• A long flat muscle that extends along the whole length of both sides of the abdomen. (lookformedical.com)
  • The intercostal nerves supply motor and sensory innervation to the thorax and abdomen. (lookformedical.com)
  • There are three flat skeletal muscles in the antero-lateral wall of the abdomen. (lumenlearning.com)
  • The deep muscle, the transversus abdominis , is arranged transversely around the abdomen, similar to the front of a belt on a pair of pants. (lumenlearning.com)
  • 1. A small, thin, deep muscle of the abdomen which is a diagonally arranged abdominal muscle on either side of the torso: The internal abdominal oblique muscle runs diagonally opposite and underneath the external oblique. (wordinfo.info)
  • Concerning the section inside the abdomen: Because of the terrible accident, Frank suffered from an intra-abdominal bleeding which required an immediate operation. (wordinfo.info)
  • Pertaining to both the frontal areas and sides of the abdomen: The lumboabdominal sections of the human body include the frontal and abdominal parts. (wordinfo.info)
  • This occurs when nerves near the surface of the abdomen become entrapped as they pass through the rectus muscle. (ancasta.pl)
  • On their way from the dorsal column to the abdomen, these nerves pass through a fibrous ring located in the thickness of the right abdominal muscles, which they can slide freely within. (nervenia.com)
  • The entrapment of the cutaneous nerves of the abdomen has been described as one of the main causes of chronic abdominal pain. (nervenia.com)
  • Attachments: The clavicular region originates from the clavicle and the sternocostal region originates from the sternum and the fascia of the oblique muscles of the abdomen. (ssrq.ca)
  • The anterior muscles of the torso (trunk) are those on the front of the body, including the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. (ssrq.ca)
  • Lift the abdominal skin with forceps and create a small incision in the centre of the abdomen. (microbiologynote.com)
  • The ventral wall of the thorax and abdomen is split from the sternum, exposing the organs in the thoracic and abdominal chambers. (microbiologynote.com)
  • The celiac plexus block works to prevent the nerves from carrying pain information into the abdomen. (southeastneuro.com)
  • It is innervated by the lower thoracic nerves and supplies the intercostal and lumbar arteries and this muscle protects a weak point in the abdominal wall and works with the external oblique to help twist the torso. (wordinfo.info)
  • The lower two intercostal arteries, on each side, extend beyond their spaces into the abdominal wall, and anastomose with branches of the superior epigastric, subcostal, and lumbar arteries. (co.ma)
  • The upper three or four aortic intercostal arteries, on each side, give branches to the mammary gland which anastomose with branches of the lateral thoracic and internal mammary arteries. (co.ma)
  • Longitudinal anastomoses between adjacent trunks and also between adjacent posterior branches of intercostal arteries sometimes exist near the necks of the ribs, or near the transverse processes. (co.ma)
  • They are in series with the aortic intercostal arteries, but are situated below the last ribs. (co.ma)
  • It next pierces the aponeurosis of origin of the transversus abdominis, and runs between the transversus and the internal oblique muscles, anastomosing with the lower intercostal arteries, with the lumbar arteries, and with branches of the superior epigastric artery. (co.ma)
  • the other three pass distally superficial to the common digital nerves, one along the middle of each of the ulnar three interosseous spaces, towards the interdigital clefts, just proximal to which each common digital artery divides into two special digital arteries which supply the contiguous sides of the fingers bounding the cleft. (co.ma)
  • As a flat muscle, the vascular supply of the transversus abdominis includes the posterior intercostal and subcostal arteries, superior and inferior epigastric arteries, superficial and deep circumflex arteries and posterior lumbar arteries. (radiopaedia.org)
  • These vessels include perforating branches from the internal tho- racic artery (internal mammary artery) and the second, third and fourth intercostal arteries. (pediagenosis.com)
  • The pleura is supplied by adjacent arteries and nerves and has numerous lymphatics. (dartmouth.edu)
  • Ultrasound orientation of the muscles, arteries, and nerves in a transverse view. (medscape.com)
