Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain-containing proteins that contain intrinsic HISTONE ACETYLTRANSFERASE activity and play important roles in CIRCADIAN RHYTHM regulation. Clock proteins combine with Arntl proteins to form heterodimeric transcription factors that are specific for E-BOX ELEMENTS and stimulate the transcription of several E-box genes that are involved in cyclical regulation. This transcriptional activation also sets into motion a time-dependent feedback loop which in turn down-regulates the expression of clock proteins.
Biological mechanism that controls CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. Circadian clocks exist in the simplest form in cyanobacteria and as more complex systems in fungi, plants, and animals. In humans the system includes photoresponsive RETINAL GANGLION CELLS and the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS that acts as the central oscillator.
A broad category of proteins that regulate the CIRCADIAN RHYTHM of an organism. Included here are proteins that transmit intracellular and intercellular signals in a chronological manner along with proteins that sense light and time-dependent changes in the environment such as the PHOTOPERIOD.
Circadian rhythm signaling proteins that influence circadian clock by interacting with other circadian regulatory proteins and transporting them into the CELL NUCLEUS.
The physiological mechanisms that govern the rhythmic occurrence of certain biochemical, physiological, and behavioral phenomena.
The regular recurrence, in cycles of about 24 hours, of biological processes or activities, such as sensitivity to drugs and stimuli, hormone secretion, sleeping, and feeding.
Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain-containing proteins that play important roles in CIRCADIAN RHYTHM regulation. They combine with CLOCK PROTEINS to form heterodimeric transcription factors that are specific for E-BOX ELEMENTS and stimulate the transcription of several E-box genes that are involved in cyclical regulation.
Flavoproteins that function as circadian rhythm signaling proteins in ANIMALS and as blue-light photoreceptors in PLANTS. They are structurally-related to DNA PHOTOLYASES and it is believed that both classes of proteins may have originated from an earlier protein that played a role in protecting primitive organisms from the cyclical exposure to UV LIGHT.
A casein kinase I isoenzyme with specificity for proteins involved the regulation of the CIRCADIAN RHYTHM.
Flavoproteins are a type of protein molecule that contain noncovalently bound flavin mononucleotide or flavin adenine dinucleotide as cofactors, involved in various redox reactions and metabolic pathways, such as electron transfer, energy production, and DNA repair.
The time period of daily exposure that an organism receives from daylight or artificial light. It is believed that photoperiodic responses may affect the control of energy balance and thermoregulation.
An ovoid densely packed collection of small cells of the anterior hypothalamus lying close to the midline in a shallow impression of the OPTIC CHIASM.
DNA locations with the consensus sequence CANNTG. ENHANCER ELEMENTS may contain multiple copies of this element. E-boxes play a regulatory role in the control of transcription. They bind with basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS. Binding specificity is determined by the specific bHLH heterodimer or homodimer combination and by the specific nucleotides at the 3rd and 4th position of the E-box sequence.
A phylum of oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria comprised of unicellular to multicellular bacteria possessing CHLOROPHYLL a and carrying out oxygenic PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Cyanobacteria are the only known organisms capable of fixing both CARBON DIOXIDE (in the presence of light) and NITROGEN. Cell morphology can include nitrogen-fixing heterocysts and/or resting cells called akinetes. Formerly called blue-green algae, cyanobacteria were traditionally treated as ALGAE.
A casein kinase I isoenzyme that plays a regulatory role in a variety of cellular functions including vesicular transport, CHROMOSOME SEGREGATION; CYTOKINESIS, developmental processes, and the CIRCADIAN RHYTHM.
A form-genus of spherical to rod-shaped CYANOBACTERIA in the order Chroococcales. They contain THYLAKOIDS and are found in a wide range of habitats.
Proteins that originate from insect species belonging to the genus DROSOPHILA. The proteins from the most intensely studied species of Drosophila, DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER, are the subject of much interest in the area of MORPHOGENESIS and development.
That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared range.
A genus of ascomycetous fungi, family Sordariaceae, order SORDARIALES, comprising bread molds. They are capable of converting tryptophan to nicotinic acid and are used extensively in genetic and enzyme research. (Dorland, 27th ed)
A family of DNA-binding transcription factors that contain a basic HELIX-LOOP-HELIX MOTIF.
Proteins found in the nucleus of a cell. Do not confuse with NUCLEOPROTEINS which are proteins conjugated with nucleic acids, that are not necessarily present in the nucleus.
Specialized cells in the invertebrates that detect and transduce light. They are predominantly rhabdomeric with an array of photosensitive microvilli. Illumination depolarizes invertebrate photoreceptors by stimulating Na+ influx across the plasma membrane.
Endogenous substances, usually proteins, which are effective in the initiation, stimulation, or termination of the genetic transcription process.
A mechanism of communication with a physiological system for homeostasis, adaptation, etc. Physiological feedback is mediated through extensive feedback mechanisms that use physiological cues as feedback loop signals to control other systems.
A genus of small, two-winged flies containing approximately 900 described species. These organisms are the most extensively studied of all genera from the standpoint of genetics and cytology.
Diffusible gene products that act on homologous or heterologous molecules of viral or cellular DNA to regulate the expression of proteins.
Proteins that control the CELL DIVISION CYCLE. This family of proteins includes a wide variety of classes, including CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASES, mitogen-activated kinases, CYCLINS, and PHOSPHOPROTEIN PHOSPHATASES as well as their putative substrates such as chromatin-associated proteins, CYTOSKELETAL PROTEINS, and TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS.
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control (induction or repression) of gene action at the level of transcription or translation.
A species of ascomycetous fungi of the family Sordariaceae, order SORDARIALES, much used in biochemical, genetic, and physiologic studies.
Proteins found in any species of insect.
Any detectable and heritable change in the genetic material that causes a change in the GENOTYPE and which is transmitted to daughter cells and to succeeding generations.
The introduction of a phosphoryl group into a compound through the formation of an ester bond between the compound and a phosphorus moiety.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of biological processes or diseases. For disease models in living animals, DISEASE MODELS, ANIMAL is available. Biological models include the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
Proteins found in any species of bacterium.
The physical activity of a human or an animal as a behavioral phenomenon.
Descriptions of specific amino acid, carbohydrate, or nucleotide sequences which have appeared in the published literature and/or are deposited in and maintained by databanks such as GENBANK, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), National Biomedical Research Foundation (NBRF), or other sequence repositories.
A species of fruit fly much used in genetics because of the large size of its chromosomes.
ANIMALS whose GENOME has been altered by GENETIC ENGINEERING, or their offspring.
A DNA-binding orphan nuclear receptor that negatively regulates expression of ARNTL TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS and plays a role as a regulatory component of the circadian clock system. The Nr1d1 nuclear receptor expression is cyclically-regulated by a feedback loop involving its positive regulation by CLOCK PROTEIN; BMAL1 PROTEIN heterodimers and its negative regulation by CRYPTOCHROME and PERIOD PROTEINS.
Proteins that originate from plants species belonging to the genus ARABIDOPSIS. The most intensely studied species of Arabidopsis, Arabidopsis thaliana, is commonly used in laboratory experiments.
The order of amino acids as they occur in a polypeptide chain. This is referred to as the primary structure of proteins. It is of fundamental importance in determining PROTEIN CONFORMATION.
A plant genus of the family BRASSICACEAE that contains ARABIDOPSIS PROTEINS and MADS DOMAIN PROTEINS. The species A. thaliana is used for experiments in classical plant genetics as well as molecular genetic studies in plant physiology, biochemistry, and development.
The biosynthesis of RNA carried out on a template of DNA. The biosynthesis of DNA from an RNA template is called REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION.
Proteins found in any species of fungus.
RNA sequences that serve as templates for protein synthesis. Bacterial mRNAs are generally primary transcripts in that they do not require post-transcriptional processing. Eukaryotic mRNA is synthesized in the nucleus and must be exported to the cytoplasm for translation. Most eukaryotic mRNAs have a sequence of polyadenylic acid at the 3' end, referred to as the poly(A) tail. The function of this tail is not known for certain, but it may play a role in the export of mature mRNA from the nucleus as well as in helping stabilize some mRNA molecules by retarding their degradation in the cytoplasm.
The process in which substances, either endogenous or exogenous, bind to proteins, peptides, enzymes, protein precursors, or allied compounds. Specific protein-binding measures are often used as assays in diagnostic assessments.
Gated transport mechanisms by which proteins or RNA are moved across the NUCLEAR MEMBRANE.
The process by which two molecules of the same chemical composition form a condensation product or polymer.
Strains of mice in which certain GENES of their GENOMES have been disrupted, or "knocked-out". To produce knockouts, using RECOMBINANT DNA technology, the normal DNA sequence of the gene being studied is altered to prevent synthesis of a normal gene product. Cloned cells in which this DNA alteration is successful are then injected into mouse EMBRYOS to produce chimeric mice. The chimeric mice are then bred to yield a strain in which all the cells of the mouse contain the disrupted gene. Knockout mice are used as EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL MODELS for diseases (DISEASE MODELS, ANIMAL) and to clarify the functions of the genes.
The level of protein structure in which combinations of secondary protein structures (alpha helices, beta sheets, loop regions, and motifs) pack together to form folded shapes called domains. Disulfide bridges between cysteines in two different parts of the polypeptide chain along with other interactions between the chains play a role in the formation and stabilization of tertiary structure. Small proteins usually consist of only one domain but larger proteins may contain a number of domains connected by segments of polypeptide chain which lack regular secondary structure.
Any of various enzymatically catalyzed post-translational modifications of PEPTIDES or PROTEINS in the cell of origin. These modifications include carboxylation; HYDROXYLATION; ACETYLATION; PHOSPHORYLATION; METHYLATION; GLYCOSYLATION; ubiquitination; oxidation; proteolysis; and crosslinking and result in changes in molecular weight and electrophoretic motility.
The absence of light.
Process of generating a genetic MUTATION. It may occur spontaneously or be induced by MUTAGENS.
The degree of similarity between sequences of amino acids. This information is useful for the analyzing genetic relatedness of proteins and species.
DNA sequences which are recognized (directly or indirectly) and bound by a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase during the initiation of transcription. Highly conserved sequences within the promoter include the Pribnow box in bacteria and the TATA BOX in eukaryotes.
Inbred C57BL mice are a strain of laboratory mice that have been produced by many generations of brother-sister matings, resulting in a high degree of genetic uniformity and homozygosity, making them widely used for biomedical research, including studies on genetics, immunology, cancer, and neuroscience.
A gene silencing phenomenon whereby specific dsRNAs (RNA, DOUBLE-STRANDED) trigger the degradation of homologous mRNA (RNA, MESSENGER). The specific dsRNAs are processed into SMALL INTERFERING RNA (siRNA) which serves as a guide for cleavage of the homologous mRNA in the RNA-INDUCED SILENCING COMPLEX. DNA METHYLATION may also be triggered during this process.
Within a eukaryotic cell, a membrane-limited body which contains chromosomes and one or more nucleoli (CELL NUCLEOLUS). The nuclear membrane consists of a double unit-type membrane which is perforated by a number of pores; the outermost membrane is continuous with the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM. A cell may contain more than one nucleus. (From Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed)
Elements of limited time intervals, contributing to particular results or situations.
The basic cellular units of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the NERVOUS SYSTEM.
Disruptions of the rhythmic cycle of bodily functions or activities.
The phenotypic manifestation of a gene or genes by the processes of GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION and GENETIC TRANSLATION.
The part of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that is contained within the skull (CRANIUM). Arising from the NEURAL TUBE, the embryonic brain is comprised of three major parts including PROSENCEPHALON (the forebrain); MESENCEPHALON (the midbrain); and RHOMBENCEPHALON (the hindbrain). The developed brain consists of CEREBRUM; CEREBELLUM; and other structures in the BRAIN STEM.
Established cell cultures that have the potential to propagate indefinitely.
Histochemical localization of immunoreactive substances using labeled antibodies as reagents.
The sequence of PURINES and PYRIMIDINES in nucleic acids and polynucleotides. It is also called nucleotide sequence.
Any of the processes by which cytoplasmic or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action in bacteria.

PER and TIM inhibit the DNA binding activity of a Drosophila CLOCK-CYC/dBMAL1 heterodimer without disrupting formation of the heterodimer: a basis for circadian transcription. (1/580)

The Drosophila CLOCK (dCLOCK) and CYCLE (CYC) (also referred to as dBMAL1) proteins are members of the basic helix-loop-helix PAS (PER-ARNT-SIM) superfamily of transcription factors and are required for high-level expression of the circadian clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim). Several lines of evidence indicate that PER, TIM, or a PER-TIM heterodimer somehow inhibit the transcriptional activity of a putative dCLOCK-CYC complex, generating a negative-feedback loop that is a core element of the Drosophila circadian oscillator. In this report we show that PER and/or TIM inhibits the binding of a dCLOCK-CYC heterodimer to an E-box-containing DNA fragment that is present in the 5' nontranscribed region of per and acts as a circadian enhancer element. Surprisingly, inhibition of this DNA binding activity by PER, TIM, or both is not accompanied by disruption of the association between dCLOCK and CYC. The results suggest that the interaction of PER, TIM, or both with the dCLOCK-CYC heterodimer induces a conformational change or masks protein regions in the heterodimer, leading to a reduction in DNA binding activity. Together with other findings, our results strongly suggest that daily cycles in the association of PER and TIM with the dCLOCK-CYC complex probably contribute to rhythmic expression of per and tim.  (+info)

mCRY1 and mCRY2 are essential components of the negative limb of the circadian clock feedback loop. (2/580)

We determined that two mouse cryptochrome genes, mCry1 and mCry2, act in the negative limb of the clock feedback loop. In cell lines, mPER proteins (alone or in combination) have modest effects on their cellular location and ability to inhibit CLOCK:BMAL1 -mediated transcription. This suggested cryptochrome involvement in the negative limb of the feedback loop. Indeed, mCry1 and mCry2 RNA levels are reduced in the central and peripheral clocks of Clock/Clock mutant mice. mCRY1 and mCRY2 are nuclear proteins that interact with each of the mPER proteins, translocate each mPER protein from cytoplasm to nucleus, and are rhythmically expressed in the suprachiasmatic circadian clock. Luciferase reporter gene assays show that mCRY1 or mCRY2 alone abrogates CLOCK:BMAL1-E box-mediated transcription. The mPER and mCRY proteins appear to inhibit the transcriptional complex differentially.  (+info)

