• Elimination of pronation and supination neutralizes deforming forces (eg, brachioradialis) on the fracture fragments. (medscape.com)
  • Plain radiographs should always be obtained after splinting to confirm that the fracture fragments are not displaced. (medscape.com)
  • Note: The fracture must be anatomically realigned before implant insertion. (aofoundation.org)
  • In a young patient with hard bone, a blade is relatively contraindicated, and a screw should be used instead (with tapping). (aofoundation.org)
  • It's easy to take our bones for granted, but they can break, and they take time to heal - even when we are young. (orthofixkids.com)
  • The osteotome is passed through the medial cortical bone, the cancellous bone and partially through the lateral cortical bone (Figure 2 ). (biomedcentral.com)