• Like most human behavioural traits, a preference for same-sex sexual relationships can be informed in part by learning and environmental / developmental experiences. (musingsone.com)
  • Back at the end of last month, Mark Van Vugt presented what he considered to be five candidate selection pressures which might explain how homosexuality as an orientation - the exlcusive preference for same-sex sexual partners - came to both (a) exist in human populations in the first place, and (b) have its existence was maintained in the face of, what appear to be, obvious reproductive disadvantages. (popsych.org)
  • Same-sex sexual or homosexual behaviors in other animals have been observed in about 1500 species. (profolus.com)
  • The use of homosexuality to describe the sexual behaviors of animals other than humans is also confusing to a certain extent. (profolus.com)
  • Their sexual behaviors are driven by sex alone. (profolus.com)
  • Some researchers have also argued that homosexual behaviors observed in animals are not primarily motivated by sex but a socio-sexual purpose. (profolus.com)
  • Bonobos have gotten a lot of attention for their sexual behavior , particularly their wide range of sociosexual behavior, behaviors involving sexuality that do not involve conceptive sex and occur across ages and partners. (prosocial.world)
  • Furthermore, we now know that there are a wide range of primates that engage in some level of same-sex sexual behaviors. (prosocial.world)
  • For a long time, we have known that same-sex sexual behaviors among chimpanzees occurred, but they were considered rare. (prosocial.world)
  • It also raises the real possibility that, even if children are not raised directly by same-sex parents, being raised in an environment where same-sex behaviors and relationships are normalized could have real, unintended consequences. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • In other words, there are genetic factors transmitted through the maternal line (partly linked to the X-chromosome) that increase the probability of becoming homosexual in males, but they promote higher fecundity in females (Camperio-Ciani et al. (musingsone.com)
  • Hence, the genetic factors that "… influence homosexual orientation in males are not selected against because they increase fecundity in female carriers, thus offering a solution to the Darwinian paradox and an explanation of why natural selection does not progressively eliminate homosexuals" (Iemmola and Camperio-Ciani 2009). (musingsone.com)
  • These efforts led to the observation that wild-type (genetically unaltered) male flies will participate in homosexual courtship when exposed to a vigorous male-male courtship environment, demonstrating that both genetic factors and environmental cues influence this behavior. (nybooks.com)
  • Three cohorts (homosexual men, heterosexual men, and a mixed sex cohort), one pretrained network on sex classification, and one newly trained network for sexual orientation classification were used to classify sex. (karger.com)
  • All people, he notes in a universalizing move , are 'capable of making a homosexual object-choice and have in fact made one in their unconscious', adding that psychoanalysis is opposed to the separation of people on the basis of a supposed orientation and, further, that homosexuality is not explained either by the hypothesis that is it innate or acquired. (markvernon.com)
  • gender identity disorder provides a very compelling explanation of the etiology of homosexuality….i know that many gay men state that they did not have the experiences the theory requires to acquire homosexual orientation, but the self is very good at deception. (thepsychfiles.com)
  • He further noted that the animal kingdom demonstrates sexual diversity-including homosexual, bisexual, and non-reproductive sex. (profolus.com)
  • We know that if the world today were a different place, a place where homosexuality was culturally normative (like, say, Ancient Greece), we would see far more people embracing their homosexual desires. (arpacanada.ca)
  • For example, one 2016 paper on observations of homosexual behavior in female gorillas summarized the literature as "Same-sex sexual behavior exists in all great apes: it is common and varied among bonobos, but rare or absent among chimpanzees, and orangutans. (prosocial.world)
  • en] Homophobic stigmas and the discrimination of homosexual people are still worrying in today's society. (uni.lu)
  • Male bonobos have been observed to mount, fondle, and perform oral sex on one another. (profolus.com)
  • According to one hypothesis, a 'fluid sexuality' that enabled same-sex sexual behavior in women made it easier for women to raise children together. (musingsone.com)
  • I have witnessed an evolution in his thinking to where I now think it is now accurate to say that Dr. Throckmorton, though still religiously conservative and not inclined to find same-sex behavior to be pleasing to God, no longer believes that efforts to change the sexual attractions of same-sex attracted men are likely to be effective. (boxturtlebulletin.com)