  • The musculofibrous partition that separates the THORACIC CAVITY from the ABDOMINAL CAVITY. (lookformedical.com)
  • The intercostals are muscles between the ribs that form the chest cavity wall. (ssrq.ca)
  • This is a thin muscle that sits beneath the lungs and above the abdominal cavity. (medicalnewstoday.com)
  • Cavity nerve governing the dilator fibres, however, when the semblance or being car- id. (joeyblsphotography.com)
  • A vast cavity in the thoracic and abdominal regions that is delimited by the ventral abdominal wall, the lateral body walls, and the dorsal body wall. (microbiologynote.com)
  • The coelom is divided into the smaller thoracic cavity in front and the larger abdominal cavity in back by a muscular barrier. (microbiologynote.com)
  • The terms "tubal pregnancy", "ovarian pregnancy", "cervical pregnancy", and "abdominal pregnancy" all refer to the specific areas of an ectopic pregnancy . (wordinfo.info)
  • The skin covering the thorax receives its nerve supply from lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal nerves. (pediagenosis.com)
  • The internal abdominal oblique muscle has a quadrilateral form originating from the hip bone, the crest of the ilium, and extending to the cartilage of the lower ribs which are the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth ribs. (wordinfo.info)
  • Attachments: The latissimus dorsi originates from the lower spine and ribs and the upper pelvis and fascia of the deep trunk muscles. (ssrq.ca)
  • The subclavian nerve originates in both C5 and C6 and innervates the subclavius, a muscle that involves lifting the first ribs during respiration. (ssrq.ca)
  • a) The posterior branch passes backwards, accompanied by the posterior branch of a spinal nerve, medial to the anterior superior costo-transverse ligament, between the necks of the ribs which bound the space, and between the adjacent transverse processes, to the vertebral groove, where it divides into a medial and a lateral cutaneous terminal branch. (co.ma)
  • The outer surfaces of the ribs, costal cartilages and sternum give attachment to muscles involved in movements of the upper limb and the scapula, namely pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and serratus anterior. (pediagenosis.com)
  • In addition, the external surfaces of the lower ribs provide attachment for rectus abdominis and the external oblique muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (pp 143, 144). (pediagenosis.com)
  • When the upper limb is fixed, the sternocostal part may act as an accessory muscle of inspiration by elevating the ribs. (pediagenosis.com)
  • This small muscle ( Fig. 2.10 ) lies deep to pectoralis major and is usually attached to the third, fourth and fifth ribs. (pediagenosis.com)
  • The costal pleura is separated from the sternum, costal cartilages, ribs, and muscles by a loose connective tissue termed endothoracic fascia, which provides a natural cleavage plane for surgical separation of the pleura from the thoracic wall. (dartmouth.edu)
  • The internal intercostal is obliquely oriented in a posteroinferior direction and functions to depress the ribs. (medscape.com)
  • These are muscles that run between the ribs. (medicalnewstoday.com)
  • The entrapment of cutaneous nerves seems to be the most frequent cause of abdominal wall pain. (nervenia.com)
  • The medial cutaneous branch passes backwards and medially, either over or through the multifidus, giving branches to the muscles between which it passes and to the vertebral column. (co.ma)
  • d) A lateral cutaneous offset accompanies the lateral cutaneous branch of the intercostal nerve. (co.ma)
  • Above the level of the manubriosternal joint, C4 gives cutaneous innervation, while tho- racic nerves T2-T11 provide the dermatomes for the remainder of the thoracic wall. (pediagenosis.com)
  • The first thoracic nerve does not contribute to the cutaneous nerve supply of the thorax but innervates some of the skin of the upper limb (Figs 1.35 & 3.6). (pediagenosis.com)
  • The medial brachial cutaneous and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerves come off the medial cord. (medscape.com)
  • It will not anesthetize the axilla or the proximal medial arm, missing the intercostal and medium cutaneous brachii nerves. (medscape.com)
  • On the flanks of the body, medial to the rectus femoris, the abdominal wall is composed of three layers. (lumenlearning.com)
