• The most obvious result of a fireworks show is air pollution. (forbes.com)
  • however, air quality remains a concern and more can be done to reduce air pollution to make the air healthier for everyone. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • estimating your sensitivity to air pollution. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • On this page you will find information and resources about outdoor air quality, air pollution and health, and strategies that everyone can take to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve air quality. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • Adverse health effects from air pollution depend on many things including the length of time, the amount, and type of pollution you are exposed to. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • While everyone is affected by air pollution, each person reacts differently. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • Children, older adults, those who are pregnant, and those with existing diabetes, heart or lung conditions, are at a greater risk of negative health impacts from air pollution. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • More information to help you assess your sensitivity to air pollution can be found here . (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • Gases and fine particles that make up air pollution impact the heart, lungs, brain and other organs, and can lead to illness, hospitalization, and premature death. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • Long-term exposure to air pollution can increase the risk of developing heart and lung diseases and cancer. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • Weather conditions, human emissions, and wildfires interact and contribute to the levels of air pollution (made up of gases and chemicals). (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • The majority of air pollution is caused by human activity. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • For example, the way we make and use energy, our transportation patterns, waste management and industry all contribute to emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases that can be harmful to our health. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • They are a main source of air pollution in Ontario. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • The company will implement an improved dust control plan in order to minimise wind-blown dust from the facility and also operate five ambient air monitors in and around the Hayden and Winkelman communities to track pollution levels. (mining-technology.com)
  • In debates over air pollution control, it's always a tug-of-war between the cost to business and the cost to public health. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Late last month, a study emerged with new data for the public health column: the cost of the nation's nearly 16,000 annual preterm births linked to air pollution is more than a whopping $5 billion. (scienceblogs.com)
  • For years, scientists have been studying possible environmental contributors, with many finding an association between preterm birth and air pollution. (scienceblogs.com)
  • When compared with gasoline-powered cars, vehicles fueled with electricity from renewable sources could cut air pollution-related deaths by 70 percent, according to a new study, which noted that air pollution is the country's greatest environmental health threat. (scienceblogs.com)
  • In a new study published in the Environmental Pollution journal, researchers found that the positive impact that trees have on air quality translates to the prevention of more than 850 deaths each year as well as 670,000 incidences of acute respiratory symptoms. (scienceblogs.com)
  • SAN FRANCISCO- The Center for Biological Diversity, Greenpeace and Port Townsend Airwatchers filed suit on Monday against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to compel a long-overdue review and update of Clean Air Act rules to reduce pollution from kraft pulp mills. (biologicaldiversity.org)
  • The Clean Air Act requires such reviews every eight years to keep emission standards current and ensure that these industries use up-to-date pollution-control technology. (biologicaldiversity.org)
  • Emission control standards for kraft pulp mills have not been updated for a quarter of a century, even though existing technology can greatly reduce the harmful pollution they spew into the air. (biologicaldiversity.org)
  • Kraft pulp mills put dangerous pollution into the air, and people living near them have no choice but to breathe it. (biologicaldiversity.org)
  • This lawsuit is about getting the EPA to greatly reduce that pollution through a successful, time-tested Clean Air Act process. (biologicaldiversity.org)
  • Emissions from agriculture, industry, rail freight and road traffic together create one of the country's worst concentrations of air pollution - a condition exacerbated by geographic and climatic conditions that trap dry, dirty air over this southern section of Central Valley like the lid over a pot. (berkeley.edu)
  • Farmers and community activists have sought environmental justice in Kern County, their resistance to the overcapacity oil and agricultural production have helped Bakersfield improved in reducing air pollution. (berkeley.edu)
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some of the main health concerns related to climate change include air pollution, declining water quality, diseases, food security and mental health issues. (jhunewsletter.com)
  • In this week's column, I will be looking specifically at how climate change impacts air pollution, diseases and food security. (jhunewsletter.com)
  • As I discussed in my last article, air pollution is a big area of concern for many health officials. (jhunewsletter.com)
  • In addition to this, the WHO reports that around one-third of the deaths caused by strokes, lung cancer and heart disease can be attributed to air pollution. (jhunewsletter.com)
  • ThinkProgress recently reported that air pollution has been a persistent issue in the US for the last two decades. (cpap.com)
  • Using state-level scores that run from 1 (the least air pollution) to 8 (the most air pollution) the Golden State scored an 8, denoting that California had the worst air pollution of all 50 states at the time of this analysis. (cpap.com)
  • In 2017, so-called facility start-ups, shutdowns and malfunctions caused 4,000 illegal emissions events and were responsible for 63 million pounds of air pollution statewide, according to an Environment Texas report . (texasobserver.org)
  • Coal is incredibly dangerous to our health, and coal's pollution contributes to four of the five leading causes of death in the United States," said Rose. (ens-newswire.com)
  • In 2013, TransAlta will install additional air pollution control technology to further reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides at the plant. (ens-newswire.com)
  • New York City had the worst air pollution of any major city in the world at one point Tuesday night, before dropping to second-worst behind New Delhi, India, according to air quality tracker IQair. (abc7.com)