  • The participants completed items on recalled childhood behavior and on same-sex sexual interest and behavior, which were combined into a childhood gender atypical behavior and a sexual orientation variable, respectively. (wthrockmorton.com)
  • Arch Sex Behavior. (wthrockmorton.com)
  • This behavior creates a scenario in which men with pharyngeal or rectal gonorrhea often go untreated, even if they transmit an infection to the urethra of a sex partner. (cdc.gov)
  • If basic homosexuality is morally neutral (as I happen to believe), the results of behavior genetics are unimportant as regards our ethics. (thepsychfiles.com)
  • "... psychologically masculine females and feminine men are (a) more likely to be nonheterosexual but (b), when heterosexual, have more opposite-sex sexual partners" (Zietsch et al. (musingsone.com)
  • The first obtains from just straightforward bisexuality, i.e. where ancestral sex lives commonly involved a mix of both same-sex and heterosexual activity but in varying proportions (informed in part by genotypic variability) ranging from bisexual with a more dominant opposite-sex attraction, to bisexual with a more dominant same-sex attraction. (musingsone.com)
  • Animals have also been often seen displaying bisexual behaviour - interacting with both opposite and same sex. (cosmosmagazine.com)
  • This suggests a more biological purpose, in which it's proposed that this may increase an animal's chance of successful breeding later with the opposite sex. (cosmosmagazine.com)
  • The female fish found the males more attractive after the male had a same-sex interaction in the same way they did with opposite sex interaction. (cosmosmagazine.com)
  • Moreover, in some cases, the same-sex couples seem to be more successful in their parenting than opposite-sex parents. (blogspot.com)
  • Throckmorton seeks to support those whose religious beliefs and values are not consistent with accepting the identity, or sexual expression of a gay person - yet without trying to change them into an opposite-sex attracted person. (boxturtlebulletin.com)
  • and everybody eventually gets married to a member of the opposite sex, etc. , then there really is no mating competition or sexual selection. (scienceblogs.com)
  • There is a rare form of 'transvestism' (if one can call it such) in which the patient does not dress in the clothes of the opposite sex but as a child. (infantilism.org)
  • whilst in the other, the struggle is likewise between the individuals of the same sex, in order to excite or charm those of the opposite sex, generally the females, which no longer remain passive, but select the more agreeable partners. (wikipedia.org)
  • Nevertheless, despite being strongly disfavoured by natural selection, strict homosexuality would have persisted in low frequency simply because of genetic factors informing same-sex attraction that were inherited from bisexual ancestors. (musingsone.com)
  • Although in theory Freud's writing opened up the concept of bisexuality and detached notions of sexuality from the biological/genital, in practice the psy-sciences as applied through disciplinary institutions tended towards viewing same sex attraction as a pathology. (tavistockandportman.nhs.uk)
  • During the period that it was illegal, references to same sex attraction were often by connotation and suggestion. (tavistockandportman.nhs.uk)
  • This meeting of these two key figures was an important precursor to the founding of the Tavistock Clinic, and although not stated outright that this meeting related to same sex attraction, it seems to be the connotation. (tavistockandportman.nhs.uk)
  • According to Ed Miller , it results from a balanced polymorphism-a delicate balancing act where too much feminization of the male brain causes attraction to one's own sex and too little causes indifference to one's own children. (blogspot.com)
  • If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women. (wdtprs.com)
  • Even those who have the affliction of a strong same-sex attraction can make choices to live a virtuous life, just as those who are undoubtedly heterosexual have to make choices. (wdtprs.com)
  • While there is quite a lot of evidence that in many cases same-sex attraction is not chosen, the science is still ambiguous on the extent that genetics plays, despite the popular perception. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • But transgenerational epigenetics raises the possibility that same-sex attraction could be the consequence of a progenitor's choices, experiences, or environment, and not just genetic determinism. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • Proponents of same-sex marriage and parenting are fond of declaring that homosexuality will not increase simply because gay people can get married and raise kids- because they assume that same-sex attraction is genetically predetermined and generally non-inheritable. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • People who are attracted to others of the same sex develop their orientation before they are born. (iflscience.com)
  • In 2014, researchers confirmed the association between same-sex orientation in men and a specific chromosomal region . (iflscience.com)
