinical, MR imaging, and CT features of five patients with mandibular ORN associated with prominent soft-tissue abnormality in the adjacent masticator muscles. METHODS: The MR and CT examinations of five patients with mandibular ORN associated with soft-tissue abnormalities in the adjacent masticator muscles were reviewed. All patients had received external beam radiotherapy for primary head and neck malignancies, with a total radiation dose range of 60 Gy to 69 Gy in 30 to 38 fractions. RESULTS: CT revealed the typical osseous findings of cortical disruption, trabecular disorganization, and fragmentation in all five patients. Abnormal diffuse enhancement of the adjacent masseter and pterygoid muscles was noted in all patients. Four patients had prominent mass-like thickening of these muscles adjacent to the osseous abnormality. Of the three patients who underwent MR imaging, all showed homogeneous abnormal T1 hypointensity, T2 hyperintensity, and intense enhancement of the bone marrow in the involved mandible. The masticator muscles adjacent to the osseous abnormality also showed abnormal T2 hyperintensity and intense diffuse enhancement on MR images. CONCLUSION: Mandibular ORN can be associated with prominent soft-tissue thickening and enhancement in the adjacent musculature. These changes can appear mass-like and are not related to tumor recurrence or metastatic disease.  (+info)

Adaptation of the muscles of mastication to the flat skull feature in the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). (7/293)

The muscles of mastication of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and those of the brown bear (U. arctos) were examined by anatomical approach. In addition, the examination of the skull was carried out in the polar bear, brown bear and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). In the polar bear, the rostro-ventral part of the superficial layer of the M. masseter possessed the abundant fleshy portion folded in the rostral and lateral directions like an accordion. Moreover, the rostro-medial area of the superficial layer became hollow in the nuchal direction when the mouth was closed. The M. temporalis of the polar bear covered up the anterior border of the coronoid process of the mandible and occupied the almost entire area of the cranial surface. The M. pterygoideus medialis of the polar bear was inserted on the ventral border of the mandible and on the ventral part of the temporal bone more widely than that of the brown bear. As results of our measurements of the mandible, an effect of the leverage in the polar bear was the smallest in three species. In the polar bear, the skull was flat, and the space between zygomatic arch and ventral border of the mandible, occupied by the M. masseter was the narrowest. It is suggested that the muscles of mastication of the polar bear is adapted to the flat skull feature for supplementing the functions.  (+info)

Craniomandibular status and function in patients with habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea after nocturnal treatment with a mandibular advancement splint: a 2-year follow-up. (8/293)

The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the status and function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and masticatory system in patients with habitual snoring and obstructive apnoea after 2 years nocturnal treatment with a mandibular advancement splint. Thirty-two patients participated in the study, ranging from 43.0 to 79.8 years of age (mean 54.4 years, SD 8.78) at the start of treatment. All patients had been referred from the ENT department for treatment with a mandibular advancement splint. The acrylic splint advanced the mandible 50-70 per cent of maximal protrusion, opened 5 mm vertically, and was used 6-8 hours per night and 5-7 nights per week. Overjet, overbite, and molar relationship were measured on dental casts. The patients were asked to answer a questionnaire concerning symptoms of craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD). They were also clinically examined in a standardized manner, including registration of range of mandibular movements, TMJ sounds, pain on movement, and palpatory tenderness of the TMJ and the masticatory muscles. None of the patients showed more than five symptoms of dysfunction either at the start of or after 2 years of treatment. A decrease in the frequency of headache was found for nine of those 18 patients that reported headache (P = 0.004). A minor, but significant decrease in overjet and overbite was found and the molar relationship was also changed. It was concluded that 2 years' treatment with a mandibular advancement splint had no adverse effects on the craniomandibular status and function, but the observed occlusal changes requires further evaluation.  (+info)

Masticatory muscles are a group of skeletal muscles responsible for the mastication (chewing) process in humans and other animals. They include:

1. Masseter muscle: This is the primary muscle for chewing and is located on the sides of the face, running from the lower jawbone (mandible) to the cheekbone (zygomatic arch). It helps close the mouth and elevate the mandible during chewing.

2. Temporalis muscle: This muscle is situated in the temporal region of the skull, covering the temple area. It assists in closing the jaw, retracting the mandible, and moving it sideways during chewing.

3. Medial pterygoid muscle: Located deep within the cheek, near the angle of the lower jaw, this muscle helps move the mandible forward and grind food during chewing. It also contributes to closing the mouth.

4. Lateral pterygoid muscle: Found inside the ramus (the vertical part) of the mandible, this muscle has two heads - superior and inferior. The superior head helps open the mouth by pulling the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) downwards, while the inferior head assists in moving the mandible sideways during chewing.

These muscles work together to enable efficient chewing and food breakdown, preparing it for swallowing and digestion.

The temporalis muscle is a fan-shaped muscle located in the lateral aspect of the head, in the temporal fossa region. It belongs to the group of muscles known as muscles of mastication, responsible for chewing movements. The temporalis muscle has its origin at the temporal fossa and inserts into the coronoid process and ramus of the mandible. Its main function is to retract the mandible and assist in closing the jaw.

The masseter muscle is a strong chewing muscle in the jaw. It is a broad, thick, quadrilateral muscle that extends from the zygomatic arch (cheekbone) to the lower jaw (mandible). The masseter muscle has two distinct parts: the superficial part and the deep part.

The superficial part of the masseter muscle originates from the lower border of the zygomatic process of the maxilla and the anterior two-thirds of the inferior border of the zygomatic arch. The fibers of this part run almost vertically downward to insert on the lateral surface of the ramus of the mandible and the coronoid process.

The deep part of the masseter muscle originates from the deep surface of the zygomatic arch and inserts on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible, blending with the temporalis tendon.

The primary function of the masseter muscle is to elevate the mandible, helping to close the mouth and clench the teeth together during mastication (chewing). It also plays a role in stabilizing the jaw during biting and speaking. The masseter muscle is one of the most powerful muscles in the human body relative to its size.

Bite force refers to the amount of force or pressure that can be exerted by the teeth and jaw when biting down or clenching together. It is a measure of an individual's maximum biting strength, typically expressed in units such as pounds (lb) or newtons (N). Bite force is an important factor in various biological and medical contexts, including oral health, nutrition, and the study of animal behavior and evolution.

In humans, bite force can vary widely depending on factors such as age, sex, muscle strength, and dental health. On average, a healthy adult human male may have a maximum bite force of around 150-200 pounds (670-890 newtons), while an adult female may have a bite force of around 100-130 pounds (445-578 newtons). However, these values can vary significantly from person to person.

Abnormalities in bite force can be indicative of various medical conditions or injuries, such as temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD), muscle weakness, or neurological disorders affecting the facial muscles. Assessing and measuring bite force may also be useful in evaluating the effectiveness of dental treatments or appliances, such as dentures or orthodontic devices.

Mastication is the medical term for the process of chewing food. It's the first step in digestion, where food is broken down into smaller pieces by the teeth, making it easier to swallow and further digest. The act of mastication involves not only the physical grinding and tearing of food by the teeth but also the mixing of the food with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin to break down carbohydrates. This process helps to enhance the efficiency of digestion and nutrient absorption in the subsequent stages of the digestive process.

The pterygoid muscles are a pair of muscles located in the deep part of the lateral aspect of the nasopharynx, in the human head. They are part of the group of muscles known as the muscles of mastication, which are involved in the chewing process.

There are two sets of pterygoid muscles: the medial and lateral pterygoids. The medial pterygoids are located deep within the jaw, near the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). They originate from the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone and insert onto the inner aspect of the angle of the mandible (lower jawbone). The main function of the medial pterygoids is to assist in closing the jaw and moving it forward during chewing.

The lateral pterygoids, on the other hand, are located more superficially than the medial pterygoids and are situated near the TMJ. They have two heads: the upper head originates from the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, while the lower head arises from the lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate. The lateral pterygoids insert onto the front part of the neck of the mandible and the disc of the TMJ. Their main function is to assist in opening the jaw and moving it sideways during chewing.

Together, the pterygoid muscles play a crucial role in the movement and function of the jaw, allowing us to chew food effectively and speak clearly.

Facial pain is a condition characterized by discomfort or pain felt in any part of the face. It can result from various causes, including nerve damage or irritation, injuries, infections, dental problems, migraines, or sinus congestion. The pain can range from mild to severe and may be sharp, dull, constant, or intermittent. In some cases, facial pain can also be associated with other symptoms such as headaches, redness, swelling, or changes in sensation. Accurate diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause are essential for effective management of facial pain.

In medical terms, the jaw is referred to as the mandible (in humans and some other animals), which is the lower part of the face that holds the lower teeth in place. It's a large, horseshoe-shaped bone that forms the lower jaw and serves as a attachment point for several muscles that are involved in chewing and moving the lower jaw.

In addition to the mandible, the upper jaw is composed of two bones known as the maxillae, which fuse together at the midline of the face to form the upper jaw. The upper jaw holds the upper teeth in place and forms the roof of the mouth, as well as a portion of the eye sockets and nasal cavity.

