• Once it is allosterically activated, it recruits and activates proteins necessary for the propagation of growth factors, as well as other cell signaling receptors like c-Raf and PI 3-kinase. (wikipedia.org)
  • citation needed] In turn, KRAS can bind to proteins of the Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor (GEF) class (such as SOS1), which forces the release of bound nucleotide (GDP). (wikipedia.org)
  • The domain family possesses multiple functions including the abilities to bind inositol phosphates, and various proteins. (embl.de)
  • Regulators of small G-proteins like guanine nucleotide releasing factor GNRP (Ras-GRF) (which contains 2 PH domains), guanine nucleotide exchange proteins like vav, dbl, SoS and Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC24, GTPase activating proteins like rasGAP and BEM2/IPL2, and the human break point cluster protein bcr. (embl.de)
  • Oxysterol binding proteins OSBP, S. cerevisiae OSH1 and YHR073w. (embl.de)
  • Several S. cerevisiae proteins involved in cell cycle regulation and bud formation like BEM2, BEM3, BUD4 and the BEM1-binding proteins BOI2 (BEB1) and BOI1 (BOB1). (embl.de)
  • Mouse protein citron, a putative rho/rac effector that binds to the GTP-bound forms of rho and rac. (embl.de)
  • and have poor effector function, express multiple inhibitory receptors, possess low proliferative capacity, and cannot persist without antigen. (gsea-msigdb.org)
  • To transmit signals, it must be turned on by attaching (binding) to a molecule of GTP. (wikipedia.org)
  • Point mutations cluster into the positively charged end of the molecule around the predicted binding site for phosphatidylinositol lipids. (embl.de)