• One of the surprise discoveries made by the team was that while females may vary their signals in the blend of pheromones they produce, preference in the male is driven by a protein that changes their brain's neuronal circuitry underlying detection rather than affecting the receptors responsible for picking up the pheromones. (scitechdaily.com)
  • The naturally occurring pheromones in essential oils trigger olfactory (smell) receptors in the limbic part of the brain. (ignitingyourwellness.com)
  • Nepetalactone, one of catnip's volatile oils, enters the cat's nasal tissue, where it is believed to bind to protein receptors that stimulate sensory neurons. (latfusa.com)
  • Cats' sensory neurons are stimulated when the nepetalactone in catnip binds to receptors in their nasal tissue, whether the catnip is fresh, dried, or in some other form. (vmhn.org)
  • The nepetalactone fragrance of catnip attaches to receptors in the olfactory epithelium, the tissue lining the nasal passages, when the cat comes into contact with it. (vmhn.org)
  • Nepetalactone binds to receptors in the olfactory epithelium and causes the sensory neurons there to become stimulated. (vmhn.org)
  • Each olfactory division contains several types of sensory cell identified by the receptors and other proteins they express, the connections they make in the olfactory part of the brain, and the chemical stimuli to which they respond. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • They make use of seven transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors to identify odorants and pheromones. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • These receptors are present on dendrites of olfactory sensory neurons found in the main olfactory or vomeronasal sensory epithelia, and are involved in the odorant, trace amineassociated receptor and vomeronasal type 1 receptor superfamilies. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • In Lepidoptera, the indicators in response to sex pheromones are recognized through particularly tuned receptors and prepared in dedicated regions of the antennal lobes (AL)1,2,3,4. (bioxorio.com)
  • Among the various protein involved with insect olfaction, odorant binding protein (OBPs), chemosensory protein (CSPs), odorant receptors (ORs), ionotropic receptors (IRs), as well as the sensory neuron membrane protein (SNMPs)3,10,11, ORs play a central function in the activation of OSNs. (bioxorio.com)
  • The receptors useful activity was carefully connected with pheromone-sensitive neuronal function from one sensilla recordings. (bioxorio.com)
  • A shrimp's sensory organs are numerous: olfactory receptors to help it detect pheromones, fibers lining its legs to let it assess its environment through touch, even a sensory dorsal organ that somehow complements other organs' actions. (sciencing.com)
  • Schymura D, Forstner M, Schultze A, Kröber T, Swevers L, Iatrou K, Krieger J. Antennal expression pattern of two olfactory receptors and an odorant binding protein implicated in host odor detection by the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae . (ijbs.com)
  • Odor-detection in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae involves large families of diverse proteins, including multiple odorant binding proteins (AgOBPs) and olfactory receptors (AgORs). (ijbs.com)
  • Its neurons and their input stalks, known as dendrites, are studded with specialized receptors that can be activated by contact with specific messenger-chemicals called pheromones, found mostly in body fluids. (stowers.org)
  • One of the key components in a dog's sense of smell is their olfactory receptors. (can-dogs.com)
  • Dogs have an astonishing number of olfactory receptors compared to humans. (can-dogs.com)
  • In addition to their olfactory receptors, dogs have a unique sensory organ called the Jacobson's organ, also known as the vomeronasal organ. (can-dogs.com)
  • When it comes to comparing the sense of smell between dogs and humans, the number of olfactory receptors is a significant factor. (can-dogs.com)
  • It is a specialized pseudostratified neuroepithelium containing the primary olfactory receptors. (medscape.com)
  • To stimulate the olfactory receptors, airborne molecules must pass through the nasal cavity with relatively turbulent air currents and contact the receptors. (medscape.com)
  • 250 LHNs in locusts using intracellular recordings to characterize their responses to sensory stimuli, dye-fills to characterize their morphologies, and immunostaining to characterize their neurotransmitters. (jneurosci.org)
  • and integrating multimodal sensory stimuli. (jneurosci.org)
  • These behaviors are regulated and influenced by sensory stimuli such as touch, sound, and, most importantly in rodents, smell. (frontiersin.org)
  • Third, the animal has to be able to adapt to environmental changes and to form a sensory memory of new stimuli. (elifesciences.org)
  • It responds to light for regulating the circadian and seasonal rhythms, olfactory stimuli including pheromones. (ignitingyourwellness.com)
