• Back then, we tended to use total intravenous anesthesia with sodium thiopental rather than an inhalational agent-based anesthetic. (asahq.org)
  • Officials in Oklahoma and other states that practice capital punishment have resorted to new combinations of deadly chemicals with the drying up of supplies of the anesthetic sodium thiopental and another drug used to paralyze the condemned during executions. (wsws.org)
  • Next, the inmate is injected with an anesthetic â€" sodium thiopental â€" which puts the inmate to sleep. (cuny.edu)
  • Intravenous etomidate should be administered only by persons trained in the administration of general anesthetics and in the management of complications encountered during the conduct of general anesthesia. (wikidoc.org)
  • [8-10] Sevoflurane and desflurane are volatile anesthetics being used with increasing frequency because of their cardiac stability, rapid induction, and speed of emergence. (silverchair.com)
  • Because the other fluorinated volatile anesthetics enhance the effect of glycine at glycine receptors, desflurane is likely to share this mechanism of action. (neurotransmitter.net)
  • In addition, desflurane is likely to share another key property with other fluorinated anesthetics: the ability to inhibit the exchange of GTPγS for GDP bound to the nucleotide binding site of a subset of Gα proteins that may include Gα q ( 6 ). (neurotransmitter.net)
  • Succinylcholine is used in surgical, anesthetic, and other procedures in which a brief period of muscle relaxation is called for. (lookformedical.com)
  • Therefore, when a healthy appearing infant or child develops cardiac arrest soon after administration of succinylcholine not felt to be due to inadequate ventilation, oxygenation, or anesthetic overdose, immediate treatment for hyperkalemia should be instituted. (nih.gov)
  • ANECTINE (succinylcholine chloride) is an ultra short-acting depolarizing-type, skeletal muscle relaxant for intravenous (IV) administration. (nih.gov)
  • ANECTINE injection is a sterile nonpyrogenic solution for intravenous injection where each mL contains 20 mg succinylcholine chloride as active, 1 mg methylparaben as a preservative, 4.5 mg sodium chloride as an isotonic agent and pH adjusted to 3.5 with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. (nih.gov)
  • The epidural catheter was placed while the patient awake in the sitting position, at L3-4 level following which, general anesthesia was induced uneventfully using rapid sequence induction with thiopental and succinylcholine and the airway was secured with size 7 cuffed endotracheal tube. (heraldopenaccess.us)
  • If the signs and symptoms develop during administration of the local anesthetic, stop the injection immediately and prepare to treat the reaction. (medscape.com)
  • Cardiac arrest due to local anesthetic toxicity is a rare but well recognized complication that may occur in cases of large overdose, especially those involving inadvertent intravascular injection. (medscape.com)
  • Although all adverse reactions cannot be anticipated, complications can be minimized by strict adherence to the guidelines of anesthetic dosing, identification of patients at increased risk, and implementation of appropriate anesthetic application techniques to avoid unintentional intravascular injection. (medscape.com)
  • The elimination half-life of lidocaine following an intravenous bolus injection is typically 1.5 to 2.0 hours. (nih.gov)
  • Xylocaine DENTAL Solutions (lidocaine HCl 2% and epinephrine 1:50,000 injection) contains an anesthetic and a vasoconstrictor used for the production of local anesthesia for dental procedures by nerve block or infiltration techniques. (rxlist.com)
  • 2% Xylocaine DENTAL with epinephrine 1:50,000 and 2% Xylocaine DENTAL with epinephrine 1:100,000 are sterile isotonic solutions containing a local anesthetic agent, Lidocaine Hydrochloride, and a vasoconstrictor, Epinephrine (as bitartrate) and are administered parenterally by injection. (rxlist.com)
  • Xylocaine (lidocaine HCl) Injections are sterile, nonpyrogenic, aqueous solutions that contain a local anesthetic agent with or without epinephrine and are administered parenterally by injection. (drugs.com)
  • Octocaine (Lidocaine Hydrochloride and Epinephrine, USP) is a sterile isotonic solution containing a local anesthetic agent, Lidocaine Hydrochloride, and a vasoconstrictor, Epinephrine (as bitartrate) and are administered parenterally by injection. (nih.gov)
  • Methohexital has a shorter elimination half-time than thiopental due to its larger plasma clearance (Table 25-2), leading to a faster and more complete recovery after bolus injection. (brainkart.com)
