Chloride ion binding to bacteriorhodopsin at low pH: an infrared spectroscopic study. (1/467)

Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and halorhodopsin (hR) are light-induced ion pumps in the cell membrane of Halobacterium salinarium. Under normal conditions bR is an outward proton transporter, whereas hR is an inward Cl- transporter. There is strong evidence that at very low pH and in the presence of Cl-, bR transports Cl- ions into the cell, similarly to hR. The chloride pumping activity of bR is connected to the so-called acid purple state. To account for the observed effects in bR a tentative complex counterion was suggested for the protonated Schiff base of the retinal chromophore. It would consist of three charged residues: Asp-85, Asp-212, and Arg-82. This quadruplet (including the Schiff base) would also serve as a Cl- binding site at low pH. We used Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy to study the structural changes during the transitions between the normal, acid blue, and acid purple states. Asp-85 and Asp-212 were shown to participate in the transitions. During the normal-to-acid blue transition, Asp-85 protonates. When the pH is further lowered in the presence of Cl-, Cl- binds and Asp-212 also protonates. The binding of Cl- and the protonation of Asp-212 occur simultaneously, but take place only when Asp-85 is already protonated. It is suggested that HCl is taken up in undissociated form in exchange for a neutral water molecule.  (+info)

In situ determination of transient pKa changes of internal amino acids of bacteriorhodopsin by using time-resolved attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. (2/467)

Active proton transfer through membrane proteins is accomplished by shifts in the acidity of internal amino acids, prosthetic groups, and water molecules. The recently introduced step-scan attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR/FT-IR) spectroscopy was employed to determine transient pKa changes of single amino acid side chains of the proton pump bacteriorhodopsin. The high pKa of D96 (>12 in the ground state) drops to 7.1 +/- 0.2 (in 1 M KCl) during the lifetime of the N intermediate, quantitating the role of D96 as the internal proton donor of the retinal Schiff base. We conclude from experiments on the pH dependence of the proton release reaction and on point mutants where each of the glutamates on the extracellular surface has been exchanged that besides D85 no other carboxylic group changes its protonation state during proton release. However, E194 and E204 interact with D85, the primary proton acceptor of the Schiff base proton. The C==O stretching vibration of D85 undergoes a characteristic pH-dependent shift in frequency during the M state of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin with a pKa of 5.2 (+/-0.3) which is abolished in the single-site mutants E194Q and E204Q and the quadruple mutant E9Q/E74Q/E194Q/E204Q. The double mutation E9Q/E74Q does not affect the lifetime of the intermediates, ruling out any participation of these residues in the proton transfer chain of bacteriorhodopsin. This study demonstrates that transient changes in acidity of single amino acid residues can be quantified in situ with infrared spectroscopy.  (+info)

How vertebrate and invertebrate visual pigments differ in their mechanism of photoactivation. (3/467)

In vertebrate visual pigments, a glutamic acid serves as a negative counterion to the positively charged chromophore, a protonated Schiff base of retinal. When photoisomerization leads to the Schiff base deprotonating, the anionic glutamic acid becomes protonated, forming a neutral species that activates the visual cascade. We show that in octopus rhodopsin, the glutamic acid has no anionic counterpart. Thus, the "counterion" is already neutral, so no protonated form of an initially anionic group needs to be created to activate. This helps to explain another observation-that the active photoproduct of octopus rhodopsin can be formed without its Schiff base deprotonating. In this sense, the mechanism of light activation of octopus rhodopsin is simpler than for vertebrates, because it eliminates one of the steps required for vertebrate rhodopsins to achieve their activating state.  (+info)

The Schiff base complex of yeast 5-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase with laevulinic acid. (4/467)

The X-ray structure of the complex formed between yeast 5-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) and the inhibitor laevulinic acid has been determined at 2.15 A resolution. The inhibitor binds by forming a Schiff base link with one of the two invariant lysines at the catalytic center: Lys263. It is known that this lysine forms a Schiff base link with substrate bound at the enzyme's so-called P-site. The carboxyl group of laevulinic acid makes hydrogen bonds with the side-chain-OH groups of Tyr329 and Ser290, as well as with the main-chain >NH group of Ser290. The aliphatic moiety of the inhibitor makes hydrophobic interactions with surrounding aromatic residues in the protein including Phe219, which resides in the flap covering the active site. Our analysis strongly suggests that the same interactions will be made by P-side substrate and also indicates that the substrate that binds at the enzyme's A-site will interact with the enzyme's zinc ion bound by three cysteines (133, 135, and 143). Inhibitor binding caused a substantial ordering of the active site flap (residues 217-235), which was largely invisible in the native electron density map and indicates that this highly conserved yet flexible region has a specific role in substrate binding during catalysis.  (+info)

