A disorder characterized by grinding and clenching of the teeth.
A sleep disorder characterized by grinding and clenching of the teeth and forceful lateral or protrusive jaw movements. Sleep bruxism may be associated with TOOTH INJURIES; TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDERS; sleep disturbances; and other conditions.
Loss of the tooth substance by chemical or mechanical processes
An occlusion resulting in overstrain and injury to teeth, periodontal tissue, or other oral structures.
The wearing away of a tooth as a result of tooth-to-tooth contact, as in mastication, occurring only on the occlusal, incisal, and proximal surfaces. It is chiefly associated with aging. It is differentiated from TOOTH ABRASION (the pathologic wearing away of the tooth substance by friction, as brushing, bruxism, clenching, and other mechanical causes) and from TOOTH EROSION (the loss of substance caused by chemical action without bacterial action). (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p86)
A symptom complex consisting of pain, muscle tenderness, clicking in the joint, and limitation or alteration of mandibular movement. The symptoms are subjective and manifested primarily in the masticatory muscles rather than the temporomandibular joint itself. Etiologic factors are uncertain but include occlusal dysharmony and psychophysiologic factors.
A masticatory muscle whose action is closing the jaws.
Acquired or learned responses which are regularly manifested.
Muscles arising in the zygomatic arch that close the jaw. Their nerve supply is masseteric from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. (From Stedman, 25th ed)
The mouth, teeth, jaws, pharynx, and related structures as they relate to mastication, deglutition, and speech.
The relationship of all the components of the masticatory system in normal function. It has special reference to the position and contact of the maxillary and mandibular teeth for the highest efficiency during the excursive movements of the jaw that are essential for mastication. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p556, p472)
An artificial replacement for one or more natural teeth or part of a tooth, or associated structures, ranging from a portion of a tooth to a complete denture. The dental prosthesis is used for cosmetic or functional reasons, or both. DENTURES and specific types of dentures are also available. (From Boucher's Clinical Dental Terminology, 4th ed, p244 & Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p643)
Common form of habitual body manipulation which is an expression of tension.
Rigid or flexible appliances that overlay the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. They are used to treat clenching and bruxism and their sequelae, and to provide temporary relief from muscle or temporomandibular joint pain.
A variety of conditions affecting the anatomic and functional characteristics of the temporomandibular joint. Factors contributing to the complexity of temporomandibular diseases are its relation to dentition and mastication and the symptomatic effects in other areas which account for referred pain to the joint and the difficulties in applying traditional diagnostic procedures to temporomandibular joint pathology where tissue is rarely obtained and x-rays are often inadequate or nonspecific. Common diseases are developmental abnormalities, trauma, subluxation, luxation, arthritis, and neoplasia. (From Thoma's Oral Pathology, 6th ed, pp577-600)
A histamine H1 receptor antagonist that is effective in the treatment of chronic urticaria, dermatitis, and histamine-mediated pruritus. Unlike its major metabolite CETIRIZINE, it does cause drowsiness. It is also effective as an antiemetic, for relief of anxiety and tension, and as a sedative.
The pathologic wearing away of the tooth substance by brushing, bruxism, clenching, and other mechanical causes. It is differentiated from TOOTH ATTRITION in that this type of wearing away is the result of tooth-to-tooth contact, as in mastication, occurring only on the occlusal, incisal, and proximal surfaces. It differs also from TOOTH EROSION, the progressive loss of the hard substance of a tooth by chemical processes not involving bacterial action. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p2)
Perception of shape and form of objects by TOUCH, via tactile stimuli.
Pain in the facial region including orofacial pain and craniofacial pain. Associated conditions include local inflammatory and neoplastic disorders and neuralgic syndromes involving the trigeminal, facial, and glossopharyngeal nerves. Conditions which feature recurrent or persistent facial pain as the primary manifestation of disease are referred to as FACIAL PAIN SYNDROMES.
Abnormal breathing through the mouth, usually associated with obstructive disorders of the nasal passages.
The act and process of chewing and grinding food in the mouth.
The teeth of the first dentition, which are shed and replaced by the permanent teeth.
An articulation between the condyle of the mandible and the articular tubercle of the temporal bone.

Temporomandibular disorders and the need for stomatognathic treatment in orthodontically treated and untreated girls. (1/55)

The aim of this investigation was to study symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and headaches longitudinally in girls with Class II malocclusions receiving orthodontic treatment in comparison with subjects with untreated Class II malocclusions and girls with normal occlusion, and to evaluate the need and demand for stomatognathic treatment. The frequency and location of subjective symptoms of TMD and headaches were registered by means of an interview and a questionnaire in three groups of age-matched adolescent girls. Sixty-five Class II subjects received orthodontic fixed straight-wire appliance treatment (Orthodontic group), 58 with Class I malocclusion were orthodontically untreated (Class II group) and 60 had a normal occlusion (Normal group). Individual fluctuations of reported symptoms of TMD were found in all three groups over the 2-year period of the study. Subjects with untreated Class II malocclusions rated their overall symptoms of TMD as more severe than the Orthodontic and the Normal groups. In the Orthodontic group, the prevalence of symptoms of TMD decreased over the 2 years. The overall prevalence of symptoms of TMD was, however, lower in the Normal group than in the other two groups. The need for stomatognathic treatment in the whole sample was estimated to be 13 per cent, while the actual demand was 3 per cent. The large fluctuation of symptoms of TMD over time leads us to suggest a conservative treatment approach when stomatognathic treatment in children and adolescents is considered. The results show that orthodontic treatment did not increase the risk of TMD.  (+info)

Temporomandibular dysfunction in patients treated with orthodontics in combination with orthognathic surgery. (2/55)