  • Natural gas ranges and cooktops produce more indoor air pollution than most people realize. (mbaks.com)
  • In neighborhoods like Viviana's, which lies within a few miles of dairy farms, packing sheds and oil fields, particulate and ozone pollution already poses a health threat. (wmfe.org)
  • Cities in the valley top the list of those with the worst air pollution in the country, according to the American Lung Association. (wmfe.org)
  • Commonly called soot, diesel pollution accounts for over one quarter of the total hazardous pollution in our air, and 66 percent of particulate pollution is from on-road mobile sources. (nctcog.org)
  • 5] Pollution levels are also higher near major roadways where people are often exposed to these pollutants during travel, work, and shopping. (nctcog.org)
  • A breath of fresh air is priceless as air pollution is now the greatest external threat to human life expectancy on the planet. (ansi.org)
  • New data from Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) reveal that permanently reducing global fine inhalable particles (PM2.5) air pollution to meet the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline would add over two years to the average human life expectancy-equating to over 17 billion life years saved. (ansi.org)
  • The research emphasizes fine particulate air pollution-released from vehicle and industrial emissions, wildfires and more-remains the "greatest external threat to public health. (ansi.org)
  • Researchers compared two subgroups of the population that experienced prolonged exposure to different levels of particulate air pollution, so that they were able to plausibly isolate the effect of particulate air pollution from other factors that affect health. (ansi.org)
  • The unique chemical fingerprints left behind from airport pollutants are a smoking gun in this scenario, leading researchers to exactly which parties are responsible for the increased levels of pollution in the Contamination Zone south of Seattle. (normandyparkblog.com)
  • We know the millions of pounds of largely untreated waste from the nation's factory farms are significant sources of air pollution, including ammonia, particulate matter and greenhouse gas methane," she said in a statement Tuesday. (civileats.com)
  • The data shows that emissions from drilling represent a small fraction of air pollution in the state, which has gone down considerably since shale gas development began in earnest several years ago," PA DEP Secretary Mike Krancer said. (thebreakthrough.org)
  • In a relatively short time Pakistan has converted 40 per cent of its brick kilns to use more efficient, cleaner technology, reducing short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) and improving the country's air pollution while mitigating global warming. (ccacoalition.org)
  • The kiln sector's transformation has been really remarkable," said Bidya Banmali Pradhan , the Programme Coordinator at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) , an intergovernmental organization working on air pollution in the region. (ccacoalition.org)
  • Traditional brick kilns with towering chimneys emit black smoke across Pakistan, contributing to air pollution, climate change, and a host of serious health problems. (ccacoalition.org)
  • Overall, the brick industry contributes 20 to 25 per cent of global air pollution. (ccacoalition.org)
  • In South Asia, particulate matter pollution has contributed to a reduction in life expectancy of one year and seven months in the region. (ccacoalition.org)
  • Because wood burning emits particulate matter, it is also one of the leading causes of air pollution . (purpleair.com)
  • In fact, the Clean Air Strategy Report by the UK government found that wood in open fires, furnaces, and stoves accounts for 38% of the country's outdoor tiny particle air pollution. (purpleair.com)
  • Additionally, scientists found that burning wood triples indoor air pollution inside homes and the health risk. (purpleair.com)
  • Air pollution in the Chinese capital has hit dangerous marks, reaching beyond the permissible level of pollution on the local environmental center's scale. (rt.com)
  • Due to polluted air Beijing is often covered with dense smog, while its many residents suffer from respiratory problems.Several other cities, including Tianjin on the coast east of Beijing and southern China's Wuhan city also reported severe pollution over the last several days. (rt.com)
  • How does Switzerland rank globally in air pollution? (iqair.com)
  • How to best protect from air pollution? (iqair.com)
  • It is a landlocked country, with many geographical features such as mountain ranges and plateaus, features which can occasionally lend themselves to the accumulation of pollution in a city or country, due to a lack of wind on the ground level leading to clouds of smoke or fine particulate matters building up without prevailing winds to aid in dispersing them. (iqair.com)
  • Whilst this is a respectable rating indeed, it stands to reason that many cities within Switzerland have less than optimal air pollution readings, with certain cities such as Rotkreuz and Liestal coming in with higher readings of 16.3 μg/m³ and 14.7 μg/m³ respectively. (iqair.com)
  • However, most landfills were unattended and unmanaged which caused land and air pollution to the environment. (aaceurovent.co.uk)
  • With waste to energy plants, almost half of any facility will be managed by an air pollution control system which usually has a two-stage process. (aaceurovent.co.uk)
  • The remaining pollutants are small quantities of compounds that should be within the pollution limits set by the Industrial Emissions Directive and the Environment Agency, therefore, reducing the impact on health and the environment. (aaceurovent.co.uk)
  • 2] Nationwide, particulate pollution from power plants is estimated to kill approximately 13,000 people a year. (americanprogress.org)
  • We need action at every level to clean up air pollution and address climate change. (lung.org)
  • You can take action to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of air pollution. (lung.org)
  • Regardless of its grade or ranking in this report, any community can experience days with unhealthy levels of air pollution. (lung.org)
  • Check daily air pollution forecasts in your area at airnow.gov . (lung.org)
  • Reduce your own contributions to air pollution. (lung.org)
  • Joanne Kilgour says while protecting people's health must be a priority, it's important to not overlook the economic effects of air pollution. (lung.org)
  • Kilgour says decarbonization is key to reducing emissions and air pollution, with opportunities to leverage investments in fossil-free steel production as an example of strategies that can make a difference. (lung.org)
  • every year, air pollution leads to nearly 7 million deaths worldwide, concentrated in low- and middle-income countries. (nrdc.org)
  • stronger air pollution standards for power plants will serve to better protect these irreplaceable natural resources. (nrdc.org)
