• The Chromophyta (Bourrelly, 1968) included the current Ochrophyta (autotrophic Stramenopiles), Haptophyta and Choanoflagellida. (wikipedia.org)
  • [17] A secondary endosymbiosis event involving an ancestral red alga and a heterotrophic eukaryote resulted in the evolution and diversification of several other photosynthetic lineages such as Cryptophyta , Haptophyta , Stramenopiles (or Heterokontophyta) , and Alveolata . (wikipedia.org)
  • Chromophyta (Christensen 1962, 1989), definirane kao alge sa hlorofilom c , uključuju sadašnja Ochrophyta (autotrofne Stramenopile ), Haptophyta , Cryptophyta , Dinophyta i Choanoflagellida . (wikipedia.org)
  • Chromophyta (Bourrelly, 1968) uključuje sadašnje Ochrophyta (autotrofne Stramenopile ), Haptophyta i Choanoflagellida . (wikipedia.org)
  • Chromista as a taxon was created by the British biologist Thomas Cavalier-Smith in 1981 to distinguish the stramenopiles, haptophytes, and cryptophytes. (wikipedia.org)
  • I am part of annotating team for the genome projects of Guillardia theta (Cryptophyta) and Bigellowiela natans (Chlorarachniophyta), two non-relative alga important by the presence of remnant endosymbiont genome called nucleomorph. (cas.cz)
  • Secondary endosymbiosis with green algae led to two major groups: Euglenids and photosynthetic Rhizarians (the Chlorarachniophyte), while red alga undergoing secondary endosymbiosis resulted in four different phyla - Cryptista (Cryptomonads), Stramenopiles (diatoms), Haptista (Haptaphyses) and Dinoflagellates. (neuromedia.ca)