Halorubrum californiense sp. nov., an extreme archaeal halophile isolated from a crystallizer pond at a solar salt plant in California, USA. (1/13)


Halorubrum chaoviator sp. nov., a haloarchaeon isolated from sea salt in Baja California, Mexico, Western Australia and Naxos, Greece. (2/13)


Archaeosomes made of Halorubrum tebenquichense total polar lipids: a new source of adjuvancy. (3/13)


The single-stranded DNA genome of novel archaeal virus halorubrum pleomorphic virus 1 is enclosed in the envelope decorated with glycoprotein spikes. (4/13)


Diversity of Haloquadratum and other haloarchaea in three, geographically distant, Australian saltern crystallizer ponds. (5/13)


Halorubrum aquaticum sp. nov., an archaeon isolated from hypersaline lakes. (6/13)


Characterization of heterotrophic prokaryote subgroups in the Sfax coastal solar salterns by combining flow cytometry cell sorting and phylogenetic analysis. (7/13)


Optical recording of action potentials in mammalian neurons using a microbial rhodopsin. (8/13)