Opening the Schiff base moiety of bacteriorhodopsin by mutation of the four extracellular Glu side chains. (5/467)

The quadruple bacteriorhodopsin (BR) mutant E9Q+E74Q+E194Q+E204Q shows a lambda(max) of about 500 nm in water at neutral pH and a great influence of pH and salts on the visible absorption spectrum. Accessibility to the Schiff base is strongly increased, as detected by the rapid bleaching effect of hydroxylamine in the dark as well as in light. Both the proton release kinetics and the photocycle are altered, as indicated by a delayed proton release after proton uptake and changed M kinetics. Moreover, affinity of the color-controlling cation(s) is found to be decreased. We suggest that the four Glu side chains are essential elements of the extracellular structure of BR.  (+info)

Proton circulation during the photocycle of sensory rhodopsin II. (6/467)

Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) in Halobacterium salinarum membranes is a phototaxis receptor that signals through its bound transducer HtrII for avoidance of blue-green light. In the present study we investigated the proton movements during the photocycle of SRII in the HtrII-free and HtrII-complexed form. We monitored sustained light-induced pH changes with a pH electrode, and laser flash-induced pH changes with the pH indicator pyranine using sealed membrane vesicles and open sheets containing the free or the complexed receptor. The results demonstrated that SRII takes up a proton in M-to-O conversion and releases it during O-decay. The uptake and release are from and to the extracellular side, and therefore SRII does not transport the proton across the membrane. The pH dependence of the SRII photocycle indicated the presence of a protonatable group (pK(a) approximately 7.5) in the extracellular proton-conducting path, which plays a role in proton uptake by the Schiff base in the M-to-O conversion. The extracellular proton circulation produced by SRII was not blocked by HtrII complexation, unlike the cytoplasmic proton conduction in SRI that was found in the same series of measurements to be blocked by its transducer, HtrI. The implications of this finding for current models of SRI and SRII signaling are discussed.  (+info)

Structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin during ion transport at 2 angstrom resolution. (7/467)

Crystal structures of the Asp96 to Asn mutant of the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin and its M photointermediate produced by illumination at ambient temperature have been determined to 1.8 and 2.0 angstroms resolution, respectively. The trapped photoproduct corresponds to the late M state in the transport cycle-that is, after proton transfer to Asp85 and release of a proton to the extracellular membrane surface, but before reprotonation of the deprotonated retinal Schiff base. Its density map describes displacements of side chains near the retinal induced by its photoisomerization to 13-cis,15-anti and an extensive rearrangement of the three-dimensional network of hydrogen-bonded residues and bound water that accounts for the changed pKa values (where Ka is the acid constant) of the Schiff base and Asp85. The structural changes detected suggest the means for conserving energy at the active site and for ensuring the directionality of proton translocation.  (+info)

DNA cleavage by hydroxy-salicylidene-ethylendiamine-iron complexes. (8/467)

Bis(hydroxy)salen.Fe complexes were designed as self-activated chemical nucleases. The presence of a hy-droxyl group on the two salicylidene moieties serve to form a hydroquinone system cooperating with the iron redox system to facilitate spontaneous formation of free radicals. We compared the DNA binding and cleaving properties of the ortho -, meta- and para -(bishydroxy) salen.Fe complexes with that of the corresponding chelate lacking the hydroxyl groups. DNA melting temperature studies indicated that the para complex exhibits the highest affinity for DNA. In addition, this para compound was considerably more potent at cleaving supercoiled plasmid DNA than the regio-isomeric ortho - and meta -hydroxy-salen.Fe complexes, even in the absence of a reducing agent, such as dithiothreitol used to activate the metal complex. The DNA cleaving activity of the para isomer is both time and concentration dependent and the complexed iron atom is absolutely essential for the sequence uniform cleavage of DNA. From a mechanistic point of view, electron spin resonance measurements suggest that DNA contributes positively to the activation of the semi-quinone system and the production of ligand radical species responsible for subsequent strand scission in the absence of a reducing agent. The para -hydroxy-salen.Fe complex has been used for detecting sequence-specific drug-DNA interactions. Specific binding of Hoechst 33258 to AT sequences and chromomycin to GC sequences were shown. The para -bis(hydroxy)salen.Fe derivative complements the tool box of footprinting reagents which can be utilised to produce efficient cleavage of DNA.  (+info)