Together, the mandible and maxillae allow for various functions such as speaking, eating, and breathing.

The mandible, also known as the lower jaw, is the largest and strongest bone in the human face. It forms the lower portion of the oral cavity and plays a crucial role in various functions such as mastication (chewing), speaking, and swallowing. The mandible is a U-shaped bone that consists of a horizontal part called the body and two vertical parts called rami.

The mandible articulates with the skull at the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) located in front of each ear, allowing for movements like opening and closing the mouth, protrusion, retraction, and side-to-side movement. The mandible contains the lower teeth sockets called alveolar processes, which hold the lower teeth in place.

In medical terminology, the term "mandible" refers specifically to this bone and its associated structures.

The stomatognathic system is a term used in medicine and dentistry to refer to the coordinated functions of the mouth, jaw, and related structures. It includes the teeth, gums, tongue, palate, lips, cheeks, salivary glands, as well as the muscles of mastication (chewing), swallowing, and speech. The stomatognathic system also involves the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and associated structures that allow for movement of the jaw. This complex system works together to enable functions such as eating, speaking, and breathing. Dysfunction in the stomatognathic system can lead to various oral health issues, including temporomandibular disorders, occlusal problems, and orofacial pain.

Sleep bruxism is a sleep-related movement disorder characterized by the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth and jaw muscle activity during sleep, which can lead to tooth wear, jaw pain, headaches, and other oral health issues. It is typically considered a parasomnia, which is a type of abnormal behavior that occurs during sleep. The exact causes of sleep bruxism are not fully understood, but it may be associated with stress, certain medications, alcohol and drug use, and other factors. Treatment options can include stress management techniques, dental guards to protect the teeth, and in some cases, medication.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the articulation between the mandible (lower jaw) and the temporal bone of the skull. It's a complex joint that involves the movement of two bones, several muscles, and various ligaments. The TMJ allows for movements like rotation and translation, enabling us to open and close our mouth, chew, speak, and yawn. Dysfunction in this joint can lead to temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD), which can cause pain, discomfort, and limited jaw movement.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome, often abbreviated as TMJD or TMD, is a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) - the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull. Here's a more detailed medical definition:

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome is a complex disorder characterized by pain, clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the TMJ; limited movement or locking of the jaw; and/or painful chewing movements. The condition may be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle tension, joint inflammation, structural problems with the joint itself, or injury to the head, neck, or jaw.

Symptoms of TMJD can include:
- Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck, and/or shoulders
- Limited ability to open the mouth wide
- Jaw locking, making it difficult to close or open the mouth
- Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the TMJ when opening or closing the mouth
- A significant change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together
- Headaches, earaches, dizziness, and hearing problems

Treatment for TMJD can vary depending on the severity of the condition and its underlying cause. It may include self-care practices such as eating soft foods, avoiding extreme jaw movements, and practicing relaxation techniques; physical therapy; medication to reduce pain and inflammation; dental treatments such as mouthguards or bite adjustments; and, in rare cases, surgery.

Dental occlusion refers to the alignment and contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaws are closed. It is the relationship between the maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth when they approach each other, as occurs during chewing or biting.

A proper dental occlusion, also known as a balanced occlusion, ensures that the teeth and jaw joints function harmoniously, reducing the risk of tooth wear, damage, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Malocclusion, on the other hand, refers to improper alignment or contact between the upper and lower teeth, which may require orthodontic treatment or dental restorations to correct.

Bruxism is the medical term for grinding or clenching your teeth. It's often an unconscious habit that can occur during the day or at night (nocturnal bruxism). Mild bruxism may not require treatment, but chronic, severe grinding can lead to jaw disorders, headaches, and damaged teeth.

There are several potential causes of bruxism, including stress, anxiety, certain medications, alcohol and drug use, and sleep disorders. Dentists often diagnose bruxism based on the visible signs of wear on your teeth, or they may ask you about symptoms you're experiencing. Treatment for bruxism can include stress management techniques, dental guards to protect your teeth during sleep, and in some cases, medication.

Occlusal splints, also known as bite guards or night guards, are removable dental appliances that are used to provide protection and stabilization for the teeth and jaw joint (temporomandibular joint or TMJ). They are typically made of hard acrylic or soft materials and are custom-fit to a patient's mouth.

Occlusal splints work by covering and separating the upper and lower teeth, preventing them from coming into contact with each other. This can help to reduce tooth grinding and clenching (bruxism), which can cause tooth wear, sensitivity, and TMJ disorders. They may also be used to help stabilize the jaw joint and muscles in patients with TMJ disorders or to provide protection for teeth that have undergone restorative dental work.

It is important to note that occlusal splints should only be worn under the guidance of a dentist, as improper use can lead to further dental problems.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD) refer to a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles that control jaw movement. The TMJ is the hinge joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull (temporal bone) in front of the ear. It allows for movements required for activities such as eating, speaking, and yawning.

TMD can result from various causes, including:

1. Muscle tension or spasm due to clenching or grinding teeth (bruxism), stress, or jaw misalignment
2. Dislocation or injury of the TMJ disc, which is a small piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion between the bones in the joint
3. Arthritis or other degenerative conditions affecting the TMJ
4. Bite problems (malocclusion) leading to abnormal stress on the TMJ and its surrounding muscles
5. Stress, which can exacerbate existing TMD symptoms by causing muscle tension

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders may include:
- Pain or tenderness in the jaw, face, neck, or shoulders
- Limited jaw movement or locking of the jaw
- Clicking, popping, or grating sounds when moving the jaw
- Headaches, earaches, or dizziness
- Difficulty chewing or biting
- Swelling on the side of the face

Treatment for TMD varies depending on the severity and cause of the condition. It may include self-care measures (like eating soft foods, avoiding extreme jaw movements, and applying heat or cold packs), physical therapy, medications (such as muscle relaxants, pain relievers, or anti-inflammatory drugs), dental work (including bite adjustments or orthodontic treatment), or even surgery in severe cases.

The mandibular nerve is a branch of the trigeminal nerve (the fifth cranial nerve), which is responsible for sensations in the face and motor functions such as biting and chewing. The mandibular nerve provides both sensory and motor innervation to the lower third of the face, below the eye and nose down to the chin.

More specifically, it carries sensory information from the lower teeth, lower lip, and parts of the oral cavity, as well as the skin over the jaw and chin. It also provides motor innervation to the muscles of mastication (chewing), which include the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid muscles.

Damage to the mandibular nerve can result in numbness or loss of sensation in the lower face and mouth, as well as weakness or difficulty with chewing and biting.

A muscle is a soft tissue in our body that contracts to produce force and motion. It is composed mainly of specialized cells called muscle fibers, which are bound together by connective tissue. There are three types of muscles: skeletal (voluntary), smooth (involuntary), and cardiac. Skeletal muscles attach to bones and help in movement, while smooth muscles are found within the walls of organs and blood vessels, helping with functions like digestion and circulation. Cardiac muscle is the specific type that makes up the heart, allowing it to pump blood throughout the body.

Skeletal muscle fibers, also known as striated muscle fibers, are the type of muscle cells that make up skeletal muscles, which are responsible for voluntary movements of the body. These muscle fibers are long, cylindrical, and multinucleated, meaning they contain multiple nuclei. They are surrounded by a connective tissue layer called the endomysium, and many fibers are bundled together into fascicles, which are then surrounded by another layer of connective tissue called the perimysium.

Skeletal muscle fibers are composed of myofibrils, which are long, thread-like structures that run the length of the fiber. Myofibrils contain repeating units called sarcomeres, which are responsible for the striated appearance of skeletal muscle fibers. Sarcomeres are composed of thick and thin filaments, which slide past each other during muscle contraction to shorten the sarcomere and generate force.

Skeletal muscle fibers can be further classified into two main types based on their contractile properties: slow-twitch (type I) and fast-twitch (type II). Slow-twitch fibers have a high endurance capacity and are used for sustained, low-intensity activities such as maintaining posture. Fast-twitch fibers, on the other hand, have a higher contractile speed and force generation capacity but fatigue more quickly and are used for powerful, explosive movements.

The skull is the bony structure that encloses and protects the brain, the eyes, and the ears. It is composed of two main parts: the cranium, which contains the brain, and the facial bones. The cranium is made up of several fused flat bones, while the facial bones include the upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (mandible), cheekbones, nose bones, and eye sockets (orbits).

The skull also provides attachment points for various muscles that control chewing, moving the head, and facial expressions. Additionally, it contains openings for blood vessels, nerves, and the spinal cord to pass through. The skull's primary function is to protect the delicate and vital structures within it from injury and trauma.

Electromyography (EMG) is a medical diagnostic procedure that measures the electrical activity of skeletal muscles during contraction and at rest. It involves inserting a thin needle electrode into the muscle to record the electrical signals generated by the muscle fibers. These signals are then displayed on an oscilloscope and may be heard through a speaker.

EMG can help diagnose various neuromuscular disorders, such as muscle weakness, numbness, or pain, and can distinguish between muscle and nerve disorders. It is often used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests, such as nerve conduction studies, to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the nervous system.