Fifty-two patients with malocclusions underwent orthodontic treatment in combination with orthognathic surgery involving a Le Fort I and/or sagittal split osteotomy. Approximately 5 years after surgery, the patients were examined for signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The frequencies were found to be low in comparison with epidemiological studies in this field. The aesthetic outcome and chewing ability were improved in most patients (about 80 per cent). Some of the patients had reported recurrent and daily headaches before treatment. At examination, only two patients had reported having a headache once or twice a week, while all the others suffered from headaches less often or had no headache at all. Eighty-three per cent of the patients reported that they would be prepared to undergo the orthodontic/surgical treatment again with their present knowledge of the procedure. This study shows that orthodontic/surgical treatment of malocclusions not only has a beneficial effect on the aesthetic appearance and chewing ability, but also results in an improvement in signs and symptoms of TMD, including headaches.  (+info)

A case of anterior open bite developing during adolescence. (3/55)

Imaging studies have reported on the relationship between temporomandibular joint (TMJ) degeneration and facial deformity. These studies have suggested that mandibular growth is affected by TMJ degeneration, resulting in altered skeletal structure as mandibular retrusion. However, there are very few longitudinal case reports on TMJ osteoarthrosis (OA). Progressive open bite occurred in an adolescent patient with TMJ OA. Cephalometric analysis showed a downward and backward rotated mandible, and a labial inclination of the upper incisor. Magnetic resonance imaging showed internal derangement without reduction and erosion in the right and the left condyles. Although the cause of open bite is unclear in this case, tongue thrusting, and internal derangements in the temporomandibular joint were suspected as causes of the open bite.  (+info)

Variability in sleep bruxism activity over time. (4/55)

Sleep bruxism (SB) is an oral activity associated with jaw movements and tooth grinding. Sleep bruxism is believed to be highly variable over time, with subjects showing no activity on some nights and intense activity on others. Assessment of SB variability in individual patients is necessary for clinical trials designed to estimate the efficacy of SB management strategies. The present study analysed SB night-to-night variability over time in nine moderate to severe SB patients. Excluding the first night for habituation, a total of 37 nights were analysed, with a range of 2-8 nights per subject. The interval between the first and the last recording was between 2 months and 7.5 years. The outcomes were the number of SB episodes per hour, number of SB bursts per hour and number of SB episodes with grinding noise. The within subject variability of the three SB oromotor outcomes was evaluated using standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation. To verify the diagnosis of subjects over time, the values of the oromotor outcomes were compared with a standard research diagnostic cut-off: (1) Number of SB episodes per hour >4, (2) Number of SB bursts per hour >25, (3) Number of SB episodes with noise per night >1 (Lavigne et al. 1996). The mean coefficient of variation for the nine subjects was 25.3% for SB episodes per hour, 30.4% for SB bursts per hour and 53.5% for episodes with noise. Linear regression showed that the number of SB episodes per hour of stages 1 and 2 explains a large proportion of the variability. The SB diagnosis remained constant over time for every subject: 35 nights over 37 respected criteria 1 and 2, while grinding was present every night. These results indicate that while the SB diagnostic remains relatively constant over time in moderate to severe sleep bruxers, individual variability could be important in some SB patients.  (+info)

Emotional stress and brux-like activity of the masseter muscle in rats. (5/55)

The aim of this study was to further clarify the relationship between emotional stress and bruxism. In experiment 1, 60 male 9-week-old Wistar rats were divided into four groups: the emotionally stressed (ES), the emotionally non-stressed (NS), the electrically foot-shocked (FSd), and the non-foot-shocked (NSd). ES rats were confined in a communication box for one hour a day to observe the emotional responses of neighbouring FSd rats. On days 0, 1, 4, 8, and 12, the electromyographic activity of the ES and NS rats' left masseter muscles was recorded for one hour, three hours after confinement in the communication box. Brux-like activity appeared in the masseter muscle of the ES group on days 1, 4, 8, and 12, but not in the NS group. In experiment 2, 36 male Wistar rats, 9 weeks old, were divided into three groups: emotionally stressed rats treated with an anti-anxiety drug (DES), emotionally stressed rats treated with saline as a vehicle (VES), and 24 FSd rats. Stress and EMG procedures were the same as those in experiment 1. Brux-like episodes decreased in DES rats from day 1 and significant differences were found on days 4 (P < 0.01), 8 (P < 0.05), and 12 (P < 0.05), when compared with the VES group. These findings suggest that emotional stress induces brux-like activity in the masseter muscle of rats, which was reduced with anti-anxiety drugs.  (+info)

The cracked tooth syndrome. (6/55)

The purpose of this article is to review the clinical features, diagnosis and management of the cracked tooth syndrome (CTS). The condition refers to an incomplete fracture of a vital posterior tooth that occasionally extends into the pulp. A lack of awareness of the condition coupled with its varied clinical features can make diagnosis of CTS difficult. Common symptoms include an uncomfortable sensation or pain from a tooth that occurs while chewing hard foods and which ceases when the pressure is withdrawn. The patient is often unable to identify the offending tooth or quadrant involved, and may report a history of numerous dental procedures with unsatisfactory results. Successful diagnosis and management requires an awareness of the existence of CTS and the appropriate diagnostic tests. Management options depend on the nature of the symptoms and extent of the lesion. These options include routine monitoring, occlusal adjustments, placement of a cast restoration and endodontic treatment. A decision flowchart indicating the treatment options available to the dental practitioner is presented.  (+info)

