The chloroplast infA gene with a functional UUG initiation codon. (1/137)

All chloroplast genes reported so far possess ATG start codons and sometimes GTGs as an exception. Sequence alignments suggested that the chloroplast infA gene encoding initiation factor 1 in the green alga Chlorella vulgaris has TTG as a putative initiation codon. This gene was shown to be transcribed by RT-PCR analysis. The infA mRNA was translated accurately from the UUG codon in a tobacco chloroplast in vitro translation system. Mutation of the UUG codon to AUG increased translation efficiency approximately 300-fold. These results indicate that the UUG is functional for accurate translation initiation of Chlorella infA mRNA but it is an inefficient initiation codon.  (+info)

The translation initiation factor, hu-Sui1 may be a target of hepatitis B X antigen in hepatocarcinogenesis. (2/137)

The role of hepatitis B virus X antigen in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma was explored by stably transfecting HepG2 cells with an X antigen expression vector, and identifying the differences in gene expression that distinguish X positive from X negative cells by subtractive PCR. One differentially expressed gene, the human homolog of sui1 (hu-sui1), encodes a translation initiation factor whose expression was suppressed by X antigen in HepG2 cells. Hu-Sui1 was also expressed in nontumor liver but not in tumor cells from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Introduction of hu-sui1 into HepG2 cells inhibited cell growth in culture, in soft agar, and partially inhibited tumor formation in nude mice. Hence, the suppression of hu-sui1 by X antigen may result in the abrogation of negative growth regulation and contribute to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.  (+info)

Structure and interactions of the translation initiation factor eIF1. (3/137)

eIF1 is a universally conserved translation factor that is necessary for scanning and involved in initiation site selection. We have determined the solution structure of human eIF1 with an N-terminal His tag using NMR spectroscopy. Residues 29-113 of the native sequence form a tightly packed domain with two alpha-helices on one side of a five-stranded parallel and antiparallel beta-sheet. The fold is new but similar to that of several ribosomal proteins and RNA-binding domains. A likely binding site is indicated by yeast mutations and conserved residues located together on the surface. No interaction with recombinant eIF5 or the initiation site RNA GCCACAAUGGCA was detected by NMR, but GST pull-down experiments show that eIF1 binds specifically to the p110 subunit of eIF3. This interaction explains how eIF1 is recruited to the 40S ribosomal subunit.  (+info)

Cloning and characterization of a human genotoxic and endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible cDNA that encodes translation initiation factor 1(eIF1(A121/SUI1)). (4/137)

We report the cloning and characterization of a DNA damage-inducible (DDI) transcript DDI A121. The full-length human DDI A121 cDNA contains an open reading frame of 113 amino acids, corresponding to a protein of 12.7 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of A121 shows high homology to the yeast translation initiation factor (eIF) sui1 and also exhibits perfect identity to the partial sequence of recently purified human eIF1. Expression of human A121 corrected the mutant sui1 phenotype in yeast, demonstrating that human A121 encodes a bona fide translation initiation factor that is equivalent to yeast sui1p. The mammalian A121/SUI1 gene exhibits two transcripts (1.35 kilobases and 0.65 kilobases) containing a common coding region but differing in their 3'-untranslated region. The long and short A121/SUI1 mRNAs are differentially regulated by genotoxic and endoplasmic reticulum stress. The genotoxic stress induction of A121/SUI1 mRNA is conserved in both humans and rodents and occurs in a p53-independent manner. Our identification of a stress-inducible cDNA that encodes eIF1 suggests that modulation of translation initiation appears to occur during cellular stress and may represent an important adaptive response to genotoxic as well as endoplasmic reticulum stress.  (+info)

Distinct functions of eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF1A and eIF3 in the formation of the 40 S ribosomal preinitiation complex. (5/137)