  • Pectoralis major is supplied by the medial and lateral pectoral nerves from the brachial plexus. (pediagenosis.com)
  • The muscle converges on the medial border of the coracoid process of the scapula. (pediagenosis.com)
  • The pectoralis major muscle originates from the medial clavicle and lateral sternum and inserts on the lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus (see the image below). (medscape.com)
  • Origin and distribution of phrenic primary afferent nerve fibers in the spinal cord of the adult rat. (elispot.biz)
  • This type of pain could be caused by surgical damage to a nerve during brain head or spinal surgery. (ancasta.pl)
  • Various pathological conditions, including surgical treatments, traumatic injuries, embolism, malformations and tumors, result in severe changes in the arterial blood supply to the spinal cord [ 1 ]. (intechopen.com)
  • The spinal cord contains nerve fibers and cells. (medlineplus.gov)
  • Spine injuries can damage the spinal cord if they are at the upper portion of the lumbar spine or the lumbar and sacral nerve roots (cauda equina) if they are at the lower lumbar spine. (medlineplus.gov)
  • These nerves arise from the ventral rami of the spinal nerves of T7-L1, and this is the simplified description of innervation described in anatomy textbooks. (radiopaedia.org)
  • If spinal cord pressure can be relieved or reduced before the spinal nerves are completely destroyed, paralysis may improve. (adam.com)
  • A paravertebral block is essentially a unilateral block of the spinal nerve, including the dorsal and ventral rami, as well as the sympathetic chain ganglion. (medscape.com)
  • During this procedure, x-ray dye or contrast material combined with antibiotics is injected into various spinal discs based on symptoms, and an examination including an MRI. (southeastneuro.com)
  • spinal muscular atrophy patients present muscle weakness, orthopedic problems, nutritional complications and respiratory impairment. (bvsalud.org)
  • It terminates in the skin of the back, after giving branches to the adjacent muscles. (co.ma)
  • c) Muscular branches to the adjacent muscles are given off both by the main trunk and its collateral branch. (co.ma)
  • In addition to the secondary branches above-named, the trunk of the first aortic intercostal, on each side, anastomoses with the superior intercostal, and may supply the whole or the greater part of the second intercostal space. (co.ma)
  • b) Dorsal metacarpal, two slender branches which run distally, along the third and fourth dorsal interosseous muscles, to the clefts of the fingers, where each divides into dorsal digital branches. (co.ma)
  • The superficial volar arch (O.T. superficial palmar) (Fig. 768) includes the terminal portion of the ulnar artery, and is usually completed on the radial side by the superficial volar, or by the volaris indicis radialis or the princeps pollicis branches of the radial artery. (co.ma)
  • It is in contact dorsally with the flexor brevis and opponens digiti quinti, and with the common digital branches of the ulnar and median nerves, as well as with the flexor tendons and the lumbrical muscles. (co.ma)
  • It is innervated by the terminal branches of intercostal nerves T7-T11, the subcostal nerve (T12), the iliohypogastric nerve (L1) and ilioinguinal nerves (L1). (radiopaedia.org)
  • The blood supply is derived from the posterior intercostal branches of the aorta and the anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic. (medscape.com)
  • The cords then pass into the axilla and divide into nerve branches: the musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, median, and ulnar (see the image below). (medscape.com)
  • The entire system is modulated by central and peripheral innervation, including with cranial nerves V, X, XI, and XII, as well as with the phrenic and intercostal nerves. (medscape.com)
  • Fascial plane blocks involve the injection of a local anesthetic between the muscles through which the peripheral nerve travels [ 20 ]. (ekja.org)
  • Monitor neuromuscular response with a peripheral nerve stimulator intraoperatively. (unboundmedicine.com)
  • If overdose occurs, use peripheral nerve stimulator to determine the degree of neuromuscular blockade. (unboundmedicine.com)
  • Also to include the microscopic examination of peripheral blood films and trephine bone marrow aspirates. (who.int)
  • Smooth muscle fibers are bound together into sheets or bundles by reticular fibers and frequently elastic nets are also abundant. (lookformedical.com)