  • Wildfires create a serious amount of smoke and air pollution. (smartairfilters.com)
  • Wildfire smoke is a form of air pollution. (smartairfilters.com)
  • One of the best masks for filtering out air pollution from wildfire smoke is an N95 mask. (smartairfilters.com)
  • Air purifiers are the best way to protect from wildfire smoke and ensure you are breathing pollution and smoke free air inside. (smartairfilters.com)
  • In summary, to best protect yourself against ultra-fine particulate pollution and the dangerous VOC gases in wildfires, two filters are needed. (smartairfilters.com)
  • 1) Stay indoors, where air pollution is typically 30-40% lower. (smartairfilters.com)
  • Smart Air is a social enterprise and certified B-Corp that offers simple, no-nonsense air purifiers and provides free education to protect people from the harms of air pollution. (smartairfilters.com)
  • We are proud to be the only certified B-Corp dedicated to fighting air pollution. (smartairfilters.com)
  • Yet the health impacts of particulate air pollution represent only one social cost they impose. (uchicago.edu)
  • And beyond these direct climate effects, air pollution control has important secondary links to carbon abatement because one channel available to industry to reduce particulate emissions derives from the set of abatement actions that reduce fuel use (including actions to increase energy efficiency and improve combustion). (uchicago.edu)
  • Air pollution from fossil fuel combustion poses a grave threat to human health worldwide. (uchicago.edu)
  • EPIC research is using real-world data to calculate the effects of air pollution on human health. (uchicago.edu)
  • People who are unsheltered are the most at risk, living under highway overpasses or closer to industrial areas, which means their exposure to air pollution is 24/7 and not just for a few days. (stacker.com)
  • One of the main pollutants found in both wildfire smoke and car pollution is called fine particulate matter. (stacker.com)
  • PM 2.5, another name for fine particulate matter , is smaller in size than most other types of air pollution, which means that it can bypass your body's defense system. (stacker.com)
  • In the archive, Springwise has spotted other innovations that clean up pollution, from a modular unit that cleans CO2 from the air to a carbon capture system that turns pollution into rock. (springwise.com)
  • Although air pollution levels are still dangerously high, data is beginning to show some positive progress . (springwise.com)
  • Alongside the KICT researchers, many countries are now taking action to tackle and reduce air pollution from particulate matter. (springwise.com)
  • Most indoor air pollution comes from sources that release gases or particles into the air . (tennisfile.com)
  • Things such as building materials and air fresheners give off pollution constantly. (tennisfile.com)
  • Fresh air generally has higher levels of oxygen (not to mention lower levels of pollution) than indoor air. (tennisfile.com)
  • The common sources of outdoor air pollution are emissions caused by combustion processes from motor vehicles, solid fuel burning and industry . (tennisfile.com)
  • Both short- and long-term exposure to indoor air pollution can cause a range of health issues, including respiratory diseases, heart disease, cognitive deficits, and cancer . (tennisfile.com)
  • Air pollution can affect lung development and is implicated in the development of emphysema, asthma, and other respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) . (tennisfile.com)
  • Increases in asthma prevalence and severity are linked to urbanization and outdoor air pollution. (tennisfile.com)
  • Particulate matter, or particle pollution, refers to a mix of very tiny solid and liquid particles that are in the air we breathe. (tennisfile.com)
  • This is why during the day, when there are a lot of cars out at rush hour air pollution levels might be lower. (tennisfile.com)
  • Six groups of environment and health issues stand out to be tackled as a priority: household water security, hygiene and sanitation, air pollution (including indoor air pollution and environmental tobacco smoke), vector- borne diseases, chemical hazards (for example lead and the unsafe use of pesticides), and unintentional injuries. (who.int)
  • Air pollution is a major environment-related health threat to children and a risk factor for both acute and chronic respiratory disease as well as other diseases. (who.int)
  • Indoor air pollution (for example from cooking and heating with biomass fuels, or coal) is a major factor associated with acute respiratory infections in both rural and urban areas of developing countries. (who.int)
  • Outdoor air pollution, mainly from traffic and industrial processes, remains a serious problem in cities throughout the world, particularly in the ever- expanding megacities of developing countries. (who.int)
  • Direct effects, such as increased ambient temperatures, air pollution, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, extreme weather, vector-borne diseases, and expanded vector ranges (discussed in more detail below). (cdc.gov)
  • Outdoor air quality is affected by different types of air pollutants from a variety of sources, including vehicle emissions, energy production and usage, and wildfires. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • Traffic-related air pollutants (TRAP) are emissions related to traffic. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • According to EPA, the plant violated Clean Air Act standards by failing to control emissions of dangerous air pollutants, such as arsenic and lead from the smelter. (mining-technology.com)
  • This settlement will bring tremendous benefits to public health and the environment in Arizona through dramatic cuts to harmful air emissions. (mining-technology.com)
  • Following the smelter upgrades, the pollutants are expected to be reduced by at least 8.5t a year, and PM emissions are set to minimised by 3,500t per annum. (mining-technology.com)
  • US Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division assistant attorney general John Cruden said: 'This settlement will bring tremendous benefits to public health and the environment in Arizona for generations to come through dramatic cuts to harmful air emissions. (mining-technology.com)
  • Turkey has made progress in relatively decoupling its strong economic growth from air emissions, energy use, waste generation and water consumption. (oecd-ilibrary.org)
  • For Sherman, the oft-heard medical mantra of "first do no harm" should also push the health care system to do more to reduce its harmful air emissions and their impact on people's health. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Biomassacre also makes mention of the "dangerous emissions of toxic substances and fine particulates" from biomass incineration, listing "at least five known human carcinogens and at least 26 chemicals categorised as hazardous air pollutants," including nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and heavy metals. (energyjustice.net)
  • and Hilo, Hawaii (221), also made the most dangerous list for SO2 emissions. (cpap.com)
