Vegetative and reproductive innovations of early land plants: implications for a unified phylogeny. (25/1131)

As the oldest extant lineages of land plants, bryophytes provide a living laboratory in which to evaluate morphological adaptations associated with early land existence. In this paper we examine reproductive and structural innovations in the gametophyte and sporophyte generations of hornworts, liverworts, mosses and basal pteridophytes. Reproductive features relating to spermatogenesis and the architecture of motile male gametes are overviewed and evaluated from an evolutionary perspective. Phylogenetic analyses of a data set derived from spermatogenesis and one derived from comprehensive morphogenetic data are compared with a molecular analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial small subunit rDNA sequences. Although relatively small because of a reliance on water for sexual reproduction, gametophytes of bryophytes are the most elaborate of those produced by any land plant. Phenotypic variability in gametophytic habit ranges from leafy to thalloid forms with the greatest diversity exhibited by hepatics. Appendages, including leaves, slime papillae and hairs, predominate in liverworts and mosses, while hornwort gametophytes are strictly thalloid with no organized external structures. Internalization of reproductive and vegetative structures within mucilage-filled spaces is an adaptive strategy exhibited by hornworts. The formative stages of gametangial development are similar in the three bryophyte groups, with the exception that in mosses apical growth is intercalated into early organogenesis, a feature echoed in moss sporophyte ontogeny. A monosporangiate, unbranched sporophyte typifies bryophytes, but developmental and structural innovations suggest the three bryophyte groups diverged prior to elaboration of this generation. Sporophyte morphogenesis in hornworts involves non-synchronized sporogenesis and the continued elongation of the single sporangium, features unique among archegoniates. In hepatics, elongation of the sporophyte seta and archegoniophore is rapid and requires instantaneous wall expandability and hydrostatic support. Unicellular, spiralled elaters and capsule dehiscence through the formation of four regular valves are autapomorphies of liverworts. Sporophytic sophistications in the moss clade include conducting tissue, stomata, an assimilative layer and an elaborate peristome for extended spore dispersal. Characters such as stomata and conducting cells that are shared among sporophvtes of mosses, hornworts and pteridophytes are interpreted as parallelisms and not homologies. Our phylogenetic analysis of three different data sets is the most comprehensive to date and points to a single phylogenetic solution for the evolution of basal embryophytes. Hornworts are supported as the earliest divergent embryophyte clade with a moss/liverwort clade sister to tracheophytes. Among pteridophytes, lycophytes are monophyletic and an assemblage containing ferns, Equisetum and psilophytes is sister to seed plants. Congruence between morphological and molecular hypotheses indicates that these data sets are tracking the same phylogenetic signal and reinforces our phylogenetic conclusions. It appears that total evidence approaches are valuable in resolving ancient radiations such as those characterizing the evolution of early embryophytes. More information on land plant phylogeny can be found at: http: // landplants/index.html.  (+info)

Conducting tissues and phyletic relationships of bryophytes. (26/1131)

Internal specialized conducting tissues, if present, are restricted to the gametophytic generation in liverworts while they may occur in both generations in mosses. Conducting tissues are unknown in the anthocerotes. Water-conducting cells (WCCs) with walls perforated by plasmodesma-derived pores occur in the Calobryales and Pallaviciniaceae (Metzgeriales among liverworts and in Takakia among mosses. Imperforate WCCs (hydroids) are present in bryoid mosses. A polarized cytoplasmic organization and a distinctive axial system of microtubules is present in the highly specialized food-conducting cells of polytrichaceous mosses (leptoids) and in less specialized parenchyma cells of the leafy stem and seta in other mosses including Sphagnumn. A similar organization, suggested to reflect specialization in long-distance symplasmic transport of nutrients, also occurs in other parts of the plant in mosses, including rhizoids and caulonemata, and may be observed in thallus parenchyma cells of liverworts. Perforate WCCs in the Calobryales, Metzgeriales and Takakia, and hydroids in bryoid mosses, probably evolved independently Because of fundamental differences in developmental design, homology of any of these cells with tracheids is highly unlikely. Likewise, putative food-conducting of bryophytes present highly distinctive characteristics and cannot be considered homologous with the sieve cells of tracheophytes.  (+info)

