The population genomics of trans-specific inversion polymorphisms in Anopheles gambiae. (1/34)


Structural analysis of 83-kb genomic DNA from Thellungiella halophila: sequence features and microcolinearity between salt cress and Arabidopsis thaliana. (2/34)


The helicases DinG, Rep and UvrD cooperate to promote replication across transcription units in vivo. (3/34)


Visualization of fine-scale genomic structure by oligonucleotide-based high-resolution FISH. (4/34)


Insertion sequence inversions mediated by ectopic recombination between terminal inverted repeats. (5/34)


Ureaplasma antigenic variation beyond MBA phase variation: DNA inversions generating chimeric structures and switching in expression of the MBA N-terminal paralogue UU172. (6/34)


Exceptional lability of a genomic complex in rice and its close relatives revealed by interspecific and intraspecific comparison and population analysis. (7/34)


Evolution of the rpoB-psbZ region in fern plastid genomes: notable structural rearrangements and highly variable intergenic spacers. (8/34)