  • The EPA Told Texas to Crack Down on Dangerous Air Emissions in 2015. (texasobserver.org)
  • It aimed to curtail the use of an " affirmative defense " that oil refineries, coal plants and other polluters commonly deploy to regulators after illegally emitting dangerous chemicals: claiming that the emissions were a result of a "start-up, shutdown or malfunction" at a facility - basically, an unforeseen, unavoidable situation. (texasobserver.org)
  • When idling, heavy-duty diesel vehicles produce emissions that further contribute to air quality problems in Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) and can lead to adverse health effects. (nctcog.org)
  • To address these unnecessary emissions, locally enforced motor vehicle idling limitations have been included as weight of evidence in the DFW 8-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plan (SIP), which is the clean air plan for the region. (nctcog.org)
  • In addition to particulate matter and air toxics, the EPA affirms that diesel exhaust is a major contributor to ozone formation due to excess emissions of NOx. (nctcog.org)
  • Other researchers have concluded that airport emissions may have unique "chemical fingerprints," leading attorneys to believe that airport operations are the only plausible source of the pollutants observed in the area. (normandyparkblog.com)
  • A proposed rule from acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler would free large animal feedlots from having to report potentially toxic air emissions from animal waste. (civileats.com)
  • Embracing the "normal odor" argument, acting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed a proposed rule on Tuesday to amend emergency release notification regulations to let industrial agricultural operations off the hook from reporting air emissions from animal waste at their farms. (civileats.com)
  • These pollutants have killed farm workers and residents because of the hydrogen sulfide and other emissions, noted Tarah Heinzen, a staff attorney with Food & Water Watch. (civileats.com)
  • These are dangerous emissions that communities have the right to know about," Heinzen said. (civileats.com)
  • Other recent moves by President Trump's EPA to undermine the health and safety of Americans include the proposal to roll back federal auto emissions and fuel efficiency standards, plans to weaken the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, and the suspension of the Chemical Disaster Rule. (civileats.com)
  • The air emissions reporting that the Trump administration is trying to eliminate provide state and federal regulators with important data. (civileats.com)
  • The reports can be used to determine if the farm should be feeding their livestock different types of feed or if the facilities need different equipment or ventilation to prevent harmful air emissions. (civileats.com)
  • The studies show that the new builds in gas-fired power plants and the associated surge in fracking over the last few years have dramatically reduced emissions across the State, emissions of every sort - deadly particulates, heavy metals, and the NOx and SOx which are those nasty components of smog that also cause acid rain and a lot of health problems. (thebreakthrough.org)
  • While unconventional gas production and processing emitted over 16,500 tons of nitrogen oxides in 2011, annual emissions of the same pollutant from all sources fell about 43,000 tons per year since 2008. (thebreakthrough.org)
  • Emissions of fine particulate matter (PM10) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are also down. (thebreakthrough.org)
  • On the flip side, many actions that may save industries money - principally energy efficiency measures - may also reduce particulate emissions. (uchicago.edu)
  • And air underground can be especially dangerous, as the combination of vehicle emissions with limited ventilation creates a concentrated cocktail of fine particulate matter: tiny particles that harm our health and the environment. (springwise.com)
  • This is because, as the temperature drops during the nighttime hours, the atmosphere traps car emissions, CO2, and other pollutants in the house and down near the ground - and the effect is much worse if spaces inside the home are poorly ventilated. (tennisfile.com)
  • outdoors.23,24 Outdoor air pollutants, such as pollen, The toll that environmental hazards take on child- dust, fungal spores, industrial and vehicle emissions, ren's health is not completely understood, nor has it and radon, can be drawn in from outdoors. (cdc.gov)
  • Not only do benzene and methane from oil production combined with pesticides and exhaust from agriculture to degrade the air quality, hydraulic fracturing or fracking also releases pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and volatile compounds that help to form ground-level Ozone. (berkeley.edu)
  • Ozone purifiers do very little to improve air quality and actually create a hazardous environment by adding additional toxic pollutants (like formaldehyde and ultrafine particles) to the air. (usmagazine.com)
  • The studies could not identify concentrations of any compound that would trigger air-related health issues associated with Marcellus Shale drilling activity, nor did PA DEP detect any concentrations above federal ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone at any of the sampling sites. (thebreakthrough.org)
  • PHILADELPHIA -- As an orange haze of wildfire smoke from Canada smothers parts of the eastern US, officials are warning residents in both countries of unhealthy or hazardous air Wednesday. (abc7.com)
  • He describes Chicago's air as being consistently polluted, even before the wildfire smoke rolled in. (stacker.com)
  • Normally you wouldn't consider carbon dioxide a pollutant (although inside levels exceeding 1,000 parts per million is considered the maximum, where it can lead to health implications). (ongaroandsons.com)
  • However, you do want an indoor air quality monitor to measure carbon dioxide as a way to evaluate your home ventilation system. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • If you have excessive carbon dioxide levels, it means the air movement isn't exhausting the CO 2 properly. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • That is a cause for concern because if carbon dioxide is lingering in the rooms of your house, it means other, more harmful, pollutants are lingering as well. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • The best indoor air quality monitors keep track of pollutants like carbon dioxide, particulates, VOCs, and other hazards such as radon. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • 3) Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to remove ultra-fine particles and a carbon filter to remove dangerous VOCs. (smartairfilters.com)
  • Finer and smaller particles are more dangerous than larger particles, because they can more easily enter into a person's lungs and bloodstream. (jhunewsletter.com)