  • The mammalian olfactory system recognizes diverse chemical stimuli conveying information about such things as food quality, the genetic identity or sexual status of potential mates, and even stress. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • In fact, level of sensitivity to pheromones is a lot higher that to environmental smells, producing the electrophysiological reactions to these stimuli easier to record. (bioxorio.com)
  • Recently, Kohl integrated scientific evidence that pinpoints the adaptively evolved neurophysiological mechanism that links olfactory/pheromonal input to genes in hormone-secreting cells of tissue in a specific area of the brain that is primarily involved in the sensory integration of olfactory and visual input, and in the development of human sexual preferences. (figshare.com)
  • Activation of motor movements clearly is conditioned to occur in the context of olfactory/pheromonal input. (perfumingthemind.com)
  • While some people might refer to scent, animal attraction, and chemistry when discussing olfactory cues, pheromones, and animal behavior, researchers like Kohl now equate the terms olfactory/pheromonal input and pheromones. (microrna.pro)
  • Furthermore, it leads to altered activity in the amygdala, hypothalamus and olfactory bulb. (rxleaf.com)
  • These cells, in turn, provoke a response in neurons in the olfactory bulb. (latfusa.com)
  • Optical imaging of odorant representations in the mammalian olfactory bulb. (research.com)
  • His scientific interests lie mostly in Neuroscience, Anatomy, Central nervous system, Visual cortex and Olfactory bulb. (research.com)
  • in particular, the 'olfactory bulb', a region at the front of the brain responsible for processing smells. (compoundchem.com)
  • Gschwend O , Beroud J, Vincis R , Rodriguez I , Carleton A . Dense encoding of natural odorants by ensembles of sparsely activated neurons in the olfactory bulb. (neurotree.org)
  • Assens A, Dal Col J, Njoku A, Dietschi Q, Kan C, Feinstein P , Carleton A , Rodriguez I . Alteration of Nrp1 signaling at different stages of olfactory neuron maturation promotes glomerular shifts along distinct axes in the olfactory bulb. (neurotree.org)
  • Gschwend O , Abraham NM, Lagier S, Begnaud F, Rodriguez I , Carleton A . Neuronal pattern separation in the olfactory bulb improves odor discrimination learning. (neurotree.org)
  • Vincis R , Lagier S, Van De Ville D, Rodriguez I , Carleton A . Sensory-Evoked Intrinsic Imaging Signals in the Olfactory Bulb Are Independent of Neurovascular Coupling. (neurotree.org)
  • Tatti R , Bhaukaurally K, Gschwend O , Seal RP , Edwards RH , Rodriguez I , Carleton A . A population of glomerular glutamatergic neurons controls sensory information transfer in the mouse olfactory bulb. (neurotree.org)
  • The cat's olfactory bulb and amygdala receive the electrical impulses sent by these neurons. (vmhn.org)
  • The amygdala is involved in emotional processing and memory, whereas the olfactory bulb is responsible for processing information linked to scent. (vmhn.org)
  • The small, unmyelinated axons of the olfactory receptor cells form the fine fibers of the first cranial nerve and travel centrally toward the ipsilateral olfactory bulb to make contact with the second-order neurons. (medscape.com)
  • The olfactory bulb lies inferior to the basal frontal lobe. (medscape.com)
  • The olfactory bulb is a highly organized structure composed of several distinct layers and synaptic specializations. (medscape.com)
  • Mitral cells are second-order neurons contacted by the olfactory nerve fibers at the glomerular layer of the bulb. (medscape.com)
  • The needs of a honey bee colony are communicated between bees by pheromones, chemical signals which trigger behavioral responses. (wikipedia.org)
  • These findings support the combinatorial coding scheme and suggest that higher-order brain centers reading out these combinatorial activity patterns may eventually classify olfactory signals according to their biological meaning. (jneurosci.org)
  • Until recently it was believed that the olfactory system of most mammals was of 2 types: a main olfactory system that detects environmental odours, for instance those emitted by food or predators, and an accessory (vomeronasal) olfactory system that detects pheromones - intraspecies chemical signals that elicit a stereotyped behavioural or hormonal change. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • Chemosensilla are characterized by the presence of microscopic pores that allow the entrance of odorant molecules to their interior, where specialized proteins carry these molecules to olfactory sensory neurons, which further transmit the signals to certain brain regions. (lsuagcenter.com)
  • This organ is located in the roof of the mouth and is responsible for detecting pheromones, which are chemical signals emitted by other animals. (can-dogs.com)
  • It is believed to detect external chemical signals called pheromones. (medscape.com)