Requirement of circadian genes for cocaine sensitization in Drosophila. (3/580)

The circadian clock consists of a feedback loop in which clock genes are rhythmically expressed, giving rise to cycling levels of RNA and proteins. Four of the five circadian genes identified to date influence responsiveness to freebase cocaine in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Sensitization to repeated cocaine exposures, a phenomenon also seen in humans and animal models and associated with enhanced drug craving, is eliminated in flies mutant for period, clock, cycle, and doubletime, but not in flies lacking the gene timeless. Flies that do not sensitize owing to lack of these genes do not show the induction of tyrosine decarboxylase normally seen after cocaine exposure. These findings indicate unexpected roles for these genes in regulating cocaine sensitization and indicate that they function as regulators of tyrosine decarboxylase.  (+info)

Interlocked feedback loops within the Drosophila circadian oscillator. (4/580)

Drosophila Clock (dClk) is rhythmically expressed, with peaks in mRNA and protein (dCLK) abundance early in the morning. dClk mRNA cycling is shown here to be regulated by PERIOD-TIMELESS (PER-TIM)-mediated release of dCLK- and CYCLE (CYC)-dependent repression. Lack of both PER-TIM derepression and dCLK-CYC repression results in high levels of dClk mRNA, which implies that a separate dClk activator is present. These results demonstrate that the Drosophila circadian feedback loop is composed of two interlocked negative feedback loops: a per-tim loop, which is activated by dCLK-CYC and repressed by PER-TIM, and a dClk loop, which is repressed by dCLK-CYC and derepressed by PER-TIM.  (+info)

Light-independent role of CRY1 and CRY2 in the mammalian circadian clock. (5/580)

Cryptochrome (CRY), a photoreceptor for the circadian clock in Drosophila, binds to the clock component TIM in a light-dependent fashion and blocks its function. In mammals, genetic evidence suggests a role for CRYs within the clock, distinct from hypothetical photoreceptor functions. Mammalian CRY1 and CRY2 are here shown to act as light-independent inhibitors of CLOCK-BMAL1, the activator driving Per1 transcription. CRY1 or CRY2 (or both) showed light-independent interactions with CLOCK and BMAL1, as well as with PER1, PER2, and TIM. Thus, mammalian CRYs act as light-independent components of the circadian clock and probably regulate Per1 transcriptional cycling by contacting both the activator and its feedback inhibitors.  (+info)

Cycling vrille expression is required for a functional Drosophila clock. (6/580)

We identified a novel regulatory loop within Drosophila's circadian clock. A screen for clock-controlled genes recovered vrille (vri), a transcription factor essential for embryonic development. vri is expressed in circadian pacemaker cells in larval and adult brains. vri RNA levels oscillate with a circadian rhythm. Cycling is directly regulated by the transcription factors dCLOCK and CYCLE, which are also required for oscillations of period and timeless RNA. Eliminating the normal vri cycle suppresses period and timeless expression and causes long-period behavioral rhythms and arrhythmicity, indicating that cycling vri is required for a functional Drosophila clock. We also show that dCLOCK and VRI independently regulate levels of a neuropeptide, pigment dispersing factor, which appears to regulate overt behavior.  (+info)

Phosphorylation of the Neurospora clock protein FREQUENCY determines its degradation rate and strongly influences the period length of the circadian clock. (7/580)

Under free running conditions, FREQUENCY (FRQ) protein, a central component of the Neurospora circadian clock, is progressively phosphorylated, becoming highly phosphorylated before its degradation late in the circadian day. To understand the biological function of FRQ phosphorylation, kinase inhibitors were used to block FRQ phosphorylation in vivo and the effects on FRQ and the clock observed. 6-dimethylaminopurine (a general kinase inhibitor) is able to block FRQ phosphorylation in vivo, reducing the rate of phosphorylation and the degradation of FRQ and lengthening the period of the clock in a dose-dependent manner. To confirm the role of FRQ phosphorylation in this clock effect, phosphorylation sites in FRQ were identified by systematic mutagenesis of the FRQ ORF. The mutation of one phosphorylation site at Ser-513 leads to a dramatic reduction of the rate of FRQ degradation and a very long period (>30 hr) of the clock. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that FRQ phosphorylation triggers its degradation, and the degradation rate of FRQ is a major determining factor for the period length of the Neurospora circadian clock.  (+info)

dCLOCK is present in limiting amounts and likely mediates daily interactions between the dCLOCK-CYC transcription factor and the PER-TIM complex. (8/580)

In Drosophila melanogaster four circadian clock proteins termed PERIOD (PER), TIMELESS (TIM), dCLOCK (dCLK), and CYCLE (CYC/dBMAL1) function in a transcriptional feedback loop that is a core element of the oscillator mechanism. dCLK and CYC are members of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)/PAS (PER-ARNT-SIM) superfamily of transcription factors and are required for high-level expression of per and tim and repression of dClk, whereas PER and TIM inhibit dCLK-CYC-mediated transcription and lead to the activation of dClk. To understand further the dynamic regulation within the circadian oscillator mechanism, we biochemically characterized in vivo-produced CYC, determined the interactions of the four clock proteins, and calculated their absolute levels as a function of time. Our results indicate that throughout a daily cycle the majority of the dCLK present in adult heads stably interacts with CYC, indicating that CYC is the primary in vivo partner of dCLK. dCLK-CYC dimers are bound by PER and TIM during the late evening and early morning, suggesting the formation of a tetrameric complex with impaired transcriptional activity. Although dCLK is present in limiting amounts and CYC is by far the most abundant of the four clock proteins that have been examined, PER and TIM appear to interact preferentially with dCLK. Our results suggest that dCLK is the main component regulating the daily abundance of transcriptionally active dCLK-CYC complexes.  (+info)

CLOCK proteins are a pair of transcription factors, CIRCADIAN LOComotor OUTPUT Cycles Kaput (CLOCK) and BMAL1 (brain and muscle ARNT-like 1), that play a critical role in the regulation of circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are biological processes that follow an approximately 24-hour cycle, driven by molecular mechanisms within cells.

The CLOCK and BMAL1 proteins form a heterodimer, which binds to E-box elements in the promoter regions of target genes. This binding activates the transcription of these genes, leading to the production of proteins that are involved in various cellular processes. After being transcribed and translated, some of these proteins feed back to inhibit the activity of the CLOCK-BMAL1 heterodimer, forming a negative feedback loop that is essential for the oscillation of circadian rhythms.

The regulation of circadian rhythms by CLOCK proteins has implications in many physiological processes, including sleep-wake cycles, metabolism, hormone secretion, and cellular proliferation. Dysregulation of these rhythms has been linked to various diseases, such as sleep disorders, metabolic disorders, and cancer.

Circadian clocks are biological systems found in living organisms that regulate the daily rhythmic activities and functions with a period of approximately 24 hours. These internal timekeeping mechanisms control various physiological processes, such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, body temperature, and metabolism, aligning them with the external environment's light-dark cycle.

The circadian clock consists of two major components: the central or master clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus in mammals, and peripheral clocks present in nearly every cell throughout the body. The molecular mechanisms underlying these clocks involve interconnected transcriptional-translational feedback loops of several clock genes and their protein products. These genetic components generate rhythmic oscillations that drive the expression of clock-controlled genes (CCGs), which in turn regulate numerous downstream targets responsible for coordinating daily physiological and behavioral rhythms.

Circadian clocks can be synchronized or entrained to external environmental cues, mainly by light exposure. This allows organisms to adapt their internal timekeeping to the changing day-night cycles and maintain proper synchronization with the environment. Desynchronization between the internal circadian system and external environmental factors can lead to various health issues, including sleep disorders, mood disturbances, cognitive impairment, metabolic dysregulation, and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Circadian rhythm signaling peptides and proteins are molecules that play a crucial role in the regulation of circadian rhythms, which are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. These rhythms are driven by the body's internal clock, which is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus.

The circadian rhythm is regulated by a complex network of signaling pathways involving both peptides and proteins. These molecules help to coordinate various physiological processes, such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, metabolism, and body temperature, with the external environment.

Some examples of circadian rhythm signaling peptides and proteins include:

1. PERIOD (PER) proteins: These are a family of proteins that play a central role in the regulation of the circadian clock. They form complexes with other clock proteins, such as CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) proteins, to inhibit the activity of transcription factors that drive the expression of clock genes.
2. CLOCK and BMAL1: These are transcription factors that bind to DNA and promote the expression of clock genes, including PER and CRY. They form a heterodimer that binds to specific DNA sequences called E-boxes to activate gene transcription.
3. REV-ERBα and RORα: These are nuclear receptors that regulate the expression of BMAL1 and other clock genes. REV-ERBα inhibits the expression of BMAL1, while RORα activates it.
4. Melatonin: This is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that helps to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Its production is controlled by light exposure and is highest at night.
5. Cortisol: This is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland that helps to regulate metabolism, immune function, and stress response. Its levels are highest in the morning and decrease throughout the day.

Overall, circadian rhythm signaling peptides and proteins play a critical role in maintaining the proper functioning of various physiological processes, including sleep-wake cycles, metabolism, and immune function. Dysregulation of these pathways has been linked to several diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Period (PER) circadian proteins are a group of proteins that play a crucial role in the regulation of circadian rhythms, which are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. They are named after the PERIOD gene, whose protein product is one of the key components of the molecular circadian clock mechanism.

The molecular clock is a self-sustaining oscillator present in most organisms, from cyanobacteria to humans. In mammals, the molecular clock consists of two interlocking transcriptional-translational feedback loops that generate rhythmic expression of clock genes and their protein products with a period of approximately 24 hours.

The primary loop involves the positive regulators CLOCK and BMAL1, which heterodimerize and bind to E-box elements in the promoter regions of target genes, including PERIOD (PER) and CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) genes. Upon transcription and translation, PER and CRY proteins form a complex that translocates back into the nucleus, where it inhibits CLOCK-BMAL1-mediated transcription, thereby suppressing its own expression. After a certain period, the repressive complex dissociates, allowing for another cycle of transcription and translation to occur.

The second loop involves the regulation of additional clock genes such as REV-ERBα and RORα, which compete for binding to ROR response elements (ROREs) in the BMAL1 promoter, thereby modulating its expression level. REV-ERBα also represses PER and CRY transcription by recruiting histone deacetylases (HDACs) and nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCOR1).

Overall, Period circadian proteins are essential for the proper functioning of the molecular clock and the regulation of various physiological processes, including sleep-wake cycles, metabolism, hormone secretion, and cellular homeostasis. Dysregulation of these proteins has been implicated in several diseases, such as sleep disorders, metabolic syndromes, and cancer.

"Biological clocks" refer to the internal time-keeping systems in living organisms that regulate the timing of various physiological processes and behaviors according to a daily (circadian) rhythm. These rhythms are driven by genetic mechanisms and can be influenced by environmental factors such as light and temperature.

In humans, biological clocks help regulate functions such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body temperature, and metabolism. Disruptions to these internal timekeeping systems have been linked to various health problems, including sleep disorders, mood disorders, and cognitive impairment.

A circadian rhythm is a roughly 24-hour biological cycle that regulates various physiological and behavioral processes in living organisms. It is driven by the body's internal clock, which is primarily located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus in the brain.

The circadian rhythm controls many aspects of human physiology, including sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, body temperature, and metabolism. It helps to synchronize these processes with the external environment, particularly the day-night cycle caused by the rotation of the Earth.

Disruptions to the circadian rhythm can have negative effects on health, leading to conditions such as insomnia, sleep disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and even increased risk of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Factors that can disrupt the circadian rhythm include shift work, jet lag, irregular sleep schedules, and exposure to artificial light at night.

ARNTL (aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like) transcription factors, also known as BMAL1 (brain and muscle ARNT-like 1), are proteins that bind to DNA and promote the expression of specific genes. They play a critical role in regulating circadian rhythms, which are the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle.

ARNTL transcription factors form heterodimers with another set of transcription factors called CLOCK (circadian locomotor output cycles kaput) proteins. Together, these complexes bind to specific DNA sequences known as E-boxes in the promoter regions of target genes. This binding leads to the recruitment of other cofactors and the activation of gene transcription.

ARNTL transcription factors are part of a larger negative feedback loop that regulates circadian rhythms. After activating gene transcription, ARNTL-CLOCK complexes eventually lead to the production of proteins that inhibit their own activity, creating a cycle that repeats approximately every 24 hours.

Disruptions in the function of ARNTL transcription factors have been linked to various circadian rhythm disorders and other health conditions, including sleep disorders, mood disorders, and cancer.

Cryptochromes are a type of photoreceptor protein found in plants and animals, including humans. They play a crucial role in regulating various biological processes such as circadian rhythms (the internal "body clock" that regulates sleep-wake cycles), DNA repair, and magnetoreception (the ability to perceive magnetic fields).

In humans, cryptochromes are primarily expressed in the retina of the eye and in various tissues throughout the body. They contain a light-sensitive cofactor called flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) that allows them to absorb blue light and convert it into chemical signals. These signals then interact with other proteins and signaling pathways to regulate gene expression and cellular responses.

In plants, cryptochromes are involved in the regulation of growth and development, including seed germination, stem elongation, and flowering time. They also play a role in the plant's ability to sense and respond to changes in light quality and duration, which is important for optimizing photosynthesis and survival.

Overall, cryptochromes are an essential component of many biological processes and have been the subject of extensive research in recent years due to their potential roles in human health and disease.

Casein Kinase 1 Epsilon (CSNK1E or CK1ε) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that plays a role in various cellular processes, including the regulation of circadian rhythms, DNA damage response, and Wnt signaling pathway. It phosphorylates specific serine and threonine residues on its target proteins, thereby modulating their activity, localization, or stability. Mutations in the CSNK1E gene have been associated with certain human diseases, such as Familiial Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder (FASPD).

Flavoproteins are a type of protein molecule that contain noncovalently bound flavin mononucleotide (FMN) or flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as cofactors. These flavin cofactors play a crucial role in redox reactions, acting as electron carriers in various metabolic pathways such as cellular respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. Flavoproteins are involved in several biological processes, including the breakdown of fatty acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates, as well as the synthesis of steroids and other lipids. They can also function as enzymes that catalyze various redox reactions, such as oxidases, dehydrogenases, and reductases. Flavoproteins are widely distributed in nature and found in many organisms, from bacteria to humans.