  • Particulates (also known as atmospheric aerosols) are microscopic particles of solids and/or liquids suspended in air. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • Standards and guidance support the air cleaners that may reduce the health effects from some particles-small solid or liquid substances suspended in air, such as dust or light spray mists, and filtration systems. (ansi.org)
  • And wear a protective face mask over the nose and mouth to keep dangerous particles out of the lungs and body. (nsc24.com)
  • Smart Air provides empirically backed , no-nonsense purifiers and masks, that remove the same particles as the big companies for a fraction of the cost. (smartairfilters.com)
  • 5, which is measurement of fine particles in the air. (tennisfile.com)
  • These particles become a part of the air where you could inhale them without realizing it. (ohsonline.com)
  • Prolonged exposure to nitrogen dioxide is harmful to both humans and our environment and is especially dangerous for those who have lung disease . (cpap.com)
  • Health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure or, possibly, years later. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • Exposure to such pollutants is associated with increased frequency of childhood illnesses and can contribute to the development of asthma, which is the leading serious chronic illness among children and the number one cause of school absenteeism. (nctcog.org)
  • Local pockets of intense exposure may result from toxic air and soil pollutants emanating from hazardous waste sites, leaking underground storage tanks, or local industry. (cdc.gov)
  • One example of a localized toxic exposure adverse effect was seen in children exposed to high doses of lead released into the air from a lead smelter in Idaho. (cdc.gov)
  • Alveolar macrophages retained the particulates even after 28 day post-exposure. (cdc.gov)
  • Researchers with the EPA have also found that some VOCs can remain in indoor air for several hours at levels up to 1,000 times the levels outdoors. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • China has literally become the world's largest waste bucket, overflowing from the brim, spilling heavy metals, drugs and airborne pollutants out like a sick child puking up a McDonald's Happy Meal. (naturalnews.com)
  • The index indicates the level of airborne PM 2.5 particulates, at which particle matters are considered the most harmful to health. (rt.com)
  • Power plants also are the largest domestic source of airborne mercury in the United States, a particularly dangerous neurotoxin. (americanprogress.org)
  • Airborne crystalline silica dust is present in the air of mines, clay, foundries, glass, stone and blasting operations. (ohsonline.com)
  • Those are just three of the dozens of air toxic chemicals that oil companies have used thousands of times in southern California in just the past year. (scienceblogs.com)
  • The data has come to light thanks to new reporting rules adopted in 2013 by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, which now requires oil and gas well operators to disclose the chemicals they use in oil and gas operations. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Poor quality air isn't easy to detect, but you could be breathing in harmful allergens, chemicals and toxins on a day-to-day basis. (usmagazine.com)
  • Air monitoring continues, and no harmful levels of chemicals have been detected. (livenowfox.com)
  • According to officials, air monitoring is ongoing and has not detected any harmful levels of chemicals affecting neighboring communities. (livenowfox.com)
  • Air monitoring is ongoing, and has not detected any harmful levels of chemicals. (livenowfox.com)
  • Moreover, during events like this, other toxic chemicals made or in use at the facility are also released into the air. (livenowfox.com)
  • We may not know the chemicals and other pollutants dangerous to breathing, our skin and our eyes, causing fatigue, inflammation, fungal and respiratory issues. (nsc24.com)
  • As these modern-day chemicals are consumed en masse and discarded into the environment as waste, they begin infiltrating the countryside, accumulating in rivers and lakes. (naturalnews.com)
  • These extreme levels of pollutants make sense, since China is a chief world producer of cosmetic chemicals. (naturalnews.com)
  • Complex reactions from chemicals at power plants, automobiles and industries also pollute the air. (ohsonline.com)
  • other dangerous chemicals. (cdc.gov)
  • Questions could include exposures to indoor and outdoor air pollutants and contaminated drinking water and soil. (cdc.gov)
  • According to the US Energy Information Administration , another gas in the air to be wary of is sulfur dioxide (SO2). (cpap.com)
  • Due to its extremely small size and health risk potential, it is used as a major component when calculating the overall levels of air quality (alongside other pollutants such as PM10, nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) being used to gauge the overall AQI, or air quality index). (iqair.com)
  • Dr. Shelly of the University of Colorado, Boulder's Environmental Engineering Program explains that when a stove burns natural gas-just as when a car burns gasoline-combustion oxidizes molecules in the air to create nitrogen oxides (NO 2 ), which can make us sick. (mbaks.com)
  • This method changes the way coal is loaded to redirect the air flow, which leads to better, more efficient fuel combustion and increases energy efficiency. (ccacoalition.org)
  • The researchers chose to focus on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are pollutants generated primarily during the incomplete combustion of organic materials, like coal, oil, and wood. (earthwiseradio.org)
  • But, if you aren't coughing and otherwise feel fine, how could you know if your indoor air quality is actually poor? (ongaroandsons.com)
  • Kelley stood in a room with other activists and then-EPA administrator Gina McCarthy as she signed a directive ordering Texas and 35 other states to mandate penalties for industrial facilities when they illegally spew dangerous pollutants, fouling the air and making people sick. (texasobserver.org)
  • Overall, the Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario area in California experienced 340 days below "good" air quality , which means residents there experienced a combination of "moderate" to "very unhealthy" days. (cpap.com)
  • Major metro areas in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut now have air quality indexes (AQIs) above 150 - which is considered 'unhealthy,' according to the government website AirNow.gov. (abc7.com)
  • The geography and climate of the valley can trap unhealthy air for days, if not weeks," says Will Barrett, clean-air advocacy director for the American Lung Association in California. (wmfe.org)
  • The color-coded forecasts let you know when the air is unhealthy in your community. (lung.org)
  • These actions must benefit the communities most impacted by unhealthy air. (lung.org)
  • Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce your risk of indoor health concerns. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • The air in her low-income neighborhood in East Bakersfield, Calif., has been thick with smoke for weeks, she says, forcing her to remain indoors most of the time. (wmfe.org)