Oral habits of temporomandibular disorder patients with malocclusion. (7/55)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between oral habits and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder in patients who had sought orthodontic treatment by analyzing their present and past history. The subjects were 57 female patients (average age: 23 years and 6 months old) who had visited the "Temporomandibular Disorder Section" in our orthodontic department. Their chief complaints were the symptom of TMJ and the abnormalities of occlusion such as maxillary protrusion, open bite, crowding, mandibular protrusion, cross bite, deep bite, edge-to-edge bite, and spacing. Their present conditions and past histories were examined and evaluated. The most typical primary symptom was joint sound (23 patients, 40.0%). The second was joint sound and pain (15 patients, 26.3%). Of the symptoms present at the time of examination, the most prevalent were joint sound and pain (20 patients, 35.1%). The 48 patients (82.8%) had significant oral habits. Unilateral chewing was seen in 35 patients (72.9%), bruxism in 27 (56.3%), abnormality of posture in 14 (29.2%), habitual crunching in 10 (20.8%) and resting the check on the hand in 4 (8.3%), respectively. When comparing the primary symptoms to those at the time of examination, the patients with unilateral chewing and bruxism tended to have more complicated symptoms. In conclusion, the TMD symptoms of the patients with notable oral habits did not change or become worse during a period of about 5 years.  (+info)

Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in adolescents. (8/55)

The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in adolescents and its relationship to gender. The sample comprised 217 subjects, aged 12 to 18. The subjective symptoms and clinical signs of TMD were evaluated, using, respectively, a self-report questionnaire and the Craniomandibular Index, which has 2 subscales; the Dysfunction Index and the Palpation Index. The results of muscle tenderness showed great variability (0.9-32.25%). In relation to the temporomandibular joint, tenderness of the superior, dorsal and lateral condyle regions occurred in 10.6%, 10.6% and 7.83%, respectively, of the sample. Joint sound during opening was present in 19.8% of the sample and during closing in 14.7%. The most prevalent symptoms were joint sounds (26.72%) and headache (21.65%). There was no statistical difference between genders (p > 0.05), except for the tenderness of the lateral pterygoid muscles, which presented more prevalence in girls. In conclusion, clinical signs and symptoms of TMD can occur in adolescents; however, gender influence was not perceived.  (+info)

Bruxism is the medical term for grinding or clenching your teeth. It's often an unconscious habit that can occur during the day or at night (nocturnal bruxism). Mild bruxism may not require treatment, but chronic, severe grinding can lead to jaw disorders, headaches, and damaged teeth.

There are several potential causes of bruxism, including stress, anxiety, certain medications, alcohol and drug use, and sleep disorders. Dentists often diagnose bruxism based on the visible signs of wear on your teeth, or they may ask you about symptoms you're experiencing. Treatment for bruxism can include stress management techniques, dental guards to protect your teeth during sleep, and in some cases, medication.

Sleep bruxism is a sleep-related movement disorder characterized by the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth and jaw muscle activity during sleep, which can lead to tooth wear, jaw pain, headaches, and other oral health issues. It is typically considered a parasomnia, which is a type of abnormal behavior that occurs during sleep. The exact causes of sleep bruxism are not fully understood, but it may be associated with stress, certain medications, alcohol and drug use, and other factors. Treatment options can include stress management techniques, dental guards to protect the teeth, and in some cases, medication.

Tooth wear is the progressive loss of tooth structure that can occur as a result of various factors. According to the medical definition, it refers to the wearing down, rubbing away, or grinding off of the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel and dentin) due to mechanical forces or chemical processes.

There are three primary types of tooth wear:

1. Abrasion: This is the loss of tooth structure caused by friction from external sources, such as incorrect brushing techniques, bite appliances, or habits like nail-biting and pipe smoking.
2. Attrition: This type of tooth wear results from the natural wearing down of teeth due to occlusal forces during biting, chewing, and grinding. However, excessive attrition can occur due to bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching.
3. Erosion: Chemical processes, such as acid attacks from dietary sources (e.g., citrus fruits, sodas, and sports drinks) or gastric reflux, cause the loss of tooth structure in this type of tooth wear. The enamel dissolves when exposed to low pH levels, leaving the dentin underneath vulnerable to further damage.

Professional dental examination and treatment may be necessary to address significant tooth wear and prevent further progression, which can lead to sensitivity, pain, and functional or aesthetic issues.

Dental occlusion, traumatic is a term used to describe an abnormal bite or contact between the upper and lower teeth that results in trauma or injury to the oral structures. This can occur when there is a discrepancy in the alignment of the teeth or jaws, such as an overbite, underbite, or crossbite, which causes excessive force or pressure on certain teeth or tissues.

Traumatic dental occlusion can result in various dental and oral health issues, including tooth wear, fractures, mobility of teeth, gum recession, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. It is important to diagnose and treat traumatic dental occlusion early to prevent further damage and alleviate any discomfort or pain. Treatment options may include orthodontic treatment, adjustment of the bite, restoration of damaged teeth, or a combination of these approaches.

Tooth attrition is a type of wear on the teeth that results from normal dental occlusal forces during biting, chewing, and grinding of food. It involves the loss of tooth structure by mechanical forces and is typically seen as a flattening or reduction in the vertical height of the crowns of teeth.

Attrition differs from other types of tooth wear such as abrasion (which is caused by external factors like toothbrush bristles, toothpaste, or habitual pen/pencil biting), erosion (which is caused by chemical dissolution of tooth structure due to acid exposure), and abfraction (which is caused by flexural forces leading to cervical lesions).

While some degree of attrition is considered a normal part of the aging process, excessive attrition can lead to dental sensitivity, aesthetic concerns, and even affect the functionality of the teeth and overall oral health. Dental professionals may recommend various treatments such as fillings, crowns, or even orthodontic interventions to manage the consequences of severe tooth attrition.

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome, often abbreviated as TMJD or TMD, is a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) - the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull. Here's a more detailed medical definition:

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome is a complex disorder characterized by pain, clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the TMJ; limited movement or locking of the jaw; and/or painful chewing movements. The condition may be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle tension, joint inflammation, structural problems with the joint itself, or injury to the head, neck, or jaw.