  • Eye color, hair color, blood type, and the rhesus factor: exploring possible genetic links to sexual orientation. (blogspot.com)
  • Research has shown that men are generally attracted to one sex or the other, whereas women are more likely than men to have a bisexual orientation. (musingsone.com)
  • Monozygotic (identical) twins are more concordant in their sexual orientation than dizygotic (fraternal) twins, which clearly shows a genetic contribution to homosexuality That the concordance between monozygotic twins is about 50% suggests that while there is a genetic influence, there are also other biological factors involved. (blogspot.com)
  • Significant genetic effects were found for women and men for both GAB and sexual orientation, as was our second hypothesis. (wthrockmorton.com)
  • Several researchers and writers who perceive homosexuality with positivity usually begin their discussions by implying that this sexual orientation is natural. (profolus.com)
  • The converging findings suggest that exclusive homosexuality is not a "life style choice" but a perfectly natural sexual orientation….Although these findings make a reasonably strong claim that homosexuality is part of someone's genotype, there is still much speculation as to how it got there. (popsych.org)
  • Proponents of same-sex marriage and parenting assume that their sexual orientation is purely genetic because it is not something they chose. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • A statistical analysis of the data reveals that Americans' beliefs about the origins of same-sex orientation are much more strongly related to their views of the legality and morality of gay or lesbian relations than to party identification, ideology, religious commitment, age, and other demographic characteristics, taking all those factors into account simultaneously. (autostraddle.com)
  • Undisputed answers as to the exact biological reasons why individuals can be sexually attracted to people of the same sex as themselves, to persons of the other sex, or to people regardless of their sex, are few and far between. (cosmosmagazine.com)
  • We also now know that homosexuality is biologically natural in that it arises through the interaction of many biological factors in the early development of fetuses and children--genes and sex hormones shape the body and the brain in early life so that people are naturally predisposed to become heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual. (blogspot.com)
  • The report has a special focus on the higher rates of mental health problems among LGBT populations, and it questions the scientific basis of trends in the treatment of children who do not identify with their biological sex. (freemethodistconversations.com)
  • BAGEMIHL B. (1999), Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity . (psicologoinrete.com)
  • Sexual selection is a biological way one sex chooses a mate for the best reproductive success. (wikipedia.org)
  • The second issue is that all biological traits are equally and entirely codetermined both by environmental and genetic factors. (popsych.org)
  • It also raises the very real possibility that being raised by same-sex parents instead of a biological father and mother could have inheritable epigenetic effects. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • Explaining the biology of animal homosexuality requires a complex multicausal model (Poiani 2010, 401-425). (blogspot.com)
  • Similarly, at the end of his book surveying the science of animal homosexuality, Aldo Poiani declares as his "personal ethical stance" his support for "the fundamental human right of homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersex people to express their own self with respect to the laws of the land" (425). (blogspot.com)
  • But this argument has never been substantiated, despite the fact that studies have shown that homosexuality is a heritable trait. (iflscience.com)
  • The studies have shown that homosexuality has both a heritable and an environmental component. (iflscience.com)
  • So-called 'gay genes' have not yet been precisely identified, but pedigree and twin studies have shown that homosexuality tends to run in families (reviewed in Ngun etal. (musingsone.com)
  • He reasoned that since the bodies of females are more nearly hairless, the loss of fur was due to sexual selection of females at a remote prehistoric time when males had overwhelming selective power, and that it nonetheless affected males due to genetic correlation between the sexes. (wikipedia.org)
  • In addition to their methodological flaws, none of the studies deals adequately with the problem of affirming the null hypothesis, of adequate sample size, and of spurious non-correlation. (wholereason.com)
  • As a follow up, I clicked the link you offered to Sailer's blog and in one of the comments was this link to a study I'd seen before about blood type and Rh factor,in which the researchers found a higher than average frequency between blood type and Rh factor in gays and lesbians. (blogspot.com)
  • Se ha buscado caracterizar la producción científi ca acerca de las familias compuestas por lesbianas, gays y bisexuales a partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura nacional e internacional, en el período 2009-2013. (bvsalud.org)
