• It s not so easy to separate the excellent, valid suppliers from the unprofessional scammers that offer counterfeit products. (878949.com)
  • Routes, borders and other spatial discontinuities are the backbones of the large drug producing and trafficking activities that define the Golden Triangle, but also, to some extent, of the armed conflicts and the counter-narcotics that make the illegal drug industry a feasible and profitable business. (openedition.org)
  • Since the beginning of the 2000s, the fight against counterfeit and illegal medicines has become an international cause, mobilizing the World Health Organization and the World Customs Organization. (hautetfort.com)
  • There are mostly independently owned by many drugs in latin more, health outcomes, rhabdomyosarcoma! (loire-de-demain.fr)
  • Because there is fierce competition in the drug trade for available markets, some of the crime areas most affecting Belize include extortion, kidnapping, murder, money laundering and trafficking in firearms, people and counterfeit goods. (interpol.int)
  • However, it is worth noting that clenbuterol is not a compound typically counterfeited possibly due to its low market price although it still occurs, crazybulk avis femme. (mazandmosaic.com)
  • Located on a crossroads linking North and South America and the Caribbean Sea, Belize is increasingly attractive to organized crime groups wanting to connect a drug-producing region with the world's drug-consuming markets. (interpol.int)