  • Local anesthetic solutions containing antimicrobial preservatives (i.e., those supplied in multiple-dose vials) should not be used for epidural or caudal anesthesia because safety has not been established with regard to intrathecal injection, either intentionally or inadvertently, of such preservatives. (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • It is essential that aspiration for blood or cerebrospinal fluid (where applicable) be done prior to injecting any local anesthetic, both the original dose and all subsequent doses, to avoid intravascular or subarachnoid injection. (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • Local anesthetic procedures should be used with caution when there is inflammation and/or sepsis in the region of the proposed injection. (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • It produces hypnosis within 30 to 40 seconds of intravenous injection. (sdrugs.com)
  • With central neural blockade these changes may be attributable to block of autonomic fibers, a direct depressant effect of the local anesthetic agent on various components of the cardiovascular system and/or the beta-adrenergic receptor stimulating action of epinephrine when present. (nih.gov)
  • The patient was immediately given 0.2 mg intravenous epinephrine, and his arterial blood pressure increased to 85/65 mmHg. (asahq.org)
  • cases of gleno-humeral chondrolysis have been described in pediatric and adult patients following intra-articular infusions of local anesthetics with and without epinephrine for periods of 48 to 72 hours. (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • Thus, inhibition of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is not a general characteristic of inhalational anesthetics. (silverchair.com)
  • Safety and pharmacokinetics of intravenous levetiracetam infusion as add-on in status epilepticus. (thieme-connect.de)
  • Studies of lidocaine metabolism following intravenous bolus injections have shown that the elimination half-life of this agent is typically 1.5 to 2.0 hours. (nih.gov)
  • This review will be looking specifically at the effects of regional anesthesia (RA) compared to general anesthesia (GA) with intravenous and volatile reagents, and the impacts of both of them on altering the surgical stress response, postoperative organ function and cancer progression [1]. (medcraveonline.com)
  • Indication: For use as the sole anesthetic agent for brief (15 minute) procedures, for induction of anesthesia prior to administration of other anesthetic agents, to supplement regional anesthesia, to provide hypnosis during balanced anesthesia with other agents for analgesia or muscle relaxation, for the control of convulsive states during or following inhalation anesthesia or local anesthesia, in neurosurgical patients with increased intracranial pressure, and for narcoanalysis and narcosynthesis in psychiatric disorders. (sdrugs.com)
  • A woman was given a continuous infusion of thiopental sodium. (nih.gov)
  • Current guidelines recommend the intravenous (IV) infusion of lipid emulsion to reverse the cardiac and neurologic effects of local anesthetic toxicity. (medscape.com)
  • Intravenous anesthesia induction agents are a group of fast-acting compounds that are used to induce a state of impaired awareness or complete sedation. (pedisafe.org)
  • Bali, I.M., Dundee, J.W. and Assaf, R.A.E. (1973) Proceedings: Immediate Changes in Plasma Potassium Induced by Intravenous Induction Agents. (scirp.org)
  • Low blood pressures may be evidence of anesthetic overdose, excessive bleeding, or heart dysfunction. (theanesthesiaconsultant.com)
  • Death is the result of the anesthetic overdose and respiratory and cardiac arrest while the inmate is unconscious. (cuny.edu)
  • Lidocaine is a local anesthetic of the amide type. (nih.gov)
  • The etiology of PONV remains unclear, but the contributing factors are complex including gender, smoking, a history of motion sickness or previous PONV, anesthetic technique, type of surgery, and the use of opioids [ 5 ]. (ekja.org)
  • It is widely accepted that volatile anesthetics attenuate HPV, [2-7] although there are reports in the literature that are not consistent with this concept. (silverchair.com)
  • 1 ] Volatile anesthetics can be safely used if there are no signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). (surgicalneurologyint.com)
  • Thiopental and methohexital undergo hepatic metabolism, mostly by oxidation but also by N -dealkylation, desulfuration, and destruction of the barbituric acid ring structure. (brainkart.com)