Photoperiod is a term used in chronobiology, which is the study of biological rhythms and their synchronization with environmental cycles. In medicine, photoperiod specifically refers to the duration of light and darkness in a 24-hour period, which can significantly impact various physiological processes in living organisms, including humans.

In human medicine, photoperiod is often considered in relation to circadian rhythms, which are internal biological clocks that regulate several functions such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, and metabolism. The length of the photoperiod can influence these rhythms and contribute to the development or management of certain medical conditions, like mood disorders, sleep disturbances, and metabolic disorders.

For instance, exposure to natural daylight or artificial light sources with specific intensities and wavelengths during particular times of the day can help regulate circadian rhythms and improve overall health. Conversely, disruptions in the photoperiod due to factors like shift work, jet lag, or artificial lighting can lead to desynchronization of circadian rhythms and related health issues.

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a small region located in the hypothalamus of the brain, just above the optic chiasm where the optic nerves from each eye cross. It is considered to be the primary circadian pacemaker in mammals, responsible for generating and maintaining the body's internal circadian rhythm, which is a roughly 24-hour cycle that regulates various physiological processes such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, and metabolism.

The SCN receives direct input from retinal ganglion cells, which are sensitive to light and dark signals. This information helps the SCN synchronize the internal circadian rhythm with the external environment, allowing it to adjust to changes in day length and other environmental cues. The SCN then sends signals to other parts of the brain and body to regulate various functions according to the time of day.

Disruption of the SCN's function can lead to a variety of circadian rhythm disorders, such as jet lag, shift work disorder, and advanced or delayed sleep phase syndrome.

E-box elements are specific DNA sequences found in the promoter regions of many genes, particularly those involved in controlling the circadian rhythm (the biological "body clock") in mammals. These sequences are binding sites for various transcription factors that regulate gene expression. The E-box element is typically a 12-base pair sequence (5'-CACGTG-3') that can form a stem-loop structure, making it an ideal recognition site for helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription factors.

There are two types of E-box elements: the canonical E-box (also called the ' evening element' or EE), and the non-canonical E-box (also known as the ' dawn element' or DE). The canonical E-box has a palindromic sequence (5'-CACGTG-3'), while the non-canonical E-box contains a single copy of the core motif (5'-CACGT-3').

The most well-known transcription factors that bind to E-box elements are CLOCK and BMAL1, which form heterodimers through their HLH domains. These heterodimers bind to the canonical E-box element in the promoter regions of target genes, leading to the recruitment of other coactivators and histone acetyltransferases that ultimately result in transcriptional activation.

The activity of CLOCK-BMAL1 complexes follows a circadian rhythm, with peak binding and gene expression occurring during the early night (evening) phase. In contrast, non-canonical E-box elements are bound by other transcription factors such as PERIOD (PER) proteins, which accumulate and repress CLOCK-BMAL1-mediated transcription during the late night to early morning (dawn) phase.

Overall, E-box elements play a crucial role in regulating circadian rhythm-controlled gene expression, contributing to various physiological processes such as sleep-wake cycles, metabolism, and hormone secretion.

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are a type of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis, similar to plants. They can produce oxygen and contain chlorophyll a, which gives them a greenish color. Some species of cyanobacteria can produce toxins that can be harmful to humans and animals if ingested or inhaled. They are found in various aquatic environments such as freshwater lakes, ponds, and oceans, as well as in damp soil and on rocks. Cyanobacteria are important contributors to the Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere and play a significant role in the global carbon cycle.

Casein Kinase 1 Delta (CK1δ) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that plays a crucial role in various cellular processes, including the regulation of circadian rhythms, DNA damage response, and Wnt signaling pathway. It phosphorylates specific target proteins on serine or threonine residues, thereby modulating their activity, stability, or localization. CK1δ is widely expressed in various tissues and has been implicated in several diseases, such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and inflammatory conditions. Inhibitors of CK1δ are being investigated as potential therapeutic agents for these diseases.

I apologize for the confusion, but "Synechococcus" is not a medical term. It is a genus of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that are widely distributed in marine and freshwater environments. These microorganisms play a significant role in the global carbon and nitrogen cycles. They are often studied in the fields of ecology, microbiology, and environmental science. If you have any questions related to medical terminology or concepts, I would be happy to help!

'Drosophila proteins' refer to the proteins that are expressed in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. This organism is a widely used model system in genetics, developmental biology, and molecular biology research. The study of Drosophila proteins has contributed significantly to our understanding of various biological processes, including gene regulation, cell signaling, development, and aging.

Some examples of well-studied Drosophila proteins include:

1. HSP70 (Heat Shock Protein 70): A chaperone protein involved in protein folding and protection from stress conditions.
2. TUBULIN: A structural protein that forms microtubules, important for cell division and intracellular transport.
3. ACTIN: A cytoskeletal protein involved in muscle contraction, cell motility, and maintenance of cell shape.
4. BETA-GALACTOSIDASE (LACZ): A reporter protein often used to monitor gene expression patterns in transgenic flies.
5. ENDOGLIN: A protein involved in the development of blood vessels during embryogenesis.
6. P53: A tumor suppressor protein that plays a crucial role in preventing cancer by regulating cell growth and division.
7. JUN-KINASE (JNK): A signaling protein involved in stress response, apoptosis, and developmental processes.
8. DECAPENTAPLEGIC (DPP): A member of the TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor Beta) superfamily, playing essential roles in embryonic development and tissue homeostasis.

These proteins are often studied using various techniques such as biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and structural biology to understand their functions, interactions, and regulation within the cell.

In the context of medical terminology, "light" doesn't have a specific or standardized definition on its own. However, it can be used in various medical terms and phrases. For example, it could refer to:

1. Visible light: The range of electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye, typically between wavelengths of 400-700 nanometers. This is relevant in fields such as ophthalmology and optometry.
2. Therapeutic use of light: In some therapies, light is used to treat certain conditions. An example is phototherapy, which uses various wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) or visible light for conditions like newborn jaundice, skin disorders, or seasonal affective disorder.
3. Light anesthesia: A state of reduced consciousness in which the patient remains responsive to verbal commands and physical stimulation. This is different from general anesthesia where the patient is completely unconscious.
4. Pain relief using light: Certain devices like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units have a 'light' setting, indicating lower intensity or frequency of electrical impulses used for pain management.

Without more context, it's hard to provide a precise medical definition of 'light'.

Neurospora is not a medical term, but a genus of fungi commonly found in the environment. It is often used in scientific research, particularly in the fields of genetics and molecular biology. The most common species used in research is Neurospora crassa, which has been studied extensively due to its haploid nature, simple genetic structure, and rapid growth rate. Research using Neurospora has contributed significantly to our understanding of fundamental biological processes such as gene regulation, metabolism, and circadian rhythms.

Basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) transcription factors are a type of proteins that regulate gene expression through binding to specific DNA sequences. They play crucial roles in various biological processes, including cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. The bHLH domain is composed of two amphipathic α-helices separated by a loop region. This structure allows the formation of homodimers or heterodimers, which then bind to the E-box DNA motif (5'-CANNTG-3') to regulate transcription.

The bHLH family can be further divided into several subfamilies based on their sequence similarities and functional characteristics. Some members of this family are involved in the development and function of the nervous system, while others play critical roles in the development of muscle and bone. Dysregulation of bHLH transcription factors has been implicated in various human diseases, including cancer and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Nuclear proteins are a category of proteins that are primarily found in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. They play crucial roles in various nuclear functions, such as DNA replication, transcription, repair, and RNA processing. This group includes structural proteins like lamins, which form the nuclear lamina, and regulatory proteins, such as histones and transcription factors, that are involved in gene expression. Nuclear localization signals (NLS) often help target these proteins to the nucleus by interacting with importin proteins during active transport across the nuclear membrane.

Photoreceptor cells in invertebrates are specialized sensory neurons that convert light stimuli into electrical signals. These cells are primarily responsible for the ability of many invertebrates to detect and respond to light, enabling behaviors such as phototaxis (movement towards or away from light) and vision.

Invertebrate photoreceptor cells typically contain light-sensitive pigments that absorb light at specific wavelengths. The most common type of photopigment is rhodopsin, which consists of a protein called opsin and a chromophore called retinal. When light hits the photopigment, it changes the conformation of the chromophore, triggering a cascade of molecular events that ultimately leads to the generation of an electrical signal.

Invertebrate photoreceptor cells can be found in various locations throughout the body, depending on their function. For example, simple eyespots containing a few photoreceptor cells may be scattered over the surface of the body in some species, while more complex eyes with hundreds or thousands of photoreceptors may be present in other groups. In addition to their role in vision, photoreceptor cells can also serve as sensory organs for regulating circadian rhythms, detecting changes in light intensity, and mediating social behaviors.

Transcription factors are proteins that play a crucial role in regulating gene expression by controlling the transcription of DNA to messenger RNA (mRNA). They function by binding to specific DNA sequences, known as response elements, located in the promoter region or enhancer regions of target genes. This binding can either activate or repress the initiation of transcription, depending on the properties and interactions of the particular transcription factor. Transcription factors often act as part of a complex network of regulatory proteins that determine the precise spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression during development, differentiation, and homeostasis in an organism.

Physiological feedback, also known as biofeedback, is a technique used to train an individual to become more aware of and gain voluntary control over certain physiological processes that are normally involuntary, such as heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, muscle tension, and brain activity. This is done by using specialized equipment to measure these processes and provide real-time feedback to the individual, allowing them to see the effects of their thoughts and actions on their body. Over time, with practice and reinforcement, the individual can learn to regulate these processes without the need for external feedback.

Physiological feedback has been found to be effective in treating a variety of medical conditions, including stress-related disorders, headaches, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and anxiety disorders. It is also used as a performance enhancement technique in sports and other activities that require focused attention and physical control.

"Drosophila" is a genus of small flies, also known as fruit flies. The most common species used in scientific research is "Drosophila melanogaster," which has been a valuable model organism for many areas of biological and medical research, including genetics, developmental biology, neurobiology, and aging.

The use of Drosophila as a model organism has led to numerous important discoveries in genetics and molecular biology, such as the identification of genes that are associated with human diseases like cancer, Parkinson's disease, and obesity. The short reproductive cycle, large number of offspring, and ease of genetic manipulation make Drosophila a powerful tool for studying complex biological processes.

Trans-activators are proteins that increase the transcriptional activity of a gene or a set of genes. They do this by binding to specific DNA sequences and interacting with the transcription machinery, thereby enhancing the recruitment and assembly of the complexes needed for transcription. In some cases, trans-activators can also modulate the chromatin structure to make the template more accessible to the transcription machinery.

In the context of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection, the term "trans-activator" is often used specifically to refer to the Tat protein. The Tat protein is a viral regulatory protein that plays a critical role in the replication of HIV by activating the transcription of the viral genome. It does this by binding to a specific RNA structure called the Trans-Activation Response Element (TAR) located at the 5' end of all nascent HIV transcripts, and recruiting cellular cofactors that enhance the processivity and efficiency of RNA polymerase II, leading to increased viral gene expression.

Cell cycle proteins are a group of regulatory proteins that control the progression of the cell cycle, which is the series of events that take place in a eukaryotic cell leading to its division and duplication. These proteins can be classified into several categories based on their functions during different stages of the cell cycle.

The major groups of cell cycle proteins include:

1. Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs): CDKs are serine/threonine protein kinases that regulate key transitions in the cell cycle. They require binding to a regulatory subunit called cyclin to become active. Different CDK-cyclin complexes are activated at different stages of the cell cycle.
2. Cyclins: Cyclins are a family of regulatory proteins that bind and activate CDKs. Their levels fluctuate throughout the cell cycle, with specific cyclins expressed during particular phases. For example, cyclin D is important for the G1 to S phase transition, while cyclin B is required for the G2 to M phase transition.
3. CDK inhibitors (CKIs): CKIs are regulatory proteins that bind to and inhibit CDKs, thereby preventing their activation. CKIs can be divided into two main families: the INK4 family and the Cip/Kip family. INK4 family members specifically inhibit CDK4 and CDK6, while Cip/Kip family members inhibit a broader range of CDKs.
4. Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C): APC/C is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets specific proteins for degradation by the 26S proteasome. During the cell cycle, APC/C regulates the metaphase to anaphase transition and the exit from mitosis by targeting securin and cyclin B for degradation.
5. Other regulatory proteins: Several other proteins play crucial roles in regulating the cell cycle, such as p53, a transcription factor that responds to DNA damage and arrests the cell cycle, and the polo-like kinases (PLKs), which are involved in various aspects of mitosis.

Overall, cell cycle proteins work together to ensure the proper progression of the cell cycle, maintain genomic stability, and prevent uncontrolled cell growth, which can lead to cancer.

'Gene expression regulation' refers to the processes that control whether, when, and where a particular gene is expressed, meaning the production of a specific protein or functional RNA encoded by that gene. This complex mechanism can be influenced by various factors such as transcription factors, chromatin remodeling, DNA methylation, non-coding RNAs, and post-transcriptional modifications, among others. Proper regulation of gene expression is crucial for normal cellular function, development, and maintaining homeostasis in living organisms. Dysregulation of gene expression can lead to various diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders.

"Neurospora crassa" is not a medical term, but it is a scientific name used in the field of biology. It refers to a type of filamentous fungus that belongs to the phylum Ascomycota. This organism is commonly found in the environment and has been widely used as a model system for studying various biological processes, including genetics, cell biology, and molecular biology.

"Neurospora crassa" has a characteristic red pigment that makes it easy to identify, and it reproduces sexually through the formation of specialized structures called ascocarps or "fruiting bodies." The fungus undergoes meiosis inside these structures, resulting in the production of ascospores, which are haploid spores that can germinate and form new individuals.

The genome of "Neurospora crassa" was one of the first fungal genomes to be sequenced, and it has served as an important tool for understanding fundamental biological processes in eukaryotic cells. However, because it is not a medical term, there is no official medical definition for "Neurospora crassa."

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Insect Proteins" is not a recognized medical term. However, I can provide some information about insect protein from a nutritional and food science perspective.

Insect proteins refer to the proteins that are obtained from insects. Insects are a rich source of protein, and their protein content varies by species. For example, mealworms and crickets have been found to contain approximately 47-63% and 60-72% protein by dry weight, respectively.

In recent years, insect proteins have gained attention as a potential sustainable source of nutrition due to their high protein content, low environmental impact, and the ability to convert feed into protein more efficiently compared to traditional livestock. Insect proteins can be used in various applications such as food and feed additives, nutritional supplements, and even cosmetics.