  • Each muscle is segmented by three transverse bands of collagen fibers called the tendinous intersections . (lumenlearning.com)
  • Sometimes these fibers can be stretched and / or irritated by an increase in intra-or extra-abdominal pressure or by a scar or adherence. (nervenia.com)
  • These nerve fibers carry messages between your brain and body. (medlineplus.gov)
  • The transversus abdominis muscle , named according to the direction of its muscle fibers, is one of the flat muscles that form the anterior abdominal wall . (radiopaedia.org)
  • The lower fibers curve medially and posteriorly to form the roof of the inguinal canal with those of the internal oblique muscle to insert into the pectineal line and pubic crest which forms the conjoint tendon . (radiopaedia.org)
  • Explain why skeletal muscle fibers appear to have striations. (bccampus.ca)
  • The muscle that you can feel moving underneath your skin is really made up of many smaller bundles of muscle fibers called fascicles. (medicinenet.com)
  • These, in turn, are made up of individual muscle fibers that are cross-linked to allow them to slide back and forth within the fascicle. (medicinenet.com)
  • Sliding together causes the muscle fibers to shorten and the muscle to contract and move the joint. (medicinenet.com)
  • When the muscle relaxes, the muscle fibers return to their resting position and as the fibers elongate, the joint may return to its previous position. (medicinenet.com)
  • The transition of muscle to tendon happens gradually as muscle fibers give way to tendon fibers before the bony attachment occurs. (medicinenet.com)
  • A strain is a damage caused by an overstretched muscle or tendon, causing its fibers to be pulled apart, losing the ability to adequately contract. (medicinenet.com)
  • The most common cause of a muscle or tendon strain is overuse, which weakens the tissue fibers. (medicinenet.com)
  • The damage can occur in three areas: the muscle itself, the muscle-tendon intersection where the muscle fibers transition to tendon fibers, or the tendon itself. (medicinenet.com)
  • Grade 1 strain usually causes stretching of a few of the muscle fibers. (medicinenet.com)
  • Grade 2 strain has more significant damage, and some muscle fibers are damaged or torn. (medicinenet.com)
  • The removal of one or both fallopian tubes through an abdominal incision: June had to have a celiosalpingectomy , or also called an abdominal salpingectomy , performed by a surgeon in which the pair of slender tubes that extend from each ovary to the uterus had to be removed. (wordinfo.info)
  • People who suffer from pain in the chest area caused by shingles or a surgical incision are often given an intercostal nerve block. (southeastneuro.com)
  • A subtype of striated muscle, attached by TENDONS to the SKELETON. (lookformedical.com)
  • Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by progressive ossification of tendons, ligaments, fascia, and skeletal muscle. (ispub.com)
  • Describe how tension in ligaments, tendons, and skeletal muscles can limit the range of motion available when a skeletal muscle contracts. (bccampus.ca)
  • The soft tissues of the body include the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that help the body move but are not part of the bony skeleton. (medicinenet.com)
  • Location of the external obliques: Highlighted in orange, the external obliques lie inferior to the pectoral muscles. (ssrq.ca)
  • Phrenic nerve conduction abnormalities correlate with diaphragmatic descent in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (elispot.biz)
  • 22. Bałkowiec A, Kukuła K, Szulczyk P. Functional classification of afferent phrenic nerve fibres and diaphragmatic receptors in cats. (elispot.biz)
  • Shoulder pain after laparoscopic surgery has been thought to be due to the irritation of the phrenic nerve, which may be mainly caused by insufflated carbon dioxide. (ancasta.pl)
  • A 53-year-old female asked: i had the nissen fundoplication surgery 6 days ago and have been suffering from phrenic nerve pain. (ancasta.pl)
  • The mediastinal pleura is adherent to the pericardium except where the phrenic nerve descends between them. (dartmouth.edu)
  • It contributes mainly to maintain abdominal tone and can increase intra-abdominal pressure when it contracts. (radiopaedia.org)
  • In 1919 Cyriax had already described the existence of apparently visceral pain syndromes, but actually caused by irritation of the intercostal nerves . (nervenia.com)