EMG is typically performed by a neurologist or a physiatrist, and the procedure may cause some discomfort or pain, although this is usually minimal. The results of an EMG can help guide treatment decisions and monitor the progression of neuromuscular conditions over time.

Facial muscles, also known as facial nerves or cranial nerve VII, are a group of muscles responsible for various expressions and movements of the face. These muscles include:

1. Orbicularis oculi: muscle that closes the eyelid and raises the upper eyelid
2. Corrugator supercilii: muscle that pulls the eyebrows down and inward, forming wrinkles on the forehead
3. Frontalis: muscle that raises the eyebrows and forms horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
4. Procerus: muscle that pulls the medial ends of the eyebrows downward, forming vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows
5. Nasalis: muscle that compresses or dilates the nostrils
6. Depressor septi: muscle that pulls down the tip of the nose
7. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi: muscle that raises the upper lip and flares the nostrils
8. Levator labii superioris: muscle that raises the upper lip
9. Zygomaticus major: muscle that raises the corner of the mouth, producing a smile
10. Zygomaticus minor: muscle that raises the nasolabial fold and corner of the mouth
11. Risorius: muscle that pulls the angle of the mouth laterally, producing a smile
12. Depressor anguli oris: muscle that pulls down the angle of the mouth
13. Mentalis: muscle that raises the lower lip and forms wrinkles on the chin
14. Buccinator: muscle that retracts the cheek and helps with chewing
15. Platysma: muscle that depresses the corner of the mouth and wrinkles the skin of the neck.

These muscles are innervated by the facial nerve, which arises from the brainstem and exits the skull through the stylomastoid foramen. Damage to the facial nerve can result in facial paralysis or weakness on one or both sides of the face.

The nasal bones are a pair of small, thin bones located in the upper part of the face, specifically in the middle of the nose. They articulate with each other at the nasal bridge and with the frontal bone above, the maxillae (upper jaw bones) on either side, and the septal cartilage inside the nose. The main function of the nasal bones is to form the bridge of the nose and protect the nasal cavity. Any damage to these bones can result in a fracture or broken nose.

Cephalometry is a medical term that refers to the measurement and analysis of the skull, particularly the head face relations. It is commonly used in orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery to assess and plan treatment for abnormalities related to the teeth, jaws, and facial structures. The process typically involves taking X-ray images called cephalograms, which provide a lateral view of the head, and then using various landmarks and reference lines to make measurements and evaluate skeletal and dental relationships. This information can help clinicians diagnose problems, plan treatment, and assess treatment outcomes.

Muscle contraction is the physiological process in which muscle fibers shorten and generate force, leading to movement or stability of a body part. This process involves the sliding filament theory where thick and thin filaments within the sarcomeres (the functional units of muscles) slide past each other, facilitated by the interaction between myosin heads and actin filaments. The energy required for this action is provided by the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Muscle contractions can be voluntary or involuntary, and they play a crucial role in various bodily functions such as locomotion, circulation, respiration, and posture maintenance.

Myosin Heavy Chains are the large, essential components of myosin molecules, which are responsible for the molecular motility in muscle cells. These heavy chains have a molecular weight of approximately 200 kDa and form the motor domain of myosin, which binds to actin filaments and hydrolyzes ATP to generate force and movement during muscle contraction. There are several different types of myosin heavy chains, each with specific roles in various tissues and cellular functions. In skeletal and cardiac muscles, for example, myosin heavy chains have distinct isoforms that contribute to the contractile properties of these tissues.

Mixed dentition is a stage of dental development in which both primary (deciduous) teeth and permanent teeth are present in the mouth. This phase typically begins when the first permanent molars erupt, around the age of 6, and continues until all of the primary teeth have been replaced by permanent teeth, usually around the age of 12-13.

During this stage, a person will have a mix of smaller, temporary teeth and larger, more durable permanent teeth. Proper care and management of mixed dentition is essential for maintaining good oral health, as it can help to prevent issues such as crowding, misalignment, and decay. Regular dental check-ups and proper brushing and flossing techniques are crucial during this stage to ensure the best possible outcomes for long-term oral health.

Muscle proteins are a type of protein that are found in muscle tissue and are responsible for providing structure, strength, and functionality to muscles. The two major types of muscle proteins are:

1. Contractile proteins: These include actin and myosin, which are responsible for the contraction and relaxation of muscles. They work together to cause muscle movement by sliding along each other and shortening the muscle fibers.
2. Structural proteins: These include titin, nebulin, and desmin, which provide structural support and stability to muscle fibers. Titin is the largest protein in the human body and acts as a molecular spring that helps maintain the integrity of the sarcomere (the basic unit of muscle contraction). Nebulin helps regulate the length of the sarcomere, while desmin forms a network of filaments that connects adjacent muscle fibers together.

Overall, muscle proteins play a critical role in maintaining muscle health and function, and their dysregulation can lead to various muscle-related disorders such as muscular dystrophy, myopathies, and sarcopenia.

Smooth muscle, also known as involuntary muscle, is a type of muscle that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and functions without conscious effort. These muscles are found in the walls of hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines, bladder, and blood vessels, as well as in the eyes, skin, and other areas of the body.

Smooth muscle fibers are shorter and narrower than skeletal muscle fibers and do not have striations or sarcomeres, which give skeletal muscle its striped appearance. Smooth muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system through the release of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and norepinephrine, which bind to receptors on the smooth muscle cells and cause them to contract or relax.

Smooth muscle plays an important role in many physiological processes, including digestion, circulation, respiration, and elimination. It can also contribute to various medical conditions, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, and genitourinary dysfunction, when it becomes overactive or underactive.

Skeletal muscle, also known as striated or voluntary muscle, is a type of muscle that is attached to bones by tendons or aponeuroses and functions to produce movements and support the posture of the body. It is composed of long, multinucleated fibers that are arranged in parallel bundles and are characterized by alternating light and dark bands, giving them a striped appearance under a microscope. Skeletal muscle is under voluntary control, meaning that it is consciously activated through signals from the nervous system. It is responsible for activities such as walking, running, jumping, and lifting objects.

The trigeminal nerve, also known as the fifth cranial nerve or CNV, is a paired nerve that carries both sensory and motor information. It has three major branches: ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2), and mandibular (V3). The ophthalmic branch provides sensation to the forehead, eyes, and upper portion of the nose; the maxillary branch supplies sensation to the lower eyelid, cheek, nasal cavity, and upper lip; and the mandibular branch is responsible for sensation in the lower lip, chin, and parts of the oral cavity, as well as motor function to the muscles involved in chewing. The trigeminal nerve plays a crucial role in sensations of touch, pain, temperature, and pressure in the face and mouth, and it also contributes to biting, chewing, and swallowing functions.

Biomechanics is the application of mechanical laws to living structures and systems, particularly in the field of medicine and healthcare. A biomechanical phenomenon refers to a observable event or occurrence that involves the interaction of biological tissues or systems with mechanical forces. These phenomena can be studied at various levels, from the molecular and cellular level to the tissue, organ, and whole-body level.

Examples of biomechanical phenomena include:

1. The way that bones and muscles work together to produce movement (known as joint kinematics).
2. The mechanical behavior of biological tissues such as bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments under various loads and stresses.
3. The response of cells and tissues to mechanical stimuli, such as the way that bone tissue adapts to changes in loading conditions (known as Wolff's law).
4. The biomechanics of injury and disease processes, such as the mechanisms of joint injury or the development of osteoarthritis.
5. The use of mechanical devices and interventions to treat medical conditions, such as orthopedic implants or assistive devices for mobility impairments.

Understanding biomechanical phenomena is essential for developing effective treatments and prevention strategies for a wide range of medical conditions, from musculoskeletal injuries to neurological disorders.

Neurophysiological recruitment refers to the phenomenon where there is an increase in the number of neurons or nerve fibers involved in generating a response to a stimulus. This can occur due to various physiological or pathological conditions that affect the nervous system. In a healthy nervous system, recruitment allows for the gradual and controlled activation of muscles during movement, with more nerve fibers being recruited as force is needed. However, in certain neurological disorders such as motor neuron disease, there may be abnormal neurophysiological recruitment patterns due to the loss of lower motor neurons, leading to weakness and muscle wasting. Neurophysiological tests like electromyography (EMG) can be used to assess recruitment patterns and help diagnose neurological conditions.

Dental occlusion, balanced, refers to the ideal alignment and contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed. In a balanced occlusion, the forces of bite are distributed evenly across all of the teeth, minimizing the risk of damage or excessive wear. This is often the goal of dental restorations and orthodontic treatment.

A smooth muscle within the vascular system refers to the involuntary, innervated muscle that is found in the walls of blood vessels. These muscles are responsible for controlling the diameter of the blood vessels, which in turn regulates blood flow and blood pressure. They are called "smooth" muscles because their individual muscle cells do not have the striations, or cross-striped patterns, that are observed in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. Smooth muscle in the vascular system is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and by hormones, and can contract or relax slowly over a period of time.

