• The rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century is a more recent example of mass psychosis. (sherbournehealth.ca)
  • A DANGEROUS IDEA: EUGENICS, GENETICS AND THE AMERICAN DREAM reveals how this dangerous idea gained new traction in the 20th century with an increasing belief in the concept of an all-powerful "gene" that predetermines who is worthy and who is not. (bullfrogfilms.com)
  • First, the abortion issue, which we can't forget largely owes its commercialized nature to the 20th century American eugenics movement. (washingtonstand.com)
  • Through organizations like the Carnegie Institution and the Rockefeller Foundation, American industrialists of the early 20th century complemented the new "science" coming out of the universities by sponsoring efforts like the Long Island's Eugenics Record Office, which collected ancestry documentation and funded eugenics research to advance a propaganda campaign for the cause of "experimental evolution" by way of "race betterment. (socialistworker.org)
  • Some social scientists interpret the successful spread of white supremacy and eugenics in the early 20th century--evidenced by the Better Baby Contests common to Midwestern state fairs or the popularity of forced sterilization policies in California--as proof of xenophobia inherent to our human nature, or that racism bubbles up from the working classes in society, rather than being passed down from the top. (socialistworker.org)
  • UCL was an epicenter of the early 20th-century eugenics movement-a precursor to Nazi "racial hygiene" programs-due to its ties to Francis Galton, the father of eugenics, and his intellectual descendants and fellow eugenicists Karl Pearson and Ronald Fisher. (nautil.us)
  • It was Darwin's half-cousin Francis Galton, who coined the term "eugenics," and his theories of biological determinism that bridged Darwinian natural selection and human beings. (ibw21.org)
  • Karl Pearson (left) referred to eugenics as "the directed and self-conscious evolution of the human race," which he said Francis Galton (right) had understood "with the enthusiasm of a prophet. (nautil.us)
  • In 1966, Potts wrote articles in the Eugenics Review , one of the original racist, eugenic scientific journals that came from the Galton Institute itself, formerly known as the British Eugenics Society.whose, namesake, Francis Galton , coined the term "eugenics. (wakingtimes.com)
  • Mark also produced Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century , a report that focused on the racist eugenics agenda of Planned Parenthood and its allies. (all.org)
  • The abortion of minorities has been rising post-1980. (armstrongeconomics.com)
  • It then turns to the rise of the civil rights movement and what he alleges was a corresponding shift toward legalized abortion. (all.org)
  • And while it is clear that today there are other organizations that are doing the same sort of reporting in an effort to get the truth about the abortion industry out to the public, there is only one man who blazed that trail. (all.org)
  • The equation of abortion with genocide or eugenics is a misogynistic claim to shame and blame those who choose abortion. (msmagazine.com)
  • It is somewhat of a challenge to make sense out of what Kacsmaryk seems to be saying about the connection between abortion and eugenics. (msmagazine.com)
  • According to this schema, if a pregnant person chooses abortion in order to protect the wellbeing of their "unaborted" children, as an expert witness for the FDA testified is often the case, Kacsmaryk, quoting Justice Clarence Thomas , claims that sacrificing an unborn child for the benefit of an unaborted one amounts to the use of a "disturbingly effective tool for implementing the discriminatory preferences that undergird eugenics. (msmagazine.com)
  • Although Sanger herself disliked abortion, her love affair with eugenics inspired those who held no qualms with the procedure. (washingtonstand.com)
  • In other words, truth must be separated from abortion. (washingtonstand.com)
  • This is not to say proponents of abortion are in conscious agreement with eugenics. (washingtonstand.com)
  • Ultimately, the result of the abortion movement promotes parents, who are often struck by hardship or crisis, to turn away from their conscience and ask that age-old question, "What is truth? (washingtonstand.com)
  • The second was eugenics, which represented the misappropriation of Darwinian evolution to human social outcomes. (ibw21.org)
  • The Darwinian worldview was critical, not only in influencing the development of Nazism and communism, but also in the rise of the ruthless capitalists that flourished in the late 1800s and early 1900s (Morris and Morris, 1996). (icr.org)
  • It references Darwinian eugenics ideas right off the bat, like this affectionate publication about Thomas Malthus also from UC Berkeley. (wakingtimes.com)
  • Ideas such as these were at the core of the American eugenics movement, in which science got mixed up with racial dogma. (cshl.edu)
  • AA: Until relatively recently, I honestly had no idea that there was a eugenics movement in the United States early in the 1900s, much less that as a result of this movement, the government forced thousands of people to undergo surgery that destroyed their ability to have children. (cshl.edu)