  • Other symptoms of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, vomiting, skin irritation, increased heart rate, hives, wheezing and a drop in blood pressure. (equipo-perros.es)
  • The difficulty is justified by the complex anatomy and pathophysiology of the innervation of the abdominal parietal and visceral components. (nervenia.com)
  • [ 9 ] Although aponeurotic suturing in the midline was noted to be able to reduce anterior projection of the abdominal wall, it did little to reduce the diameter of the waist. (medscape.com)
  • Pregnancy stretches the skin beyond its biomechanical capability to spring back and stretches the musculoaponeurotic structures of the abdominal wall. (medscape.com)
  • Massive weight loss, whether from dieting or after a gastric bypass surgery, also plays a role in excess skin and laxity of the abdominal wall. (medscape.com)
  • Muscles forming the ABDOMINAL WALL including RECTUS ABDOMINIS, external and internal oblique muscles, transversus abdominis, and quadratus abdominis. (lookformedical.com)
  • These muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall can be divided into four groups: the external obliques, the internal obliques, the transversus abdominis, and the rectus abdominis (Figure 1, Figure 2, and Table 1). (lumenlearning.com)
  • With the upcoming idea of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) in the recent years and noticing the lack of feasibility of the, Background: Modifications to conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy (CLC) are aimed at decreasing abdominal wall trauma and improving cosmetic outcome. (ancasta.pl)
  • In fact, chronic abdominal pain originating from the structures of the abdominal wall is often mistakenly identified as a visceral pain and treated accordingly, with poor results in terms of relief from pain symptoms. (nervenia.com)
  • It is believed that 10% of patients with abdominal pain visited in gastroenterology departments suffer from chronic abdominal pain or wall pain . (nervenia.com)
  • lesions of the peritoneum or abdominal muscle wall (especially of nervous origin). (nervenia.com)
  • Five muscles form the abdominal wall, divided into vertical and flat groups. (ssrq.ca)
  • when present they are small, and terminate in the abdominal wall. (co.ma)
  • However, lack of mobility when pectoralis major is contracted indicates that breast pathology has fixed the gland to the underlying chest wall muscles. (pediagenosis.com)
  • This large fan-shaped muscle ( Fig. 2.9 ) attaches to the clavicle, sternum and upper costal cartilages and forms the bulk of the anterior wall of the axilla. (pediagenosis.com)
  • A cows rumen is in contact with the left abdominal wall from the eight intercostal spaces to the transverse plane of tuber coxae. (svenskkirurgi.se)
  • Raise the sternum and cut the diaphragm's connection to the abdominal wall. (microbiologynote.com)
  • At the cranial third of the neck, cows esophagus lies dorsal to the trachea in the groove formed by the longus colli muscles. (svenskkirurgi.se)
  • On occasion, abdominal surgery can sometimes lead to chronic abdominal nerve pain or chronic pelvic nerve pain. (ancasta.pl)
  • Nervenia , through studies, research and comparison with anesthesiologists and surgeons, has adapted its approach to neurogenic pain to this type of chronic abdominal pathology. (nervenia.com)
  • Chronic abdominal pain is a very frequent and very complex clinical problem, where the diagnosis is often accompanied by numerous inappropriate investigations and by several unsatisfactory treatments, both pharmacological and surgical. (nervenia.com)
  • estimated in 2001 an average cost of $ 6,727 for treatments with no results for each patient who was later diagnosed with chronic abdominal pain. (nervenia.com)
  • A survey of 5,000 patients with chronic abdominal pain showed that in 30% the pain was due to a degenerative pathology, and in 22% it had developed following a surgical procedure. (nervenia.com)
  • Nervenia offers an innovative treatment that can heal or, in the worst case, still clearly improve the situation of chronic abdominal pain . (nervenia.com)
  • [ 3 ] A second form of motor speech disorder, apraxia, occurs in the presence of significant weakness or incoordination of the muscles of speech production. (medscape.com)
  • The biggest symptoms of nerve damage after surgery are usually numbness, tingling, burning, or muscle weakness or atrophy. (ancasta.pl)