Symptoms of TMJD can include:
- Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck, and/or shoulders
- Limited ability to open the mouth wide
- Jaw locking, making it difficult to close or open the mouth
- Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the TMJ when opening or closing the mouth
- A significant change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together
- Headaches, earaches, dizziness, and hearing problems

Treatment for TMJD can vary depending on the severity of the condition and its underlying cause. It may include self-care practices such as eating soft foods, avoiding extreme jaw movements, and practicing relaxation techniques; physical therapy; medication to reduce pain and inflammation; dental treatments such as mouthguards or bite adjustments; and, in rare cases, surgery.

The masseter muscle is a strong chewing muscle in the jaw. It is a broad, thick, quadrilateral muscle that extends from the zygomatic arch (cheekbone) to the lower jaw (mandible). The masseter muscle has two distinct parts: the superficial part and the deep part.

The superficial part of the masseter muscle originates from the lower border of the zygomatic process of the maxilla and the anterior two-thirds of the inferior border of the zygomatic arch. The fibers of this part run almost vertically downward to insert on the lateral surface of the ramus of the mandible and the coronoid process.

The deep part of the masseter muscle originates from the deep surface of the zygomatic arch and inserts on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible, blending with the temporalis tendon.

The primary function of the masseter muscle is to elevate the mandible, helping to close the mouth and clench the teeth together during mastication (chewing). It also plays a role in stabilizing the jaw during biting and speaking. The masseter muscle is one of the most powerful muscles in the human body relative to its size.

In the context of medical terminology, a "habit" refers to a regular, repeated behavior or practice that is often performed automatically or subconsciously. Habits can be physical (such as biting nails) or mental (such as worrying). They can be harmless, beneficial (like regularly brushing your teeth), or harmful (like smoking cigarettes).

Habits are different from instincts or reflexes because they involve a learned behavior that has been repeated and reinforced over time. Breaking a habit can often be challenging due to the deeply ingrained nature of the behavior.

Masticatory muscles are a group of skeletal muscles responsible for the mastication (chewing) process in humans and other animals. They include:

1. Masseter muscle: This is the primary muscle for chewing and is located on the sides of the face, running from the lower jawbone (mandible) to the cheekbone (zygomatic arch). It helps close the mouth and elevate the mandible during chewing.

2. Temporalis muscle: This muscle is situated in the temporal region of the skull, covering the temple area. It assists in closing the jaw, retracting the mandible, and moving it sideways during chewing.

3. Medial pterygoid muscle: Located deep within the cheek, near the angle of the lower jaw, this muscle helps move the mandible forward and grind food during chewing. It also contributes to closing the mouth.

4. Lateral pterygoid muscle: Found inside the ramus (the vertical part) of the mandible, this muscle has two heads - superior and inferior. The superior head helps open the mouth by pulling the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) downwards, while the inferior head assists in moving the mandible sideways during chewing.

These muscles work together to enable efficient chewing and food breakdown, preparing it for swallowing and digestion.

The stomatognathic system is a term used in medicine and dentistry to refer to the coordinated functions of the mouth, jaw, and related structures. It includes the teeth, gums, tongue, palate, lips, cheeks, salivary glands, as well as the muscles of mastication (chewing), swallowing, and speech. The stomatognathic system also involves the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and associated structures that allow for movement of the jaw. This complex system works together to enable functions such as eating, speaking, and breathing. Dysfunction in the stomatognathic system can lead to various oral health issues, including temporomandibular disorders, occlusal problems, and orofacial pain.

Dental occlusion refers to the alignment and contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaws are closed. It is the relationship between the maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth when they approach each other, as occurs during chewing or biting.

A proper dental occlusion, also known as a balanced occlusion, ensures that the teeth and jaw joints function harmoniously, reducing the risk of tooth wear, damage, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Malocclusion, on the other hand, refers to improper alignment or contact between the upper and lower teeth, which may require orthodontic treatment or dental restorations to correct.

A dental prosthesis is a device that replaces one or more missing teeth or parts of teeth to correct deficiencies in chewing ability, speech, and aesthetics. It can be removable or fixed (permanent) and can be made from various materials such as acrylic resin, porcelain, metal alloys, or a combination of these. Examples of dental prostheses include dentures, bridges, crowns, and implants.

The medical term for nail biting is "Onychophagia." It's classified as a type of body-focused repetitive behavior, which is a category of mental health disorders characterized by the repeated compulsion to engage in certain self-grooming behaviors that cause physical damage. In the case of onychophagia, the individual repeatedly bites their nails, often until they bleed or become severely damaged. This can lead to various complications, such as infection and dental issues. It's important to note that while nail biting is a common habit, when it becomes repetitive, compulsive, and causes significant distress or impairment, it may be indicative of a broader mental health condition.

Occlusal splints, also known as bite guards or night guards, are removable dental appliances that are used to provide protection and stabilization for the teeth and jaw joint (temporomandibular joint or TMJ). They are typically made of hard acrylic or soft materials and are custom-fit to a patient's mouth.

Occlusal splints work by covering and separating the upper and lower teeth, preventing them from coming into contact with each other. This can help to reduce tooth grinding and clenching (bruxism), which can cause tooth wear, sensitivity, and TMJ disorders. They may also be used to help stabilize the jaw joint and muscles in patients with TMJ disorders or to provide protection for teeth that have undergone restorative dental work.

It is important to note that occlusal splints should only be worn under the guidance of a dentist, as improper use can lead to further dental problems.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD) refer to a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles that control jaw movement. The TMJ is the hinge joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull (temporal bone) in front of the ear. It allows for movements required for activities such as eating, speaking, and yawning.