  • There is a very interesting author's note included which tells of her own experience with epilepsy which explains why she was able to write with such authenticity and also a note about the Eugenics movement and the mix of real and fictional characters in the story. (asunbookstore.com)
  • Yes, the eugenics movement. (short-story.me)
  • Reconstruction pitted poor white trash against newly freed slaves, which factored in the rise of eugenics--a widely popular movement embraced by Theodore Roosevelt that targeted poor whites for sterilization. (penguinrandomhouse.com)
  • Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not. (bullfrogfilms.com)
  • There was no basis in truth for any of this, but there was an anti-Communist, fascist movement in the U.S. among elites who believed the American way of life was being threatened. (typepad.com)
  • The words of Darwin, as much a religious text as all the rest, gave rise to the Eugenics movement and the concept of the German master race. (thejesusofhistory.com)
  • Where did the eugenics movement lead? (uncommondescent.com)
  • While his true identity and political allegiance has been secret for many years, his time as the defunct leader of the 9/11 Truth movement is about to come to an end. (atlanteanconspiracy.com)
  • Truth seekers in the truth movement should focus on AWAKENING people through DISCUSSION, not dictation. (knowledgeoftoday.org)
  • Much of the ideological and legal foundations for Nazi politics and genocide were developed and refined by American eugenists, as detailed in Edwin Black's Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust and War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race , as well as James Whitman's Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law . (socialistworker.org)
  • Third was rising apprehension at the immigration feeding the transition of the United States from an agrarian backwater to an industrial colossus. (ibw21.org)
  • The hysteria came to an end after World War II as the United States overwhelmingly rejected eugenics, and immigration laws were changed. (typepad.com)
  • It was called eugenics, a pseudoscience that gained prominence after the Russian Revolution in 1917 and the end of World War I. It was based on the fear that a devastated Europe and the rise in Communism would eventually inundate the United States with Communists as well. (typepad.com)
  • In this spirit the magazine opposed communism and pseudoscientific notions about eugenics. (commonwealmagazine.org)
  • And Andrew Sullivan, as ever, is fervently repackaging Gilded Age eugenics for a 21st-century audience. (ibw21.org)
  • Emboldened by the xenophobic, nationalist, and racist discourse that has found increasing mainstream acceptance in the United States and Europe, true believers and opportunistic hucksters are now emerging to cash in with "race and IQ" clickbait and put an imprimatur of truth onto racism. (ibw21.org)
  • I was hardly even familiar with the word eugenics, and I had only heard it used in the context of Nazi Germany when I did come across it. (cshl.edu)
  • The film draws a correlation between the end of slavery and a move toward Nazi-like eugenics, forced sterilization, and birth control. (all.org)
  • Julian Huxley and H. B. D. Kittlewell even concluded that social Darwinism 'led to the glorification of free enterprise, laissez-faire economics and war, to an unscientific eugenics and racism, and eventually to Hitler and Nazi ideology' (in Huxley and Kittlewell, 1965, p. 81). (icr.org)
  • While the white supremacists' "Blood and Soil" chant in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month comes from the 1930s Nazi propaganda slogan "Blut und Boden," the Germans had made it a cry for applied eugenics in large part thanks to the 1902 work of Stanford University President David Starr Jordan's "Blood of a Nation: A Study in the Decay of Nations by the Survival of the Unfit. (socialistworker.org)
  • In 1934, as Germany's sterilizations exceeded 5,000 per month, the California eugenics leader C. M. Goethe returned from Germany and told a colleague 'that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. (typepad.com)
  • Even the Supreme Court considered eugenics in a 1927 decision, with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writing that it was essentially humane to "prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. (typepad.com)
  • In my subsequent book, the eugenics chronicle War Against the Weak , I found the victims crying out for justice were Americans. (edwinblack.com)
  • In my eugenics book, War Against the Weak , I revealed that the campaign to extinguish the existence of unwanted minorities and social classes-the so-called "unfit"-was continuously orchestrated and financed by the prestigious Carnegie Institution and the gilded Rockefeller Foundation. (edwinblack.com)
  • In 1918, World War I Army venereal disease specialist Paul Popenoe co-authored a widely used textbook, Applied Eugenics , which argued, 'From a historical point of view, the first method which presents itself is execution… Its value in keeping up the standard of the race should not be underestimated. (typepad.com)
  • Beyond American profiteering from, or the application of American technology to facilitate, the mass murder of Europe's Jews, Gypsies and other "undesirables," Black's research also uncovered the Holocaust's deep ideological roots in American eugenics. (socialistworker.org)