  • These signals, which are not detected consciously as odors by the olfactory system, mediate human autonomic, psychological, and endocrine responses. (medscape.com)
  • Within the nasal cavity , the turbinates or nasal conchae serve to direct the inspired air toward the olfactory epithelium in the upper posterior region. (medscape.com)
  • The olfactory epithelium consists of 3 cell types: basal, supporting, and olfactory receptor cells. (medscape.com)
  • As previously mentioned, the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) sends fibers to the olfactory epithelium to detect caustic chemicals, such as ammonia. (medscape.com)
  • In addition to the olfactory neurons, the epithelium is composed of supporting cells, Bowman glands and ducts unique to the olfactory epithelium, and basal cells that allow for the regeneration of the epithelium, including the olfactory sensory neurons. (medscape.com)
  • Responses to other sensory input always occur in the context of food odors or pheromones. (perfumingthemind.com)
  • Although no link between cause and effect is mentioned by ASAM, these principles could incorporate the GnRH neurophysiological mechanism and levels of LH, which link food odors and pheromones to chemically conditioned behaviors. (perfumingthemind.com)
  • The continuous turnover and new supply of these neurons are unique to the olfactory system. (medscape.com)
  • Neuroendocrine regulation of diverse behaviors of Caenorhabditis elegans is under the control of the DAF-7/TGF-β ligand that is secreted from sensory neurons. (elifesciences.org)
  • Our results suggest that regulation of gene expression in sensory neurons can function in the integration of a wide array of sensory information and facilitate decision-making behaviors in C. elegans . (elifesciences.org)
  • Activation of circuits regulating these innate behaviors begins in the periphery with sensory stimulation (primarily via the olfactory system in rodents), and is then processed in the brain by a set of delineated structures that primarily includes the amygdala and hypothalamus. (frontiersin.org)
  • The definite behaviors and developmental processes in the definition of pheromones are released under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH). (microrna.pro)
  • From its niche within the nose in most land-based vertebrates, it detects pheromones and triggers corresponding basic-instinct behaviors, from compulsive mating to male-on-male death matches. (stowers.org)
  • AgCenter researchers found sensory level differences among the castes to accommodate their different behaviors. (lsuagcenter.com)
  • This consolidation of equivalent terms occurred because mammalian pheromones were repeatedly found to be volatile and processed by the main olfactory system (MOS). (microrna.pro)
  • The MOS / AOS dichotomy, which was once exemplified through the use of terms like either odors or pheromones, gave way to use of the terms "olfactory (pheromonal)" and " olfactory/pheromonal . (microrna.pro)
  • Yamada Y, Bhaukaurally K, Madarász TJ, Pouget A , Rodriguez I , Carleton A . Context- and Output Layer-Dependent Long-Term Ensemble Plasticity in a Sensory Circuit. (neurotree.org)
  • Although mechanisms operating at the level of single sensory neuron types or sensilla in the periphery have also been implicated in this process [ 14 - 21 ], the contributions of sensory neurons to mediating odorant discrimination and olfactory behavioral plasticity are not fully understood. (plos.org)
  • Insects detect and discriminate volatile odorants by means of olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) located in sensory structures called olfactory sensilla. (ijbs.com)
  • Odorants can also be perceived by entering the nose posteriorly through the nasopharynx to reach the olfactory receptor via retronasal olfaction. (medscape.com)
  • Odorants diffuse into the mucous and are transported to the olfactory receptor. (medscape.com)
  • His award-winning 2007 article/book chapter on multisensory integration: "The Mind's Eyes: Human pheromones, neuroscience, and male sexual preferences" followed an award winning 2001 publication: "Human pheromones: integrating neuroendocrinology and ethology," which was coauthored by distinguished researchers from Vienna. (figshare.com)
  • A new study from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, published online in Nature Neuroscience on July 29, 2012, extends the scientific understanding of how pheromones activate the VNO, and has implications for sensory transduction experiments in other fields. (stowers.org)
  • Knowledge of these two genes will provide a better understanding of how the pheromones of the 160,000 moth species have evolved. (scitechdaily.com)
  • This is the first moth species out of 160,000 in which female signaling and male preference genes have both been identified," said Astrid Groot of the University of Amsterdam, who also helped identify the gene controlling the pheromone difference in E and Z females. (scitechdaily.com)