TMD can result from various causes, including:

1. Muscle tension or spasm due to clenching or grinding teeth (bruxism), stress, or jaw misalignment
2. Dislocation or injury of the TMJ disc, which is a small piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion between the bones in the joint
3. Arthritis or other degenerative conditions affecting the TMJ
4. Bite problems (malocclusion) leading to abnormal stress on the TMJ and its surrounding muscles
5. Stress, which can exacerbate existing TMD symptoms by causing muscle tension

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders may include:
- Pain or tenderness in the jaw, face, neck, or shoulders
- Limited jaw movement or locking of the jaw
- Clicking, popping, or grating sounds when moving the jaw
- Headaches, earaches, or dizziness
- Difficulty chewing or biting
- Swelling on the side of the face

Treatment for TMD varies depending on the severity and cause of the condition. It may include self-care measures (like eating soft foods, avoiding extreme jaw movements, and applying heat or cold packs), physical therapy, medications (such as muscle relaxants, pain relievers, or anti-inflammatory drugs), dental work (including bite adjustments or orthodontic treatment), or even surgery in severe cases.

Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine medication that is primarily used to treat symptoms of allergies such as itching, hives, and swelling. It works by blocking the effects of histamine, a substance in the body that causes allergic reactions. In addition to its antihistaminic properties, hydroxyzine also has sedative and anxiety-reducing effects, which make it useful in treating anxiety disorders, symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, and as a sleep aid. It is available in both oral and injectable forms and is usually taken orally in the form of tablets, capsules, or syrup. As with any medication, hydroxyzine should be used under the supervision of a healthcare provider, and its use may be subject to certain precautions and contraindications depending on the individual's medical history and current health status.

Tooth abrasion is defined as the wearing away of tooth structure due to mechanical forces from activities such as tooth brushing, chewing, or habits like nail biting or pen chewing. It typically occurs at the gum line and can result in sensitive teeth, notches in the teeth near the gums, and even tooth loss if left untreated. The use of hard-bristled toothbrushes, excessive force while brushing, and abrasive toothpastes can all contribute to tooth abrasion.

Stereognosis is a medical term that refers to the ability to identify and recognize the form, size, and texture of an object by using tactile (touch) sensation without visual or auditory input. It's a component of sensory perception that allows us to understand the three-dimensional shape and nature of objects through touch alone.

Loss or impairment of stereognosis can be a sign of neurological disorders, such as damage to the sensory cortex in the parietal lobe of the brain. Testing stereognosis is often part of a neurological examination to assess the functioning of the nervous system and the sense of touch.

Facial pain is a condition characterized by discomfort or pain felt in any part of the face. It can result from various causes, including nerve damage or irritation, injuries, infections, dental problems, migraines, or sinus congestion. The pain can range from mild to severe and may be sharp, dull, constant, or intermittent. In some cases, facial pain can also be associated with other symptoms such as headaches, redness, swelling, or changes in sensation. Accurate diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause are essential for effective management of facial pain.

Mouth breathing is a condition characterized by the regular habit of breathing through the mouth instead of the nose during awake states and sometimes during sleep. This can occur due to various reasons such as nasal congestion, deviated septum, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, or structural abnormalities in the jaw or airway. Prolonged mouth breathing can lead to several oral and general health issues, including dry mouth, bad breath, gum disease, and orthodontic problems. It can also affect sleep quality and cognitive function.

Mastication is the medical term for the process of chewing food. It's the first step in digestion, where food is broken down into smaller pieces by the teeth, making it easier to swallow and further digest. The act of mastication involves not only the physical grinding and tearing of food by the teeth but also the mixing of the food with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin to break down carbohydrates. This process helps to enhance the efficiency of digestion and nutrient absorption in the subsequent stages of the digestive process.

A deciduous tooth, also known as a baby tooth or primary tooth, is a type of temporary tooth that humans and some other mammals develop during childhood. They are called "deciduous" because they are eventually shed and replaced by permanent teeth, much like how leaves on a deciduous tree fall off and are replaced by new growth.

Deciduous teeth begin to form in the womb and start to erupt through the gums when a child is around six months old. By the time a child reaches age three, they typically have a full set of 20 deciduous teeth, including incisors, canines, and molars. These teeth are smaller and less durable than permanent teeth, but they serve important functions such as helping children chew food properly, speak clearly, and maintain space in the jaw for the permanent teeth to grow into.

Deciduous teeth usually begin to fall out around age six or seven, starting with the lower central incisors. This process continues until all of the deciduous teeth have been shed, typically by age 12 or 13. At this point, the permanent teeth will have grown in and taken their place, with the exception of the wisdom teeth, which may not erupt until later in adolescence or early adulthood.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the articulation between the mandible (lower jaw) and the temporal bone of the skull. It's a complex joint that involves the movement of two bones, several muscles, and various ligaments. The TMJ allows for movements like rotation and translation, enabling us to open and close our mouth, chew, speak, and yawn. Dysfunction in this joint can lead to temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD), which can cause pain, discomfort, and limited jaw movement.