  • Observe the patient for residual muscle weakness and respiratory distress during the recovery period. (unboundmedicine.com)
  • Type II SMA infants get to three point of pulmonary function19, without any intention of sitting independent and present thoracic deformity replacyng the standard spirometry measurements, because of muscle weakness, whide causes pos- used for a more frequent follow up of patients' pul- tural deviations. (bvsalud.org)
  • Besides muscle weakness, respiratory9, ortho- fat percentage and muscle strength in neuromus- pedic5, and nutritional10-12 problems are particularly cular patients. (bvsalud.org)
  • There are four pairs of abdominal muscles that cover the anterior and lateral abdominal region and meet at the anterior midline. (lumenlearning.com)
  • Bilateral paravertebral blocks can be a viable option for midline abdominal surgery. (medscape.com)
  • Neurotization of the flap was performed by coaptation of the 4th intercostal nerve to a sensory nerve of the abdominal flap via cadaveric nerve graft. (csurgeries.com)
  • [ 11 ] Its key features include limited direct undermining, increased lateral skin resection with high tension wound closure along lateral limbs, and 2-layer superficial fascial system (SFS) repair. (medscape.com)
  • The superficial posterior muscles are associated with movement of the shoulder. (ssrq.ca)
  • Two muscles in the superficial layer are responsible for rotation of the head. (ssrq.ca)
  • Muscles of the Neck and Trunk - Posterior Intermediate View Muscles of the Neck and Trunk - Posterior Superficial View Muscles of the Neck and Trunk - Lateral View Muscles of the posterior portion of the trunk include muscles of the back, suboccipital region, and perineum region. (ssrq.ca)
  • costal groove the artery lies between the corresponding vein above and the intercostal nerve below, and it terminates anteriorly by anastomosing with an anterior intercostal branch of the internal mammary or of the musculo-phrenic artery. (co.ma)
  • The first right aortic intercostal artery frequently gives off the right bronchial artery. (co.ma)
  • It descends and runs forward along the lower border of the intercostal space, to anastomose in front with an anterior intercostal branch of the internal mammary or musculo-phrenic artery. (co.ma)
  • Each gives off a posterior branch which behaves in the same manner as the posterior branch of an ordinary aortic intercostal artery. (co.ma)
  • It is a Mathis and Nahai type V muscle flap with the thoracoacromial artery as the major blood supply and intercostal perforators arising from the internal thoracic artery providing a segmental blood supply. (medscape.com)
  • After abdominal flap dissection and recipient internal mammary vessel harvest, the contralateral abdominal DIEP flaps are anastomosed with recipient vessels and nerves. (csurgeries.com)
  • Results: Bilateral abdominal DIEP flaps were anastomosed to the contralateral internal mammary arterial and venous counterparts. (csurgeries.com)
  • Nerve resection and implantation of the proximal ends into muscle can give good to excellent results in most … To reduce pain, focus should be directed on the effects of individual components of pain. (ancasta.pl)
  • Proximal group, is and rarely the abdominal muscles. (cfdtafpa.org)
  • The cochlea then transforms these mechanical vibrations into vibrations in fluid, which act on the nerve endings of the eighth cranial nerve. (medscape.com)
  • The most superior of the muscles, those above the axis of the femoral neck in the acetabulum, can also contribute to abduction. (ssrq.ca)
  • The back is characterized by numerous muscle groups which allow movement of the shoulder, head, and neck, as well as aid in respiration and maintain posture and balance. (ssrq.ca)
  • Chest muscles function in respiration while abdominal muscles function in torso movement and in maintenance of balance and The intrinsic muscles of the posterior are responsible for maintaining posture and facilitating movement of the head and neck. (ssrq.ca)
  • With the addition of liposuction, Matarasso in 1988 expanded the use of abdominal contour surgery to a classification based on variations in patients' anatomy, from liposuction alone to limited and full abdominoplastic surgery. (medscape.com)
  • The sixth version of the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) test includes a Science section, which includes questions about anatomy, life and physical science, scientific reasoning, and physiology. (christianspuller.com)