However, it's important to note that the use of insect proteins in human food is not widely accepted in many Western countries due to cultural and regulatory barriers. Nonetheless, research and development efforts continue to explore the potential benefits and applications of insect proteins in the global food system.

A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of an organism's genome. Mutations can occur spontaneously or be caused by environmental factors such as exposure to radiation, chemicals, or viruses. They may have various effects on the organism, ranging from benign to harmful, depending on where they occur and whether they alter the function of essential proteins. In some cases, mutations can increase an individual's susceptibility to certain diseases or disorders, while in others, they may confer a survival advantage. Mutations are the driving force behind evolution, as they introduce new genetic variability into populations, which can then be acted upon by natural selection.

Phosphorylation is the process of adding a phosphate group (a molecule consisting of one phosphorus atom and four oxygen atoms) to a protein or other organic molecule, which is usually done by enzymes called kinases. This post-translational modification can change the function, localization, or activity of the target molecule, playing a crucial role in various cellular processes such as signal transduction, metabolism, and regulation of gene expression. Phosphorylation is reversible, and the removal of the phosphate group is facilitated by enzymes called phosphatases.

Biological models, also known as physiological models or organismal models, are simplified representations of biological systems, processes, or mechanisms that are used to understand and explain the underlying principles and relationships. These models can be theoretical (conceptual or mathematical) or physical (such as anatomical models, cell cultures, or animal models). They are widely used in biomedical research to study various phenomena, including disease pathophysiology, drug action, and therapeutic interventions.

Examples of biological models include:

1. Mathematical models: These use mathematical equations and formulas to describe complex biological systems or processes, such as population dynamics, metabolic pathways, or gene regulation networks. They can help predict the behavior of these systems under different conditions and test hypotheses about their underlying mechanisms.
2. Cell cultures: These are collections of cells grown in a controlled environment, typically in a laboratory dish or flask. They can be used to study cellular processes, such as signal transduction, gene expression, or metabolism, and to test the effects of drugs or other treatments on these processes.
3. Animal models: These are living organisms, usually vertebrates like mice, rats, or non-human primates, that are used to study various aspects of human biology and disease. They can provide valuable insights into the pathophysiology of diseases, the mechanisms of drug action, and the safety and efficacy of new therapies.
4. Anatomical models: These are physical representations of biological structures or systems, such as plastic models of organs or tissues, that can be used for educational purposes or to plan surgical procedures. They can also serve as a basis for developing more sophisticated models, such as computer simulations or 3D-printed replicas.

Overall, biological models play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of biology and medicine, helping to identify new targets for therapeutic intervention, develop novel drugs and treatments, and improve human health.

Bacterial proteins are a type of protein that are produced by bacteria as part of their structural or functional components. These proteins can be involved in various cellular processes, such as metabolism, DNA replication, transcription, and translation. They can also play a role in bacterial pathogenesis, helping the bacteria to evade the host's immune system, acquire nutrients, and multiply within the host.

Bacterial proteins can be classified into different categories based on their function, such as:

1. Enzymes: Proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in the bacterial cell.
2. Structural proteins: Proteins that provide structural support and maintain the shape of the bacterial cell.
3. Signaling proteins: Proteins that help bacteria to communicate with each other and coordinate their behavior.
4. Transport proteins: Proteins that facilitate the movement of molecules across the bacterial cell membrane.
5. Toxins: Proteins that are produced by pathogenic bacteria to damage host cells and promote infection.
6. Surface proteins: Proteins that are located on the surface of the bacterial cell and interact with the environment or host cells.

Understanding the structure and function of bacterial proteins is important for developing new antibiotics, vaccines, and other therapeutic strategies to combat bacterial infections.

"Motor activity" is a general term used in the field of medicine and neuroscience to refer to any kind of physical movement or action that is generated by the body's motor system. The motor system includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles that work together to produce movements such as walking, talking, reaching for an object, or even subtle actions like moving your eyes.

Motor activity can be voluntary, meaning it is initiated intentionally by the individual, or involuntary, meaning it is triggered automatically by the nervous system without conscious control. Examples of voluntary motor activity include deliberately lifting your arm or kicking a ball, while examples of involuntary motor activity include heartbeat, digestion, and reflex actions like jerking your hand away from a hot stove.

Abnormalities in motor activity can be a sign of neurological or muscular disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, or multiple sclerosis. Assessment of motor activity is often used in the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.

Molecular sequence data refers to the specific arrangement of molecules, most commonly nucleotides in DNA or RNA, or amino acids in proteins, that make up a biological macromolecule. This data is generated through laboratory techniques such as sequencing, and provides information about the exact order of the constituent molecules. This data is crucial in various fields of biology, including genetics, evolution, and molecular biology, allowing for comparisons between different organisms, identification of genetic variations, and studies of gene function and regulation.

'Drosophila melanogaster' is the scientific name for a species of fruit fly that is commonly used as a model organism in various fields of biological research, including genetics, developmental biology, and evolutionary biology. Its small size, short generation time, large number of offspring, and ease of cultivation make it an ideal subject for laboratory studies. The fruit fly's genome has been fully sequenced, and many of its genes have counterparts in the human genome, which facilitates the understanding of genetic mechanisms and their role in human health and disease.

Here is a brief medical definition:

Drosophila melanogaster (droh-suh-fih-luh meh-lon-guh-ster): A species of fruit fly used extensively as a model organism in genetic, developmental, and evolutionary research. Its genome has been sequenced, revealing many genes with human counterparts, making it valuable for understanding genetic mechanisms and their role in human health and disease.

Genetically modified animals (GMAs) are those whose genetic makeup has been altered using biotechnological techniques. This is typically done by introducing one or more genes from another species into the animal's genome, resulting in a new trait or characteristic that does not naturally occur in that species. The introduced gene is often referred to as a transgene.

The process of creating GMAs involves several steps:

1. Isolation: The desired gene is isolated from the DNA of another organism.
2. Transfer: The isolated gene is transferred into the target animal's cells, usually using a vector such as a virus or bacterium.
3. Integration: The transgene integrates into the animal's chromosome, becoming a permanent part of its genetic makeup.
4. Selection: The modified cells are allowed to multiply, and those that contain the transgene are selected for further growth and development.
5. Breeding: The genetically modified individuals are bred to produce offspring that carry the desired trait.

GMAs have various applications in research, agriculture, and medicine. In research, they can serve as models for studying human diseases or testing new therapies. In agriculture, GMAs can be developed to exhibit enhanced growth rates, improved disease resistance, or increased nutritional value. In medicine, GMAs may be used to produce pharmaceuticals or other therapeutic agents within their bodies.

Examples of genetically modified animals include mice with added genes for specific proteins that make them useful models for studying human diseases, goats that produce a human protein in their milk to treat hemophilia, and pigs with enhanced resistance to certain viruses that could potentially be used as organ donors for humans.

It is important to note that the use of genetically modified animals raises ethical concerns related to animal welfare, environmental impact, and potential risks to human health. These issues must be carefully considered and addressed when developing and implementing GMA technologies.

"Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 1, Group D, Member 1" is a gene that encodes for the estrogen receptor alpha (ER-α). ER-α is a type of nuclear receptor protein that binds to estrogen, a female sex hormone, and mediates various biological responses such as cell growth, differentiation, and reproduction. The gene is also known as "ESR1" in medical and scientific literature. Mutations in this gene have been associated with various types of cancer, particularly breast cancer.

Arabidopsis proteins refer to the proteins that are encoded by the genes in the Arabidopsis thaliana plant, which is a model organism commonly used in plant biology research. This small flowering plant has a compact genome and a short life cycle, making it an ideal subject for studying various biological processes in plants.

Arabidopsis proteins play crucial roles in many cellular functions, such as metabolism, signaling, regulation of gene expression, response to environmental stresses, and developmental processes. Research on Arabidopsis proteins has contributed significantly to our understanding of plant biology and has provided valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying various agronomic traits.

Some examples of Arabidopsis proteins include transcription factors, kinases, phosphatases, receptors, enzymes, and structural proteins. These proteins can be studied using a variety of techniques, such as biochemical assays, protein-protein interaction studies, and genetic approaches, to understand their functions and regulatory mechanisms in plants.

An amino acid sequence is the specific order of amino acids in a protein or peptide molecule, formed by the linking of the amino group (-NH2) of one amino acid to the carboxyl group (-COOH) of another amino acid through a peptide bond. The sequence is determined by the genetic code and is unique to each type of protein or peptide. It plays a crucial role in determining the three-dimensional structure and function of proteins.

'Arabidopsis' is a genus of small flowering plants that are part of the mustard family (Brassicaceae). The most commonly studied species within this genus is 'Arabidopsis thaliana', which is often used as a model organism in plant biology and genetics research. This plant is native to Eurasia and Africa, and it has a small genome that has been fully sequenced. It is known for its short life cycle, self-fertilization, and ease of growth, making it an ideal subject for studying various aspects of plant biology, including development, metabolism, and response to environmental stresses.

Genetic transcription is the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is used to create a complementary RNA molecule. This process is the first step in gene expression, where the genetic code in DNA is converted into a form that can be used to produce proteins or functional RNAs.

During transcription, an enzyme called RNA polymerase binds to the DNA template strand and reads the sequence of nucleotide bases. As it moves along the template, it adds complementary RNA nucleotides to the growing RNA chain, creating a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to the DNA template strand. Once transcription is complete, the RNA molecule may undergo further processing before it can be translated into protein or perform its functional role in the cell.

Transcription can be either "constitutive" or "regulated." Constitutive transcription occurs at a relatively constant rate and produces essential proteins that are required for basic cellular functions. Regulated transcription, on the other hand, is subject to control by various intracellular and extracellular signals, allowing cells to respond to changing environmental conditions or developmental cues.

Fungal proteins are a type of protein that is specifically produced and present in fungi, which are a group of eukaryotic organisms that include microorganisms such as yeasts and molds. These proteins play various roles in the growth, development, and survival of fungi. They can be involved in the structure and function of fungal cells, metabolism, pathogenesis, and other cellular processes. Some fungal proteins can also have important implications for human health, both in terms of their potential use as therapeutic targets and as allergens or toxins that can cause disease.

Fungal proteins can be classified into different categories based on their functions, such as enzymes, structural proteins, signaling proteins, and toxins. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in fungal cells, while structural proteins provide support and protection for the cell. Signaling proteins are involved in communication between cells and regulation of various cellular processes, and toxins are proteins that can cause harm to other organisms, including humans.

Understanding the structure and function of fungal proteins is important for developing new treatments for fungal infections, as well as for understanding the basic biology of fungi. Research on fungal proteins has led to the development of several antifungal drugs that target specific fungal enzymes or other proteins, providing effective treatment options for a range of fungal diseases. Additionally, further study of fungal proteins may reveal new targets for drug development and help improve our ability to diagnose and treat fungal infections.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a type of RNA (ribonucleic acid) that carries genetic information copied from DNA in the form of a series of three-base code "words," each of which specifies a particular amino acid. This information is used by the cell's machinery to construct proteins, a process known as translation. After being transcribed from DNA, mRNA travels out of the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs. Once the protein has been synthesized, the mRNA may be degraded and recycled. Post-transcriptional modifications can also occur to mRNA, such as alternative splicing and addition of a 5' cap and a poly(A) tail, which can affect its stability, localization, and translation efficiency.

Protein binding, in the context of medical and biological sciences, refers to the interaction between a protein and another molecule (known as the ligand) that results in a stable complex. This process is often reversible and can be influenced by various factors such as pH, temperature, and concentration of the involved molecules.

In clinical chemistry, protein binding is particularly important when it comes to drugs, as many of them bind to proteins (especially albumin) in the bloodstream. The degree of protein binding can affect a drug's distribution, metabolism, and excretion, which in turn influence its therapeutic effectiveness and potential side effects.

Protein-bound drugs may be less available for interaction with their target tissues, as only the unbound or "free" fraction of the drug is active. Therefore, understanding protein binding can help optimize dosing regimens and minimize adverse reactions.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Active Transport, Cell Nucleus" is not a widely recognized or established medical term. Active transport typically refers to the energy-dependent process by which cells move molecules across their membranes against their concentration gradient. This process is facilitated by transport proteins and requires ATP as an energy source. However, this process primarily occurs in the cell membrane and not in the cell nucleus.

The cell nucleus, on the other hand, contains genetic material (DNA) and is responsible for controlling various cellular activities such as gene expression, replication, and repair. While there are transport processes that occur within the nucleus, they do not typically involve active transport in the same way that it occurs at the cell membrane.

Therefore, a medical definition of "Active Transport, Cell Nucleus" would not be applicable or informative in this context.

Dimerization is a process in which two molecules, usually proteins or similar structures, bind together to form a larger complex. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as the formation of disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonding, or other non-covalent interactions. Dimerization can play important roles in cell signaling, enzyme function, and the regulation of gene expression.

In the context of medical research and therapy, dimerization is often studied in relation to specific proteins that are involved in diseases such as cancer. For example, some drugs have been developed to target and inhibit the dimerization of certain proteins, with the goal of disrupting their function and slowing or stopping the progression of the disease.

A "knockout" mouse is a genetically engineered mouse in which one or more genes have been deleted or "knocked out" using molecular biology techniques. This allows researchers to study the function of specific genes and their role in various biological processes, as well as potential associations with human diseases. The mice are generated by introducing targeted DNA modifications into embryonic stem cells, which are then used to create a live animal. Knockout mice have been widely used in biomedical research to investigate gene function, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic targets.

Tertiary protein structure refers to the three-dimensional arrangement of all the elements (polypeptide chains) of a single protein molecule. It is the highest level of structural organization and results from interactions between various side chains (R groups) of the amino acids that make up the protein. These interactions, which include hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, van der Waals forces, and disulfide bridges, give the protein its unique shape and stability, which in turn determines its function. The tertiary structure of a protein can be stabilized by various factors such as temperature, pH, and the presence of certain ions. Any changes in these factors can lead to denaturation, where the protein loses its tertiary structure and thus its function.

Post-translational protein processing refers to the modifications and changes that proteins undergo after their synthesis on ribosomes, which are complex molecular machines responsible for protein synthesis. These modifications occur through various biochemical processes and play a crucial role in determining the final structure, function, and stability of the protein.