  • Facultative homosexuality does not preclude reproduction, nor does it preclude normal heterosexual development of the male brain. (blogspot.com)
  • The passive or receiving males trigger this misidentification whenever they release sex pheromones or carry female pheromones that were attached to them during prior mating activities with female species. (profolus.com)
  • A Pretty Boy is a male who possesses the angel skull of a female, and his sex hormones appear to be in balance. (incels.wiki)
  • Countervailing this, however, these same genes appear to increase sex-atypical gender identity, which our results suggest may increase mating success in heterosexuals. (musingsone.com)
  • In other words, this 'sex atypicality' may be advantageous when expressed in heterosexuals. (musingsone.com)
  • The rate of gonorrhea is much higher in men who have sex with men than in heterosexuals. (cdc.gov)
  • An additional factor favoring the persistence of gonorrhea-infected sites in MSM is their lower rate of partner notification compared with heterosexuals ( 8 ). (cdc.gov)
  • We were unable to find any published studies on kissing partners in which sex did not occur (termed kissing-only partners) either in heterosexuals or MSM, besides the data we recently presented ( 3 ). (cdc.gov)
  • In this post, I will review Gregory Cochran's "gay germ" hypothesis. (gaycamchat.org)
  • I wanted to make an index of Cochran's posts from his and Henry Harpending's blog West Hunter that The "gay germ" hypothesis is very much Cochran's, not mine (I haven't contributed anything to it, except, perhaps, the name). (gaycamchat.org)
  • homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. (wdtprs.com)
  • Since natural selection would tend to eliminate male homosexuality, it should be uncommon-like most genetic conditions that impair one's ability to survive and reproduce. (blogspot.com)
  • Mingle2's gay Cochran personals are the free and easy way to find other Cochran gay singles looking for dates, boyfriends, sex, or friends. (gaycamchat.org)
  • I wanted to make an index of Cochran's posts from his and Henry Harpending's blog In reviewing this hypothesis, I cite an earlier paper co-authored by Cochran on the matter, one which discusses the role pathogens may play in all. (gaycamchat.org)
  • Prior to those results, researchers had argued that the cause of homosexuality was environmental and that homosexuality could be altered or reversed. (asu.edu)
  • A 2019 paper, " Same-Sex Attracted, Not LGBQ ," by a team of progressive (GLBT-affirming) and conservative (change allowing) researchers examining Mormon sexual minorities found both those coming out and rejecting their faith and those rejecting gay identification and embracing their faith experienced equal health benefits regarding depression, anxiety, flourishing and life satisfaction. (cmda.org)
  • This mechanism, called antagonistic pleiotropy, might maintain genes that increase the risk for homosexuality because they increase the number of sex partners in the relatives of homosexuals. (musingsone.com)
  • If homosexuality is biologically natural, does that support the liberty of homosexuals as a natural right? (blogspot.com)
  • These findings contribute to the notion that although homosexuality can be inherited, this does not occur according to the rules of classical genetics. (iflscience.com)
  • 2015). The pressing question then - described often as a 'Darwinian paradox' - is how do we account for the common occurrence of homosexuality in evolutionary terms, given that it would seem to present a severe limitation on evolutionary fitness through one's direct lineage? (musingsone.com)
  • [11] Current consensus about the evolutionary development of the human brain accepts sexual selection as a potential contributing factor but maintains that human intelligence and the ability to store and share cultural knowledge would have likely carried high survival value as well. (wikipedia.org)
  • Epigenetics relates to the influence of environmental factors on genes, either in the uterus or after birth. (iflscience.com)
  • The genes influencing homosexuality have two effects. (musingsone.com)
  • First, and most obviously, these genes increase the risk for homosexuality, which ostensibly has decreased Darwinian fitness. (musingsone.com)
  • It is remarkable that white is one of the most studied genes in man's quest to understand genetic control and function in Drosophila (described in 1910 by Thomas Hunt Morgan as the first example of sex-linked inheritance in flies) and yet this phenomenon had not previously been reported. (nybooks.com)
  • Fisher's discovery validated the hypothesis that genes influence language, resulting in further investigations of language disorders and their heritability. (asu.edu)
  • Finally, the third issue is a cautionary point I made about a year-and-a-half ago: presumably, all the talk about choice, genes, and "being natural" has little to do with statements of fact, but are rather about the moral status of homosexuality. (popsych.org)