  • We report the first clinical case in which cardiovascular collapse occurred after intravenous administration of levobupivacaine (125 mg). (asahq.org)
  • Cite this: Characteristics of Anesthetic Agents Used for Induction and Maintenance of General Anesthesia - Medscape - Oct 15, 2004. (medscape.com)
  • 1 , 2 ] When a combination of anesthetic agents is used for a procedure, follow the recommendations for the most problematic medication used during the procedure. (nih.gov)
  • In general, the rate of absorption of local anesthetic agents following topical application occurs most rapidly after intratracheal administration. (nih.gov)
  • 3] investigated the effect of intravenous anesthetic agents on cellular immunity. (medcraveonline.com)
  • They injected rats with tumor cells and subsequently subjected the animals to different anesthetic agents. (medcraveonline.com)
  • ED occurs in the setting of sedation and general anesthesia, and the specific anesthetic agents administered have an impact on its incidence. (medscape.com)
  • Thiojex, a barbiturate, is used for the induction of anesthesia prior to the use of other general anesthetic agents and for induction of anesthesia for short surgical, diagnostic, or therapeutic procedures associated with minimal painful stimuli. (sdrugs.com)
  • [ 14 ] Case reports support the early use of lipid emulsion at the first sign of arrhythmia, prolonged seizure activity, or rapid progression of toxic manifestations in patients with suspected local anesthetic toxicity. (medscape.com)
  • General anesthetics are powerful drugs administered to patients to induce a state of unconsciousness, allowing surgeons to perform surgical procedures painlessly. (mimprovement.com)
  • How did our specialty advance from prescribing patients two shots of whiskey to administering modern anesthetics? (theanesthesiaconsultant.com)
  • Schalen, W., Messeter, K. and Nordstrom, C.H. (1992) Complications and Side Effects during Thiopental Therapy in Patients with Severe Head Injuries. (scirp.org)
  • If local anesthetics must be used in these patients, close monitoring for symptoms and signs of methemoglobinemia is recommended. (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • Intra-articular infusions of local anesthetics following arthroscopic and other surgical procedures is an unapproved use, and there have been post-marketing reports of chondrolysis in patients receiving such infusions. (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • Pre-anesthetics, on the other hand, are medications and procedures administered before the induction of general anesthesia to prepare the patient for a safe and smooth anesthesia experience. (mimprovement.com)
  • In the realm of medicine, one of the most significant advancements has been the development and use of general anesthetics. (mimprovement.com)
  • However, the safe and effective use of general anesthetics necessitates thorough consideration of pre-anesthetics, patient evaluation, and careful monitoring throughout the procedure. (mimprovement.com)
  • This article delves into the world of general anesthetics and pre-anesthetics, shedding light on their importance in modern healthcare. (mimprovement.com)
  • What are General Anesthetics? (mimprovement.com)
  • Before the administration of general anesthetics, a crucial step involves pre-anesthetics. (mimprovement.com)
  • This is where the chosen general anesthetic agent is introduced, and the patient gradually loses consciousness. (mimprovement.com)
  • General anesthetics have transformed modern medicine, allowing for complex surgical procedures with minimal patient discomfort. (mimprovement.com)
  • The anesthetic plan consisted of combined epidural - general anesthetic with invasive monitoring. (heraldopenaccess.us)
  • The ideal i.v. anesthetic agent has a rapid onset of action and is quickly cleared from the bloodstream and CNS, facilitating control of the anesthetic state (e.g., allowing titration of effect). (medscape.com)
  • The use of inhaled anesthetics for maintenance of anesthesia provides greater control of the depth of anesthesia because sophisticated devices are available for monitoring the concentration of the inhaled anesthetic agent delivered to the patient. (medscape.com)
  • Lidocaine Ointment 5% contains a local anesthetic agent and is administered topically. (nih.gov)
  • These changes may be attributable to a direct depressant effect of the local anesthetic agent on various components of the cardiovascular system. (nih.gov)