A Jaw Relation Record (also known as a "mounted cast" or "articulated record") is a dental term used to describe the process of recording and replicating the precise spatial relationship between the upper and lower jaws. This information is crucial in various dental treatments, such as designing and creating dental restorations, dentures, or orthodontic appliances.

The Jaw Relation Record typically involves these steps:

1. Determining the optimal jaw position (occlusion) during a clinical procedure called "bite registration." This is done by using various materials like waxes, silicones, or impression compounds to record the relationship between the upper and lower teeth in a static position or at specific movements.
2. Transferring this bite registration to an articulator, which is a mechanical device that simulates jaw movement. The articulator holds dental casts (replicas of the patient's teeth) and allows for adjustments based on the recorded jaw relationship.
3. Mounting the dental casts onto the articulator according to the bite registration. This creates an accurate representation of the patient's oral structures, allowing dentists or technicians to evaluate, plan, and fabricate dental restorations that will fit harmoniously in the mouth and provide optimal function and aesthetics.

In summary, a Jaw Relation Record is a critical component in dental treatment planning and restoration design, as it captures and replicates the precise spatial relationship between the upper and lower jaws.

Muscle development, also known as muscle hypertrophy, refers to the increase in size and mass of the muscles through a process called myofiber growth. This is primarily achieved through resistance or strength training exercises that cause micro-tears in the muscle fibers, leading to an inflammatory response and the release of hormones that promote muscle growth. As the muscles repair themselves, they become larger and stronger than before. Proper nutrition, including adequate protein intake, and rest are also essential components of muscle development.

It is important to note that while muscle development can lead to an increase in strength and muscular endurance, it does not necessarily result in improved athletic performance or overall fitness. A well-rounded exercise program that includes cardiovascular activity, flexibility training, and resistance exercises is recommended for optimal health and fitness outcomes.

Neck muscles, also known as cervical muscles, are a group of muscles that provide movement, support, and stability to the neck region. They are responsible for various functions such as flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral bending of the head and neck. The main neck muscles include:

1. Sternocleidomastoid: This muscle is located on either side of the neck and is responsible for rotating and flexing the head. It also helps in tilting the head to the same side.

2. Trapezius: This large, flat muscle covers the back of the neck, shoulders, and upper back. It is involved in movements like shrugging the shoulders, rotating and extending the head, and stabilizing the scapula (shoulder blade).

3. Scalenes: These three pairs of muscles are located on the side of the neck and assist in flexing, rotating, and laterally bending the neck. They also help with breathing by elevating the first two ribs during inspiration.

4. Suboccipitals: These four small muscles are located at the base of the skull and are responsible for fine movements of the head, such as tilting and rotating.

5. Longus Colli and Longus Capitis: These muscles are deep neck flexors that help with flexing the head and neck forward.

6. Splenius Capitis and Splenius Cervicis: These muscles are located at the back of the neck and assist in extending, rotating, and laterally bending the head and neck.

7. Levator Scapulae: This muscle is located at the side and back of the neck, connecting the cervical vertebrae to the scapula. It helps with rotation, extension, and elevation of the head and scapula.

Physiological adaptation refers to the changes or modifications that occur in an organism's biological functions or structures as a result of environmental pressures or changes. These adaptations enable the organism to survive and reproduce more successfully in its environment. They can be short-term, such as the constriction of blood vessels in response to cold temperatures, or long-term, such as the evolution of longer limbs in animals that live in open environments.

In the context of human physiology, examples of physiological adaptation include:

1. Acclimatization: The process by which the body adjusts to changes in environmental conditions, such as altitude or temperature. For example, when a person moves to a high-altitude location, their body may produce more red blood cells to compensate for the lower oxygen levels, leading to improved oxygen delivery to tissues.

2. Exercise adaptation: Regular physical activity can lead to various physiological adaptations, such as increased muscle strength and endurance, enhanced cardiovascular function, and improved insulin sensitivity.

3. Hormonal adaptation: The body can adjust hormone levels in response to changes in the environment or internal conditions. For instance, during prolonged fasting, the body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline to help maintain energy levels and prevent muscle wasting.

4. Sensory adaptation: Our senses can adapt to different stimuli over time. For example, when we enter a dark room after being in bright sunlight, it takes some time for our eyes to adjust to the new light level. This process is known as dark adaptation.

5. Aging-related adaptations: As we age, various physiological changes occur that help us adapt to the changing environment and maintain homeostasis. These include changes in body composition, immune function, and cognitive abilities.

Fast-twitch muscle fibers, also known as type II fibers, are a type of skeletal muscle fiber that are characterized by their rapid contraction and relaxation rates. These fibers have a larger diameter and contain a higher concentration of glycogen, which serves as a quick source of energy for muscle contractions. Fast-twitch fibers are further divided into two subcategories: type IIa and type IIb (or type IIx). Type IIa fibers have a moderate amount of mitochondria and can utilize both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways, making them fatigue-resistant. Type IIb fibers, on the other hand, have fewer mitochondria and primarily use anaerobic metabolism, leading to faster fatigue. Fast-twitch fibers are typically used in activities that require quick, powerful movements such as sprinting or weightlifting.

Dental occlusion, centric refers to the alignment and contact of the opposing teeth when the jaw is closed in a neutral position, specifically with the mandible (lower jaw) positioned in maximum intercuspation. This means that all teeth are in full contact with their corresponding teeth in the opposite jaw, and the condyles of the mandible are seated in the most posterior portion of the glenoid fossae (the sockets in the skull where the mandible articulates). Centric occlusion is an important concept in dentistry as it serves as a reference point for establishing proper bite relationships during restorative dental treatment.

Slow-twitch muscle fibers, also known as type I muscle fibers, are specialized skeletal muscle cells that contract relatively slowly and generate less force than fast-twitch fibers. However, they can maintain contraction for longer periods of time and have a higher resistance to fatigue. These fibers primarily use oxygen and aerobic metabolism to produce energy, making them highly efficient during prolonged, lower-intensity activities such as long-distance running or cycling. Slow-twitch muscle fibers also have an abundant blood supply, which allows for efficient delivery of oxygen and removal of waste products.

