Age-dependent allocation of carotenoids to coloration versus antioxidant defences. (65/122)


What is binocular vision for? A birds' eye view. (66/122)


Scaling and shear transformations capture beak shape variation in Darwin's finches. (67/122)


Avian magnetoreception: elaborate iron mineral containing dendrites in the upper beak seem to be a common feature of birds. (68/122)


Darwin's Galapagos finches in modern biology. (69/122)


Acoustic discrimination of sympatric morphs in Darwin's finches: a behavioural mechanism for assortative mating? (70/122)


Divergence with gene flow as facilitated by ecological differences: within-island variation in Darwin's finches. (71/122)


Evolution of sexual dimorphism in bill size and shape of hermit hummingbirds (Phaethornithinae): a role for ecological causation. (72/122)