  • We don't often realize it, but the air we breathe indoors isn't always healthy. (anthem.com)
  • When the air is bad, move your exercise plans and other activities indoors. (lung.org)
  • The design of modern homes to reduce air leakage (with improved insulation) may also lead to lower air exchange between the indoors and outdoors. (tennisfile.com)
  • Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors, 1 where the concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. (tennisfile.com)
  • This is despite the mountain of evidence that shows concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) produce toxic air that can be lethal for farm workers and nearby residents. (civileats.com)
  • If we idle our car for more than 60 seconds, we are contributing to poor air quality and climate change. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • In other words, the forest doesn't care how straight its trees are-they're still providing essential ecosystem services including pure water, clean air, fertile topsoil, flooding and erosion control, wildlife habitat, and a livable climate. (energyjustice.net)
  • Efforts to clean the air and protect the climate are ushering in transformational change in Pakistan's traditional brick sector, improving efficiency and reducing costs for owners, protecting workers, and formalizing a once unregulated industry. (ccacoalition.org)
  • Pakistan joined the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) in 2017 and since then has been working with the Coalition and ICIMOD to train brick entrepreneurs and raise awareness of these cost effective and scalable kiln improvements in the brick production process. (ccacoalition.org)
  • From the fossil fuel industry to the construction sector, industrial sources of air toxics and climate pollutants are plentiful. (nrdc.org)
  • Everything about the air quality crisis was exacerbated by climate change, from the fires themselves to the weather pattern that blew the smoke directly down the East Coast, according to Kristie Ebi, a professor of global health at the University of Washington. (stacker.com)
  • Our findings indicate that California had the worst air quality in 2018 , contributed to by the state's recent bouts with wildfires . (cpap.com)
  • Air quality in the US Northeast has deteriorated this week as more than 150 wildfires rage in Quebec, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center. (abc7.com)
  • People like Viviana and her family are hit disproportionately when wildfires ignite - because smoke adds another layer of toxic substances to the already dirty air, researchers studying the issue say. (wmfe.org)
  • These standards include ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2 , Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size , which describes a method of laboratory testing to measure the performance of general ventilation air-cleaning devices. (ansi.org)
  • A technical specification (TS) from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO/TS 21220:2009 , Particulate air filters for general ventilation - Determination of filtration performance , provides guidelines for testing the effectiveness of a given air filter. (ansi.org)
  • The Environmental Protection Agency took a critical step toward cleaner air on March 16, 2011, by proposing its air toxics standards for coal-fired power plants . (americanprogress.org)
  • The lawsuit , which was filed in King County Superior Court on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, claims the Port of Seattle, which owns Sea-Tac Airport, along with the named airline companies, have known about the pollutants and their associated health risks for years and have done nothing to mitigate them, despite the pollutants' possible link to hundreds of excess deaths in the area every year, according to researchers. (normandyparkblog.com)
  • In May 2023 , a trial was conducted in the Banpo Underground Road Tunnel in Seoul, Korea, which resulted in an 18 per cent reduction in the concentration of one particular type of pollutant over a 24-hour period. (springwise.com)
  • They are still metal atoms, and many of them are end up as aerosols that poison the air, the water and the soil. (forbes.com)
  • Her region has some of the country's worst air quality year after year, she says. (lung.org)
  • Power plants are the country's largest industrial source of mercury, a neurotoxin that's especially dangerous to children. (nrdc.org)
  • Due to the area's mix of pollutants, Bakersfield has consistently ranked as one of the most particle polluted cities in American Lung Association's rankings. (berkeley.edu)
  • HEPA stands for high efficiency particulate air filter," explains Dr. Parikh. (usmagazine.com)
  • HEPA filters can also filter viruses and pollutants. (usmagazine.com)
  • Get a model with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which can trap as much as 99 percent of symptom-causing pollutants. (anthem.com)
  • Indoor air quality can be 2 to 5x worse than outdoor air quality because of pollutants, such as pollen, bacteria, etc. (daikin-ce.com)
  • An indoor air purifier can help remove pet dander, pollen and other irritants. (anthem.com)
  • During the recent Diwali festival of lights in 2019, the concentrations of air-borne pollutants were pushed even higher than normal in already severely polluted Dehli. (forbes.com)
  • The agency took action against the smelter in 2011 for releasing illegal amounts of lead, arsenic and eight other dangerous compounds, following which discussions have been going on between the company and the agency on an agreement to resolve the issue. (mining-technology.com)
  • Most of us are aware that fireworks are dangerous: we either know someone, or know of someone, who ended up in the hospital emergency room due to fireworks, but most people are completely unaware of the more insidious environmental damages and health impacts caused by fireworks. (forbes.com)
  • monitoring and communicating the health impacts of air quality in Simcoe Muskoka. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • Poor air quality is often associated with public health impacts, such as asthma and heart disease. (lung.org)
  • The Awair 2nd Edition is a capable tool for monitoring and tracking your indoor air quality for better health and personal comfort. (techhive.com)
  • According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , "Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • it could also be poor indoor air quality. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • Even if you aren't having these symptoms, the EPA recommendation is that it is always prudent to try to improve indoor air quality. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • An indoor air quality monitor can tell you if you have potentially dangerous levels of radon. (ongaroandsons.com)
  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality in a building or structure , breathed in every day by the building's occupants. (daikin-ce.com)
