• There are three semicircular canals that are oriented at nearly right angles to one another and are named the anterior (superior), lateral (horizontal) and posterior canals. (cdc.gov)
  • The 3 semicircular canals are small, ringlike structures: lateral or horizontal, superior or anterior, and posterior or inferior. (medscape.com)
  • Three long canals (anterior, posterior, and lateral) of the bony labyrinth. (lookformedical.com)
  • superior, posterior, and lateral. (co.ma)
  • They are distinguished from each other by their position, and are named superior, posterior, and lateral. (co.ma)
  • Perpendicular plate: forms posterior part of lateral wall of nasal cavity 2. (slideshare.net)
  • Within the utricle and saccule, the sensory cells are arranged in a flat plate of cells called a macula. (cdc.gov)
  • The saccular macula is an elliptical thickened area of sensory epithelium that lies on the anterior vertical wall of the saccule. (medscape.com)
  • The macula of the utricle lies mainly in the horizontal plane and is located in the utricular recess, which is the dilated anterior portion of the utricle. (medscape.com)
  • Each macula is a small area of sensory epithelium. (medscape.com)
  • The epithelial lining is at first columnar, but becomes cubical throughout the whole labyrinth, except opposite the terminations of the acoustic nerve, where it forms the columnar epithelium of the macula of the utricle and saccule, of the crista ampullæ, and of the organon spirale. (co.ma)
  • The vestibule houses the two static organs of equilibrium (saccule and utricle) as well as the cristae in the semicircular canals. (cdc.gov)
  • The saccule is an almost globular-shaped sac that lies in the spherical recess on the medial wall of the vestibule. (medscape.com)
  • The utricle is larger than the saccule and lies posterosuperiorly to it in the elliptical recess of the medial wall of the vestibule. (medscape.com)
  • The vestibule contains two communicating sacs (utricle and saccule) of the balancing apparatus. (lookformedical.com)
  • The semicircular canals have five openings into the vestibule with one shared by the anterior and the posterior canals. (lookformedical.com)
  • The intermediate part of the otic vesicle represents the vestibule, and is divided by a constriction into an anterior part, the saccule, communicating with the ductus cochlearis, and a posterior portion, the utricle, receiving the extremities of the semicircular ducts. (co.ma)
  • They open into the vestibule by five apertures, since the medial end of the superior and the upper end of the posterior join to form a common canal or crus commune. (co.ma)
  • Its opposite extremity joins the non-ampullated end of the posterior canal to form the crus commune, which is about 4 mm. in length, and opens into the upper and medial part of the vestibule. (co.ma)
  • The posterior portion of the bony labyrinth contains the vestibule and the semicircular canals, and is responsible for equilibrium. (cloudaccess.net)
  • the posterior and the superior semicircular canals share one opening at the crus commune. (medscape.com)
  • They are oriented at right angles to each other and are situated so that the superior and posterior canals are at 45° angles to the sagittal plane and the horizontal canal is 30° to the axial plane. (medscape.com)
  • All canals merge into the utricle. (medscape.com)
  • The neurosensory structures involved in hearing and equilibrium are located in the membranous labyrinth: the organ of Corti is located in the cochlear canal, while the maculae of the utricle and the saccule and the ampullae of the semicircular canals are located in the posterior section. (cloudaccess.net)
  • Disruption of the Apaf1 gene led to a dramatic decrease in apoptosis in the inner ear epithelium, severe morphogenetic defects and a significant size reduction of the membranous labyrinth, demonstrating that an Apaf1-dependent apoptotic pathway is necessary for normal inner ear development. (biologists.com)
  • The maculae of the utricle and saccule are nearly perpendicular to one another. (cdc.gov)
  • Some examples include the specialized hair cells of the mammalian cochlea, that display a spectacularly polarized organization of kinocilia and stereocilia on their apical surfaces, the dynamic ciliated cells of the tracheal and reproductive tract epithelia, and cells in the gastrulating vertebrate embryo that display polarized migration and intercalation behaviors. (stanford.edu)
  • The stapedius muscle is the tiny muscle in the middle ear that attaches to the posterior aspect of the neck of the stapes , which when contracted dampens vibrations passed to the cochlea via the oval window . (radiopaedia.org)
  • The taste buds are oval or flask-shaped, and occupy nests in the stratified epithelium of the regions mentioned. (co.ma)
  • Explain the structural components of the taste buds and olfactory epithelium. (medcell.org)