Most Commonly Asked Questions about Masticatory Muscle Myositis Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM), Dogs Masticatory Muscle ... Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory disease in dogs affecting the muscles of mastication (chewing). It is also ... In chronic MMM there is atrophy of the jaw muscles, and scarring of the masticatory muscles due to fibrosis may result in ... ISBN 1-893441-82-2. Clooten J, Woods J, Smith-Maxie L (2003). "Myasthenia gravis and masticatory muscle myositis in a dog". Can ...
"154850 - MASTICATORY MUSCLES, HYPERTROPHY OF". Retrieved 2023-07-03. "606773 - HEMIFACIAL MYOHYPERPLASIA; HMH". ... The pathology may result in muscle inflammation (swelling), muscle hyperplasia, muscle hypertrophy, muscle pseudohypertrophy ( ... Skeletal muscle hypertrophy, calf muscle hypertrophy, muscle hypertrophy of the lower extremities, upper limb muscle ... Skeletal muscle hypertrophy, generalized muscle hypertrophy, calf muscle hypertrophy, thigh hypertrophy The Human Phenotype ...
The symptoms will usually involve more than one of the various components of the masticatory system, muscles, nerves, tendons, ... Left medial and lateral pterygoid muscles Left temporalis muscle Left masseter muscle (red highlight) They can be thought of in ... The muscles of mastication are paired on each side and work together to produce the movements of the mandible. The main muscles ... Trovato F, Orlando B, Bosco M (2009). "Occlusal features and masticatory muscles activity. A review of electromyographic ...
Takahashi, S; Kuribayashi, G; Ono, T; Ishiwata, Y; Kuroda, T (January 2005). "Modulation of masticatory muscle activity by ... Fatigue in the tongue muscles may contribute to incomplete food clearance (residue), prolonged time to complete a meal and ... Tongue exercise to increase the muscle tone is therefore an important part of the oral myology therapy of dysphagia. ... including the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, and jaw. Orofacial myofunctional therapy treatment is most commonly used to ...
"Bite Force Estimation and the Fiber Architecture of Felid Masticatory Muscles". The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative ...
It is the origin of several masticatory muscles in the skull. The jugal and lacrimal bones are the only two remaining from the ... The zygoma provides important functions as the origin of the masseter muscle and as a point of resistance for masticatory ... and not as a site of jaw muscle attachment. In extant reptiles, the jugal bone continues to form the orbit of the eye and ... and providing attachment sites for facial muscles. ...
Masticatory muscles Facial Action Coding System Modiolus Wilkins, Adam S. (2017). "History of the Face I". Making Faces. ... muscle Temporoparietalis muscle Procerus muscle Nasalis muscle Depressor septi nasi muscle Orbicularis oculi muscle Corrugator ... Orbicularis oris muscle Depressor anguli oris muscle Risorius Zygomaticus major muscle Zygomaticus minor muscle Levator labii ... These muscles also cause wrinkles at right angles to the muscles' action line. The facial muscles are supplied by the facial ...
A sagittal crest was present, suggesting the existence of powerful masticatory muscles. The dentition was very robust, and the ... The masticatory apparatus of the armadillo Eutatus (Mammalia, Cingulata) and some allied genera: paleobiology and evolution. ...
Sessle BJ (1999). "The neural basis of temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscle pain". Journal of Orofacial Pain. 13 (4 ... and the digastricus muscle also opens the jaw. The other three muscles close the mouth; the masseter and the medial pterygoid ... is pain and dysfunction of the TMJ and the muscles of mastication (the muscles that move the jaw). TMD does not fit neatly into ... These four muscles, all innervated by V3, or the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, work in different groups to move ...
They are proprioceptive fibers, conveying information regarding the location of the masticatory muscles. The central processes ... Proprioceptors (muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organs) provide information about joint position and muscle movement. Although ... the temporal muscle, and the medial and lateral pterygoids. The other four muscles are the tensor veli palatini, the mylohyoid ... Injury to a peripheral nerve can cause paralysis of muscles on one side of the jaw, with the jaw deviating towards the ...
"Intermuscular and intramuscular differences in myosin heavy chain composition of the human masticatory muscles". Journal of the ... Myosin-1, also known as 'striated muscle myosin heavy chain 1', is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MYH1 gene. This ... "Entrez Gene: MYH1 myosin, heavy chain 1, skeletal muscle, adult". Yoon SJ, Seiler SH, Kucherlapati R, Leinwand L (December 1992 ... most highly expressed in fast type IIX/D muscle fibres of vertebrates and encodes a protein found uniquely in striated muscle; ...
The mandibular setback surgery improves one's masticatory muscle activity and speech intelligibility. The mandibular setback ... The dissection cuts the platysma and the masseter muscle. As the skin dissection is done, a small protrude of the ramus could ... Gum chewing and patient education exercise post-surgery can improve masticatory function in patient and minimise the risk of ... The mandibular setback surgery can improve masticatory function and facial aesthetics by repositioning the jaw and mouth, which ...
... multituberculates employed a backward chewing stroke which resulted in the masticatory muscles-the muscles which move the ... The masticatory muscles of multituberculates independently evolved features shared with rodents and small herbivorous ... The separation of the origin of this muscle into two parts and the rounded muscle scars left by them are unique among mammals ... Catopsbaatar had semicircular ridges on the side of the skull, to which the jaw muscles were attached. The mandible was strong ...
He suggested that the large neck frill was likely an attachment site for masticatory muscles. Such placement of the muscles may ... which he interpreted to have had a bigger role in displaying behavior than simply serving as a site of masticatory muscles. He ... The frill was likely used for display or intraspecific combat, as well as protection of the neck and anchoring of jaw muscles. ... He pointed out that their prominent parrot-like beaks and shearing teeth along with powerful muscles on the jaws suggest an ...
The jaws may have been removed for "hunters" to access and consume masticatory muscles and tongue. The coexistence of early ...
Orofacial buccal dystonia is a focal dystonia with sustained spasms of the masticatory, facial or lingual muscles. The frequent ... However, the subtle and unnoticeable involuntary movement of multiple facial muscles, which might be an infrequent symptom of ... muscles. Chronic clonus is often due to lesions of the central tegmental tract (which connects the red nucleus to the ...
... masticatory muscles). These may include the thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaw (masseter muscle) and the broad ... platysmal muscle). This muscle draws down the corner of the mouth and lower lip or other muscle groups.[citation needed] In ... temporalis muscle). Some patients may also experience involuntary contractions of the wide muscle at the side of the neck ( ... The Greek word blepharon means "eyelid". Spasm means "uncontrolled muscle contraction". The term blepharospasm ['blef-a-ro-spaz ...
Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory disease in dogs affecting the muscles of the jaw. Signs include swelling ... In chronic MMM there is atrophy of the jaw muscles, and scarring of the masticatory muscles due to fibrosis may result in ... Signs include pain, weakness, and rear limb muscle atrophy. Coonhound paralysis is a type of polyradiculoneuritis seen in ... Dancing Dobermann disease is a type of myopathy that primarily affects the gastrocnemius muscle in Dobermanns. It usually ...
myopathy (muscle disease) myalgia (muscle pain) Masticatory muscle myositis (a disease in dogs) myositis Serratrice, G.; ... Perimyositis is inflammation of the connective tissue around a muscle. ... Muscle & Nerve. 13 (5): 385-395. doi:10.1002/mus.880130505. ISSN 0148-639X. PMID 2189069. S2CID 37302966. v t e (Articles ...
... and masticatory muscles. Emotional movement of these muscles is controlled by alternative pathways that run from the amygdala ... pharyngeal muscles, laryngeal muscles, brachial muscles, tongue muscles, and muscles of the mouth that aid in chewing. These ... and masticatory muscles. However, the reflexive and autonomic functions of these muscles groups are usually intact. Common ... and masticatory muscles, while automatic, involuntary functions of these four muscle groups remain. Automatic functions are ...
The muscles that power the jaw movements during chewing are known as the muscles of mastication or masticatory muscles, and are ... Masticatory force or force of mastication is the force created by the dynamic action of the masticatory muscles during the act ... Morill found out that masticatory muscles stop their contraction differently upon the appearance of pain signals from the ... Weber[who?] worked out that 1 cm2 surface of perpendicular slide of any masticatory muscle can produce approximately 10 ...
2004) stated that the loss of the sarcomeric myosin gene MYH16 in the human lineage led to smaller masticatory muscles. They ...
The muscles of mastication or masticatory muscles are: a) masseter, b) temporalis, c) medial pterygoid, d) superior belly of ... Weber worked out that 1 cm2 cross section surface area of any masticatory muscle can produce approximately 10 kg force. The ... Morill worked more deeply on the relationship between masticatory muscles and pain signals from the periodontal tissue in ... The masticatory force initially was measured by Dr. Bleck. Bleck used a gnathodynamometer and also found out the close relation ...
A study on the masticatory muscle features of extant and extinct mammals is published by Ercoli et al. (2023), who find that ... and find similarities in the masticatory muscle features of rodents and derived extinct euungulates and diprotodonts. Martinez ... 2023) study the mandibles of fossil sloths, modeling the actions of the major muscles involved in mastication, and report that ... Wiseman, A. L. A. (2023). "Three-dimensional volumetric muscle reconstruction of the Australopithecus afarensis pelvis and limb ...
Ingervall B, Bitsanis E (February 1987). "A pilot study of the effect of masticatory muscle training on facial growth in long- ... Muscle factors - the form and function of the muscles that surround the teeth. This could be impacted by habits such as finger ... Lack of masticatory stress during development can cause tooth overcrowding. Children who chewed a hard resinous gum for two ... Masticatory function: people with anterior open bites, large increased & reverse overjet and hypodontia will find it more ...
... masticatory muscles, skull shape and digging." Cells Tissues Organs 191.6 (2010): 510-522. Carraway, Leslie N.; Verts, B. J. ( ... where no extreme specialization of the masseter muscle has evolved. In the protrogomorphous condition, the masseter muscle does ... Likewise, the medial masseter muscle attaches to the base of the zygomatic arch and does not extend to the region in front of ... The skull is protrogomorphous; it has no specialized attachments for the masseter muscles as seen in other rodents. It is ...