The process begins with the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) into a linear polypeptide chain, which is then subjected to several post-translational modifications. These modifications can include:

1. Proteolytic cleavage: The removal of specific segments or domains from the polypeptide chain by proteases, resulting in the formation of mature, functional protein subunits.
2. Chemical modifications: Addition or modification of chemical groups to the side chains of amino acids, such as phosphorylation (addition of a phosphate group), glycosylation (addition of sugar moieties), methylation (addition of a methyl group), acetylation (addition of an acetyl group), and ubiquitination (addition of a ubiquitin protein).
3. Disulfide bond formation: The oxidation of specific cysteine residues within the polypeptide chain, leading to the formation of disulfide bonds between them. This process helps stabilize the three-dimensional structure of proteins, particularly in extracellular environments.
4. Folding and assembly: The acquisition of a specific three-dimensional conformation by the polypeptide chain, which is essential for its function. Chaperone proteins assist in this process to ensure proper folding and prevent aggregation.
5. Protein targeting: The directed transport of proteins to their appropriate cellular locations, such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, or plasma membrane. This is often facilitated by specific signal sequences within the protein that are recognized and bound by transport machinery.

Collectively, these post-translational modifications contribute to the functional diversity of proteins in living organisms, allowing them to perform a wide range of cellular processes, including signaling, catalysis, regulation, and structural support.

I am not aware of a medical definition for the term "darkness." In general, darkness refers to the absence of light. It is not a term that is commonly used in the medical field, and it does not have a specific clinical meaning. If you have a question about a specific medical term or concept, I would be happy to try to help you understand it.

Mutagenesis is the process by which the genetic material (DNA or RNA) of an organism is changed in a way that can alter its phenotype, or observable traits. These changes, known as mutations, can be caused by various factors such as chemicals, radiation, or viruses. Some mutations may have no effect on the organism, while others can cause harm, including diseases and cancer. Mutagenesis is a crucial area of study in genetics and molecular biology, with implications for understanding evolution, genetic disorders, and the development of new medical treatments.

Sequence homology, amino acid, refers to the similarity in the order of amino acids in a protein or a portion of a protein between two or more species. This similarity can be used to infer evolutionary relationships and functional similarities between proteins. The higher the degree of sequence homology, the more likely it is that the proteins are related and have similar functions. Sequence homology can be determined through various methods such as pairwise alignment or multiple sequence alignment, which compare the sequences and calculate a score based on the number and type of matching amino acids.

Promoter regions in genetics refer to specific DNA sequences located near the transcription start site of a gene. They serve as binding sites for RNA polymerase and various transcription factors that regulate the initiation of gene transcription. These regulatory elements help control the rate of transcription and, therefore, the level of gene expression. Promoter regions can be composed of different types of sequences, such as the TATA box and CAAT box, and their organization and composition can vary between different genes and species.

C57BL/6 (C57 Black 6) is an inbred strain of laboratory mouse that is widely used in biomedical research. The term "inbred" refers to a strain of animals where matings have been carried out between siblings or other closely related individuals for many generations, resulting in a population that is highly homozygous at most genetic loci.

The C57BL/6 strain was established in 1920 by crossing a female mouse from the dilute brown (DBA) strain with a male mouse from the black strain. The resulting offspring were then interbred for many generations to create the inbred C57BL/6 strain.

C57BL/6 mice are known for their robust health, longevity, and ease of handling, making them a popular choice for researchers. They have been used in a wide range of biomedical research areas, including studies of cancer, immunology, neuroscience, cardiovascular disease, and metabolism.

One of the most notable features of the C57BL/6 strain is its sensitivity to certain genetic modifications, such as the introduction of mutations that lead to obesity or impaired glucose tolerance. This has made it a valuable tool for studying the genetic basis of complex diseases and traits.

Overall, the C57BL/6 inbred mouse strain is an important model organism in biomedical research, providing a valuable resource for understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying human health and disease.

RNA interference (RNAi) is a biological process in which RNA molecules inhibit the expression of specific genes. This process is mediated by small RNA molecules, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), that bind to complementary sequences on messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, leading to their degradation or translation inhibition.

RNAi plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression and defending against foreign genetic elements, such as viruses and transposons. It has also emerged as an important tool for studying gene function and developing therapeutic strategies for various diseases, including cancer and viral infections.

The cell nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle found in the eukaryotic cells (cells with a true nucleus). It contains most of the cell's genetic material, organized as DNA molecules in complex with proteins, RNA molecules, and histones to form chromosomes.

The primary function of the cell nucleus is to regulate and control the activities of the cell, including growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, and reproduction. It also plays a crucial role in the process of mitosis (cell division) by separating and protecting the genetic material during this process. The nuclear membrane, or nuclear envelope, surrounding the nucleus is composed of two lipid bilayers with numerous pores that allow for the selective transport of molecules between the nucleoplasm (nucleus interior) and the cytoplasm (cell exterior).

The cell nucleus is a vital structure in eukaryotic cells, and its dysfunction can lead to various diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders.

In the field of medicine, "time factors" refer to the duration of symptoms or time elapsed since the onset of a medical condition, which can have significant implications for diagnosis and treatment. Understanding time factors is crucial in determining the progression of a disease, evaluating the effectiveness of treatments, and making critical decisions regarding patient care.

For example, in stroke management, "time is brain," meaning that rapid intervention within a specific time frame (usually within 4.5 hours) is essential to administering tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), a clot-busting drug that can minimize brain damage and improve patient outcomes. Similarly, in trauma care, the "golden hour" concept emphasizes the importance of providing definitive care within the first 60 minutes after injury to increase survival rates and reduce morbidity.

Time factors also play a role in monitoring the progression of chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease, where regular follow-ups and assessments help determine appropriate treatment adjustments and prevent complications. In infectious diseases, time factors are crucial for initiating antibiotic therapy and identifying potential outbreaks to control their spread.

Overall, "time factors" encompass the significance of recognizing and acting promptly in various medical scenarios to optimize patient outcomes and provide effective care.

Neurons, also known as nerve cells or neurocytes, are specialized cells that constitute the basic unit of the nervous system. They are responsible for receiving, processing, and transmitting information and signals within the body. Neurons have three main parts: the dendrites, the cell body (soma), and the axon. The dendrites receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors, while the axon transmits these signals to other neurons, muscles, or glands. The junction between two neurons is called a synapse, where neurotransmitters are released to transmit the signal across the gap (synaptic cleft) to the next neuron. Neurons vary in size, shape, and structure depending on their function and location within the nervous system.

Chronobiology disorders are a group of conditions that involve disruptions in the body's internal biological clock, which regulates various physiological processes such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, and metabolism. These disorders can result in a variety of symptoms, including difficulty sleeping, changes in mood and energy levels, and problems with cognitive function.

Some common examples of chronobiology disorders include:

1. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS): This condition is characterized by a persistent delay in the timing of sleep, so that an individual's preferred bedtime is significantly later than what is considered normal. As a result, they may have difficulty falling asleep and waking up at socially acceptable times.
2. Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (ASPS): In this condition, individuals experience an earlier-than-normal timing of sleep, so that they become sleepy and wake up several hours earlier than most people.
3. Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder: This disorder is characterized by a persistent mismatch between the individual's internal biological clock and the 24-hour day, resulting in irregular sleep-wake patterns that can vary from day to day.
4. Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder: In this condition, individuals experience a lack of consistent sleep-wake patterns, with multiple periods of sleep and wakefulness throughout the 24-hour day.
5. Shift Work Sleep Disorder: This disorder is caused by the disruption of normal sleep-wake patterns due to working irregular hours, such as night shifts or rotating schedules.
6. Jet Lag Disorder: This condition occurs when an individual travels across time zones and experiences a temporary mismatch between their internal biological clock and the new local time.

Treatment for chronobiology disorders may include lifestyle changes, such as adjusting sleep schedules and exposure to light, as well as medications that can help regulate sleep-wake cycles. In some cases, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may also be helpful in managing these conditions.

Gene expression is the process by which the information encoded in a gene is used to synthesize a functional gene product, such as a protein or RNA molecule. This process involves several steps: transcription, RNA processing, and translation. During transcription, the genetic information in DNA is copied into a complementary RNA molecule, known as messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA then undergoes RNA processing, which includes adding a cap and tail to the mRNA and splicing out non-coding regions called introns. The resulting mature mRNA is then translated into a protein on ribosomes in the cytoplasm through the process of translation.

The regulation of gene expression is a complex and highly controlled process that allows cells to respond to changes in their environment, such as growth factors, hormones, and stress signals. This regulation can occur at various stages of gene expression, including transcriptional activation or repression, RNA processing, mRNA stability, and translation. Dysregulation of gene expression has been implicated in many diseases, including cancer, genetic disorders, and neurological conditions.

The brain is the central organ of the nervous system, responsible for receiving and processing sensory information, regulating vital functions, and controlling behavior, movement, and cognition. It is divided into several distinct regions, each with specific functions:

1. Cerebrum: The largest part of the brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions such as thinking, learning, memory, language, and perception. It is divided into two hemispheres, each controlling the opposite side of the body.
2. Cerebellum: Located at the back of the brain, it is responsible for coordinating muscle movements, maintaining balance, and fine-tuning motor skills.
3. Brainstem: Connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord, controlling vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. It also serves as a relay center for sensory information and motor commands between the brain and the rest of the body.
4. Diencephalon: A region that includes the thalamus (a major sensory relay station) and hypothalamus (regulates hormones, temperature, hunger, thirst, and sleep).
5. Limbic system: A group of structures involved in emotional processing, memory formation, and motivation, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus.

The brain is composed of billions of interconnected neurons that communicate through electrical and chemical signals. It is protected by the skull and surrounded by three layers of membranes called meninges, as well as cerebrospinal fluid that provides cushioning and nutrients.

A cell line is a culture of cells that are grown in a laboratory for use in research. These cells are usually taken from a single cell or group of cells, and they are able to divide and grow continuously in the lab. Cell lines can come from many different sources, including animals, plants, and humans. They are often used in scientific research to study cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and to test new drugs or treatments. Some common types of human cell lines include HeLa cells (which come from a cancer patient named Henrietta Lacks), HEK293 cells (which come from embryonic kidney cells), and HUVEC cells (which come from umbilical vein endothelial cells). It is important to note that cell lines are not the same as primary cells, which are cells that are taken directly from a living organism and have not been grown in the lab.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a technique used in pathology and laboratory medicine to identify specific proteins or antigens in tissue sections. It combines the principles of immunology and histology to detect the presence and location of these target molecules within cells and tissues. This technique utilizes antibodies that are specific to the protein or antigen of interest, which are then tagged with a detection system such as a chromogen or fluorophore. The stained tissue sections can be examined under a microscope, allowing for the visualization and analysis of the distribution and expression patterns of the target molecule in the context of the tissue architecture. Immunohistochemistry is widely used in diagnostic pathology to help identify various diseases, including cancer, infectious diseases, and immune-mediated disorders.

A base sequence in the context of molecular biology refers to the specific order of nucleotides in a DNA or RNA molecule. In DNA, these nucleotides are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In RNA, uracil (U) takes the place of thymine. The base sequence contains genetic information that is transcribed into RNA and ultimately translated into proteins. It is the exact order of these bases that determines the genetic code and thus the function of the DNA or RNA molecule.

Gene expression regulation in bacteria refers to the complex cellular processes that control the production of proteins from specific genes. This regulation allows bacteria to adapt to changing environmental conditions and ensure the appropriate amount of protein is produced at the right time.

Bacteria have a variety of mechanisms for regulating gene expression, including:

1. Operon structure: Many bacterial genes are organized into operons, which are clusters of genes that are transcribed together as a single mRNA molecule. The expression of these genes can be coordinately regulated by controlling the transcription of the entire operon.
2. Promoter regulation: Transcription is initiated at promoter regions upstream of the gene or operon. Bacteria have regulatory proteins called sigma factors that bind to the promoter and recruit RNA polymerase, the enzyme responsible for transcribing DNA into RNA. The binding of sigma factors can be influenced by environmental signals, allowing for regulation of transcription.
3. Attenuation: Some operons have regulatory regions called attenuators that control transcription termination. These regions contain hairpin structures that can form in the mRNA and cause transcription to stop prematurely. The formation of these hairpins is influenced by the concentration of specific metabolites, allowing for regulation of gene expression based on the availability of those metabolites.
4. Riboswitches: Some bacterial mRNAs contain regulatory elements called riboswitches that bind small molecules directly. When a small molecule binds to the riboswitch, it changes conformation and affects transcription or translation of the associated gene.
5. CRISPR-Cas systems: Bacteria use CRISPR-Cas systems for adaptive immunity against viruses and plasmids. These systems incorporate short sequences from foreign DNA into their own genome, which can then be used to recognize and cleave similar sequences in invading genetic elements.

Overall, gene expression regulation in bacteria is a complex process that allows them to respond quickly and efficiently to changing environmental conditions. Understanding these regulatory mechanisms can provide insights into bacterial physiology and help inform strategies for controlling bacterial growth and behavior.