  • For example, activation of tissue in and of itself does not detail what genes and in what cells of the tissue are activated by the sensory input from the social environment. (perfumingthemind.com)
  • It is ridiculous to claim that the responses of all species are not conditioned via gene activation that begins with the experience-dependent induction of olfactory receptor genes in mosquitoes, all other invertebrates, and all vertebrates based on what is currently known about the de novo creation of olfactory receptor genes compared to mutations that perturb protein structure and function. (perfumingthemind.com)
  • The newly described formyl peptide receptor-related genes and vomeronasal sensory neurons, are found in multiple mammalian species. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • They are similar to the four known olfactory receptor gene classes, these genes encode seven-transmembrane proteins, and are characterized by monogenic transcription and a punctate expression pattern in the sensory neuroepithelium. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • Lawrence C. Katz has included themes like Vomeronasal organ, Sensory system, Stimulation and Anatomy in his Premovement neuronal activity study. (research.com)
  • The sense of smell is mediated through stimulation of the olfactory receptor cells by volatile chemicals. (medscape.com)
  • When we breathe though the olfactory system(nose) it travels to the amygdala portion of the brain creating an emotional response. (ignitingyourwellness.com)
  • A detailed comparison of lhx5 -driven and vGLut2a -driven GFP in transgenic reporter lines revealed ancestral topological relationships between the thalamic eminence (EmT), the medial amygdala (MeA), the nLOT, and the integrative olfactory pallium. (frontiersin.org)
  • James Vaughn Kohl was the first to accurately conceptualize human pheromones, and he began presenting his findings to the scientific community in 1992. (figshare.com)
  • He continues to present to, and publish for, diverse scientific and lay audiences, while constantly monitoring the scientific presses for new information that is relevant to the development of his initial and ongoing conceptualization of human pheromones. (figshare.com)
  • Both editions of their book " The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality " offer an accurate conceptualization of mammalian pheromones, including human pheromones. (microrna.pro)
  • detailed how human pheromones influence the development of heterosexual preferences. (microrna.pro)
  • The receptor cells are actually bipolar neurons, each possessing a thin dendritic rod that contains specialized cilia extending from the olfactory vesicle and a long central process that forms the fila olfactoria. (medscape.com)
  • These studies favored the view that pheromone compounds are processed within specific antennal lobe glomeruli following a specialized labeled-line system. (jneurosci.org)
  • Interestingly, the honey bee olfactory system harbors two central parallel pathways, whose functions remain largely unknown. (jneurosci.org)
  • It has been hypothesized that decision making in animals is controlled primarily at the level of command interneurons or decision centers in the central nervous system, which receive input from an array of sensory neurons and integrate the information conveyed to inform behavioral decisions ( Kristan, 2008 ). (elifesciences.org)
  • addressed how attractiveness or repulsiveness of a smell, and also the strength of a smell, are processed by a part of the olfactory system called the lateral horn in fruit flies. (elifesciences.org)
  • This system provides high level processing of sensory information. (ignitingyourwellness.com)
  • Afferent sensory neurons signal sensory information from the periphery to the central nervous system. (jove.com)
  • The five-step logical pathway that directly links sensory input from the social environment to the development of sexual preferences and sexual behavior is gene→cell→tissue→organ→organ system . (perfumingthemind.com)
  • His studies deal with areas such as Cerebral cortex, Pheromone, Olfactory system and Neuron as well as Central nervous system. (research.com)
  • His Cerebral cortex research incorporates elements of Sensory input, Somatosensory system and Cortex. (research.com)
  • The various areas that Lawrence C. Katz examines in his Olfactory system study include Receptive field, Rodent and Odor recognition. (research.com)
  • Man moths efficiently recognize conspecific sex pheromones because of their highly accurate and particular olfactory system. (bioxorio.com)
  • particular pheromones is an especially appealing system to research. (bioxorio.com)
  • In the past they were thought to be non-volatile chemicals processed by an accessory olfactory system (AOS), which does not exist in some species, like humans. (microrna.pro)
  • Whether information is coming from the sensory organs or going to the body's muscles, the cells of the shrimp's nervous system need to communicate with other cells. (sciencing.com)