  • Studies on twins have established that homosexuality is more common in identical (monozygotic) twins than in non-identical (dizygotic) twins. (iflscience.com)
  • A follow up meta-analysis of attractiveness heritability, this time among twins, shows that the attractiveness level between identical, same sex, twin siblings when acne, grooming, smiling and BMI are not controlled for is mostly genetic and when those factors are controlled for, the difference in attractiveness levels are still mostly genetic for identical twin brothers, but not identical twin sisters. (incels.wiki)
  • The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors. (wdtprs.com)
  • Scientists have also observed that same-sex pairs have successfully reared young in at least 20 species. (blogspot.com)
  • Sure, there are some species that will, occasionally, engage in brief interactions more typical of mixed-sex pairs, be those interactions sexual or non-sexual in nature. (popsych.org)
  • This greater acceptance extends to their views of the morality of gay and lesbian relations, of their legality, and of whether marriage should legally be granted to same-sex couples. (autostraddle.com)
  • Steve Sailer has entered this debate with a post on the chimerism theory , i.e., the idea that male homosexuality arises when a male fetus absorbs cells from a female twin that has died during early fetal development. (blogspot.com)
  • For male homosexuality, one of the best explanations so far comes from recent studies suggesting that female relatives of gay men generally have more offspring than the female relatives of straight men. (musingsone.com)
  • A similar hypothesis (that applies to either male or female homosexuality) is suggested by Zietsch et al. (musingsone.com)
  • Using this male-male courtship as an assay, we carried out experiments to test hypotheses addressing causal mechanisms. (nybooks.com)
  • In Britain the Buggery Act of 1533 made male homosexuality a capital crime, which it remained until 1861. (tavistockandportman.nhs.uk)
  • How does male homosexuality originate? (blogspot.com)
  • And this something cannot be a recent environmental change, since male homosexuality has been around for a long time. (blogspot.com)
  • Greg also argues that male homosexuality should be less common in smaller communities than in larger ones-where pathogenic transmission is likelier. (blogspot.com)
  • And yet Poiani admits that his ethical stance cannot be rooted in his scientific study of homosexuality, because he accepts the idea of the naturalistic fallacy or the is/ought problem. (blogspot.com)
  • Nevertheless, Poiani clearly implies that there are ethical implications to his argument that homosexuality is not a pathology. (blogspot.com)
  • But somehow they have compartmentalized information and knowledge to the point where they never make the connection or consider the implications of transgenerational epigenetics for same-sex marriage and parenting. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • This is like the quasi-Freudian explanations for homosexuality: Any explanation works. (crossdreamers.com)
  • Nonetheless, science has directed its attention toward other animals to explore how homosexuality occurs in the greater natural environment. (profolus.com)
  • They are sexually active and about half of these activities involve same-sex partners. (profolus.com)
  • They masturbate, have tattoos, have sex pre-marriage, and do all kind of things that are socially acceptable but frowned upon by the hand who wrote the Scriptures. (citadel.org)
  • BOSWELL J. (1994), The Marriage of Likeness: Same-Sex Union in Premodern Europe . (psicologoinrete.com)
  • We don't know what inheritable epigenetic effects the normalization of same-sex marriage and parenting will have, but to declare that it will have no effect at all seems to be naively anti-scientific . (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • He also infers from this comparative animal biology that homosexuality must be unnatural for two reasons. (blogspot.com)
  • At the website for "LGBT Science," you can see how the LGBT community appeals to the biology of homosexuality to show that homosexuality is natural and thus should be protected as a matter of individual liberty. (blogspot.com)
  • Their work with shell-shocked soldiers led them to challenge the notion that all neurosis was produced by sexual factors and develop a working hypothesis for treating trauma. (tavistockandportman.nhs.uk)
  • In his experiments, Sturtevant determined the relative positions of six genetic factors on a fly's chromosome by creating a process called gene mapping. (asu.edu)
  • In at least one species - sheep - individual animals have been known to form lasting preferences for same-sex partners. (cosmosmagazine.com)
  • As mentioned, the more homosexuality, the more peaceful the species. (profolus.com)
  • Some species of birds exhibit same-sex unions. (profolus.com)
  • Finally, before getting to the selection pressures, it's also worth countering the claim that homosexuality is well-documented in non-human species. (popsych.org)
  • A Wilson Center analysis by Juan Carlos Garzón and Julián Wilches includes the hypothesis that communities under FARC influence believe planting coca will give them leverage to receive government benefits. (blogspot.com)