External, middle, and inner ear abnormalities, as well as temporal bone, parotid gland, masticatory muscles, and facial neural ...
Both have a raised and dome-like anterior cranium, enlarged areas for the attachment of masticatory muscles, enlarged premolars ... Strong muscles are also required for bone crushing, and the temporalis attachment on the skull is enlarged by a strong sagittal ... To feed with this type of structure the fish can protrude its mouth ventrally to permit muscles to be seized by the jaws and ... The sagittal crest projects well above the area of attachment of the neck muscles, and in a large animal it extends back far ...
The heavier musculature of the jaws-those muscles operating the intensive masticatory process for chewing plant material- ... During evolution of the human lineage these muscles seem to have weakened with the loss of the myosin gene MYH16, a two base- ...
... pharyngeal and masticory muscles (facio-pharyngo-glosso-masticatory paresis), pyramidal signs, and seizures." These can result ... delayed development or weakened muscles as some of the noted effects. Significant technological advances have been made within ... mutations are known to contribute to polymicrogyria either with or without congenital fibrosis or the external ocular muscles, ...
Most Commonly Asked Questions about Masticatory Muscle Myositis Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM), Dogs Masticatory Muscle ... Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory disease in dogs affecting the muscles of mastication (chewing). It is also ... In chronic MMM there is atrophy of the jaw muscles, and scarring of the masticatory muscles due to fibrosis may result in ... ISBN 1-893441-82-2. Clooten J, Woods J, Smith-Maxie L (2003). "Myasthenia gravis and masticatory muscle myositis in a dog". Can ...
The range of conditions varies from muscle pain... ... underlying the many different manifestations of jaw muscle pain ... Aoki T, Naito H, Ota Y, Shiiki K. Myositis Ossificans traumatina of the masticatory muscles: review of the literature and ... Gonzales Y, Mohl N. Masticatory muscle pain and dysfunction. In: Laskin D, Green C, Hylander W, editors. TMDS: an evidence- ... Sato T, Yoda T. Masticatory muscle tendon-aponeurosis hyperplasia: a new clinical entity of limited mouth opening. Jpn Dent Sci ...
... ... immediately after disappearance of the evoked thenar muscle twitch, as well as 45 s later. In six patients receiving ... immediately after the loss of the adductor pollicis muscle twitch and 45 s later. In 22 patients receiving succinylcholine, ...
Information on Masticatory muscle myositis in dogs and how it can be treated. ... Chronic Masticatory muscle myositis causes jaw muscles atrophy and scars will form in the masticatory muscles. The scars can ... Masticatory muscle myositis symptoms in dogs. A dog with acute Masticatory muscle myositis can show symptoms such as swollen ... Masticatory muscle myositis treatment for dogs The most commonly used Masticatory muscle myositis treatment is to give the sick ...
We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. See our cookie policy.. ...
18,19,24]. Those tests aim to elicit function-dependent pain in the temporomandibular joints and/or masticatory muscles through ... Prevalence of Function-Dependent Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscle Pain, and Predictors of Temporomandibular ... "Prevalence of Function-Dependent Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscle Pain, and Predictors of Temporomandibular ... "Prevalence of Function-Dependent Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscle Pain, and Predictors of Temporomandibular ...
Findings for this dog with acute compartmental syndrome isolated to the masticatory muscles suggested that emergent fasciotomy ... Results of serologic testing for antibody against masticatory 2M muscle fibers were negative. Results of histologic examination ... firm masticatory muscle swelling. Computed tomographic examination of the head revealed symmetric bilateral enlargement of the ... Intracompartmental pressures in the left and right temporalis muscles as measured with an invasive arterial blood pressure ...
Migraine and masticatory muscle volume, bite force and craniofacial morphology. In: Headache. 2001 ; Vol. 41, No. 1. pp. 49-56. ... Migraine and masticatory muscle volume, bite force and craniofacial morphology. Philip Lamey, Christopher Burnett, L. Fartash, ... Migraine and masticatory muscle volume, bite force and craniofacial morphology. Headache. 2001;41(1):49-56. doi: 10.1046/j.1526 ... Migraine and masticatory muscle volume, bite force and craniofacial morphology. / Lamey, Philip; Burnett, Christopher; Fartash ...
Strengthening the masticatory muscles has many health benefits. Health and cosmetic benefits ... Is it necessary to strengthen the masticatory muscles? ... Is the use of aids to strengthen the masticatory muscles ... In this sense, the aids for strengthening the masticatory muscles and jaws are very suitable for parents who want to do ... These factors directly caused the jaws to shrink and the masticatory muscles to weaken. Thanks to the tools created, people ...
Grinding your teeth at night and tension in the masticatory muscles during the day can cause pain in the head and jaw area. ... The massage of masticatory muscles alleviates pain in the head and jaw area. ... Massage of masticatory muscles can alleviate pain. The massage of masticatory muscles can relax the muscles and alleviate the ... Massage of masticatory muscles. The massage of masticatory muscles alleviates pain in the head and jaw area. Grinding your ...
The unique feature of this case is the absence of history of trauma with involvement of multiple masticatory muscles, which, to ... Pseudomalignant myositis ossificans involving multiple masticatory muscles: Imaging evaluation. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2014; ... "Pseudomalignant myositis ossificans involving multiple masticatory muscles: Imaging evaluation." The Indian journal of ... Kamalapur MG, Patil PB, Joshi S, Shastri D. Pseudomalignant myositis ossificans involving multiple masticatory muscles: Imaging ...
Electromyography and asymmetry index of masticatory muscles in undergraduate students with temporomandibular disorders Article ... Electromyography and asymmetry index of masticatory muscles in undergraduate students with temporomandibular disorders. Braz. J ... Electromyography and asymmetry index of masticatory muscles in undergraduate students with temporomandibular disorders ... The analysis of the asymmetry index for two pairs of muscles during maximal voluntary contraction was based on the asymmetry ...
Keywords : temporomandibular disorder; hypermobility; joint instability; electromyography; masticatory muscles. · text in ... electromyographic analysis of the masticatory muscles. Braz. J. Oral Sci. [online]. 2011, vol.10, n.2, pp. 146-151. ISSN 1677- ... and asymptomatic individuals and to compare the activity of their masticatory muscles. Methods: 61 female patients aged 18 to ... The activity of the left masseter muscle was significantly higher (p=0.0072) in the volunteers with TMD and GJH compared with ...
Masticatory muscle electromyographic activity during temporomandibular joint movement in rheumatoid arthritis patients and ... Masticatory muscle electromyographic activity during temporomandibular joint movement in rheumatoid arthritis patients and ...
Bisphosphonate administration after botulinum toxin A injection in the masticatory muscles appears to prevent condyle ... Botulinum toxin injection on the masticatory muscle induces the osteopenic condition on the ipsilateral condyle. Bisphosphonate ... of bisphosphonate on temporomandibular joint in osteopenia-induced rats by botulinum toxin A injection on masticatory muscle: a ...
The number of muscles in the body depends on the degree of subdivision that is considered and on the number of variable muscles ... muscle is the largest single organ of the human body and accounts for nearly 50% of the bodys weight. ... Active TrPs are commonly found in postural muscles of the neck, shoulder, and pelvic girdles and in the masticatory muscles. In ... The number of muscles in the body depends on the degree of subdivision that is considered and on the number of variable muscles ...
... was used to evaluate the masticatory muscle function. The maxim voluntary contraction of the muscles on both sides was compared ... ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF THE MASTICATORY MUSCLES OF PARKINSONIANS INFLUENCED BY THE USE OF REMOVABLE DENTAL PROSTHESIS. J. ... Objective: Analyze the influence of the types of dental prosthesis on the electromyographic activity of the masticatory muscles ... 3] Oncins, M. C., Vieira, M. M., & Bommarito, S. (2014). Electromyography of the masticatory muscles: analysis in the original ...
... characterised by trigger points of skeletal muscles in the masticatory region. Patients with myofascial pain suffer from ... characterised by trigger points of skeletal muscles in the masticatory region. Patients with myofascial pain suffer from ... Magnetic Resonance and Symptomatologic Examination in Adult Patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome of the Masticatory Muscles. ... Linear regression analysis was used to assess a correlation between the modification of the masseter muscle dimension and the ...
Electromyographic Evaluation of Masticatory Muscles in a Young Patient with Crossbite Treated with Rapid Palatal Expander: A ... Clinical significance: Electromyography is a noninvasive exam which evaluates the masticatory muscle activity by facial ... Clinical significance: Electromyography is a noninvasive exam which evaluates the masticatory muscle activity by facial ... Electromyographic Evaluation of Masticatory Muscles in a Young Patient with Crossbite Treated with Rapid Palatal Expander: A ...
Comparison of habitual masticatory cycles and muscle activity before and after orthognathic surgery. In: Journal of Oral and ... Comparison of habitual masticatory cycles and muscle activity before and after orthognathic surgery. Journal of Oral and ... Comparison of habitual masticatory cycles and muscle activity before and after orthognathic surgery. / Youssef, Riad E.; ... Youssef, R. E., Throckmorton, G. S., Ellis, E., & Sinn, D. P. (1997). Comparison of habitual masticatory cycles and muscle ...
Temporalis Anterior Muscle and Mandibular Positioning. *Quality Defined: Objective Measured Parameters of Masticatory Health vs ... Occlusion is maintained by the activities of the masticatory muscles which are controlled by neural integration of the feedback ... The Role of Dental Occlusion (Dental Alignment, TM Joints Condylar Position, and Masticatory Muscles Activities) in the ... The Role of Dental Occlusion (Dental Alignment, TM Joints Condylar Position, and Masticatory Muscles Activities) in the ...
RESULTS: The cerTMD showed higher number of active TrPs in the masticatory and cervical muscles, greater forward head posture, ... Relationship among Cervical Spine Degeneration, Head and Neck postures, and Myofascial Pain in Masticatory and Cervical Muscles ... of second to third vertebra appeared to be linked to the development of active TrPs in the masticatory and cervical muscles. ... and splenius capitis muscles. Relationships among number of TrPs, head postures, and cervical degeneration were investigated ...
