Massive accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in the aortic valve of a patient with Hunter syndrome during enzyme replacement therapy. (57/112)


Development of a mnemonic screening tool for identifying subjects with Hunter syndrome. (58/112)


Phase I/II clinical trial of enzyme replacement therapy with idursulfase beta in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis II (Hunter syndrome). (59/112)


The effect of idursulfase on growth in patients with Hunter syndrome: data from the Hunter Outcome Survey (HOS). (60/112)


Anthropometric characteristics of four Polish children with mucopolysaccharidosis. (61/112)


The relationship between anti-idursulfase antibody status and safety and efficacy outcomes in attenuated mucopolysaccharidosis II patients aged 5 years and older treated with intravenous idursulfase. (62/112)


Home treatment in paediatric patients with Hunter syndrome: the first Italian experience. (63/112)


Circadian transcriptome analysis in human fibroblasts from Hunter syndrome and impact of iduronate-2-sulfatase treatment. (64/112)