... the cyanobacterial clock proteins are the main circadian regulator in cyanobacteria. The cyanobacterial clock proteins comprise ... "Structure and function from the circadian clock protein KaiA of Synechococcus elongatus: a potential clock input mechanism". ... Garces RG, Wu N, Gillon W, Pai EF (April 2004). "Anabaena circadian clock proteins KaiA and KaiB reveal a potential common ... Hitomi K, Oyama T, Han S, Arvai AS, Getzoff E (2005). "Tetrameric architecture of the circadian clock protein KaiB. A novel ...
Unlocking Ancient Protein Palimpsests Amino acid Protein Proteomics Ancient DNA Archaeogenetics Paleogenetics Molecular clock ... protein unfolding) or other diagenetic processes. Ancient proteins also tend to be fragmented, damaged and altered. Proteins ... Ancient enamel proteins are useful when aDNA or other proteins do not survive, and they have been analysed to understand ... However, ancient proteins are still one of the most informative biomolecules. Proteins tend to degrade more slowly than DNA, ...
PER interacts with other PER proteins as well as the E-box regulated, clock controlled proteins CRY1 and CRY2 to create a ... Period circadian protein homolog 1 is a protein in humans that is encoded by the PER1 gene. The PER1 protein is important to ... PER1 also interacts with proteins ATM and Chk2. These proteins are key checkpoint proteins in the cell cycle. Cancer patients ... which creates a cell autonomous molecular clock. PER1 transcription is regulated by protein interactions with its five E-box ...
DNA unwinding and pairing and maintaining correct circadian clock function. NONO has been identified to bind with Rasd1 protein ... Due to the protein being originally identified as a RNA-binding protein it was named p54nrb for Nuclear RNA-binding protein, 54 ... As with all proteins of the DBHS familprotein is described as a multifunctional nuclear protein. The NONO protein has been ... The NonO protein belongs to the Drosophila behaviour/human splicing (DBHS) family of proteins. Proteins in the DHBS family ...
"Protein BLAST: search protein databases using a protein query". Retrieved 2018-05-05. EMBL-EBI. "EBI ... C9orf43 divergence is moderate based on the molecular clock hypothesis. C9orf43 is seen to diverge more quickly than cytochrome ... The protein does not contain signal peptides or mitochondrial targeting signals indicating the protein is not predicted to be ... Isoform X1 protein abundance is predicted to be normal with normal expression. Composition analysis of C9orf43 showed an above ...
Proteins. 65 (3): 549-54. doi:10.1002/prot.21183. PMID 16988956. S2CID 28351121. Gupta G (2020-05-26). "Racing the Clock, COVID ... "Protein-ligand docking: current status and future challenges". Proteins. 65 (1): 15-26. doi:10.1002/prot.21082. PMID 16862531. ... AutoDock consists of two main programs: AutoDock for docking of the ligand to a set of grids describing the target protein; ... Goodsell DS, Sanner MF, Olson AJ, Forli S (August 2020). "The AutoDock suite at 30". Protein Science. 30 (1): 31-43. doi: ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... However, these proteins were retrieved when functionally characterized holins from the T-A Hol family (TC# 1.E.43) were BLASTED ... Most BAH proteins are between 125 and 140 amino acyl residues (aas) in length and exhibit 4 transmembrane segments (TMSs), ...
Holin Lysin Transporter Classification Database Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... PH-2 family proteins are of 130 to 210 amino acyl residues (aas) in length and may exhibit 1 or 2 transmembrane segments (TMSs ... A representative list of proteins belonging to the PH-2 family can be found in the Transporter Classification Database. ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... This protein is functionally uncharacterized and does not appear to be homologous to other holins. It does, however, show 31% ... proteins, Holins, All stub articles, Membrane protein stubs). ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ...
Wang IN, Smith DL, Young R (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of Microbiology. 54 ... The prototypical holin is the lambda phage S protein, which assists the lambda phage R protein (lysin). All holins embed ... Unlike most antibiotics, proteins are prone to antibody recognition and binding, which means that lysins could be ineffective ... In order to solve such a problem, phage viruses synthesize another protein called holin which binds to the cell membrane and ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... this protein has not been functionally characterized.[2] Holin Lysin Transporter Classification Database Reddy, Bhaskara L.; ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... While many of the proteins belonging to this family are annotated in holins, they remain functionally uncharacterized. Holin ... A representative list of the proteins belonging to this family can be found in the Transporter Classification Database. ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... While annotated as holins, these proteins remain functionally uncharacterized. A representative list of proteins belonging to ... The Putative Listeria Phage Holin (LP-Hol) Family (TC# 1.E.51) consists of several small proteins of 41 amino acyl residues ( ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... although BP-Hol proteins remain functionally uncharacterized. A representative list of the proteins belonging to the BP-Hol ... These proteins are of 60 to 110 amino acyl residues (aas) in length and exhibit 1 or 2 transmembrane segments (TMSs). Some are ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane proteins, Holins) ... This protein brings up other glycosyltransferases in a NCBI BLAST search. The adjacent gene encodes a small protein of 132 aas ... This protein has the UniProt accession number of S2E3C4. Paralogues are found in this same organism (Candidatus Nitrosoarchaeum ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... The Putative Treponema 4 TMS Holin (Tre4Hol) Family (TC# 1.E.49) consists of several proteins from Treponema species. They ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... The putative holin-like toxin (Hol-Tox) family (TC# 1.E.42) consists of many small proteins, between 34 and 48 amino acyl ... A representative list of proteins belonging to the Hol-Tox family can be found in the Transporter Classification Database. ...
PMID 25157079.. Wang, IN; Smith, DL; Young, R (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annu. Rev. ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... Phage-like transmembrane protein', 'YeaQ protein', etc. in the NCBI protein database. As of early 2016, they remain ... These proteins are related to the RDD family (TC# 9.B.45) in the conserved domain database. A representative list of proteins ...
Holin Lysin Transporter Classification Database Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... Although annotated as phage proteins or holins, NP-Holin proteins are not yet functionally characterized, thus more research is ... The Neisserial Phage-associated Holin (NP-Holin) Family (TC# 1.E.22) is a family of small proteins, between 47-53 amino acyl ...
Wang, Ing-Nang; Smith, David L.; Young, Ry (October 2000). "Holins: The Protein Clocks of Bacteriophage Infections". Annual ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... The ArpQ Holin (ArpQ Holin) Family (TC# 1.E.15) consists of a single holin-like protein 58 amino acyl residues (aas) in length ... with 2 transmembrane segments (TMSs). This protein is encoded by the arpQ gene in Enterococcus hirae. While annotated as a ...
Wang, IN; Smith, DL; Young, R (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 54: 799- ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... A representative list of proteins belonging to this family can be found in the Transporter Classification Database. Holin Lysin ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... "Phosphate concentration and the putative sensor kinase protein CckA modulate cell lysis and release of the Rhodobacter ...
Wang I, Smith DL, Young R (2000). "Holins: The Protein Clocks of Bacteriophage Infections". Annual Review of Microbiology. 54 ( ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... The T4 Holin Family (TC# 1.E.8) is a group of putative pore-forming proteins that does not belong to one of the seven holin ... The protein is highly hydrophilic with 49 acidic and basic residues distributed along its length and a single putative ...
Wang, IN; Smith, DL; Young, R (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 54: 799- ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... The Mycobacterial Phage PBI1 Gp36 Holin (Gp36 Hol) Family (TC# 1.E.39) consists of a single protein, Gp36 of Mycobacterial ... proteins, Holins, All stub articles, Membrane protein stubs). ... this protein has not been functionally characterized. Holin ...
PMID 25157079.. Wang, IN; Smith, DL; Young, R (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annu. Rev. ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... These proteins are short, 55 to 71 amino acyl residues (aas) in length, and exhibit a single transmembrane segment (TMS). A ... representative list of proteins belonging to the T1 Holin family can be found in the Transporter Classification Database. Holin ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... and a homologous uncharacterized protein (TC# 1.E.59.1.2; 75 aas and 2 TMSs). These proteins are of particular interest because ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... this protein does not show appreciable sequence similarity to any other proteins in the NCBI protein database. Holin Lysin ... It is a putative uncharacterized protein from Xanthomonas phage Xp15. This protein corresponds to sequence 68 from patent US ...
... protein". Retrieved 2016-03-30. Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000). "Holins: the protein clocks of ... BhlA proteins are generally about 67 to 80 amino acyl residues (aas) in length and exhibit a single N-terminal transmembrane ... A representative list of proteins belonging to this family can be found in the Transporter Classification Database. Holin Lysin ... v t e (Articles with imported Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 text, Holins, All stub articles, Membrane protein ...
Wang, I. N.; Smith, D. L.; Young, R. (2000-01-01). "Holins: the protein clocks of bacteriophage infections". Annual Review of ... Protein families, Membrane proteins, Transmembrane proteins, Transmembrane transporters, Transport proteins, Integral membrane ... As of March 2016, these proteins have not been functionally characterized. A representative list of proteins belonging to the ... The Enterobacterial Holin (EBHol) Family (TC# 1.E.48) consists of many closely related proteins of 100 to 120 amino acyl ...
... the cyanobacterial clock proteins are the main circadian regulator in cyanobacteria. The cyanobacterial clock proteins comprise ... "Structure and function from the circadian clock protein KaiA of Synechococcus elongatus: a potential clock input mechanism". ... Garces RG, Wu N, Gillon W, Pai EF (April 2004). "Anabaena circadian clock proteins KaiA and KaiB reveal a potential common ... Hitomi K, Oyama T, Han S, Arvai AS, Getzoff E (2005). "Tetrameric architecture of the circadian clock protein KaiB. A novel ...
... which governs robust circadian behavioral and other rhythms by destabilization of a core clock protein PER2 in a ... is an essential component of the mammalian circadian clock machinery, ... We investigated other proteins, including some clock proteins, and initially found that PER2 protein levels were largely ... However, we do not exclude the possibility that other clock/clock-related protein(s) is/are also a target of SIK3. In the ...
Milestone for novel atomic clock. X-ray laser shows possible route to substantially increased precision time measurement. An ... which targets a protein-protein interaction in the glioblastoma cells.. "By uncovering the role of a previously unknown protein ... Protein-protein interaction holds key to glioblastoma aggression. The development of the designer peptide began when Huang and ... The designer peptide prevents the protein-protein interaction from occurring, slowing growth and deterring the cancer from ...
... the most ancient circadian clock, is regulated by the interaction of three proteins, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC. While the precise ... The 2.0-A structure of KaiA of S. elongatus reported here shows that the protein is composed of two independently folded ... function of these proteins remains unclear, KaiA has been shown to be a positive regulator of the expression of KaiB and KaiC. ... Crystal structure of circadian clock protein KaiA from Synechococcus elongatus. Ye S., Vakonakis I., Ioerger TR., LiWang AC., ...
... clocks to measure aging in mice and humans, seeking to unlock the genetic secrets of aging. ... A new Jackson Laboratory-Stanford Medicine research project will develop plasma protein ... Putting plasma-protein clocks to work. Wyss-Coray and his collaborators have been refining these plasma-protein clocks, and he ... Enter the innovation known as plasma-protein "clocks.". There are about 3,000 different proteins in your blood plasma, the ...
Clock protein, mouse Grants and funding * R01 HL074259/HL/NHLBI NIH HHS/United States ... Collectively, these data suggest that CLOCK (a circadian clock component) is important for metabolic adaption of the heart to ... Altered myocardial metabolic adaptation to increased fatty acid availability in cardiomyocyte-specific CLOCK mutant mice ... Fatty acid availability was increased in cardiomyocyte-specific CLOCK mutant (CCM) and wild-type (WT) littermate mice for ...
Database of protein clocks, brain components design, experiment and simulated data*. Home ...
A new study of molecular interactions central to the functioning of biological clocks explains how certain mutations can ... A new study of molecular interactions central to the functioning of biological clocks explains how certain mutations can ... Sleep Phase Disorders and Biological Clock Proteins: Molecular Switch Mechanism Explains How Mutations Shorten Clocks. admin. ... which regulates a core clock protein called PERIOD (or PER). Clock-altering mutations in CK1 had been known for years, but it ...
involved_in entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod IBA Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor. more info ... General protein information Go to the top of the page Help Preferred Names. F-box/LRR-repeat protein 17. Names. F-box only ... involved_in protein quality control for misfolded or incompletely synthesized proteins IDA Inferred from Direct Assay. more ... mRNA and Protein(s) * XM_005272048.5 → XP_005272105.1 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 17 isoform X1 ...
Clock Tower- Challenge of Kaiser RPG Game EUR Version Cartridge for SNES Game Consoles. youngone ... 30% protein and 20% fat to support lean muscle and sustained energy. - 89% of protein from animal sources to help maintain ... Active Performance High-Protein Fish & Rice Recipe Dry Puppy Food from WholeHearted. - Real salmon is the #1 ingredient. - ... Crude Protein(Min.)30%, Crude Fat(Min.)20%, Crude Fiber(Max.)3%, Moisture(Max.)10%, Calcium (Min.)1.50%, Phosphorus(Min.)1.10 ...
These rhythms are sustained by a molecular clock and provide a temporal matrix that ensures the coordination of homeostatic ... Per2 protein, mouse * Period Circadian Proteins * Tlr9 protein, mouse * Toll-Like Receptor 9 ... The circadian clock controls toll-like receptor 9-mediated innate and adaptive immunity Immunity. 2012 Feb 24;36(2):251-61. doi ... These rhythms are sustained by a molecular clock and provide a temporal matrix that ensures the coordination of homeostatic ...
Deep Space Atomic Clock to Improve GPS, Increase Spacecraft Autonomy Biology Strange, Extremely Disordered Proteins Are Heroes ... We only focus on protein sub-structures that we know work.". Proteins are the workhorse of the natural world. Proteins help us ... A new process using 3D models can simplify protein design, reducing workload. It focuses on a small number of protein ... Reference: "A general-purpose protein design framework based on mining sequence-structure relationships in known protein ...
... clock and wavefront models1. Our work identifying the human segmentation clock represents an important milestone in ... Human presomitic mesoderm cells derived in vitro demonstrate oscillations of the segmentation clock, thus providing a window ... that human PSM cells derived in vitro-as well as those of the mouse4-recapitulate the oscillations of the segmentation clock. ... defects have implicated several human orthologues of cyclic genes that are associated with the mouse segmentation clock, ...
But from the journal Nature, there was a cool paper, alterations to the circadian clock make brain tumors vulnerable. And ... You need a whole protein, you need about 25 grams of protein at a minimum to be able to hit this kind of anabolic signaling ... Robb: And then the cool thing about just adding protein, like if you were to add just very low fat protein sources, thereve ... Just wondering, should protein from collagen count towards someones daily intake of protein? I keep finding conflicting ...
Central role of Tim17 in mitochondrial presequence protein translocation August 2, 2023 ... Overall, this study demonstrates that there are trade-offs when it comes to epigenetic clocks in mice. Highly accurate clocks ... However, the most accurate clock results from applying elastic net regression to all CpGs. While the anti-aging effect of ... Human DNA-methylation data have been used to develop highly accurate biomarkers of aging ("epigenetic clocks"). Recent studies ...
David Frum Has His Clock Cleaned by Rachel Maddow. Noel Sheppard / Frum Accuses Maddow of Increasing the Ugly ... Jeff G. / protein wisdom:. "Democratic backer sends message by showing McCain, in KKK robe, chasing Obama" ... Jeff G. / protein wisdom:. "Nobody Yelled Kill Him About Obama at a McCain or Palin Rally" ... Discussion: Pattericos Pontifications, The New Republic, Raleigh News & Observer and protein wisdom ...