  • Influence of gender constancy and social power on sex-linked modeling. (uni.lu)
  • Some hypotheses about the evolution of the human brain argue that it is a sexually selected trait, as it would not confer enough fitness in itself relative to its high maintenance costs (a fifth to a quarter of the energy and oxygen consumed by a human). (wikipedia.org)
  • Accordingly, saying homosexuality (or any single other trait) is "part of someone's genotype" is both trivially and true as well as potentially misleading for those who are not well-versed in genetics. (popsych.org)
  • We surveyed 1,151 MSM attending our clinic in 2016 and found a mean of 3.7 kissing-only partners and a mean of 4.5 kissing and sex partners in the previous 3 months ( 3 ) ( Technical Appendix Figure 1). (cdc.gov)
  • Because of unique behavioral characteristics, asymptomatic sites of infection, mainly the pharynx, are principal drivers of gonorrhea prevalence in men who have sex with men. (cdc.gov)
  • Kissing has not been asked about in any national sex surveys and only occasionally in clinical sexually transmitted infection studies ( 9 ). (cdc.gov)
  • Some scientists believe that the frontally-placed clitoris of female bonobos has evolved to facilitate same-sex activities, particularly genital-genital rubbing. (profolus.com)
  • This fascination with the cultural politics of sex is common in the gay sub-cultures of many modern cities, though it is not clear that it is has led to the outcomes queer theorists celebrate. (markvernon.com)
  • oro-anal sex (25%) and penile-anal sex (35%) are less common ( 9 ). (cdc.gov)
  • It did this against the backdrop of a growing number of new laws in Africa which discriminate against people attracted to others of the same sex. (iflscience.com)
  • From Jung, it could be concluded that there is no such thing as homosexuality, but rather, as many sexualities as there are people. (markvernon.com)
  • The fact that the "born this way" hypothesis has resulted in greater political returns for gay and lesbian people doesn't have anything to do with whether it is true. (arpacanada.ca)
  • It's been socially unacceptable to be a homo for so long that many homos chose to stay in the closet or repress their true selves, but as homosexuality edges its way into the national conversation and the internet connects more and more people to other homos, more and more people feel comfortable coming out. (autostraddle.com)
  • 4. Gay parenting produces more gay children, supporting the environmental, gender identity hypothesis. (wholereason.com)
  • The ways in which DNA information is processed and expressed by enzymes, proteins, and RNA can be influenced by environmental factors and potentially passed on to children, even though the DNA itself is unaffected. (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • Within psychoanalytic history and the 100 year history of our Trust LGBTQI+ has seen many changes, from the legalisation of homosexuality to the establishment of gender clinics. (tavistockandportman.nhs.uk)
  • So you put sex discrimination and gender reassignment discrimination together and you get…girls lose? (butterfliesandwheels.org)
  • That seems to be true only if you buy the full ideological package, and if you assume that children have infallible knowledge about their "gender identity" and how it can be opposed to their sex. (butterfliesandwheels.org)
  • On the controversial area of sex categories in sports, the leaked EHRC document encourages schools to "consider ways of enabling all pupils to participate in sports, including competitive events that align with their gender identity. (butterfliesandwheels.org)
  • Gender non-conformity is probably the only factor in the literature that predicts future homosexuality. (wholereason.com)
  • In case you're unaware entirely, Phil Robertson, the father of the family starring in the A&E show Duck Dynasty , said (in a nutshell) in an interview with GQ magazine that he believes homosexuality is wrong because the Bible teaches that it's wrong. (morgangfarris.com)
  • Studies on sexual molestation and its relationship to homosexuality have mental health consequences. (wholereason.com)
  • then isn't it reasonable to be concerned that the normalization of same-sex relationships, and especially same-sex parenting could have inheritable epigenetic consequences? (sixteensmallstones.org)
  • Homosexuality is not a disease, it's part of natural human variation. (cosmosmagazine.com)
  • He also hypothesized that contrasts in sexual selection acting along with natural selection were significant factors in the geographical differentiation in human appearance of some isolated groups, as he did not believe that natural selection alone provided a satisfactory answer. (wikipedia.org)
  • Homosexuality is harmful to children and other living things. (americansfortruth.com)
  • They review current literature on hetero two-parent, single-parent, and same-sex parenting and outcomes on children. (wholereason.com)
  • Groups have been formed and children of the same ingroup showed equal attitudes towards homosexuality. (uni.lu)