  • Malcolm Potts is a Malthusian figure with deep roots in the history of eugenics. (wakingtimes.com)
  • In this episode of Base Pairs , David Micklos , executive director of CSHL's DNA Learning Center and leader of the effort to create an extensive online Eugenics Archive , and Miriam Rich , a doctoral student at Harvard studying the social and cultural history of science and medicine, help us figure out where genetic science went off the rails in the name of eugenics. (cshl.edu)
  • BS: Eugenics was an idea in which issues of science and society got mixed up in horrific ways. (cshl.edu)
  • The Carnegie Institution powered the rise of a fake science called eugenics and its implementation as the law of the land. (edwinblack.com)
  • In 1894, science fiction writer, journalist and eugenics proponent H.G. Wells, writing in Nature magazine, called on scientists to "popularize" science. (creativitypost.com)
  • If the public didn't care about science, then there would not only be "the danger of supplies being cut off," but also the danger of the public endorsing inquiries "of doubtful value" (ironic, given Wells' enthusiasm for eugenics). (creativitypost.com)
  • From the defeat of Reconstruction until the Second World War, parallel with the entrenchment of Jim Crow terror in the South, the race science of eugenics was refined in respectable academic and philanthropic institutions, well outside of the borders of the defeated Confederacy. (socialistworker.org)
  • Common names are familiar to everyone, both inside and outside politics - they are the ones controlling the Congress, the messaging, the censoring of the truth, the propaganda media, and the Biden Administration. (conservativetruth.org)
  • I knew that eugenics had been part of American society until recent decades and there are references to the Aryan concept being promoted by Germany's Hitler but I didn't realise that the UK had been pursuing its own policies to such a large degree. (asunbookstore.com)
  • By 1928, 376 separate university courses in some of the best American schools, with some school enrollments exceeding 20,000 students, included eugenics in their curriculum. (typepad.com)
  • By 1928, courses on eugenics were taught in some of the best American schools. (typepad.com)
  • It reads: "Some experts have warned that unregulated genetic engineering may lead to a new form of eugenics, in which people with means to pay have children with enhanced traits even as those with disabilities are devalued. (cshl.edu)
  • The socialism that most people are familiar with is the violent Marxist, grassroots revolts, where the people rise up against the despotic ruling class. (conservativetruth.org)
  • Additionally, they believed in Eugenics, the elimination of people who disagreed with them and those who were a burden on society. (conservativetruth.org)
  • At a time when public education and a rise in the rate of literacy were changing the audience demographic in Brazil, one writer challenged the increasing classism and elitism of the literary establishment by writing for the people. (wordswithoutborders.org)
  • It was Carl Sagan himself who once wondered why a God who presides over a universe in which evolution unfolds, in which physical sciences play out and in which great truths are slowly discovered by people with dawning wisdom, isn't somehow a subtler, more nuanced and more appealing God. (time.com)
  • Samuel Jackson Holmes , who published a 1924 paper titled "A bibliography of eugenics," at Berkeley, in 1937 he writing , "The Negros' Struggle For Survival. (wakingtimes.com)
  • That was the cover story to hide the real agenda which has always existed - eugenics and to reduce the population of the minorities. (armstrongeconomics.com)
  • You will see the arms of the evil octopus wearing the masks of Agenda 21, Eugenics and Transhumanism, to name just a few. (grahamhancock.com)
  • Just as America would rise above and crush the weaker nations of Old Europe, so too would the races settle into a natural order in which the dominant ethnicity of the elite class (Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and northern European) would prove with finality its superiority over the lesser peoples (everyone else). (ibw21.org)
  • I divulged non-classified information to John concerning the Abu Ghrahib prison off the air to prove a theory that Alex Jones was a Shill and not interested in real stories but half-truths and exaggerated ones. (atlanteanconspiracy.com)
  • This is not the first story I've heard that follows this same pattern: Call Alex Jones, expose something outside his accepted realm of truth, and the next thing you know there's a knock on the door from some three-letter agency suits. (atlanteanconspiracy.com)
  • The truth is that they are convinced that climate change is going to literally destroy the earth and that the best way to fight climate change is to get rid of a whole bunch of us. (thetruthwins.com)
  • The flat-earthers have always been with us, as have the believers in phrenology and alchemy and eugenics and sorcery, and, more recently and perniciously, the climate change deniers and the vaccines-cause-autism ninnies. (time.com)
  • The never-ending challenge with eugenics is making that abhorrent history relevant to a contemporary audience. (bullfrogfilms.com)