We have used an in vitro translation initiation assay to investigate the requirements for the efficient transfer of Met-tRNAf (as Met-tRNAf.eIF2.GTP ternary complex) to 40 S ribosomal subunits in the absence of mRNA (or an AUG codon) to form the 40 S preinitiation complex. We observed that the 17-kDa initiation factor eIF1A is necessary and sufficient to mediate nearly quantitative transfer of Met-tRNAf to isolated 40 S ribosomal subunits. However, the addition of 60 S ribosomal subunits to the 40 S preinitiation complex formed under these conditions disrupted the 40 S complex resulting in dissociation of Met-tRNAf from the 40 S subunit. When the eIF1A-dependent preinitiation reaction was carried out with 40 S ribosomal subunits that had been preincubated with eIF3, the 40 S preinitiation complex formed included bound eIF3 (40 S.eIF3. Met-tRNAf.eIF2.GTP). In contrast to the complex lacking eIF3, this complex was not disrupted by the addition of 60 S ribosomal subunits. These results suggest that in vivo, both eIF1A and eIF3 are required to form a stable 40 S preinitiation complex, eIF1A catalyzing the transfer of Met-tRNAf.eIF2.GTP to 40 S subunits, and eIF3 stabilizing the resulting complex and preventing its disruption by 60 S ribosomal subunits.  (+info)

Mutations in the MOF2/SUI1 gene affect both translation and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. (6/137)

Recent studies have demonstrated that cells have evolved elaborate mechanisms to rid themselves of aberrant proteins and transcripts. The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway (NMD) is an example of a pathway that eliminates aberrant mRNAs. In yeast, a transcript is recognized as aberrant and is rapidly degraded if a specific sequence, called the DSE, is present 3' of a premature termination codon. Results presented here show that strains harboring the mof2-1, mof4-1, mof5-1, and mof8-1 alleles, previously demonstrated to increase the efficiency of programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting, decrease the activity of the NMD pathway. The effect of the mof2-1 allele on NMD was characterized in more detail. Previous results demonstrated that the wild-type MOF2 gene is identical to the SUI1 gene. Studies on the mof2-1 allele of the SUI1 gene indicate that in addition to its role in recognition of the AUG codon during translation initiation and maintenance of the appropriate reading frame during translation elongation, the Mof2 protein plays a role in the NMD pathway. The Mof2p/Sui1 p is conserved throughout nature and the human homolog of the Mof2p/Sui1p functions in yeast cells to activate NMD. These results suggest that factors involved in NMD are general modulators that act in several aspects of translation and mRNA turnover.  (+info)

A phylogenetic approach to target selection for structural genomics: solution structure of YciH. (7/137)

Structural genomics presents an enormous challenge with up to 100 000 protein targets in the human genome alone. At current rates of structure deter-mination, judicious selection of targets is necessary. Here, a phylogenetic approach to target selection is described which makes use of the National Center for Biotechnology Information database of Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGS). The strategy is designed so that each new protein structure is likely to provide novel sequence-fold information. To demonstrate this approach, the NMR solution structure of YciH (COG0023), a putative translation initiation factor from Escherichia coli, has been determined and its fold classified. YciH is an ortholog of eIF-1/SUI1, an integral component of the translation initiation complex in eukaryotes. The structure consists of two antiparallel alpha-helices packed against the same side of a five-stranded beta-sheet. The first 31 residues of the 11.5 kDa protein are unstructured in solution. Comparative analysis indicates that the folded portion of YciH resembles a number of structures with the alpha-beta plait topology, though its sequence is not homologous to any of them. Thus, the phylogenetic approach to target selection described here was used successfully to identify a new homologous superfamily within this topology.  (+info)

The eIF1A solution structure reveals a large RNA-binding surface important for scanning function. (8/137)

The translation initiation factor eIF1A is necessary for directing the 43S preinitiation complex from the 5' end of the mRNA to the initiation codon in a process termed scanning. We have determined the solution structure of human eIF1A, which reveals an oligonucleotide-binding (OB) fold and an additional domain. NMR titration experiments showed that eIF1A binds single-stranded RNA oligonucleotides in a site-specific, but non-sequence-specific manner, hinting at an mRNA interaction rather than specific rRNA or tRNA binding. The RNA binding surface extends over a large area covering the canonical OB fold binding site as well as a groove leading to the second domain. Site-directed mutations at multiple positions along the RNA-binding surface were defective in the ability to properly assemble preinitiation complexes at the AUG codon in vitro.  (+info)