• In osteology (the study of bony structures and skeleton), the osteons (or Haversian systems) are the. (biologyonline.com)
  • Finally, the inner ear contains the bony labyrinth, along with other structures essential for spatial orientation Spatial orientation Change in position or alignment in response to an external stimulus. (lecturio.com)
  • La mayoría de los casos publicados presentan un patrón típico en ecografía, que consiste en una masa de partes blandas no vascularizada con forma de reloj de arena, situada anterior y posterior al esternón. (bvsalud.org)
  • The arch of the aorta lies in the superior mediastinum, posterior to the lower part of the manubrium sterni, and connects the ascending with the descending aorta. (co.ma)
  • Hydrorhiza is the portion of the colony consisting of stolons, which are tubular structures. (microbiologynote.com)
  • If a term is warranted for this section of the roots, the tubular portion describes that component of the roots that is enveloped by all three meningeal layers. (veteriankey.com)
  • In addition to these categories, muscles are classified into three basic types: cardiac muscle (found in the heart), smooth muscles (affiliated with tubular structures in the body, such as arteries, colon, bronchial tubes, and the iris of the eye), and skeletal muscles. (paintxwiki.com)
  • Muscles, along with the subcutaneous layer of adipose (fatty) tissue, define the overall shape of the human figure, giving it structure, substance, and character. (paintxwiki.com)
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) refers to a spectrum of signs and symptoms that arise from the compression Compression Blunt Chest Trauma of the neurovascular bundle by any of the various structures within the confined space of the thoracic outlet, usually within the scalene triangle. (lecturio.com)
  • To understand this process better, let's examine their internal structure. (paintxwiki.com)
  • Anatomically, the ear can be divided into 3 parts: the outer ear, the middle ear Middle ear The space and structures directly internal to the tympanic membrane and external to the inner ear (labyrinth). (lecturio.com)
  • The middle ear Middle ear The space and structures directly internal to the tympanic membrane and external to the inner ear (labyrinth). (lecturio.com)
  • The structure is of a yellow fibro-cartilaginous plate covered by a thin skin, and certain ligaments intrinsic and extrinsic. (nih.gov)
  • Although the development and growth of cartilaginous structures are disturbed, the intramembranous ossification and appositional growth pattern are not primarily affected. (medscape.com)
  • Examples include sutures, the fibrous joints between the bones of the skull that surround and protect the brain, and the manubriosternal joint, the cartilaginous joint that unites the manubrium and body of the sternum for protection of the heart. (assignguru.com)