• Topamax is used in combination with other anti-seizure drugs among adults and children aged 2-16 years with partial seizures or generalized tonic-clonic seizures (in which there is prolonged contraction of the muscles of the body that causes rigidity as well as jerking motions). (prxone.com)
  • When the person focuses on a more distant object (say the far side of the room), the pupil (which would normally dilate immediately) remains constricted for several minutes, and then slowly dilates back to the expected size. (wikipedia.org)
  • Assessing how the pupils dilate in a dark room will make testing pupil activity simpler and this is an significant first check for some brain lesions. (nccmed.com)
  • The condition causes one pupil's abnormal dilation although sometimes both pupils are larger than usual, which can cause bright light pain. (nccmed.com)
  • The most common types of seizures in this syndrome are tonic (stiffening of the body, with the eyes rolling upwards, dilation of the pupils and shallow, irregular breathing), atonic (brief loss of muscle tone and consciousness, causing abrupt falls), myoclonic (sudden muscle jerks), and absence (staring spells). (prxone.com)
  • When a person with an Adie pupil attempts to focus on a nearby object, the pupil (which would normally constrict rapidly) constricts slowly. (wikipedia.org)
  • A person with anisocoria (one pupil bigger than the other) whose pupil does not react to light (does not constrict when exposed to bright light) most likely has Adie syndrome - idiopathic degeneration of the ciliary ganglion. (wikipedia.org)
  • She noted that pathological destruction of nerve cells in the ciliary ganglion that is found in all cases of Adie pupil. (wikipedia.org)
  • Adie syndrome, or Adie tonic pupil, is one of the most common causes of an excessive PERRLA test results. (nccmed.com)
  • This means that every time the patient accommodates her gaze to a near object, some of the innervation to the ciliary muscle will spill over into the iris and constrict the pupil. (wikipedia.org)
  • Neuro-ophthalmologists assess pupillary abnormalities, such as anisocoria (unequal pupil size) or abnormal pupillary responses, which may indicate underlying neurological issues like Horner's syndrome or Adie's tonic pupil. (rthm.com)
  • Dysfunction in the pupillary reflexes may occur, leading to abnormalities in the size (anisocoria) or reactivity of the pupils. (rthm.com)
  • This syndrome causes areas of one or both pupils to become larger, sometimes during or after a migraine episode. (nccmed.com)
  • This can be seen in conditions like Horner's syndrome or Adie's tonic pupil. (rthm.com)
  • Primary microcephaly-epilepsy-permanent neonatal diabetes syndrome is a rare, genetic, neurologic disease characterized by congenital microcephaly, severe, early-onset epileptic encephalopathy (manifesting as intractable, myoclonic and/or tonic-clonic seizures), permanent, neonatal, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and severe global developmental delay. (nih.gov)
  • These neurons supply the pupillary sphincter muscle, which constricts the pupil, and the ciliary muscle which contracts to make the lens more convex. (wikipedia.org)
  • The irritating sense of something being in one's eye 'foreign body sensation', and irritation associated with an irregular surface are common symptoms. (ivyroses.com)
  • Some menopausal women may also frequently experience symptoms like irregular menstrual periods or profuse bleeding and occasionally flooding of menstrual discharges, which may occur once in two weeks and continue for an equal period. (herbs2000.com)
  • If the shape of the pupils is unusual, this could signify an injury to the eye. (nccmed.com)
  • Clearly there was a need for a drummer and an approach was made to a younger Truro School day pupil who displayed unusual talent and had been spotted playing at a local social event in another 3-piece band called Cousin Jacks (also Beat Unlimited), when it was heard that one of the members, Dave Dowding, was losing interest. (kernowbeat.co.uk)
  • A scratch or other eye injury can damage the muscles in the iris, causing irregularly shaped pupils. (nccmed.com)
  • Diseases of the ciliary ganglion produce a "tonic pupil", which is a pupil that does not react to light (it is "fixed") and has an abnormally slow and prolonged response to attempted near vision (accommodation). (wikipedia.org)
  • Tonic pupils are fairly common - they are seen in roughly 1 out of every 500 people. (wikipedia.org)
  • The pupils should be equal in shape and size. (nccmed.com)
  • That is impossible, however, because the test requires two equal pupils. (nccmed.com)
  • If the pupils are oval or another odd shape, this may be due to damage to the pupil fibers that attach in the midbrain. (nccmed.com)
  • Healthy pupils get smaller in bright or direct light, as well as when a person focuses on something very close to their eyes. (nccmed.com)
  • Muscle and eye injuries or brain and spinal cord damage may cause irregular PERRLA outcomes. (nccmed.com)
  • Muscle rigidity (Tonic Section): The canine's muscle groups could stiffen, inflicting them to fall to the bottom or lose their stability. (geni-tv.com)
  • Muscle twitching (Clonic Section): Following the tonic section, canines could expertise rhythmic muscle contractions or twitching. (geni-tv.com)
  • This irregular electrical exercise can result in a variety of bodily and behavioral signs, which may range in severity and length. (geni-tv.com)