  • While female Anopheles rely on their sense of smell to find a blood host in addition to sugar providing plants and appropriate oviposition sites [ 1 ], the nectar feeding male mosquitoes mainly use their olfactory system to locate host plant odors [ 2 , 3 ]. (ijbs.com)
  • LSU AgCenter researchers are working to characterize the olfactory system, the sense of smell, of the Formosan subterranean termite, which will provide a better understanding of their chemical communication and improve its control. (lsuagcenter.com)
  • In insects, the olfactory system is composed of peripheral sensory organs (the antennae) and the central nervous system (the brain). (lsuagcenter.com)
  • A particularly critical task of the olfactory system is to discriminate among related chemical cues. (plos.org)
  • The article (linked above) about avian sexual arousal may interest those who are familiar with the gene-cell-tissue-organ-organ system pathway that is required to link sexually dimorphic sensory input from the social environment to sex differences in behavior. (rna-mediated.com)
  • The olfactory system represents one of the oldest sensory modalities in the phylogenetic history of mammals. (medscape.com)
  • As a chemical sensor, the olfactory system detects food and influences social and sexual behavior. (medscape.com)
  • To respond to the opportunities and dangers of the world quickly and effectively, each species must possess a sensory system that is uniquely optimised to its particular ecology. (lu.se)
  • Through his attempt to change the concept of mammalian pheromones, he also attempts to convince others that mammalian pheromones do not exist. (microrna.pro)
  • In truth, it is inconceivable that any sensory stimulus from the social environment (e.g, an environment containing other members of the same species) determines anything about mammalian behavior in an invariant way. (microrna.pro)
  • The history of mammalian pheromones. (microrna.pro)
  • 2002) conceptualized the link from mammalian pheromones to LH, and detailed the link from pheromones to LH, to other hormones, and to behavior. (microrna.pro)
  • Those researchers who do not recognize the importance of LH as a physiological link between pheromones and behavior, may not understand the physiology of mammalian reproduction or of mammalian sexual behavior. (microrna.pro)
  • During this time Diamond, Binstock and Kohl (1996) linked pheromones both to the genetic and to the epigenetic mechanisms that are involved in the development of mammalian sexual behavior. (microrna.pro)
  • It is not only other researchers who are familiar with the concept of mammalian pheromones. (microrna.pro)
  • Internet access provides a wealth of information about mammalian pheromones. (microrna.pro)
  • The VNO works in much the same way as the main olfactory organ that provides the sense of smell. (stowers.org)
  • Their 2002 paperback adds an epilogue with additional citations to support the fact that "… many researchers recognize convincing evidence that pheromones do in fact alter levels of LH in other humans" (p. 277). (microrna.pro)
  • В Since 2002, this act has worked with famous perfume firms, created custom fragrances for celebrities, and performed at some of the top clubs and festivals in the world as a professional perfumer, aromatherapist, and olfactory artist. (bella-entertainment.com)
  • [ 3 ] A 2002 study showed that the prevalence of objective olfactory impairment in adults older than 53 years is 24.5% and grows more prevalent with age, reaching 62.5 % in those aged 80-97 years. (medscape.com)
  • it detects hundreds of different odors and pheromones, discriminates among them, and generates a variety of responses to the odor cues. (rockefeller.edu)
  • Each sensory neuron has dynamic responses that reflect both the identity and the history of the odor, enabling it to perform a set of computations that are stereotyped in a single neuron, but differ among neurons. (rockefeller.edu)
  • Here, we show that C. elegans males exhibit an altered, male-specific expression pattern of daf-7 in the ASJ sensory neuron pair with the onset of reproductive maturity, which functions to promote male-specific mate-searching behavior. (elifesciences.org)
  • This context-dependent reversal of odorant preference is driven by cell-autonomous inversion of the response to these alcohols in the single AWC olfactory neuron pair. (plos.org)
  • In Lepidoptera, sex pheromone parts are usually recognized in sensilla trichodea, which represent nearly all sensory hairs around the man antenna and home the dendrites of 2C3 olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs)5,6. (bioxorio.com)
  • Many studies have offered proof that moth peripheral integration of pheromone elements information may appear in sensilla trichodea7,8,9. (bioxorio.com)
  • In and and (2013) discovered two types of sensilla trichodea that have been specifically tuned towards the main pheromone elements Z11-16:Ald and Z9-16:Ald respectively. (bioxorio.com)
