A theoretical model for single blastocyst transfer. (1/61)


How to demonstrate that eSET does not compromise the likelihood of having a baby? (2/61)


Impact of cleavage-stage embryo biopsy in view of PGD on human blastocyst implantation: a prospective cohort of single embryo transfers. (3/61)


Genomic assessment of follicular marker genes as pregnancy predictors for human IVF. (4/61)


A birth of twins-one boy and one girl-from a single embryo transfer and a possible natural pregnancy. (5/61)


The INeS study: prevention of multiple pregnancies: a randomised controlled trial comparing IUI COH versus IVF e SET versus MNC IVF in couples with unexplained or mild male subfertility. (6/61)


Perinatal outcome of children born after frozen and fresh embryo transfer: the Finnish cohort study 1995-2006. (7/61)


Transfer of a selected single blastocyst optimizes the chance of a healthy term baby: a retrospective population based study in Australia 2004-2007. (8/61)