  • This laboratory emphasizes the important structural elements of the eye and ear and briefly covers the taste buds and olfactory epithelium. (medcell.org)
  • however, the superior canal is paired with the contralateral posterior canal and vice versa. (medscape.com)
  • The nonampulated ends of the superior and posterior canal form the crus commune or common crus. (medscape.com)
  • while the superior canal of one ear is nearly parallel to the posterior canal of the other. (co.ma)
  • The otolith organs include the utricle and the saccule. (medscape.com)
  • The utricle senses motion in the horizontal plane (eg, forward-backward movement, left-right movement, or a combination thereof). (medscape.com)
  • Horizontal plates unite to form posterior 1/3 of hard palate 2. (slideshare.net)
  • During inner ear development programmed cell death occurs in specific areas of the otic epithelium but the significance of it and the molecules involved have remained unclear. (biologists.com)
  • These two lamina are continuous with each other round the posterior extremity of the fissura vestibuli. (co.ma)
  • The pinna consists of a single piece of elastic cartilage with a complicated relief on its inner surface and a fairly smooth configuration on its posterior surface. (wikipedia.org)
  • They exist, also, on the oral surface of the velum palatinum and on the posterior surface of the epiglottis. (co.ma)
  • The various cells in the organ of Corti can be examined by 'optically sectioning' or using the z-axis (fine focus) of a microscope to focus at successively deeper layers within the epithelium. (cdc.gov)
  • You should also be able to name the important cells of the taste and olfactory epithelia. (medcell.org)
  • Our major project is to investige a pathway that controls the polarity of epithelial cells within the plane of the epithelium. (stanford.edu)
  • thus the utricle and saccule are connected by a Y-shaped tube. (co.ma)
  • The vestibular sensory epithelium is located on the maculae of the saccule and utricle and the cristae of the semicircular canals. (medscape.com)
  • The maculae of the utricle and saccule are nearly perpendicular to one another. (cdc.gov)
  • While a number of studies have illustrated and analyzed 3D models of inner ears in higher vertebrates, inner ears in fishes have rarely been investigated in 3D, especially with regard to the sensory epithelia of the end organs, the maculae. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Sensory epithelia of the canals, called cristae, are solely overlain by a gelatinous matrix, the cupula. (biomedcentral.com)
  • These bony canals are three in number (superior, lateral and posterior) enclose semicircular canal ducts. (drtbalu.co)
  • The posterior semicircular canal is the longest and measures from 18 to 22 mm. (co.ma)
  • The otolith organs include the utricle and the saccule. (medscape.com)
  • In each of the end organs, the sensory epithelium (macula) is overlain by a massive calcium carbonate biomineralisate, the otolith. (biomedcentral.com)
  • Within the utricle and saccule, the sensory cells are arranged in a flat plate of cells called a macula. (cdc.gov)
  • They are oriented at right angles to each other and are situated so that the superior and posterior canals are at 45° angles to the sagittal plane and the horizontal canal is 30° to the axial plane. (medscape.com)
  • however, the superior canal is paired with the contralateral posterior canal and vice versa. (medscape.com)
  • The former occupies less than one half the en- tire length of the canal, and is formed by an inflection of the cartilage of the pinna. (nih.gov)
  • while the superior canal of one ear is nearly parallel to the posterior canal of the other. (co.ma)
  • The outer epithelial layer is composed of stratified squamous epithelium, which is continuous with the skin of the external auditory canal. (healthjade.net)
  • The internal carotid artery enters the posterior inferior aspect of the sinus and bends upon itself as the carotid siphon ( cavernous segment - C4 ). (radiopaedia.org)
  • The pinna consists of a single piece of elastic cartilage with a complicated relief on its inner surface and a fairly smooth configuration on its posterior surface. (wikipedia.org)
  • Collaterals from the posterior longitudinal bundle and the ventral longitudinal bundle are said to pass to the nucleus. (bartleby.com)
  • These two lamina are continuous with each other round the posterior extremity of the fissura vestibuli. (co.ma)
  • The three ampullated ends and two non ampullated ends of the membranous semicircular ducts open into the utricle. (drtbalu.co)
  • Each macula is a small area of sensory epithelium. (medscape.com)
  • 1) The somatic sensory fibers are few in number, convey impulses from a limited area of the skin on the back of the ear and posterior part of the external auditory meatus, and probably join the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve to terminate in its nucleus. (bartleby.com)