  • An anesthetic induction agent such as thiopental will substantially reduce the risk of hypertension. (pharmacology2000.com)
  • Administered through an intravenous line, these drugs work quickly to induce unconsciousness. (mimprovement.com)
  • Here is a review of the effects of common anesthetic drugs on the immune system [7] (Table 1). (medcraveonline.com)
  • The drugs are injected by hand held syringes simultaneously into the two intravenous lines…Three executioners are utilized, with each one injecting one of the drugs. (wsws.org)
  • In the first step, benzodiazepines are drugs of choice, followed in the second step by intravenous antiseizure medications (ASM), such as phenytoin/fosphenytoin, valproate, or levetiracetam, and to a lesser extent but with growing evidence, lacosamide and brivaracetam. (biomedcentral.com)
  • A colorless, odorless gas that is used as an anesthetic and analgesic. (lookformedical.com)
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass and veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) have been used effectively to treat cardiac arrest due to local anesthetic toxicity. (medscape.com)
  • LOCAL anesthetics, when injected intravascularly, result in serious cardiac complications. (asahq.org)
  • Friederich, P. and Urban, B.W. (1999) Interaction of Intravenous Anesthetics with Human Neuronal Potassium Currents in Relation to Clinical Concentrations. (scirp.org)
  • Respiratory reflexes in response to administration of each anesthetic at 1.2 and 2.4 times the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) and the full vaporizer setting (5%) were recorded. (avma.org)
  • It is also useful as an anesthetic lubricant for intubation and for the temporary relief of pain associated with minor burns, including sunburn, abrasions of the skin, and insect bites. (nih.gov)
  • The highest colostrum level occurred in the first nursing after the termination of anesthesia (about 4 hours after the dose) and was estimated to be 0.34 mg/L. Eight other women who were at least 2 weeks postpartum were given an average of 5.4 mg/kg (range 4.4 to 7 mg/kg) of intravenous thiopental for induction of anesthesia. (nih.gov)
  • Resumption of spontaneous breathing after an anesthetic induction dose of a barbiturate is characterized by a slow breathing rate and decreased tidal volume. (brainkart.com)
  • It has been demonstrated that, at concentrations used clinically, different anesthetics depress the functions of the inflammatory response differentially [2]. (medcraveonline.com)
  • High blood pressures may be evidence of inadequate anesthetic depth, or uncontrolled hypertensive heart disease. (theanesthesiaconsultant.com)
  • METHODS: Data from dogs anesthetized at referral center (2017-2020) were analyzed with three multivariate linear regression models with backward elimination using a combination of either absolute age, physiologic age, or life expectancy (ratio between age at the time of anesthetic event and expected age of death for each breed obtained from previous literature) as well as other factors as independent variables, and DOP as the dependent variable. (bvsalud.org)
  • In severe reactions, monitor the cardiovascular system and support the patient with intravenous fluids and vasopressors as required. (medscape.com)
  • Neither anesthetic had an effect on the baseline pressure-flow relationship during normoxia. (silverchair.com)
  • All anesthetics had a significant effect, but for Sevo, the changes were smaller in magnitude. (avma.org)
  • As an anesthetic premedication, alpha-2 agonists mainly have anxiolytic effects and have the effect of keeping hemodynamic index stable and reducing the amount of anesthetics during surgery. (anesth-pain-med.org)
  • These findings indicate that trivial amounts of thiopental are received in breastmilk by infants in the first 2 days of life after administration to their mothers during delivery. (nih.gov)
  • Two to 3 weeks later, dogs were anesthetized by IV administration of thiopental and α-chloralose. (avma.org)
  • Reflexes in response to administration of 5% of each anesthetic also were recorded following administration of lidocaine to the nasal passages. (avma.org)
  • Responses to administration of each anesthetic were attenuated by administration of lidocaine to the nasal passages. (avma.org)
  • This should include administration of intravenous calcium, bicarbonate, and glucose with insulin, with hyperventilation. (nih.gov)
  • Pre-anesthetics are medications or interventions designed to prepare the patient for anesthesia, reduce anxiety, and minimize potential risks. (mimprovement.com)