  • Muscle contraction occurs by a sliding filament mechanism whereby actin filaments slide inward among the myosin filaments. (lookformedical.com)
  • A state arrived at through prolonged and strong contraction of a muscle. (lookformedical.com)
  • The brain sends out electrical impulses to these various muscle groups to control posture by alternate contraction and relaxation. (lumenlearning.com)
  • To inhibit movement or muscle contraction, sufficient Neuromuscular Blockade (NMB) should be taken into account. (pulsus.com)
  • Describe how the movement produced by contraction of a skeletal muscle is influenced by the structure of a joint about which the muscle moves the bone on which it inserts. (bccampus.ca)
  • Altogether, synchronized respiratory muscle contraction generates a breath which ultimately drives alveolar ventilation and blood gas regulation ( Figure 2.1 ) [7] . (veteriankey.com)
  • Skeletal muscle contraction is stimulated by the neurotransmitter ________________, which is released at the neurotransmitter junction. (christianspuller.com)
  • The external oblique muscles form the outermost layer, while the internal oblique muscles form the middle layer, and the transverses abdominus forms the innermost layer. (lumenlearning.com)
  • The outermost external intercostal is obliquely oriented, running in a anteroinferior direction and functions to elevate the rib. (medscape.com)
  • This type of chest pain causes symptoms similar to a heart attack including sweating, nausea, and pain that radiates to your arm. (equipo-perros.es)
  • Chest, hip and abdominal girths were measured by a flexible steel tape. (bvsalud.org)
  • This is done by injecting a local anesthetic into or around these nerves. (southeastneuro.com)
  • The intercostal nerve block contains a steroid medication and local anesthetic, reducing inflammation, thus alleviating the pain. (southeastneuro.com)
  • Speech involves the coordinated motor activity of muscles involved in respiration, phonation, resonance, and articulation. (medscape.com)
  • Thoracic and abdominal surgeries are very common causes because they involve general anesthesia, opioid use (with possible secondary respiratory depression), and often painful respiration. (msdmanuals.com)
  • The intermediate muscles of the back assist in the movement of the rib cage during respiration. (ssrq.ca)
  • The 0.75% (7.5 mg/mL) concentration of Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Injection is not recommended for obstetrical anesthesia and should be reserved for surgical procedures where a high degree of muscle relaxation and prolonged effect are necessary ( 5.1 ). (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • Intra-articular infusions of local anesthetics including Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Injection following arthroscopic and other surgical procedures is an unapproved use, and there have been post-marketing reports of chondrolysis in patients receiving such infusions. (pfizermedicalinformation.com)
  • Induction of skeletal muscle paralysis and facilitation of intubation after induction of anesthesia in surgical procedures. (unboundmedicine.com)
  • At this time our preoperative concerns included: difficulty obtaining an airway, difficulty with ventilation, difficulty with positioning and prevention of trauma or ossification, difficulty and risk vs. benefit of IV and arterial access, unknown surgical conditions and potential for increased length of surgery and bleeding. (ispub.com)
  • Paravertebral nerve blocks are indicated for surgical procedures requiring unilateral analgesia or anesthesia. (medscape.com)
  • Perioperative blood transfusion increased morbidity and surgical site infection, according to another study that included 2,934 patients who underwent radical cystectomy [ 3 ]. (pulsus.com)
  • Intensity of abdominal and shoulder pain were assessed 0, 1, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours after surgery and recorded on a visual analog scale (VAS) and verbal rating scale (VRS). (ancasta.pl)
  • Effects of Intraperitoneal Lidocaine on Abdominal and Shoulder Pain after a Laparoscopic Cholecystec. (ancasta.pl)
  • Peritoneal stretching may be more responsible for shoulder pain but has less effect on intensity of abdominal pain or incisional pain. (ancasta.pl)
  • The deltoid muscles are the triangular muscles over each shoulder. (ssrq.ca)
  • The result is stretching and thinning of these structures and diastasis of the rectus muscle. (medscape.com)