Protein fractionation from brain tissue. The detailed procedure for protein extraction was described previously (Lebbadi et al ... 2013) Synaptophysin is involved in resetting of the mammalian circadian clock. J Circadian Rhythms 11:11. ... Protein quantification using WB. Proteins from TBS-soluble, detergent-soluble, and PSD fraction of parietotemporal cortex and ... anti-tau protein clone tau 13 (human) (1:5000, Covance), anti-total tau clone Tau C (1:10,000, Dako), anti-tau protein ...
Today, increasing evidence show that disturbances in our internal clocks stemming from frequent time zone changes, irregular ... Using a molecule extracted from lemon peel, researchers have succeeded in repairing the disrupted cellular clocks. ... The circadian clock system allows the organisms to adjust to periodical changes of geophysical time. ... The cyclical interactions of clock proteins keep the biological ... New Study on Circadian Clock Shows Junk DNA Plays a Key ...
... a core clock protein, in regulating circadian period length, thus directly relating protein structure and dynamics to in vitro ... Structural and dynamical insights into mammalian circadian clock proteins. Ashutosh Srivastava. Institute of Transformational ... This internal biological clock regulates a host of cellular responses to the environment, ranging from gene expression and cell ... 2020); Dynamics at the serine loop underlie differential affinity of cryptochromes for CLOCK:BMAL1 to control circadian timing ...
... ... To cite: Boominathan, The circadian protein CLOCK regulates the expression of p53 and p73 through its target gene, 13/October/ ...
Phosphorylation of circadian clock proteins represents a major regulatory step that controls circadian clocks. In Neurospora, ... abstract = "Phosphorylation of circadian clock proteins represents a major regulatory step that controls circadian clocks. In ... N2 - Phosphorylation of circadian clock proteins represents a major regulatory step that controls circadian clocks. In ... AB - Phosphorylation of circadian clock proteins represents a major regulatory step that controls circadian clocks. In ...
Perrin J, Segall L, Waddington-Lamont E, Woodside B, Amir S. The effects of sex hormones on the expression of the clock protein ... Dive into the research topics of The effects of sex hormones on the expression of the clock protein PER2 in the central ... The effects of sex hormones on the expression of the clock protein PER2 in the central extended amygdala. / Perrin, Jennifer; ... The effects of sex hormones on the expression of the clock protein PER2 in the central extended amygdala. Poster session ...
... a conformational change leads to protein degradation. - Texas A&M University (TAMU) Scholar profile, educations, publications, ... A new twist on clock protein phosphorylation: a conformational change leads to protein degradation. Academic Article * ... Progressive phosphorylation of circadian clock proteins is a hallmark of time-keeping. In this issue of Molecular Cell, ... A new twist on clock protein phosphorylation: ...
Additional Keywords : Chronobiotic, Circadian Clock Proteins, Plant Extracts. [+] Lipoic acid helped to restore normal ... epigenetic regulation of CLOCK, BMAL1, CRY1 and PER1 may contribute to breast cancer in shift workers.Dec 31, 2016. ... Effects of the clock modulator nobiletin on circadian rhythms and pathophysiology in female mice of an Alzheimers disease ... The biological clock enhancer nobiletin ameliorates steatosis in obesity by restoring aberrant hepatic circadian rhythm.Aug 22 ...
We were so impressed with Pieologys "Plant-Based Protein" toppings line that we gave it a Proggy Award ("Proggy" is for " ... Dont forget to move your clocks an hour forward today!) ... Then load it up with vegan protein toppings (currently a $1 ... LONGER DAYS = More time to try our Plant Proteins! Choose from: Beef Meatball, Diced Chicken, and Spicy Italian Sausage ...
In a new study, researchers pinpoint key molecular actions of proteins that allow the creation of mental representations ... Disrupted Genetic Clocks in Schizophrenia-Affected Brains Reveal Clues to the Disease ... Protein essential for cognition and mental health identified. Date:. July 1, 2013. Source:. Yale University. Summary:. The ... "Protein essential for cognition and mental health identified." ScienceDaily. /. releases. /. 2013. /. 07 ...
Protein GRK2 Appears to Help Regulate Body Clock. A new study reports on the crucial role the protein GRK2 plays in regulating ... Brains Biological Clock Stimulates Thirst Before Sleep. Findings provide additional insight into how the circadian clock ... Scientists Map the Wiring of the Biological Clock. Researchers report the discovery of a crucial part of the biological clock: ... VIP, a molecule which desynchronizes the cells in the biological clock help also helps the circadian clock adjust more quickly ...
  • The high diagnostic potential of peptides and proteins from cells, tissues, and biological fluids is unquestionable. (
  • determined that the KaiABC protein complex was responsible for the circadian negative feedback loop in Synechococcus by mapping 19 clock mutants to the genes for these three proteins. (
  • These lines of evidence suggest that the transcriptional-translational feedback loop mediated by the clock genes, and the post-translational modification of their products, are indispensable to the circadian clock machinery. (
  • Genetic analyses of patients with severe spine segmentation defects have implicated several human orthologues of cyclic genes that are associated with the mouse segmentation clock, suggesting that this oscillator might be conserved in humans 3 . (
  • You can't make the proteins without genes, which act as the software directing the protein's production. (
  • Sixteen years after scientists found the genes that control the circadian clock in all cells, the lab of UNC's Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, discovered the mechanisms responsible for keeping the clock in sync. (
  • Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine have discovered how two genes - Period and Cryptochrome - keep the circadian clocks in all human cells in time and in proper rhythm with the 24-hour day, as well as the seasons. (
  • Discovering how these circadian clock genes interact has been a long-time coming," said Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics and senior author of the Genes and Development paper. (
  • In all human cells, there are four genes - Cryptochrome , Period , CLOCK, and BMAL1 - that work in unison to control the cyclical changes in human physiology, such as blood pressure, body temperature, and rest-sleep cycles. (
  • the genes and proteins need time to adjust. (
  • These genes bind to many other genes and turn them on to express proteins. (
  • Specifically, CLOCK and BMAL1 bind to a pair of genes called Period and Cryptochrome and turn them on to express proteins, which - after several modifications - wind up suppressing CLOCK and BMAL1 activity. (
  • Sancar, a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center who studies DNA repair in addition to the circadian clock, thought the two genes might have complementary roles. (
  • This led to the eventual degradation of Cryptochrome , and then the CLOCK-BMAL1 genes were free to restart the circadian clock anew to complete the 24-hour cycle. (
  • Previous association analyses of clock genes revealed a potential role for Bmal1 in alcohol-drinking behaviour. (
  • Expanding on this - and given evidence of sex differences in alcohol consumption and in some functions of clock genes - the researchers hypothesized that Bmal1 may affect alcohol intake in a sex-dependent manner. (
  • Embedded within the genes of us, and almost all life on earth, are the instructions for a biological clock that marks the passage of around 24 hours. (
  • The clock genes produce messages that are translated into proteins. (
  • The proteins then interact to form complexes and move from the cytoplasm of the cell into the nucleus and then inhibit their own genes. (
  • These inhibitory clock protein complexes are then broken down and the clock genes are then once more free to make more messages and fresh protein - and the cycle continues day after day. (
  • Based on the findings of Hall, Rosbash and Young in the fruit fly, very similar clock genes were then discovered in mice , humans and many other animals. (
  • We now know that the morning and evening preferences of individuals who describe themselves as either "larks" or "owls" also appear to be related to small changes in some of these clock genes that either speed up or slow down our circadian rhythms. (
  • Interestingly," said Dr. Friedman, some of the differentially expressed genes were related to circadian-clock genes, which suggests disruption of the circadian system in association with e-cigarette and Western diet exposure. (
  • Research has shown that circadian-clock genes play a key role in fatty liver disease, Dr. Friedman noted. (
  • We have previously reported that the cardiomyocyte circadian clock regulates transcriptional responsiveness of the heart to acute increases in fatty acid availability (e.g., short-term fasting). (
  • In the new study, researchers focused on mutations in an enzyme called casein kinase 1 (CK1), which regulates a core clock protein called PERIOD (or PER). (
  • Fig. 4: FGF signalling regulates the dynamic properties of the segmentation clock. (
  • This internal biological clock regulates a host of cellular responses to the environment, ranging from gene expression and cell division in cyanobacteria, to photosynthesis in plants and finally to the sleep/wake cycles in mammals (commonly referred as circadian rhythms). (
  • There are several interlocking levels of synchronization of these clocks, the main one being light, which in particular regulates the central clock located in the cerebral hypothalamus. (
  • Like a conductor in the orchestra, it regulates peripheral clocks present in organs and cells. (
  • Findings provide additional insight into how the circadian clock regulates physiological function. (
  • A group of researchers has found that at least some of it has to do with a particular protein in the part of the forebrain that regulates, among other things, decision-making and reward perception. (
  • Bmal1 is also an integral element in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the master circadian clock found in all mammals that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. (
  • The RadA/Sms family are probable ATP-dependent proteases involved in both DNA repair and degradation of proteins, peptides, glycopeptides. (
  • PER proteins are part of a complex feedback loop in which changes in their abundance set the timing of circadian rhythms, so mutations that increase the rate of PER degradation throw off the clock. (
  • A new twist on clock protein phosphorylation: a conformational change leads to protein degradation. (
  • But scientists didn't know exactly how that gene suppression and protein degradation happened at the back end. (
  • This negative feedback loop generates a near 24-hour rhythm of protein production and degradation that drives the internal biological day. (
  • Since the beginning of my research career, I have worked with Boolean gene regulatory network models, the HP model of protein folding, stem cell regulation, circadian clocks in plants, plant-pathogen interactions, evolutionary algorithms, degradation of soil organic matter by fungi and methods for processing spectroscopic imaging data. (
  • Expression levels of PER2, a clock protein, were elevated in Sik3 -knockdown cells but down-regulated in Sik3 -overexpressing cells, which could be attributed to a phosphorylation-dependent decrease in PER2 protein stability. (
  • Recently, oscillators in the oval nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (OV-BNST), the central nucleus of the amygdala (CEA), hippocampus (HIPP) and basolateral amygdala (BLA) of male rats have been shown to rhythmically express Period 2 (PER2), clock gene protein, with peak expression in the early evening. (
  • Functional analysis showed that cholesterol biosynthesis pathways and the cytochrome 450 family of proteins (specifically Cyp4A10 that is associated with oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation leading to hepatocyte injury) were increased in mice exposed to e-cigarette aerosol. (
  • Analysis of immunophenotypically defined cell populations markedly increased specificity of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS). Over 375 differentially expressed proteins were analyzed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity Systems). (
  • Not surprisingly, the major groups of differentially expressed proteins were involved in tumor migration, invasion, and progression. (
  • CK1 and other kinase enzymes carry out a reaction called phosphorylation, adding a phosphate to another protein. (
  • Most PTMs are catalyzed by highly specific protein modifying enzymes, which have some specific recognition motif. (
  • For instance, to optimise the response to variations in day length, the photoperiodic pathway interacts with the circadian clock, which controls numerous physiological processes in plants. (
  • Partch notes that it is important to understand how these clock proteins regulate our circadian rhythms because those rhythms affect not only the sleep cycle but almost every aspect of our physiology. (
  • Nearly all the cells in our body comprise molecular clocks that regulate and synchronize metabolic functions to a 24-hour cycle of day-night changes. (
  • When the two proteins are connected, they trigger a series of chemical signals within the cell that regulate various cell functions. (
  • A broad category of proteins that regulate the CIRCADIAN RHYTHM of an organism. (
  • Progressive phosphorylation of circadian clock proteins is a hallmark of time-keeping. (
  • 1) The circadian oscillators in eukaryotes that have been studied function using a negative feedback loop in which proteins inhibit their own transcription in a cycle that takes approximately 24 hours. (
  • A new Jackson Laboratory-Stanford Medicine research project will develop plasma protein 'clocks' to measure aging in mice and humans. (
  • Wyss-Coray and his collaborators have been refining these plasma-protein clocks, and he has now teamed up with Rosenthal for a bold research project, funded by the Milky Way Research Foundation, to explore the aging process in both humans and genetically diverse laboratory mice. (
  • Fatty acid availability was increased in cardiomyocyte-specific CLOCK mutant (CCM) and wild-type (WT) littermate mice for 9weeks in time-of-day-independent (streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetes) and dependent (high fat diet meal feeding) manners. (
  • A multi-tissue full lifespan epigenetic clock for mice. (
  • Recent studies demonstrate that similar epigenetic clocks for mice (Mus Musculus) can be slowed by gold standard anti-aging interventions such as calorie restriction and growth hormone receptor knock-outs. (
  • While the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction could be detected with all types of epigenetic clocks, only ridge regression based clocks replicated the finding of slow epigenetic aging effects in dwarf mice. (
  • Overall, this study demonstrates that there are trade-offs when it comes to epigenetic clocks in mice. (
  • Male mice without the protein consumed more alcohol than those that had it, while female mice without the protein consumed less than females with it. (
  • To confirm that the interactions observed in the test tube matched the behavior of the proteins in living cells, they worked with researchers at the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. (
  • Researchers have developed a process that could sharply reduce the work involved in computational protein design, according to a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . (
  • For years, researchers have focused on building custom proteins that can be useful in the human body. (
  • Researchers only focus on the blocks that fit together, ignoring those structures that would not form a functioning protein. (
  • Using a molecule extracted from lemon peel, researchers have succeeded in 'repairing' the disrupted cellular clocks. (
  • Moreover, using clock modulator molecule dubbed Nobiletin, extracted from lemon peel, the researchers succeeded in "repairing" the disrupted cellular clocks and in partial restoring of the islet cell function. (
  • In a new study, researchers pinpoint key molecular actions of proteins that allow the creation of mental representations necessary for higher cognition that are genetically altered in schizophrenia. (
  • In a new study, researchers at Yale University School of Medicine pinpoint key molecular actions of proteins that allow the creation of mental representations necessary for higher cognition that are genetically altered in schizophrenia. (
  • Researchers report the discovery of a crucial part of the biological clock: the wiring that sets its accuracy to within a few minutes out of the 1440 minutes per day. (
  • Current methods for producing these DNA sequences are slow or not robust, the researchers said, which has hindered the development of these increasingly important new classes of protein-based polymers . (
  • Researchers have already demonstrated that when a large protective macromolecule (polymer) is attached to a protein, it greatly improves effectiveness and allows the protein to remain active in the bloodstream longer. (
  • In fact, during experiments using one compound to stifle Cryptochrome and another drug to hinder Period , other researchers found inconsistent effects on the circadian clock, suggesting that Cryptochrome and Period did not have the same role. (