Molecular strategies for improving waterlogging tolerance in plants. (27/1131)

Plants, like animals, are obligate aerobes, but due to their inability to move, have evolved adaptation mechanisms that enable them to survive short periods of low oxygen supply, such as those occurring after heavy rain or flooding. Crop plants are often grown on soils subject to waterlogging and many are sensitive to waterlogging of the root zone. The combination of unfavourable weather conditions and suboptimal soil and irrigation techniques can result in severe yield losses. The molecular basis of the adaptation to transient low oxygen conditions has not been completely characterized, but progress has been made towards identifying genes and gene products induced during low oxygen conditions. Promoter elements and transcription factors involved in the regulation of anaerobically induced genes have been characterized. In this paper an account is presented of the molecular strategies that have been used in an attempt to increase flooding tolerance of crop plants.  (+info)

pH, abscisic acid and the integration of metabolism in plants under stressed and non-stressed conditions: cellular responses to stress and their implication for plant water relations. (28/1131)

A paradigm for the response of plants to stress is presented which suggests that plants move towards a state of minimal metabolic activity as a stress intensifies and remain in that state until that stress is relieved. The paradigm is based on the proposition that cells that interface with the transpiration stream employ variations on the following theme to move towards that state. Tension on the apoplastic water opens a mechanosensitive Ca2+ channel, a response that is augmented by apoplastic ABA. The resulting elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ deactivates a plasmalemma H+/ATPase and also activates a K(+)-H+ symport. The inflow of K+ and H+ depolarizes the membrane and renders the apoplast less acidic, the protons being removed to the vacuole and the K+ ions being re-exported via the K+ outward rectifying channel. The onset of darkness in guard and mesophyll cells deactivates the plasmalemma H+/ATPase and then the events outlined above ensue except that these cells do not appear to utilize either Ca2+ or ABA during these changes. In stressed cells it is proposed that elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ activates the release of an ABA precursor from a stored form. ABA is then released in the apoplast after export of the precursor if the activity of the K(+)-H+ symport has brought the apoplastic pH close to 7.0. It is proposed that aquaporins in the xylem parenchyma and mesophyll cells are opened by elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ when the water potential of the transpiration stream is high so that water can be stored in the 'xylem parenchyma reservoir'. The water in this reservoir is then used to increase the water potential in the transpiration stream when the water column is under tension and to help repair embolisms by a mechanism that resembles stomatal closure.  (+info)

Photosynthetic carbohydrate metabolism in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum. (29/1131)

The resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum (Hochst) is able to survive almost complete tissue dehydration when water is withheld from it, and then can rehydrate rapidly on rewatering. This ability is believed to be the result of the accumulation of sucrose in aerial tissues as a result of metabolism of 2-octulose. In this work the metabolic activity of well-watered Craterostigma plantagineum plants has been investigated. It is shown that Craterostigma makes raffinose series oligosaccharides as a product of photosynthesis and translocates them in the phloem. Evidence is also provided that 2-octulose is a product of photosynthesis and accumulates in the leaves over the light period and is mobilized at night. Thus 2-octulose acts as a temporary storage carbohydrate in leaves during photosynthesis in a similar fashion to starch in most C3 plants. Other potential roles of 2-octulose are discussed. Other than these observations Craterostigma plants are very similar to other C3 plants under these conditions.  (+info)

Estimation of base temperatures for nine weed species. (30/1131)