  • Besides structural factors, there are also the topics of heating, cooling and something often neglected: indoor air quality. (daikin-ce.com)
  • The city's authorities have blamed a lack of wind and foggy conditions for the high concentration of air pollutants. (rt.com)
  • The researchers were able to show a clear correlation between the level of air pollutants and the concentration of pollutants in leaves. (earthwiseradio.org)
  • You might enjoy looking at this real-time air quality index listing to see how your air compares. (forbes.com)
  • The Air Quality Index values range from 0 to 500, with anything above 401 classified as 'severe' that can seriously affect healthy people and those with existing respiratory illnesses. (forbes.com)
  • The quality of that air has a significant impact on our health in the long and short-term. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • learning how we can work together to improve air quality in Simcoe Muskoka. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • More information on how to take action on air quality is identified below. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • On most days, air quality is very good in Simcoe Muskoka, with low air quality health risks. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • However, there are some places, such as near major roads and highways, and days where we experience higher air quality health risks. (simcoemuskokahealth.org)
  • The requirements of this consent decree will not only bring Asarco into compliance with the nation's clean air law, but will also result in testing for lead contamination in area homes, and improvements to nearby roads to further improve air quality. (mining-technology.com)
  • Indeed, the cuts are already having a negative impact on everything from air quality monitoring to extreme weather response capability to staffing at national parks. (scientificamerican.com)
  • The scale and proximity of oil and gas wells coupled with the heat of the valley results in bad air quality and development of asthma for residents. (berkeley.edu)
  • The original Awair was one of first smart air-quality monitors of note, offering an easy way to track various air-quality factors that can impact your health and comfort on your phone. (techhive.com)
  • Numerical levels for each of these can be displayed on the Awair, as well as a score (on a scale of 100) that takes each of those levels into account: the higher the score, the better the air quality. (techhive.com)
  • The Awair displays air-quality levels on its front display as well as in its companion app. (techhive.com)
  • Wherever you place the Awair, be sure you have a clear line of sight, as it displays levels of the five air-quality metrics it monitors right on the device itself. (techhive.com)
  • While the device display is good for getting quick updates on your air quality, the companion app allows you to dive much deeper. (techhive.com)
  • When you first launch the app and select the Awair from the device list, you'll see your air quality score prominently displayed within a colored circle-green if the air quality is "good," yellow if it's "fair," and red if it's "poor. (techhive.com)
  • Beneath this are dot graphs for each air quality factor, which use the same color-coding to visually depict when levels start moving into their danger zones. (techhive.com)
  • Your air quality score is color-coded to denote if it's good, fair, or poor. (techhive.com)
  • The Awair monitors for a general comfort level, but you can select different preferences in the app settings to tailor air-quality levels for allergies, sleep, productivity, or babies. (techhive.com)
  • The app also provides "tips" on a dedicated tab for keeping your air quality healthy. (techhive.com)
  • As a useful resource, the advice is a mixed bag, ranging from factoids like "Elevated CO2 levels lead to increased indoor mold growth," to links to more substantial blog posts, to ads for other air-quality devices. (techhive.com)
  • Then students are provided with example materials, a blank template and support to take them from brainstorming to completing a detailed research plan for their own air quality research projects. (teachengineering.org)
  • Air Quality and Health Outcomes: Is The Air Making You Sick? (cpap.com)
  • While pursuing a desirable job in a warm, promising city like Los Angeles or Phoenix sounds like a great idea, people looking to relocate may also want to add air quality to their list of criteria. (cpap.com)
  • Using the most recent datasets available from government sources-such as EPA Air Quality Index Report and the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) -we explored air quality in all 50 US states. (cpap.com)
  • Our findings are laid out in interactive maps and graphs that indicate what the air quality is like in your chosen cities. (cpap.com)
  • Lastly, our research shows the interesting correlations between air quality, overall health, and income level. (cpap.com)
  • Following close behind California, states in the Rust Belt-Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania-scored high for poor air quality, with Pennsylvania and Illinois both standing at a 6 on our scale. (cpap.com)
  • And although tourism is steadily increasing in Alaska , its air quality could use a refresher (it also scored a 6). (cpap.com)
  • If you guessed that cities with a higher population of bike-riding residents tend to have better air quality, you're not exactly wrong. (cpap.com)
  • Our findings show that, on average, US cities experienced 266 "good" air quality days. (cpap.com)
  • Using the Air Quality Index (AQI), which runs from 0 to 500, we know that the EPA starts to keep a special eye on the air quality when it reaches 51 API and above. (cpap.com)
  • More than 55 million people in the eastern US are under air quality alerts due to the smoke. (abc7.com)
  • And the Canadian capital of Ottawa is getting hit with some of the worst air quality, according to AirNow.gov, a partnership of the US Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies. (abc7.com)
  • While New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, DC, are expected to see their air quality improve throughout the day, the air over Boston, Pittsburgh and Raleigh, North Carolina, is expected to get worse Wednesday. (abc7.com)
  • The smoke has also triggered air quality alerts in parts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas, according to the National Weather Service. (abc7.com)
  • Especially because you already have other environmental hazards: toxic waste sites, poor quality of water, and sometimes no air conditioning. (wmfe.org)
  • The study also references national ambient air quality standards that support air quality criteria. (ansi.org)
  • PA DEP conducted short-term air quality monitoring studies in the southwest, northeast and north-central regions of Pennsylvania in 2010. (thebreakthrough.org)
  • To take a scientific look at what irritants may be floating around inside your home or office, and to decide the most effective manner by which to reduce them, you need an air quality monitor. (fox8.com)