  • This irregular electrical exercise can result in a variety of bodily and behavioral signs, which may fluctuate in severity and period. (pappydog.com)
  • The result was the arrival of Roger Taylor, also of Truro, who insisted that he brought with him the remaining Cousin Jacks member and Truro School day pupil Mike Dudley , from St Agnes. (kernowbeat.co.uk)
  • Also known as grand mal seizure, a generalised tonic-clonic seizure begins with the patient becoming unconscious, after which their breathing stops and the body becomes rigid, later jerky movements or convulsions develop, and finally the patient passes into a state of inactivity and slumber. (myupchar.com)
  • Healthy pupils work by dilating to let more light in or restrict to let less light in. (nccmed.com)
  • We may de- fine it as a chronic convulsive disease, characterized by almost invariable loss of consciousness, and special form of spasm, tonic or continuous, clonic or intermitting. (nih.gov)
  • Tonic-clonic seizures , also known as grand mal seizures , characterized by an abrupt loss of consciousness followed by tonic muscle contractions. (doctorstrizhak.com)
  • tonic contractions alternating with intermitting clonic spasms. (homeopathybooks.in)
  • In the newborn, it is infrequent to see convulsions in the form of typical tonic-clonic movements. (drsurajgupte.com)
  • In the former situation, convulsions may present as tonic spasms preceded by some clonic jerks on first day only. (drsurajgupte.com)
  • Tonic seizures are prolonged stiffening of muscles that may last from seconds to minutes. (doctorstrizhak.com)
  • It is tonic spasms of the extraocular muscles innervated by a specific ocular motor nerve (third or sixth cranial nerve) occur during sustained eccentric gaze. (stanford.edu)
  • The size of pupil is dictated by an interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which are involved in the constriction and dilation of the iris. (healthmaza.com)
  • When there are interruptions of the elements of the pathways, it could result in poor constriction of the pupil. (healthmaza.com)
  • Nonetheless, there is prompt or normal pupil constriction when an individual views near targets or objects within the reading distance. (healthmaza.com)
  • Diseases of the ciliary ganglion produce a "tonic pupil", which is a pupil that does not react to light (it is "fixed") and has an abnormally slow and prolonged response to attempted near vision (accommodation). (wikipedia.org)
  • Argyll Robertson, a Scottish ophthalmologist and surgeon pointed out that a number of patients having tabes dorsalis were seen to have small pupils that didn't adequately react to light, yet they reacted promptly if the patient viewed an object within the reading distance. (healthmaza.com)
  • On the other hand, such apparently minor manifestations as twitching, conjugate deviation of eyes, hypertonus in a twitching limb, irregular jerky movements and nystagmus, startling, pallor and hypotonia, slow and irregular respiration with periods of apnea and feeble cry, and cyanotic attacks may well mean convulsions. (drsurajgupte.com)
  • Light-near dissociation, also referred to as pupillary light-near dissociation may occur due to weakness of the pupillomotor input, dorsal midbrain syndrome, misdirection of ciliary muscle fibers, or the Argyll Robertson pupil phenomenon. (healthmaza.com)
  • Muscle fibers with that behavior, called tonic fibers, are not usually found in jaws. (bbruner.org)
  • Preliminary biochemical investigation here suggested that the lizard jaw muscles contained such tonic fibers. (bbruner.org)
  • In studies looking at tonic pupils, it has been discovered that the patients had a loss of ciliary ganglion cells. (healthmaza.com)
  • Tonic or Adie's pupil is thought to be caused by damage that occurs on peripheral pathways leading to the pupil, especially the parasympathetic neurons found in the ciliary ganglion. (healthmaza.com)
  • These neurons supply the pupillary sphincter muscle, which constricts the pupil, and the ciliary muscle which contracts to make the lens more convex. (wikipedia.org)
  • It was the first to broadly promote cocaine as a tonic to cure depression and sexual impotence. (worldaddictionmagazine.com)
  • In the early 1900s, purified cocaine was the main active ingredient in many tonics and elixirs made to treat a wide range of ailments. (medtim-hospital.com)
  • Neuropathic tonic pupils are seen in patients having peripheral neuropathy that damages innervations of intraocular muscles within the eyes. (healthmaza.com)
  • The island is long and narrow, somewhat in the form of an irregular crescent, convex toward the N. It has a decided pitch to the S. Its length from Cape Maisí to Cape San Antonio along a medial line is about 730 m. (wikisource.org)
  • When the person focuses on a more distant object (say the far side of the room), the pupil (which would normally dilate immediately) remains constricted for several minutes, and then slowly dilates back to the expected size. (wikipedia.org)
  • When you say the pupils accommodate, it means that they reduce in size when a person views an object in near distance. (healthmaza.com)
  • Myotics (meuo, I close),- are agents which produce contraction of the pupil. (google.dk)
  • In the three cases of tonic pupils, it has been confirmed that there has been abnormal regeneration occurring on the orbital peripheral nerves. (healthmaza.com)
  • He was a charismatic teacher who encouraged his pupils to find their own musical paths. (music.org)
  • In this case, there is response to near target, but it is considered strong and long lasting, hence the name tonic. (healthmaza.com)