Awake bruxism is more common in women, whereas men and women are affected in equal proportions by sleep bruxism. Awake bruxism ... Awake bruxism is sometimes abbreviated to AB, and is also termed "diurnal bruxism", DB, or "daytime bruxing". Sleep bruxism is ... E.g. several studies use self-reported bruxism as a measure of bruxism, and since many people with bruxism are not aware of ... Alternatively, bruxism can be divided into primary bruxism (also termed "idiopathic bruxism"), where the disorder is not ...
A mouthguard is most often used to prevent injury in contact sports, as a treatment for bruxism or TMD, or as part of certain ... Sports portal Medicine portal Dental trauma Bruxism Tribst, J. P. M., de Oliveira Dal Piva, A. M., Borges, A. L. S., & Bottino ... Jagger, R (2008). "The effectiveness of occlusal splints for sleep bruxism". Evid-Based Dent. 9 (1): 23. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd. ... People prone to nocturnal bruxism, or nighttime clenching, as well as morsicatio buccarum may routinely wear occlusal splints ...
... bruxism; and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The use of artificial light has substantially altered humanity's sleep patterns ...
Bruxism • Buccal bifurcation cyst • Buccal mucosa • Buccal space CAD/CAM Dentistry • Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor • ...
... bruxism); disrupted sleep; feeding difficulties; gastrointestinal problems including constipation and gastroesophageal reflux. ...
White Horses Bruxism EP Released: 17 October 2011 Label: Blessing Force Tracks: Canopy Shade Bruxism Seven Waves Sleepwalks ... "Trophy Wife - Bruxism EP". Discogs.com. Retrieved 24 August 2012. Trophy Wife on Tumblr Trophy Wife on Facebook (Articles with ... The band went on a headline tour of the UK in November 2011, following the release of their Bruxism EP on 17 October 2011. All ... Chang, Mary (13 October 2011). "EP Reviews - Trophy Wife - Bruxism". This is Fake DIY. Retrieved 12 August 2012. "Watch: Trophy ...
Bruxism is the para-functional movement of the mandible, occurring during the day or night. It can be associated with presence ... Dental erosion and bruxism. A tooth wear analysis from South East Queensland. Aust Dent J. 1998. 43 (2):117-27. Shellis RP, ... The pathological wear of the tooth surface can be caused by bruxism, which is clenching and grinding of the teeth. If the ... Thus, if erosion and bruxism both exist, surface loss due to attrition is faster. Severe attrition in young patients is usually ...
It is associated with bruxism. Botulinum toxin has been used in treatment. Since the root of the problem is neurological, ...
Orofacial Pain and Bruxism. Churchill Livingstone. pp. 301-320. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-10310-0.00023-X. ISBN 978-0-443-10310-0 ...
"Bruxism in Movement Disorders: A Comprehensive Review: Bruxism in Movement Disorders". Journal of Prosthodontics. 26 (7): 599- ... the severity of tooth mobility caused by bruxism also varies depending on the teeth grinding pattern and intensity of bruxism. ... Although it cannot cause periodontium damage in itself, bruxism is known to be able to worsen attachment loss and tooth ... However, the tooth mobility is typically reversible and the tooth returns to normal level of mobility once the bruxism is ...
This bruxism can occur continuously. Chronic use of the drug might also cause trismus, the inability to open the jaw. The ... One such habit that may affect the development of meth mouth is bruxism, particularly as the drug's effects wane and stereotypy ... Methamphetamine users sometimes experience soreness in the joint of the jaw and dental attrition (tooth wear) due to bruxism, a ... Other side effects (like bruxism and stimulant psychosis) can result in users neglecting their dental health, eventually ...
Ramfjord, Sigurd P. (January 1961). "Bruxism, a clinical and electromyographic study". The Journal of the American Dental ...
Emax use in crowns or bridges is not recommended for patients who suffer from bruxism. Zirconia is used in anterior, and ... Patients with parafunction e.g. bruxism. Tooth mobility increases risk of de-bonding. Malaligned teeth resulting in poor ...
There is a strong correlation between bruxism and neuroticism. More severe bruxism is associated with a higher degree of ... March 2018). "The phenotype, psychotype and genotype of bruxism". Biomedical Reports. 8 (3): 264-268. doi:10.3892/br.2018.1041 ...
"Bruxism: Grinding Your Teeth Is the Pits". iHeartRadio. June 30, 2020. Retrieved March 25, 2021. "Oh Yes, How Soil Works". ...
"Bruxism: Grinding Your Teeth Is the Pits". iHeartRadio. June 30, 2020. Retrieved March 25, 2021. "Oh Yes, How Soil Works". ...
Scally, K.B. (1991). Bruxism A Worn Out Concept - A Guest Editorial. Cranio. pp. 9:183-185. (Articles with short description, ...
Additionally, horses may display bruxism, ptyalism, and dullness. Foals may additionally have diarrhea and display a potbelly ...
Kennedy channels a kind of regretful, anxious bruxism; Smith presents a bewildered, open-jawed aghast." He went on to find " ...
200 Letters to Nagasaki Nejime's bruxism 1989 Naoki Prize. One of his stories appears in Read Real Japanese 重松清 (18 November ...
Bruxism also responds to clonazepam in the short term. REM sleep behavior disorder responds well to low doses of clonazepam. It ... "Comparison of various treatments for sleep bruxism using determinants of number needed to treat and effect size". The ...
Diurnal bruxism Controlling rumination and vomiting Pica Every human being must learn a set of skills that is beneficial for ... Blount, R.L.; Drabman, R.S.; Wilson, N.; Stewart D. (1982). Reducing severe diurnal bruxism ib tw profoundly retarded females. ...
Garrett AR, Hawley JS (April 2018). "SSRI-associated bruxism: A systematic review of published case reports". Neurology. ... Albayrak Y, Ekinci O (2011). "Duloxetine-induced nocturnal bruxism resolved by buspirone: case report". Clinical ... Buspirone appears to be successful in treating bruxism on SSRI/SNRI induced jaw clenching. Serotonin syndrome is typically ... "Use of buspirone in selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-induced sleep bruxism". European Psychiatry. Abstract of the 25th ...
Bruxism is a common cause of excessive occlusal forces. Systemic immune factors such as diabetes can predispose a person to the ...
Sleep dentistry (bruxism, snoring and sleep apnea), while not recognized as one of the nine dental specialties, qualifies for ... Sleep disruptions can be caused by various issues, including teeth grinding (bruxism) and night terrors. Management of sleep ... The following list includes some of them: Bruxism, involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth while sleeping Catathrenia, ... A different systematic review offers a high range of prevalence rates of sleep bruxism for children. Parasomnias like ...