Long-term efficacy of onabotulinum toxin in treating persistent myofascial pain and masticatory muscles hypertone in an ... Long-term efficacy of onabotulinum toxin in treating persistent myofascial pain and masticatory muscles hypertone in an ... Viscuso Long-term efficacy of onabotulinum toxin in treating persistent myofascial pain and masticatory muscles hypertone in an ... ...
Sex impacts towards the maximal molar chew force and you may masticatory muscle tissue occurrence 17. por yanz@123457 · ... try responsive to sex-particular differences in mouth proportions and you can masticatory muscle tissue services 25 . Adult ... Hence, the brand new anatomy and aim of the newest masticatory human anatomy get sign up for discussing as to why males are apt ... Since guys need more fat than women to function 16 , it is practical that the higher muscles size has a tendency to associate ...
... of masticatory muscles that measures both muscle strength and muscle tone at the bedside. The nutritional status was measured ... of masticatory muscles that measures both muscle strength and muscle tone at the bedside. The nutritional status was measured ... of masticatory muscles that measures both muscle strength and muscle tone at the bedside. The nutritional status was measured ... of masticatory muscles that measures both muscle strength and muscle tone at the bedside. The nutritional status was measured ...
2009;31(2):159-63., and masticatory muscle imbalance.. Such an imbalance can occur in individuals with GJH due to joint ... Painful symptoms could be a confounding factor in the results, as facial pain can impair the action of the masticatory muscles ... Still, it is speculated that physical therapy, through the strengthening of masticatory muscles, helps maintain the results of ... For deglutition to take place normally, balance between the perioral, masticatory and tongue muscles is required. Any ...
Axis Scientific Life-Size Human Skull with Masticatory Muscles Model ​​​The Axis Scientific Life-Size Human Skull with ... Masticatory Muscles Model is an anatomically correct replica of the human skull and its muscles. This human skull anatomy model ... Axis Scientific Life-Size Human Skull with Masticatory Muscles Anatomy Model Axis Scientific ... This is the only anatomy model worldwide that shows the main muscles of the human head. The muscles are numbered and outlined ...
Sleep bruxism is a repetitive, rhythmic, or non-rhythmic, masticatory muscle activity during sleep that is not a movement or a ... To compare the pain intensity in masticatory muscles and the VAS values between groups, the Students t-test for unpaired data ... There was no difference between the two groups regarding the prevalence of TMD pain-related in masticatory muscles except in ... Masticatory muscles were digitally palpated bilaterally using one finger (masseter, temporal, temporalis tendon, digastric ...
  • Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an inflammatory disease in dogs affecting the muscles of mastication (chewing). (
  • Masticatory muscle myositis, commonly abbreviated MMM, is an inflammatory disease the affects the jaws of the dog. (
  • Masticatory muscle myositis is known under several different names, including atrophic myositis and eosinophilic myositis. (
  • In a dog suffering from masticatory muscle myositis, the dog's own immune system attacks a special muscle protein that is only found in these masticatory muscles. (
  • Masticatory muscle myositis is the most commonly occurring inflammatory myopathy in dogs. (
  • A myopathy is a neuromuscular disease where the muscles fibres do not function as they should, and masticatory muscle myositis is one of many different forms of myopathy. (
  • Masticatory muscle myositis is chiefly a problem for large dog breeds, especially German Shepherds. (
  • A dog with acute Masticatory muscle myositis can show symptoms such as swollen jaw muscles and drooling, and it can be painful for the dog to open up the mouth. (
  • Chronic Masticatory muscle myositis causes jaw muscles atrophy and scars will form in the masticatory muscles. (
  • The most commonly used Masticatory muscle myositis treatment is to give the sick dog corticosteroids ( glucocorticoids ), e.g. (
  • In some dogs, masticatory muscle myositis turns into a reoccurring problem. (
  • Masticatory muscle myositis is sometimes mistaken for a retroorbital abcess and the veterinarian will then attempt to treat the problem with antibiotics. (
  • Antibiotics can not be used to cure masticatory muscle Myositis. (
  • Anyone on this forum have a dog with or know of Masticatory Muscle Myositis or MMM? (
  • I took him to the vet and we did the antibody blood test which confirms if a dog has Masticatory Muscle Myositis (or MMM for short). (
  • 10. Myositis ossificans circumscripta involving bilateral masticatory muscles. (
  • Your veterinarian may also draw blood to run laboratory tests for inflammatory disorders of the chewing muscles, like masticatory muscle myositis, as well as for myasthenia gravis, immune-mediated diseases, hyperadrenocorticism and hypothyroidism. (
  • Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an autoimmune condition that typically occurs in large-breed dogs. (
  • The aim of the study was to compare the degree of relaxation of the anterior part of the temporal muscles and the masseter muscles, achieved through the use of post-isometric relaxation and myofascial release methods in patients requiring prosthetic treatment due to temporomandibular joint disorders with a dominant muscular component. (
  • Standardized mastication increases the coordination in masticatory activity in women with chronic temporomandibular joint disorders: a case control study. (
  • When the immune system attacks the muscles, the result is an inflammation. (
  • Inflammation attacks the pet's head muscles that control the jaws, and may cause acute pain, and pets may be unable or unwilling to open their jaws. (
  • MMM can be diagnosed with a blood test and muscle biopsy, and once officially diagnosed, can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications that usually effectively reduce inflammation and restore function. (
  • Aim: This study aimed to verify the presence of generalized joint hypermobility (GHJ) in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and asymptomatic individuals and to compare the activity of their masticatory muscles. (
  • Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a group of more than 30 conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement. (
  • Disorders of the muscles used for chewing (masticatory muscles). (
  • The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate research on discovering etiological and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying a set of chronic, comorbid conditions associated with temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJMDs). (
  • Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) encompasses a group of disorders of the masticatory system, broadly divided into muscular conditions and those affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). (
  • Myofascial disorders are the result of tension, fatigue or spasm of the masticatory muscles, whereas intra-articular disorder stems from mechanical or inflammatory disruption of the joint itself. (
  • TMDs are a group of musculoskeletal disorders that affect the temporomandibular joint and/or masticatory muscles. (
  • Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJ) The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the area where the jaw and skull connect at a ball and socket hinge in front of the ears. (
  • Primary symptoms include chronic pain in facial muscles and limited and painful movement of the jaw. (
  • Chewing exercises facial muscles to give you a defined jawline. (
  • Electromyographic recordings of the masseter and anterior temporal muscles were acquired bilaterally at mandibular rest and in maximal intercuspal position. (
  • There was a significant difference (P temporal muscle at mandibular rest (P = .01) between groups. (
  • RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Background The principal signs and symptoms of the TMDs are pain in the jaw region, including pain and tenderness in the masticatory muscles and/or the temporomandibular joints, sometimes combined with limitations or disturbance of mandibular movements (e.g., jaw "locking," restricted jaw opening, or chewing problems). (
  • All of these muscles arise from the first pharyngeal arch and are innervated by the third branch of the trigeminal nerve, the mandibular nerve. (
  • There is a similar disease of the eye muscles found in Golden Retrievers. (
  • A similar disease is known to cause eye muscle problems in Golden Retrievers. (
  • The affected muscles include the temporalis, masseter, and pterygoid muscles. (
  • Diagnosis of MMM is through either biopsy of the temporalis or masseter muscles or the 2M antibody assay, in which blood serum of the possible MMM-dog is reacted with temporalis tissue of a normal dog, or both. (
  • This study aimed to evaluate the stomatognathic system of patients after hemorrhagic stroke through the bite force , thickness, and skin temperature in the region of the masseter and temporalis muscles . (
  • Muscle thickness was measured using ultrasound images obtained at rest and during maximal voluntary contraction of the masseter and temporalis muscles . (
  • Thermographic camera was used to record the thermographic patterns of the masseter and temporalis muscles . (
  • sEMG activity was bilaterally investigated for the following muscles: masseter, anterior temporalis, digastric, posterior cervical, sternocleidomastoid and upper and lower trapezius. (
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between chronic stress and temporalis muscle activity during four nights. (
  • The relevant musculature involved in TMD are the primary muscles of mastication, including the masseter, temporalis and medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. (
  • Movement of the TMJ is produced primarily by the muscles of mastication (masseter, medial and lateral pterygoids, and temporalis). (
  • The classic form is characterized by muscle weakness and wasting, prolonged muscle tensing (myotonia), cataract, and often, abnormal heart function. (
  • 5 Parafunctional behaviours, such as bruxism, teeth grinding, clenching and abnormal posture, stress and anxiety, may all contribute to masticatory muscle pain and spasm. (
  • Abnormal nerve conduction across the brachial plexus and delayed late potentials were found on electrodiagnostic testing, and diffuse subclinical involvement of other regions of the peripheral nervous system was confirmed on the basis of abnormal electromyographic findings for the masticatory muscles and conduction block of the peroneal nerve. (
  • Steinert myotonic dystrophy, one of the two types of myotonic dystrophy, is an inherited type of muscular dystrophy that affects the muscles and other body systems (e.g., heart, eyes, endocrine system, and central nervous system). (
  • Therefore, the objective of this study was to search for the presence of amastigote forms of Leishmania sp, T-lymphocytes (CD3+), macrophages and IgG in the striated skeletal muscle of dogs through immunohistochemistry, in an attempt to obtain a better understanding of the disease's physiopathogenesis in the muscular system. (