  • HvOR13 in A-type sensilla and HvOR6 in B-type sensilla particularly tuned to Z11-16:Ald, the main pheromone element and Z9-14:Ald, the next element, respectively. (bioxorio.com)
  • In A. gambiae , the majority of olfactory sensilla populate the antennae [ 4 ], whereas much lower numbers are located on the other two olfactory appendages, the maxillary palps and the proboscis [ 5 ]. (ijbs.com)
  • The termite antenna is shaped like a chain of beads, and each antenna is covered by hundreds of tiny sensory structures called sensilla. (lsuagcenter.com)
  • The olfactory neuroepithelium is located at the upper area of each nasal chamber adjacent to the cribriform plate, superior nasal septum, and superior-lateral nasal wall. (medscape.com)
  • We show that while queen mandibular pheromone is processed by l-ALT (lateral antennal lobe tract) neurons and brood pheromone is mainly processed by m-ALT (median antennal lobe tract) neurons, worker pheromones induce redundant activity in both pathways. (jneurosci.org)
  • His biological study spans a wide range of topics, including Vomeronasal organ, Lateral geniculate nucleus, Photostimulation and Pheromone. (research.com)
  • To internally reflect the sensory environment, animals create neural maps encoding the external stimulus space. (elifesciences.org)
  • These specialized epithelial cells give rise to the olfactory vesicles containing kinocilia, which serve as sites of stimulus transduction. (medscape.com)
  • The specialized olfactory epithelial cells characterize the only group of neurons capable of regeneration. (medscape.com)
  • Failure to incorporate any of the steps in this pathway makes it impossible to directly connect to sexual preferences and sexual behavior, a logical sequence of events that must somehow and somewhere begin with the effect of sensory input from the social environment. (perfumingthemind.com)
  • Using the same model, Kohl (2007) detailed the evolution of the mechanism that directly links pheromones to the development of typical and atypical sexual preferences across species, from yeasts to primates. (microrna.pro)
  • For example, Kohl owns the internet domain pheromones.com and has maintained it as an information resource since its 1996 inception, while also promoting the science behind the development of pheromone-enhanced fragrance products. (microrna.pro)
  • In the locust, olfactory information is sent from peripheral olfactory organs to the antennal lobe (AL) and is then carried as the oscillatory output of a synchronized population of projection neurons (PNs) ( Wehr and Laurent, 1996 ) to two higher olfactory centers. (jneurosci.org)
  • This diversity of sensory cells in the nose has given rise to the concept of olfactory subsystems, each dedicated to a particular chemosensory role. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • Pheromones are used in many behavioral contexts, from reproduction to territoriality, aggression, kin recognition, and food and nest marking ( Wyatt, 2003 ). (jneurosci.org)
  • We characterized an olfactory-processing pathway, comprised of inhibitory projection neurons (iPNs) that target the LH exclusively, at morphological, functional and behavioral levels. (elifesciences.org)
  • Mice use olfactory cues to avoid potential mates that are infected with parasites', whereas nematode wormsdevelop aversions to odours given off by harmful bacteria, thereby avoiding toxic food, However, although such olfactory-based aversion behaviours have been documented, no olfactory subsystem that is dedicated to the assessment of health status or disease has been identified in mammals. (nutrition-nutritionists.com)
  • As is the case with rats and most if not all other mammals, olfactory cues condition the sexual response. (rna-mediated.com)
  • In the brain, the olfactory input will be quickly processed to determine if the termite should move toward or away from the source of that particular smell. (lsuagcenter.com)
  • The signal in question is molecule called DAF-7, which is released by several sensory neurons-nerve cells that are used for detecting cues from the environment. (elifesciences.org)
  • Pheromones (the chemical markers termites produce) and other chemical cues from the environment profoundly influence the function of the colonies, which act as "superorganisms" to achieve ecological success and cause substantial structural damage through the wood products they consume. (lsuagcenter.com)
  • Men's scents, often known as colognes or eau de toilettes, are painstakingly designed to produce a singular olfactory experience. (pixelvaganz.com)
  • Neural coding of pheromones has been intensively studied in insects with a particular focus on sex pheromones. (jneurosci.org)
  • Neural coding and processing of pheromone information have been studied intensively in insects, strongly focusing on sex pheromones. (jneurosci.org)