Attrition has been associated with masticatory force and parafunctional activity such as bruxism. A degree of attrition is ... Attrition Abrasion Erosion Abfraction Bruxism Kaidonis JA (August 2012). "Oral diagnosis and treatment planning: part 4. Non- ...
... and SSRI antidepressants in general may be associated with bruxism and other movement disorders. Sertraline appears ... Garrett AR, Hawley JS (April 2018). "SSRI-associated bruxism: A systematic review of published case reports". Neurology. ...
Feliciano said he suffered from chronic pain related to bruxism. "I don't wish for anyone," he said. "I am a politician and a ...
Higher rates of tooth wear and bruxism are also common. Other common oral manifestations of Down syndrome include enlarged ...
Garrett AR, Hawley JS (April 2018). "SSRI-associated bruxism: A systematic review of published case reports". Neurology. ... and buspirone appears to be successful in treating bruxism on SSRI/SNRI-induced jaw clenching. Buspirone has these ... "Use of buspirone in selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-induced sleep bruxism". European Psychiatry. Abstract of the 25th ...
Awake bruxism is more common in women, whereas men and women are affected in equal proportions by sleep bruxism. Awake bruxism ... Awake bruxism is sometimes abbreviated to AB, and is also termed "diurnal bruxism", DB, or "daytime bruxing". Sleep bruxism is ... E.g. several studies use self-reported bruxism as a measure of bruxism, and since many people with bruxism are not aware of ... Alternatively, bruxism can be divided into primary bruxism (also termed "idiopathic bruxism"), where the disorder is not ...
Bruxism is teeth grinding or clenching that occurs when someone is not chewing. It can happen when someone is awake or asleep. ... These factors vary depending on the type of bruxism.. Primary bruxism. Primary bruxism occurs on its own and does not result ... Can bruxism cause tinnitus?. It is possible that bruxism and tinnitus might be linked. According to the American Tinnitus ... As bruxism directly affects this joint, it may lead to tinnitus.. Is bruxism hereditary?. An older review. of previous research ...
Bruxism / nightguard. January 3, 2007 4:15 PM Subscribe. Bruxism filter: Getting a nightguard sans dentist.. I need a ... alcohol and sugar can exacerbate bruxism.. posted by Riverine at 5:56 PM on January 3, 2007 ...
Bruxism often goes unnoticed until someone mentions the grinding noise during sleep.Other potential signs of bruxism include ... How do I Know if I Have Bruxism?. For many people, bruxism is an unconscious habit. They may not even realize theyre doing it ... What is Bruxism?. If you find yourself waking up with sore jaw muscles or a headache, you may be suffering from bruxism - the ... How is Bruxism Treated?. The appropriate treatment for you will depend on what is causing the problem. By asking careful ...
Do you sometimes wake up with a severe headache and painful jaws? You might be suffering from a bruxism condition. Bruxism is a ... Tag: Bruxism. HealthTips. 3 Benefits of Getting a Custom Night Guard for Your Teeth. Martha Little. February 16, 2022. July 25 ...
Bruxism Linked With Periodontitis. Involuntary masseter muscle activity such as bruxism and jaw clenching may be linked to... ... TeethNightGuard.com Supplies Relief with Affordable Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard Bruxism, the clinical term for... ...
Therefore, this study aims to conduct a narrative review of the literature about bruxism in children and adolescents with Down ... The role of bruxism in children and adolescents with Down syndrome, the most often diagnosed congenital syndrome, is still ... Keywords: Down syndrome; adolescents; awake bruxism; bruxism; children; obstructive sleep apnea; sleep bruxism. ... Bruxism in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome: A Comprehensive Review Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Mar 1;57(3):224. doi: ...
Does your child have bruxism? This isnt just an annoying problem. Learn from this article how you can help your child stop it. ... Bruxism is a problem adults are all too familiar with. It happens to them often, and their kids are equally vulnerable to it. ... Dehydration is closely linked to bruxism. Thats why you have to make sure that your child is getting enough water every day, ...
... and the changing diagnostic criteria by which bruxism is defined. Nonetheless, the lit... ... Evidence-based management of bruxism is hampered by the limited number of randomized controlled studies available for assessing ... The health care provider attempting to manage bruxism should understand that nocturnal or sleep bruxism is not going to be ... More than 6 bruxism bursts per episode and/or 25 bruxism bursts per hour of sleep ...
Dear Mark: Egg Replacements, Bruxism, Fermenting Frozen Veggies, and Ferments While Breastfeeding. By Mark Sisson ... Curious to know Marks thoughts on bruxism, or teeth clenching / grinding. The newish school of thought is that it is a sign of ... As far back as the 1970s, clinicians have been reporting connections between magnesium levels and bruxism. One French doctor ... even found that magnesium supplementation "nearly always" resolved bruxism.. Hey there. Id really like to try fermenting, but ...
Some consider bruxism as a manifestation of RLS, based on the fact that ~40% of patients with RLS report a history of bruxism ( ... Alkhatatbeh et al (97) showed that there is a significant link between vit.D deficiency and sleep bruxism, with 60% of bruxism ... In subjects with mild bruxism, these numbers appeared to rise to 50 and 30%, respectively, and in moderate and severe bruxism ... Implication of magnesium in bruxism. The possible involvement of magnesium in the pathogenesis of bruxism can be further ...
We have explored seven bruxism tips for treating bruxism. Put in mind that some bruxism treatments are not effective to ... Alternative Bruxism Treatments. 1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Visit your nearest psychiatrist for bruxism help. He ... I am aware this might baffle you its true that Botox a significant impact on reducing bruxism. Botox does not end bruxism ... Before I take you through alternative bruxism treatments, allow me to expound more on what bruxism entails. ...
The SingHealth Duke-NUS Sleep Centre shares all about how bruxism can be managed in primary care. ... What are the different types of bruxism, what should GPs look out for, and what are the keys to effective patient management? ... WHAT IS BRUXISM?. Awake bruxism vs. sleep bruxism In the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10), ... secondary bruxism. Primary bruxism exists without pre-existing medical conditions or medication, whereas secondary bruxism is ...