  • In chronic MMM there is atrophy of the jaw muscles, and scarring of the masticatory muscles due to fibrosis may result in inability to open the mouth (trismus). (
  • This inflammatory disease of the jaw muscles starts with swelling and pain, and with time leads to atrophy of the jaw muscles. (
  • Symptoms of acute MMM include swelling of the jaw muscles, drooling, and pain on opening the mouth. (
  • 1995. Changes in human skeletal muscle ultrastructure and force production after acute resistance exercise. (
  • The acute influence of stretching in muscle resistance strength: transversal intervention study. (
  • Its aetiology is multifactorial, caused by both masticatory muscle dysfunction and derangement within the temporomandibular joint. (
  • Masticatory dysfunction is associated with the hippocampal morphological impairments and the hippocampus-dependent spatial memory deficits, especially in elderly. (
  • The systemic effect of the masticatory dysfunction is suggested to be an epidemiologic risk factor for dementia [ 9 , 10 ]. (
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between cervical posture on lateral skull radiographs and surface electromyographic recordings (sEMG) of head and neck muscles. (
  • Symptoms include pain and tenderness in and around the masticatory structures or referred to other locations in the head and neck, and, often, abnormalities of jaw mobility. (
  • It is caused by muscle tension, fatigue, or (rarely) spasm in the masticatory muscles. (
  • The joint is reinforced by multiple ligaments connecting the mandible to the sphenoid and temporal bones, and supported by the muscles of mastication. (
  • Temporomandibular myofascial pain syndrome is not limited to the muscles of mastication. (
  • In all animals, an electromyography of muscles contralateral to the ones submitted to biopsy were performed and, based on electromyographic results, the dogs were divided into two groups: The first was composed of eight dogs that did not show electromyographic signs that could indicate polymyopathy or that showed alterations in only one muscle of the thoracic or pelvic member, and the second group was composed of 15 dogs with polymyopathy signs. (
  • Among the 92 assessed muscles, only 11 (12%) of them allowed the observation of an antigenic marking for amastigote forms of Leishmania sp, with all of them belonging to the group of animals with chronic lesions and electromyographic and histopathological evidences of polymyopathy. (
  • T-lymphocytes (CD3+) were identified in 35 (381%) muscles assessed, from which 27 (77.1%) belonged to the group of animals with electromyographic signs of polymyopathy and eight of them (22.8%), without polymyopathy. (
  • Out of the 92 muscles assessed, only 14 (12%) had an immune marking for IgG, with 13 muscles belonging to dogs from the group with electromyographic evidences of polymyopathy and with chronic evolution. (
  • Im very hopeful though, because a nerve tumor usually comes with an array of symptoms and he has absolutely none other than the muscle atrophy. (
  • To develop and test a biopsychosocial model using structural equation modeling for predicting orofacial pain symptoms in a sample of patients with masticatory muscle pain (MMP).Data were collected from clinic records of 251 adult patients who presented for initial evaluation to the Orofacial Pain Center at the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry and were subsequently diagnosed with MMP. (
  • Symptoms include pain and tenderness of the masticatory muscles and often pain and limitation of jaw excursion. (
  • Awake symptoms, including jaw muscle fatigue, jaw pain, and headaches, usually worsen if parafunctional behavior continues throughout the day. (
  • Oral dysphagia can be caused by paralysis of the jaw, tongue paralysis, dental disease, swelling or wasting away of the chewing muscles, or by an inability to open the mouth. (
  • Localized and regional muscle pain syndromes often respond to specific localized therapies. (
  • The most common treatment for localized muscle pain is injection. (
  • The diagnosis and treatment of muscle pain syndromes. (
  • Pain in the chewing muscles and/or jaw joint (most common symptom). (
  • Clinical management of masticatory muscle pain : An update of the recommendations. (
  • muscle tenderness to palpation, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort or pain, teeth soreness to biting stress, pulpal sensitivity to cold, and audible sounds of grinding.7 Bruxism commonly occurs in children and adults and is one of the major etiological factors of myofascial pain and internal derangement of the TMJ. (
  • Research at the Ribeirão Preto Dental School at São Paulo University in Brazil found after 3 months of acupuncture treatments that patients with TMJ experienced significant pain relief, increased strength of their bite and decreased EMG activity of the masticatory muscles. (
  • Also, the right temporal muscle showed higher activity in subjects with GJH and TMD compared with asymptomatic individuals without hypermobility (p=0.0248). (
  • Our results suggest functional changes in the stomatognathic system of subjects after a hemorrhagic stroke , especially concerning molar bite force and masticatory muscle thickness in the temporal muscle (unaffected side). (
  • in skeletal muscles of infected dogs. (
  • 2000. Force during stretches of rat skeletal muscles after hypertonia at short and long lengths. (
  • Abnormalities in muscle function or structure also may contribute to the persistent muscle fatigue and soreness commonly reported. (
  • 2000. Isotonic dynamometry for the assessment of power and fatigue in the knee extensor muscles of females. (
  • 2000. Effect of resistance training on muscle fatigue and recovery in intact rats. (
  • Many older people have masticatory problems due to tooth loss, which compromises general health status. (
  • 1994. Adaptation of rat soleus muscles to intermittent chronic strain. (
  • The ultimate degree of recovery of jaw function and muscle mass will depend upon the extent of damage to the muscle tissue. (
  • Whether or not your dog will regain 100% of its previous jaw function and muscle mass after the MMM treatment depend greatly upon how much damage that occurred to the muscle tissue. (
  • 1996. Fibrosis and intercellular collagen connections from four weeks of muscle strains. (
  • Conservative treatment, including analgesics, muscle relaxation, modification of parafunctional behavior (eg, teeth clenching and grinding), and use of oral appliances usually is effective. (
  • This toxin specifically acts only on the neuromuscular junction, effectively denervating that muscle cell. (
  • This result suggests that these muscles need to be recruited for the joint stabilization due to the low ligamentar resistance and a possible proprioceptive deficit. (
  • Research also may include the development of appropriate models to study normal function and pathological changes in the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and to clarify biobehavioral processes influencing muscle or joint function or pathology. (
  • It can occur anywhere in the body, most commonly involving muscles in the neck, shoulders, and back. (
  • Future longitudinal studies should be directed to understand the extent of environmental and genotype influences by masticatory muscle activity on cervical posture. (
  • The term masticatory tells us that this disease involves the part of the dog's body involved in mastification, i.e. chewing. (
  • These 2M fibres are quite similar to proteins present on the surface of bacteria, and this is probably why the dog's immune system goes berserk and tries to destroy the dog's own muscles. (
  • MMM is caused by the presence of 2M fibers in the muscles of the jaw. (
  • MMM is a disease where the immune system in a dog will start attacking the muscle fibers in his/her head because the body starts to think the fibers are bad. (
  • Muscle Nerve. (
  • Botulinum toxin type A (BTA) binds irreversibly to presynaptic cholinergic nerve terminals, which includes the terminals of motor nerve supplying skeletal muscle-fiber endplates. (
  • Muscle & Nerve 19: 423-430. (
  • Muscle & Nerve 23: 1819-1825. (
  • The post- hemorrhagic stroke group clinically presented greater muscle thickness in almost 100% of the muscles evaluated in both clinical conditions. (
  • Therefore, a complete data collection which include-past medical and dental history, complete clinical and radiographic evaluations, an esthetic analysis, an occlusal analysis and a TMJ and masticatory muscles evaluations, and a diagnostic wax-up, is paramount for an accurate diagnosis. (
  • Clinical Findings -Clinical signs included muscle atrophy, paresis, depressed spinal reflexes, hyperesthesia of the thoracic limbs, and reduced jaw muscle tone. (
  • Biopsies of 92 muscles (triceps brachial, extensor carpi radialis, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius) of 23 dogs naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi were performed. (
  • Bite Force, Thickness, and Thermographic Patterns of Masticatory Muscles Post-Hemorrhagic Stroke. (
  • Pets with MMM may have either swollen, tender muscles at the top and sides of their head, or atrophied muscles that cause the head to appear bony. (
  • Opening of the mouth is chiefly due to gravity, but can be performed against resistance primarily by the actions of the infrahyoid muscles and the platysma. (
  • An outstanding feature is the presence of a true sciuromorph condition, defined by an anterior portion of the deep masseter muscle originating from a wide zygomatic plate that reaches the rostrum, a traittraceable since the Oligocene pachyrukhines. (
  • Cranial neural crest (CNC) cells give rise to bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments of the vertebrate craniofacial musculoskeletal complex, as well as regulate mesoderm-derived craniofacial muscle development through cell-cell interactions. (
  • Loss of masticatory function is also associated with increased disability and mortality [ 8 ]. (
  • Accumulating evidence indicates that impaired masticatory function causes morphological and functional alterations of the hippocampus [ 12 - 20 ]. (
  • BACKGROUND: Temporary prosthesis protects the oral tissues, in addition to providing aesthetic look and masticatory function until a definitive prosthesis is manufactured. (
  • After an initial consultation where we diagnose your TMJ, we use a special acupuncture treatment to relax your jaw, face and neck muscles. (
  • The activity of the left masseter muscle was significantly higher (p=0.0072) in the volunteers with TMD and GJH compared with in the individuals with TMD but without hypermobility. (
  • Statistically significant differences were verified between the muscles pertaining to the group of dogs without and with polymyopathy, regarding Leishmania sp. (
  • Also if my dog does lose all the muscles on his face, will he ever be able to open and close his mouth or will i need to seriously consider a feeding tube? (
  • This causes the dog to lose the muscles that help him/her open his/her mouth. (
  • Muscles arising in the zygomatic arch that close the jaw. (
  • 1997. A dynamometer for the measurement of rat plantar flexor muscles in vivo. (

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