  • Consequently, such a coding scheme may not be adapted for species that use a wide range of different pheromones (often including many different components), such as social insects. (jneurosci.org)
  • Other insects, such as honey bees and hawk moths, have olfactory systems with a similar architecture and might also employ a similar spatial approach to encode information regarding the intensity and identity of odors. (elifesciences.org)
  • Gustatory pheromones are thought to activate P1 neurons but the circuit mechanisms that dictate their sensory responses to gate entry into courtship remain unknown. (cdc.gov)
  • While studies are still being conducted, it is thought that nepetalactone mimics some feline pheromones, which contributes to the responses found in cats. (vmhn.org)
  • When translating from rodent models to humans, it is important to understand that the sensory inputs of rodents are primarily olfactory, auditory, and somatosensory, with minimal visual inputs. (frontiersin.org)
  • As humans age, the number of olfactory neurons steadily decreases. (medscape.com)
  • The nerves branching from the nerve cord help the shrimp gather information from its sensory organs. (sciencing.com)
  • Activation occurs when odiferous molecules come in contact with specialized processes known as the olfactory vesicles. (medscape.com)
  • These inputs all converge onto a single pair of sensory neurons, which integrate the inputs and enable the worm to assess its current and past experiences and alter its behavior accordingly. (elifesciences.org)
  • The sensory neurons synapse onto integrating neurons, which also use stereotyped cell type-specific computations to combine sensory inputs. (rockefeller.edu)
  • Our results indicate that context-dependent recruitment of alternative intracellular signaling pathways within a single sensory neuron type conveys opposite hedonic valences, thereby providing a robust mechanism for odorant encoding and discrimination at the periphery. (plos.org)
  • Biologists have discovered the gene controlling the mating preference of male European corn borer moths for the female sex pheromone. (scitechdaily.com)
  • Pheromones released by females can trigger courting behavior in males ( Bathygobius soporator ) or appease male aggression to invasive conspecifics (a conspecific is another member of the same species). (earthlife.net)
  • In this study, we have explored the expression of these olfactory proteins, as well as the ubiquitous odorant receptor heteromerization partner AgOR7, in the thirteen flagellomeres (segments) of female and male antenna. (ijbs.com)
  • The human eye is a sensory organ whose primary function is vision. (lecturio.com)
  • The ear is a sensory organ responsible for the sense of hearing and balance. (lecturio.com)
  • Animal behavior is directed by the integration of sensory information from internal states and the environment. (elifesciences.org)
  • A team of six American and European research groups including Tufts University has discovered which gene expressed in the brain of the male European corn borer moth controls his preference for the sex pheromone produced by females. (scitechdaily.com)
  • The researchers were able to determine anatomical differences in the male, including the reach of olfactory sensory neurons into different parts of the moth brain, and link them to their attraction to E or Z females. (scitechdaily.com)
  • These sensory cells are basically the same as those used for taste, however nerves from the O.R. lead to the olfactory center of the brain - a distinct and separate part of the brain from that used to analyze tastes. (earthlife.net)
  • The glomerular layer is the most superficial layer, consisting of mitral cell dendritic arborizations (glomeruli), olfactory nerve fibers, and periglomerular cells. (medscape.com)
  • However, such an organization is costly in terms of necessary neural units and may only be a particular case for sex pheromones composed of very few components. (jneurosci.org)
  • In neonates, this area is a dense neural sheet, but, in children and adults, the respiratory and olfactory tissues interdigitate. (medscape.com)
  • The cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, separated at the midline by the crista galli, contains multiple small foramina through which the olfactory nerve fibers, or fila olfactoria, traverse. (medscape.com)
  • Fracture of the cribriform plate in traumatic settings can disrupt these fine fibers and lead to olfactory dysfunction. (medscape.com)
  • Each mitral cell is contacted by at least 1000 olfactory nerve fibers. (medscape.com)
  • The valence of individual chemicals is largely determined by the responding sensory neuron type, such that distinct subsets of chemosensory neurons drive either attraction or avoidance to different chemicals [ 25 , 26 ]. (plos.org)
  • In female mosquitoes, AgOR1-expressing olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) were almost exclusively segregated in segments 3 to 9, whereas AgOR2-expressing ORNs were distributed over flagellomeres 2 to 13. (ijbs.com)