  • The consortium arose after both researchers decided to work on a shared goal: to improve and simplify ultraprecise optical atomic clocks . (
  • epigenetic regulation of CLOCK, BMAL1, CRY1 and PER1 may contribute to breast cancer in shift workers. (
  • Previously, scientists found that CLOCK and BMAL1 work in tandem to kick start the circadian clock. (
  • He found that Cryptochrome not only suppressed CLOCK and BMAL1, but it squashed them indefinitely. (
  • As Period's protein accumulated inside cells, the scientists could see that it began to remove the Cryptochrome , as well as CLOCK and BMAL1. (
  • In molecular biology, the cyanobacterial clock proteins are the main circadian regulator in cyanobacteria. (
  • While the precise function of these proteins remains unclear, KaiA has been shown to be a positive regulator of the expression of KaiB and KaiC. (
  • SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Although the loss of several synaptic proteins has been described in Alzheimer's disease (AD), it remains unclear whether their reduction contributes to clinical symptoms. (
  • In a study published in Nature Cancer , a research team at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) showcased a new potential treatment approach for glioblastoma called a designer peptide, which targets a protein-protein interaction in the glioblastoma cells. (
  • The development of the designer peptide began when Huang and first author Dr. Weifan Dong discovered that two proteins called EAG2 and Kvβ2, both highly present in glioblastoma cells, were interacting where cancerous cells meet with healthy brain tissue. (
  • The designer peptide prevents the protein-protein interaction from occurring, slowing growth and deterring the cancer from spreading into surrounding cells. (
  • There are about 3,000 different proteins in your blood plasma, the fluid that conducts cells through the circulatory system. (
  • Here we show that human PSM cells derived in vitro-as well as those of the mouse 4 -recapitulate the oscillations of the segmentation clock. (
  • Fig. 1: Recapitulation of the mouse and human segmentation clocks in vitro by differentiation of pluripotent stem cells towards PSM fate. (
  • We had also previously observed that if the clocks of human pancreatic cells were artificially disrupted in the cellular culture in vitro, secretion of the key islet hormones -- insulin and glucagon -- was compromised," says Volodymyr Petrenko, a researcher in Dr. Dibner's lab and the first author of these publications. (
  • Using combined bioluminescence-fluorescence time-lapse microscopy, a technology that allows tracking the molecular clock activity in living cells very precisely over time, the scientists compared the behaviour of pancreatic cell of type-2 diabetic donors and those of healthy subjects throughout the day. (
  • Moreover, the defects in temporal coordination of insulin and glucagon secretion observed in patients with type-2 diabetes were comparable to those measured in healthy islet cells with artificially-disrupted circadian clock. (
  • The wiring uses GABA to connect the individual cells of the biological clock in a fast network which changes strength with the time of day. (
  • VIP, a molecule which desynchronizes the cells in the biological clock help also helps the circadian clock adjust more quickly to abrupt shifts in light/dark schedules. (
  • Cells in nearly every human tissue and organ contain proteins that govern circadian rhythms. (
  • This strategy only makes sense if all the corals release their sex cells en masse and sure enough, every individual within a third of a million square kilometres of reef does so during the days after the October full moon. (
  • Now we know how the clock is reset in all cells. (
  • Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by extracellular deposition of Aβ peptides in senile plaques and intracellular accumulation of hyperphosphorylated τ protein in neuronal cells as neurofibrillary tangles. (
  • Plasma cell myeloma (multiple myeloma, myelomatosis, medullary plasmacytoma) is a bone marrow-based, malignant disorder of postgerminal center B-cells that is characterized by a clonal proliferation of plasma cells, with associated serum and/or urine monoclonal proteins. (
  • Asymptomatic plasma cell myeloma is a plasma cell neoplasm defined by the presence of serum monoclonal protein of 3.0 gm/dL or greater (by electrophoresis) and/or clonal plasma cells in the bone marrow of 10% or greater, without evidence of end-organ damage (hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, anemia, lytic lesions of bone). (
  • Symptomatic plasma cell myeloma is a plasma cell neoplasm defined as the presence of end-organ damage (hypercalcemia, renal insufficiency, anemia, lytic lesions of bone) in a patient with a monoclonal protein (of any amount) and clonal plasma cells in the bone marrow (of any amount) or plasmacytoma. (
  • Partch's lab performed structural and biochemical analyses of the CK1 and PER proteins that suggested how the switch works. (
  • The team discovered that a small number of structural patterns frequently recurred in proteins, and that much of the diversity in protein structure comes from how these building blocks are combined. (
  • This basic discovery led the team to hypothesize that rather than modeling proteins as complex networks of interacting atoms, they can instead represent them much more simply as groupings of a limited set of structural building blocks. (
  • These are recurring structural arrangements-similar to an archway or column in a building-that can be applied to designing novel proteins without regard to their atomic-level composition. (
  • According to the research paper, the results "strongly argue that the Protein Data Bank is now sufficiently large to enable proteins to be designed by using only examples of structural motifs from unrelated proteins. (
  • posttranslational modifications, amino acid variations, computational mutation analysis, protein PTM predictor, network biology Introduction Protein PTMs are biochemical alterations of amino acids that change the physicochemical properties of target proteins, leading to structural changes and therefore regulating protein-protein interactions and cellular signal transduction in developmental and cancer pathways [1]. (
  • The cyanobacterial clock proteins comprise three proteins: KaiA, KaiB and KaiC. (
  • They also tested incubating mutant KaiC protein with KaiA, KaiB, and ATP. (
  • The circadian clock found in Synechococcus elongatus, the most ancient circadian clock, is regulated by the interaction of three proteins, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC. (
  • The postsynaptic protein Shank3 (SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains) is of particular interest, as the loss of a single allele of the SHANK3 gene is sufficient to cause profound cognitive symptoms in children. (
  • The data from this study suggests that sex hormones modulate the pattern of clock gene expression in the OV-BNST and CEA, and provide some insight into gender differences in mood disorders and disruption of circadian functioning. (
  • The gene remained present in other parts of the body, since it plays a critical role in the circadian clock. (
  • The PROK2 gene provides instructions for making a protein called prokineticin 2. (
  • This protein interacts with another protein called prokineticin receptor 2 (produced from the PROKR2 gene). (
  • Most of the PROK2 gene mutations that cause Kallmann syndrome change single protein building blocks (amino acids) in prokineticin 2. (
  • Exposure to light in SDPs causes the expression of the CONSTANS (CO) gene, and the CO protein causes the expression of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), a gene that encourages flowering. (
  • Included here are proteins that transmit intracellular and intercellular signals in a chronological manner along with proteins that sense light and time-dependent changes in the environment such as the PHOTOPERIOD. (
  • Members of the F-box protein family, such as FBXL17, are characterized by an approximately 40-amino acid F-box motif. (
  • Among the barriers to developing synthetic proteins is the overwhelming number of possible amino acid combinations. (
  • Proteomic analysis and prediction of amino acid variations that influence protein. (
  • To increase the utilization of current computational resources, we 﫿rst provide an overview of computational prediction of amino acid variations that influence protein PTMs and their functional analysis. (
  • Consequently, amino acid variations through changing the type of residues of the target sites or key flanking residues could directly or indirectly influence PTM of protein and bring about a detrimental effect on protein function. (
  • 7] analyzed amino acid variations of 15 different PTMs and indicated that about 4.5% of amino acid variations may affect protein function through disruption of PTMs, and the mutation of 238 PTMs sites in human proteins was causative of disease. (
  • In this regard, comprehensive studies of the impact of amino acid variation on protein PTMs will be helpful for further understanding of how genetic polymorphisms are involved in regulating biological and pathological processes and providing instructive information for drug development of various related diseases. (
  • However, it often requires extensive laboratory work and considerable expense to make thousands of variant proteins and select amino acid variations that influence PTM sites. (
  • Using hybrid/integrative modeling, involving multiple experimental and computational methods, we have been able provide mechanistic insights into the role of cryptochromes a core clock protein, in regulating circadian period length, thus directly relating protein structure and dynamics to in vitro and in vivo experimental observations [1]. (
  • They noted that blue light sets the body clocks of many other animals via a group of proteins called the cryptochromes , or CRYs. (
  • These rhythms are sustained by a molecular clock and provide a temporal matrix that ensures the coordination of homeostatic processes with the periodicity of environmental challenges. (
  • In this talk, I will present the work that we have been doing to not only enhance the understanding of molecular mechanisms regulating circadian clock [1] but also to develop therapeutic interventions to modulate the circadian rhythms in mammals [2, 3]. (
  • Based on presentations by world-renowned investigators at the 72nd annual Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, this volume reviews the latest advances in biological clocks and rhythms. (
  • An understanding of how circadian clocks work and the central role they play in our biology has led to advances in many areas, not least an appreciation that when circadian rhythms are disrupted our overall health and well-being can be severely affected. (
  • Prokineticin 2 and its receptor are active in a region of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which acts as an internal clock that controls circadian rhythms. (
  • The new process focuses on the larger blocks of atoms that occur in proteins, known as tertiary motifs, to design functioning proteins. (
  • Also in the KaiC family is RadA/Sms, a highly conserved eubacterial protein that shares sequence similarity with both RecA strand transferase and lon protease. (
  • These novel sequences of recombinant DNA are used to produce repetitive proteins to create new types of drugs and bioengineered tissues. (
  • The presence of light-sensitive CRYs in corals suggest that the most primitive animals also had genetic body clocks that responded to light, long before the first eyes evolved. (
  • In addition to these essential elements, several proteins and signalling pathways are also involved in photoperiodic responses in plants. (
  • So we have a better idea of what to expect if we target these proteins with therapeutics. (
  • Zymo Research, through an exclusive license to the Horvath Epigenetic Clock, is leading the way to a fast, reliable, commercially available epigenetic age test. (
  • But now, in the charged political atmosphere that has accompanied the arrival of millions of refugees to Europe, forensic scientists across the continent are joining forces to improve epigenetic-clock-based tests - with a focus on whether they might be used to help determine the age of refugees whose claims to be under 18 are disputed. (
  • Understanding these molecular mechanisms may enable scientists to develop therapies for intervening in the clock to alleviate disruptions, whether they are caused by inherited conditions or by shift work or jet lag. (
  • Phytochromes play a key role in how plants perceive the day in the complex network of proteins and signalling channels that make up the molecular mechanisms behind photoperiodic responses in plants. (
  • Folding is basically the process of assembling a protein, and simulating that process takes massive CPU and GPU (graphical processing unit) power so scientists can more closely study how proteins "misfold" and cause disease processes. (
  • The mechanism, however, is also relevant for other biological clocks and light-controlled processes: 'We think that what we have uncovered goes beyond the monthly timing system,' says Eva Wolf. (
  • A circadian clock also stops everything happening at the same time, ensuring that biological processes occur in the appropriate sequence. (
  • For example, custom proteins can be used to develop therapeutic drugs to fight disease. (
  • The disruption of the circadian clocks was concomitant with the perturbation of hormone secretion. (
  • By uncovering the role of a previously unknown protein-protein interaction in glioblastoma, we were able to develop a designer peptide which possesses robust therapeutic efficacy in treating all major types of glioblastoma in preclinical models," says Dr. Xi Huang , a Senior Scientist in the Developmental & Stem Cell Biology program . (
  • F-box proteins interact with SKP1 through the F box, and they interact with ubiquitination targets through other protein interaction domains (Jin et al. (
  • The FT gene's expression is encouraged by GI's interaction with the protein ZEITLUPE (ZTL), which also encourages flowering. (
  • This double use of the same atoms should make it much easier to construct optical atomic clocks, as the atoms provide light that is not only very stable, but also automatically has the correct frequency. (
  • We examined these two proteins closely and found that when they interacted they created a potassium channel complex that is fundamental to the aggressive nature of the cancer," says Dong, a former PhD student and current post-doctoral fellow in the Huang Lab . (
  • Our work identifying the human segmentation clock represents an important milestone in understanding human developmental biology. (
  • There are many protein-polymer based medications in use today, such as human growth hormones, drugs to stimulate blood cell formation in cancer patients and anti-viral agents. (
  • For instance, the SwissVariant database ( contained 76 613 variants in 20 244 human proteins on 10 January 2018. (
  • It binds and locks the kinase down, so it's like a pause button that prevents the PERIOD protein from being degraded too soon," Partch says. (
  • Other collaborators at UC San Diego performed simulations of the molecular dynamics of the switch showing how the CK1 protein switches between two conformations, and how mutations cause it favor one conformation over another. (
  • The clock-changing mutations in CK1 cause it to favor this degron-binding conformation. (
  • The other conformation favors binding to a site on the PER protein known as the FASP region, because mutations in this region lead to an inherited sleep disorder called familial advanced sleep phase syndrome. (
  • Previous reports have suggested that protein kinases play important roles in the regulation of circadian clocks ( Reischl and Kramer, 2011 ). (
  • Furthermore, we demonstrate that FGF signalling controls the phase and period of oscillations, expanding the role of this pathway beyond its classical interpretation in 'clock and wavefront' models 1 . (
  • The KaiA protein from Anabaena sp. (
  • Crystal structure of circadian clock protein KaiA from Synechococcus elongatus. (
  • The 2.0-A structure of KaiA of S. elongatus reported here shows that the protein is composed of two independently folded domains connected by a linker. (
  • In astronomy, atomic clocks are used to synchronize telescopes all over the planet into what is effectively one giant telescope the size of Earth. (
  • A new study of molecular interactions central to the functioning of biological clocks explains how certain mutations can shorten clock timing, making some people extreme "morning larks" because their internal clocks operate on a 20-hour cycle instead of being synchronized with the 24-hour cycle of day and night. (
  • Today, increasing evidence show that disturbances in our internal clocks stemming from frequent time zone changes, irregular working schedules or ageing, have a significant impact on the development of metabolic diseases including type-2 diabetes. (
  • The Yale team discovered this stimulation requires the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to activate a specific protein in the nicotinic family of receptors -- the alpha7 nicotinic receptor. (
  • Their findings, published in Nature Communications, show that L-Cry can interpret moonlight to entrain the monthly (circalunar) clock of a marine worm to control sexual maturation and reproduction. (
  • For some species, such as the bristle worm Platynereiis dumerilii, lab experiments have shown that moonlight exerts its timing function by entraining an inner monthly calendar, also called circalunar clock. (
  • Co-first-author Shruthi Krishnan worked out that L-Cry proteins exposed to naturalistic moonlight accumulate the low photon numbers of the moonlight over hours, but at most only half of the FADs get photoreduced. (

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