  • Airthings 2930 Wave Plus , Temtop Air Quality Monitor and Temtop LKC-1000S Air Quality Monitor . (fox8.com)
  • What can air quality monitors detect? (fox8.com)
  • Make sure that the monitor you select is designed to detect a wide range of pollutants so you can make an educated assessment of your air quality. (fox8.com)
  • Most air quality monitors have a short battery life. (fox8.com)
  • While most monitors feature a simple display and color-coded air quality indicators, some show more data than you may be interested in parsing through. (fox8.com)
  • If you want to keep a record of your air quality over time so you can see progress or work on improving it with a purifier or other means, buy a monitor that stores its readings in the form of charts and graphs. (fox8.com)
  • Even worse, it also contributes to poor air quality all around you. (purpleair.com)
  • Here are some ways you can improve your air quality. (purpleair.com)
  • At the end of the day, one of the best ways to limit the harmful effects of a wood fire is by being aware of the air quality around you. (purpleair.com)
  • Worried about air quality? (purpleair.com)
  • The Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center has reported the rising of air-quality indices since Friday in many parts of the city.A warning scrolled across the monitoring center's website says that the density of PM 2.5 had reached 700 micrograms per cubic meter in many parts of Beijing and that the polluted air was expected to linger for the next three days. (rt.com)
  • Monitors there recorded off-the-chart air-quality readings as high as 845 at 8pm on Saturday.Readings are often different in different parts of Beijing. (rt.com)
  • Get a monitor and contributor to air quality data in your city. (iqair.com)
  • Which country had the worst air quality in 2022? (iqair.com)
  • Is Switzerland a country with good air quality? (iqair.com)
  • These were however balanced out in its yearly average by the large amount of cities with extremely good air quality, thus creating a good equilibrium but still with space for improvement. (iqair.com)
  • In some circumstances, the level of pollutants in the air around these facilities is lower than in the surrounding area, which improves the local air quality. (aaceurovent.co.uk)
  • According to the research team, this source of methane is not currently being tracked by air quality managers in California. (earthwiseradio.org)
  • It's hard to attract new industry to a place where you can't promise employees their children will be free of asthma or enjoy the outdoors without the threat of an air quality action day," says Kilgour, executive director of the Ohio River Valley Institute, a nonprofit focused on the greater Ohio Valley and Western Pennsylvania. (lung.org)
  • In the United States, people of color are 1.5 times more likely than white people to live in areas with poor air quality, according to the American Lung Association. (nrdc.org)
  • Additionally, for unhoused people, dangerous air isn't just a threat during an air quality crisis - it's an everyday occurrence, Grist reporting reveals. (stacker.com)
  • A recent Guardian analysis placed the city third overall for worst air quality in the U.S. mostly due to truck and car traffic on the city's South and West sides. (stacker.com)
  • Of the 25 least polluted cities in the world with the best air quality, Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Estonia) dominated the rankings with some of the cleanest air in the world in 2022. (tennisfile.com)
  • RESULTS: Hookah and cigarette smoking impaired home air quality. (who.int)
  • Fresh air not only cleans your lungs, it can also boost your mood, lower your heart rate, increase energy levels and even improve digestion (yes, that`s right). (tennisfile.com)
  • According to a new study led by researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, trees do contribute to cleaner air in cities, but the degree to which they do so varies greatly between different locations. (earthwiseradio.org)
  • Vehicles like cars, trucks, and buses tend to use fuel, and that fuel emits nitrogen dioxide (NO2) into the air when it burns. (cpap.com)
  • By default, the device displays your overall score along with dot graphs representing levels of the individual air factors. (techhive.com)
  • Even low levels can be dangerous, so make sure you search for your selected device on the official list of CARB-certified purifiers . (usmagazine.com)
  • about a fire in 2019 at the nearby ITC petrochemical tank farm in Deer Park revealed that toxic levels of benzene lingered in the air for days after the disaster, even though industry and regulatory officials told residents the air was safe. (livenowfox.com)
  • Some monitors let you set up alarms that will sound when certain pollutants reach dangerous levels. (fox8.com)
  • According to the EPA, however, the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels , and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels of the same pollutants. (tennisfile.com)
  • You're combining two of the most widespread and pervasive pollutants," Barrett says. (wmfe.org)
  • Children are more vulnerable than adults because they breathe 50 percent more air per pound of body weight and their respiratory systems are still developing. (nctcog.org)
  • We also focus on solutions like the EPA's Good Neighbor Plan , which aims to cut pollutants that travel over state lines-key culprits in respiratory illness in downwind communities. (nrdc.org)
  • Workers who stay inside more frequently can have worsened symptoms of pre-existing respiratory diseases or not be able to escape these pollutants. (ohsonline.com)
  • Did you know that the indoor air we breathe, whether at home, at the office, or in a hotel room could in fact be much more polluted than the air outside? (daikin-ce.com)
  • Our local communities deserve to breathe clean air and to know that their homes and schools are free from dangerous pollutants. (normandyparkblog.com)
  • Around the globe, however, the right to breathe clean air is routinely trampled by polluting industries. (nrdc.org)
  • Ensuring that our air is safe to breathe has been integral to NRDC's mission since the organization's founding in 1970-the same year that the Clean Air Act was passed. (nrdc.org)
  • Historically, racist zoning policies and the discriminatory lending practices known as redlining have combined to keep polluting industries and car-choked highways away from white neighborhoods, and have turned poor and working-class communities of color into sacrifice zones where residents are forced to breathe dirty air and suffer the many health problems associated with it. (nrdc.org)
  • A staggering 99 per cent of the population worldwide breathe highly polluted air. (springwise.com)
  • Welding fumes were used as comparative particulate controls. (cdc.gov)
  • A tradional brick kiln in Pakistan belches black soot-heavy smoke into the air. (ccacoalition.org)
  • Evidence suggests that although perceived as safer than cigarette smoke, hookah smoke may be as, or even more, dangerous as cigarette smoke. (who.int)