Experiments were conducted to test several methods for estimating low temperature thresholds for seed germination. Temperature responses of nine weeds common in annual agroecosystems were assessed in temperature gradient experiments. Species included summer annuals (Amaranthus albus, A. palmeri, Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochloa crus-galli, Portulaca oleracea, and Setaria glauca), winter annuals (Hirschfeldia incana and Sonchus oleraceus), and Conyza canadensis, which is classified as a summer or winter annual. The temperature below which development ceases (Tbase) was estimated as the x-intercept of four conventional germination rate indices regressed on temperature, by repeated probit analysis, and by a mathematical approach. An overall Tbase estimate for each species was the average across indices weighted by the reciprocal of the variance associated with the estimate. Germination rates increased linearly with temperature between 15 degrees C and 30 degrees C for all species. Consistent estimates of Tbase were obtained for most species using several indices. The most statistically robust and biologically relevant method was the reciprocal time to median germination, which can also be used to estimate other biologically meaningful parameters. The mean Tbase for summer annuals (13.8 degrees C) was higher than that for winter annuals (8.3 degrees C). The two germination response characteristics, Tbase and slope (rate), influence a species' germination behaviour in the field since the germination inhibiting effects of a high Tbase may be offset by the germination promoting effects of a rapid germination response to temperature. Estimates of Tbase may be incorporated into predictive thermal time models to assist weed control practitioners in making management decisions.  (+info)

Effects of symbiosis with Frankia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on the natural abundance of 15N in four species of Casuarina. (31/1131)

The effect of interactions between Casuarina species, Frankia strains and AMF on nitrogen isotope fractionation within the plant were determined under conditions where changes in source nitrogen were minimized by growing plants in mineral nitrogen-deficient conditions and without added organic N. Casuarina cunninghamiana, C. equisetifolia, C. glauca, and C. junghuniana were inoculated singly with three Frankia strains or were dual inoculated with Frankia and Glomus fasciculatum. The %N and delta 15N of separated parts of plants inoculated with the three Frankia strains or with Frankia + Glomus were not significantly different within Casuarina species. However, the slow-growing C. junghuniana differed in several variables from the other three species. There was a highly significant, linear relationship between the natural logarithms of cladode N content and delta 15N of plants of the four Casuarina species when inoculated with Frankia or with Frankia + Glomus, showing that nitrogen supply and the correlated variable, plant growth rate, were major determinants of delta 15N. Provision of small quantities of (NH4)2SO4 or KNO3 increased several-fold the growth of three of the Casuarina species when inoculated with Frankia alone or with Frankia + Glomus. Within species, mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants receiving supplementary soluble phosphate were of similar dry weights at harvest. delta 15N values for cladodes of C. cunninghamiana, C. equisetifolia and C. glauca were similar, but values for the poor growing C. junghuniana were more variable and, with the exception of plants receiving KNO3, were lower than those of the other three species. Reduced growth due to suboptimal availability of N or P had a major influence on delta 15N and, in these conditions where plants could not access significant amounts of organic N, outweighed any effects on cladode delta 15N of colonization by Glomus. delta 15N values of nodules were higher than other parts of Frankia or Frankia + Glomus inoculated Casuarinas, conceivably due to retention in nodules of fixed N, with delta 15N close to zero.  (+info)

Five ways to stay green. (32/1131)

The relationship between carbon income and expenditure over the life of a leaf is described and related to the productivity benefits of altering the timing of senescence initiation. In genetic variants with delayed leaf senescence ('stay-greens') deconstruction of the photosynthetic apparatus during leaf senescence is partially or completely prevented. Although the staygreen phenotype is superficially similar in all species and genotypes, the genetic and physiological routes to the trait are diverse. In one type of stay-green, chlorophyll catabolism is disabled. Legumes and monocots with pigment breakdown lesions are discussed. Sorghum is presented as an example of another kind of stay-green in which perennial tendencies have been bred into a monocarpic annual crop species. Transgenic approaches are briefly discussed (enhanced endogenous cytokinins, reduced ethylene production or perception). An alternative route towards making a stay-green phenotype is through quantitative trait mapping and marker-assisted selection. Loci for greenness in pearl millet have been identified, some of which are associated with drought responses or flowering time. Finally the question of the limits on stay-green as a productivity-enhancing character is addressed.  (+info)