• Zhou HQ, Zhang FC, Rk W. Parthenolide inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced catabolism of aggrecan in chondrocytes in osteoarthritis: in vitro experiment with cultured human chondrocytes. (wikipedia.org)
  • Transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) suppresses human immunodeficiency virus expression and replication in infected cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage. (unisr.it)
  • Role of human mast cells and basophils in bronchial asthma. (unina.it)
  • Tryptase-chymase double-positive human mast cells express the eotaxin receptor (CCR3) and are attracted by CCR3-binding chemokines. (unina.it)
  • Cyclosporin H is a potent and selective competitive antagonist of human basophil activation by N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. (unina.it)
  • Heterogeneity of human mast cells and basophils in response to muscle relaxants. (unina.it)
  • FK-506, a potent novel inhibitor of the release of proinflammatory mediators from human Fc epsilon RI+ cells. (unina.it)
  • Expression of the chemokine receptor CCR3 on human mast cells. (unina.it)
  • Characterization of the anti-inflammatory effect of FK-506 on human mast cells. (unina.it)
  • Xenotransplantation, or transplantation between individuals from different species, has long been investigated with the objective to solve the shortage of human organs, tissues and cells for clinical transplantation. (giornaleitalianodinefrologia.it)
  • Novel autocrine and paracrine loops of the stem cell factor/chymase network. (unina.it)
  • chinasi che normalmente è attivata dallo "stem cell factor" (STF), proteina prodotta dai fibroblasti e dalle cellule endoteliali. (enricoganz.it)
  • GSK-3 and mitochondria in cancer cells. (unipd.it)
  • Activation of mitochondrial ERK protects cancer cells from death through inhibition of the permeability transition. (unipd.it)
  • Molecular basis of parthenolide-dependent proapoptotic activity in cancer cells. (wikipedia.org)
  • Oka D, Sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide suppresses tumor growth in a xenograft model of renal cell carcinoma by inhibiting the activation of NF-kappaB. (wikipedia.org)
  • La Visfatina induce la trascrizione e l' espressione di Tissue Factor attivo in cellule endoteliali coronariche umane in coltura. (unina.it)
  • Autoinhibition of the platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor tyrosine kinase by its C-terminal tail. (unipd.it)
  • Adjuvant epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Are we actually ready? (unito.it)
  • Parthenolide, a natural inhibitor of Nuclear Factor-kappaB, inhibits lung colonization of murine osteosarcoma cells. (wikipedia.org)
  • A gain of function mutation in the activation loop of platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor deregulates its kinase activity. (unipd.it)
  • Beyond NPM-anaplastic lymphoma kinase driven lymphomagenesis: alternative drivers in anaplastic large cell lymphoma. (unito.it)
  • Activated M-phase-promoting factor (MPF) is exported from the nucleus of starfish oocytes to increase the sensitivity of the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptors. (unipv.it)
  • MECCANISMO D'AZIONE DELL'HCG - L'HCG si lega al G protein-coupled receptor LH-HCG espresso dal citotrofoblasto, sinciziotrofoblasto e EVT. (fertilitycenter.it)
  • Interferon alpha but not AZT suppresses HIV expression in chronically infected cell lines. (unisr.it)
  • Questo composto agisce direttamente da inibitore del fattore di trascrizione delle catene kappa anticorpali dei linfociti B (NF-κB), che serve alle cellule immunitarie alla sintesi di molte citochine coinvolte nell'infiammazione. (wikipedia.org)
  • Pannello B: Istogrammi esemplificativi relativi all'espressione della molecola CD127 su linfociti T CD8+CD28- isolati a fresco e su cellule Treg CD8+CD28- dopo condizionamento con IL-10 (T7) derivate da un soggetto di controllo e da un paziente con SSC. (studylibit.com)
  • Le cellule Natural Killer rappresentano una popolazione eterogenea di linfociti caratterizzata dalla presenza degli antigeni CD56 e CD16, e dall'assenza di recettori tipici del riconoscimento degli antigeni estranei all'organismo, come il recettore TCR tipico dei linfociti T e le immunoglobuline di superficie caratteristiche dei linfociti B (Lanier et al. (studylibit.com)
  • Assessment of the 4-factor score: Retrospective analysis of 586 CLL patients receiving ibrutinib. (bvsalud.org)
  • Interleukin-6 induces HIV expression in chronically infected monocytic cells alone and in synergy with TNF-a by transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. (unisr.it)
  • Urokinase induces basophil chemotaxis through a urokinase receptor epitope that is an endogenous ligand for formyl peptide receptor-like 1 and -like 2. (unina.it)
  • Once synthetized in the cells reached by the vaccine, the Spike proteins first assemble in the cytoplasm and then migrate to the cell surface to protrude with a native-like conformation. (giornaledicardiologia.it)
  • Gadd45α activity is the principal effector of Shigella mitochondria-dependent epithelial cell death in vitro and ex vivo. (unipd.it)
  • Constitutive activation of STATs upon in vivo HIV infection. (unisr.it)
  • This comprehensive review offers a general overview of studies reporting the incidence and clinical characteristics of TKI-related nephrotoxicity and it explores the mechanisms underlying the intricate relationship between TKIs and renal toxicity. (giornaleitalianodinefrologia.it)
  • Indeed, at this stage it would appear that the critical immunological and physiological obstacles to clinical xenotransplantation have never been perceived as surmountable as they appear today. (giornaleitalianodinefrologia.it)
  • Ligand-engaged urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) and the CD11b/CD18 (Mac1) integrin inhibit late events of HIV expression in monocytic cells. (unisr.it)
  • The consequent loss of ACE2 receptor activity leads to a rapid drop in the generation of angiotensin 1,7 resulting from inactivation of angiotensin II. (giornaledicardiologia.it)
  • Furthermore, the Spike proteins assembled in the cells which are eventually destroyed by the immune response circulate in the blood as free-floating forms. (giornaledicardiologia.it)
  • Parthenolide, a natural inhibitor of Nuclear Factor-kappaB, inhibits lung colonization of murine osteosarcoma cells. (wikipedia.org)
  • A GISCAD multicentre phase II study including a biological analysis of EGFR overexpression, amplification and NF-kB activation. (univpm.it)
  • Assessment of the 4-factor score: Retrospective analysis of 586 CLL patients receiving ibrutinib. (bvsalud.org)
  • Questo composto agisce direttamente da inibitore del fattore di trascrizione delle catene kappa anticorpali dei linfociti B (NF-κB), che serve alle cellule immunitarie alla sintesi di molte citochine coinvolte nell'infiammazione. (wikipedia.org)
  • Vital Cardio è un integratore funzionale che comprende una selezione accurata di oltre 20 nutraceutici, tra cui vitamine del gruppo B, vitamina E, carnitina, estratto di semi di uva e vitamina C, che favorisce il metabolismo energetico delle cellule del miocardio e protegge le cellule endoteliali dallo stress ossidativo. (vitalprogram.it)
  • Oka D, Sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide suppresses tumor growth in a xenograft model of renal cell carcinoma by inhibiting the activation of NF-kappaB. (wikipedia.org)
  • C3 Molecules Internalizes and Enhance the Growth of Lewis Lung Carcinoma Cells. (uniroma1.it)
  • La ricerca dimostra che con ampia disponibilità di zinco nel corpo, c'è un rilascio più efficace dei tre più importanti ormoni anabolizzanti, testosterone, ormone della crescita e insulina-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). (biostilogit.it)