  • It's a reassuring truth of human history that wisdom is eternal. (time.com)
  • Statistical thinking and eugenicist thinking are, in fact, deeply intertwined, and many of the theoretical problems with methods like significance testing-first developed to identify racial differences-are remnants of their original purpose, to support eugenics. (nautil.us)
  • Poor whites were central to the rise of the Republican Party in the early nineteenth century, and the Civil War itself was fought over class issues nearly as much as it was fought over slavery. (penguinrandomhouse.com)
  • When teachers have "students," they are meant to teach those students the truth. (boingboing.net)
  • But once teachers have "customers," they are expected to teach the things that deliver "satisfaction" - Young Earth Creationism, eugenics, Lost Cause historical revisionism, and so on. (boingboing.net)
  • More recently, if our children have been able to make it to full term in the womb, then proponents of gender ideology have come to legislate, teach, and counsel children into questioning the truth about their biology. (washingtonstand.com)
  • Wells argued that when research costs rise and the state becomes science's chief patron, scientists can no longer afford to ignore public perceptions: "maintenance of an intelligent exterior interest in current investigation becomes of almost vital importance. (creativitypost.com)
  • Gregor Mendel's famous laws of genetics had just been rediscovered at the turn of the century , giving rise to a field rich with untold truths about the nature of life. (cshl.edu)
  • With Isenberg's landmark book, we will have to face the truth about the enduring, malevolent nature of class as well. (penguinrandomhouse.com)
  • Questioning the absolute nature of truth is what allowed Pilate to violate his conscience and participate in handing Jesus off to those who would murder and torture a blameless person, God Himself. (washingtonstand.com)
  • In the age of COVID, 'Fake-News' and 'Independent' fact checkers, the search for objective truth has never been more controversial. (thejesusofhistory.com)
  • As if to underline this point, in a statement accompanying the release of this new report, UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Obaid stated that "rapid population growth and industrialization have led to a rapid rise in greenhouse gas emissions. (thetruthwins.com)
  • Erica is passionate about creating powerful underrepresented stories that show the truth of the human experience. (wmm.com)
  • The truth is that humans have evolved over thousands of years to think in words. (thejesusofhistory.com)
  • Ultimately, if you can get into the mind of the author of a text, if you can respect them and find the inner strength to hear their words without colouring and distorting their meaning, then you may have a chance at finding the 'truth' as they saw it. (thejesusofhistory.com)
  • For years, I've been dismayed by the rise of "CEOs" and other corporate titles in the nonprofit sector. (boingboing.net)
  • Have you noticed that US infertility rates have risen 100% in 34 years: 8% in 1982, but 16.7 in 2016, or that sperm counts in the West have fallen 60% over 43 years reviewed? (uncommondescent.com)
  • And, of course, the most inconvenient truth of all is that it hasn't gotten significantly warmer since the industrial revolution started generating CO2, and it hasn't warmed at all in recent years. (booklikes.com)
  • In this, we can also be assured that the Truth can set our children free who have been fed a lie. (washingtonstand.com)
  • Sometimes we must wait for truth to prevail, but in the end, the Truth isn't just a concept - it is a person, Jesus. (washingtonstand.com)
  • As we see with the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, only the truth endures. (washingtonstand.com)
  • This new context came out of not only the urban population boom but also the expansion of public education and the consequent rise in literacy rates, as well as the growth in the number of newspapers and magazines and their ever-increasing circulation. (wordswithoutborders.org)
  • But it's an equally hard truth that stupid is forever too. (time.com)
  • This video shows you why it is hard to convince others of your truths. (knowledgeoftoday.org)
  • Forced to hide their daughter away so as to not jeopardise Edward's life's work, the couple must confront the truth of their past - and the secrets that have been buried. (asunbookstore.com)
  • Not only had I got rid of theology and the supernatural, but I had found the truth of evolution. (icr.org)
  • After similar outcries about eugenics, the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies renamed its annual Fisher Lecture, and the Society for the Study of Evolution did the same for its Fisher Prize. (nautil.us)
  • It's here that Pilate becomes the first social constructivist by asking the question, "What is truth? (washingtonstand.com)
  • This strikes at the heart of social constructivism where the "truth" is dependent on the situation. (washingtonstand.com)
  • While the freefall of oil prices seems to have stopped for now, the inevitable rise of energy demand from developing economies may turn the current overflow into a critical shortage. (candobetter.net)