• Using a combination of directed case method and role-playing in which students learn about their roles using the jigsaw technique, this case study teaches about the main concepts of stem cell research and therapy and the political and ethical issues surrounding these subjects. (eurostemcell.org)
  • A paper published in Nature describes the hairy creation as the first hair-baring human skin organoid made with pluripotent stem cells, or the master cells present during early stages of embryonic development that later turn into specific cell types. (teknoscienze.com)
  • The differentiation potential and the ease of their isolation have made the multipotent mesenchymal stem cells very important for the development of a vast range of clinical applications in regenerative medicine. (istitutoimage.it)
  • Embryonic stem cell lines derived from human blastocysts. (orthopedika.it)
  • Human embryonic stem cells: potential tool for achieving immunotolerance? (orthopedika.it)
  • Here we report our findings on human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hADSCs) obtained through the Lipogems device from micro-fractured lipoaspirate. (istitutoimage.it)
  • How much of a self can we consider ourselves when microorganisms outnumber human cells ten to one? (reginahuebner.net)
  • On the other hand, during an infection, the sense of self is heightened because it results in a war between the organism: in this case the human being, i.e. me and you, the pathogen. (reginahuebner.net)
  • Mouse embryonic stem cells irradiated with γ-rays differentiate into cardiomyocytes but with altered contractile properties. (unipr.it)
  • direttrice del laboratorio Stem Cell Biology and Pharamacology of Neurodegenerative Diseases dell'Università di Milano, era stata intervistata per la rivista Tecnoscienza dalla sociologa Assunta Viteritti, dell'Università La Sapienza di Roma. (fondazionebassetti.org)
  • Alteration of nuclear architecture in male germ cells of chromosomally derived subfertile mice. (unipv.it)