Hi Alfredo, bruxism is grinding or clenching of your teeth either during the day or at night.. The causes of bruxism are not ... It is hard to pinpoint if your bruxism is caused by your upper wisdom teeth since many factors could lead to bruxism. It is ... Could Bruxism cause a chip like this, or are all chips from chewing food simply from generally weakened tooth enamal? ... Hi, I wanted to know if my 2 upper wisdom teeth are causing TMJ and bruxism?. I have never had mouth problems until my upper ...
What is bruxism?. Bruxism is a condition in which people grind or clench their teeth. It can occur during the day or at night, ... Treatment for bruxism often involves lifestyle changes and oral appliances such as mouthguards. If bruxism is left untreated, ... For some people, bruxism may be caused by stress or anxiety. In contrast, it may be a side effect of taking certain medications ... Bruxism can lead to several problems, including headaches, jaw pain, and damage to the teeth. In severe cases, it can even ...
Wayne G. Suway for excellence in bruxism treatment. ... Bruxism Causes. Diagnosing bruxism is only one part of your ... Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Treatment*Tooth Pain, Jaw Pain *Restorative Dentistry *Dentures*Crown & Bridges*Workers Comp Claims * ... Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) Treatment in Atlanta. Do you wake up some mornings with a headache or facial pain? One in ten people ... Bruxism Dentist. Ensuring you receive the right treatment options and education when you grind your teeth are Dr. Suways main ...
"Bruxism". Sciencedaily.com. Retrieved 2009-06-11.. "Training for Bruxism/TMJ". Bio-medical.com. Retrieved 2009-06-11.. "Bruxism ... Bruxism is the leading cause of occlusal trauma and a significant cause of tooth lossand gum recession. Bruxism can be loud ... If disagnosed early, finding and eliminating the original cause(s) may cure bruxism. Later on, habitual bruxism can be treated ... "When the Splint Fails: Non-Traditional Approaches to the Treatment of Bruxism". Bruxism is associated with anxiety, stress ...
... Do you suffer from jaw pain and teeth ... CPAP Intolerance combines alternative treatments to address the causes of jaw pain and bruxism - call +1-949-420-9669! Go to ...
Evaluation of Anxiety Levels in Children and Their Mothers and Appearance of Sleep Bruxism in Turkish Children and Associated ... Evaluation of Anxiety Levels in Children and Their Mothers and Appearance of Sleep Bruxism in Turkish Children and Associated ... Evaluation of Anxiety Levels in Children and Their Mothers and Appearance of Sleep Bruxism in Turkish Children and Associated ... To evaluate the anxiety of children and their mothers in relation to sleep bruxism (SB) and associated risk factors. ...
Awake Bruxism (AB) orDiurnal Bruxism (DB). Bruxism during sleep either during daytime or during night is termed as Sleep ... What are the types of bruxism?. Bruxism during daytime is commonly a semi voluntary clenching activity and is also known as ... What are some of the short- and long-term effects of teeth grinding (also referred to as bruxism)? And what can you do to ... Severe chronic bruxism could eventually result in chipped, cracked, or even loosened teeth. Damaging your teeth in this way ...
Bruxism rarely occurs on its own. Find out exactly what bruxism is. ... What is Bruxism? Jaw clenching, grinding, gnashing and bracing of the teeth. ... Bruxism is classified into awake bruxism and sleep bruxism. Awake bruxism is characterised by involuntary clenching of the ... What Is Bruxism?. Bruxism is a habit that affects around 8-10% of the population. It is broadly characterised by grinding of ...
Grinding or gnashing of the teeth, most commonly while the patient is asleep.. ...
Bruxism. Preventive Care Gum Disease Extractions Fillings Wisdom Teeth Laser Dentistry Emergency Dental Care iTero® Digital ... its important to know the signs and symptoms of bruxism and to seek regular dental care. If you suspect that bruxism is the ... Teeth grinding, or bruxism, refers to excessive grinding of the teeth and/or excessive clenching of the jaw, usually occurring ... If you wake up with jaw pain, tension headaches, or facial pain, you may be suffering from bruxism. Some people arent even ...
HerWorld.com is Singapores top award-winning fashion, beauty and lifestyle website that is every modern womans essential online read.
This entry was posted in Oral Care and tagged bruxism, bruxism causes, bruxism pain, bruxism symptoms, bruxism treatment, ... Types of bruxism. *Day time bruxism or diurnal â€" conscious or subconscious grinding along with parafunctional habits, usually ... Bruxism symptoms. Sleep bruxism usually go unnoticed by individuals. Only a small number develop symptoms that include jaw pain ... Bruxism signs. Common signs include:. *Advanced attrition (tooth wear) â€" shiny wear facets that could only be produced in ...
1hr 43mins Verifiable CPD, 10 Modules, 10 Learning Resources.Course SummaryIn this detailed lecture you will gain more insight into when and why to use the NTI system.Dr Boyd covers multiple subjects including The How and Why of the NTI.... ...
Learn more about the common symptoms of bruxism and teeth grinding from Paris TX pediatric dentist and how it affects ... Teeth grinding is also called bruxism. Though many children grind their teeth occasionally, some grind their teeth on a regular ... However, waking up often with a headache or a sore jaw may be a sign of bruxism. ... If you have any questions about bruxism, dont hesitate to contact us today at (903) 905-4905. ...
... recently completed a study that found that as many as 15 percent of adults in the nation deal with some form of bruxism. ... The risks of bruxism. A patient with bruxism may engage in the behavior daily, several times a day or with less frequency. When ... If you wake up on a regular basis and notice tooth pain, sore jaws, or a dull headache, then bruxism could be the reason. ... If you or a member of your family suffers from bruxism, Glen Park Dental can help. Contact our office at (415) 585-1500 to ...
Bruxism is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth, it is a habit that affects around 8-10% of the ... Sleep bruxism tends to occur in families. If you have bruxism, other members of your family also may have bruxism or a history ... awake bruxism) or clench or grind them during sleep (sleep bruxism). Mild bruxism may not require treatment; however, it can be ... Bruxism is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth, it is a habit that affects around 8-10% of the ...

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