• The use of stem cell-derived dopamine neurons or deep brain stimulation (DBS) represents two alternative approaches to treat Parkinson's Disease. (lu.se)
  • Some of the services that a top psychiatrist in North London can provide are: diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders and psychological problems, prescribe medications with psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy (ect), deep brain stimulation (dbs), vagus nerve stimulation (vns), transcranial magnetic stimu. (doctorshire.com)
  • I think one of the other things we wanted to focus on were additional treatment options in the deep brain stimulation (DBS) sphere, so tell us about that. (medscape.com)
  • Racy offers unbelievable deep and rumbly PowerBullet vibrations for external pleasure and G-spot stimulation. (jinkstar.com)
  • It's hard to believe the brain and spinal cord hold so much responsibility for the way your entire body functions. (zurichhotelscentre.com)
  • Over time the T2 lesion number and volume (the T2 burden of disease) increases on average in the brain or spinal cord in the absence of treatment, and most often less so when treatment is effective [Fig. (tradingsignalsforex.com)
  • The medulla oblongata lies just superior to the spinal cord, and it contains tracts that ascend or descend between the spinal cord and higher brain centers. (banglaforexacademy.com)
  • The multi-speed POWERFUL Motor allows the vibration patterns to pulsate all the way through to the end stimu-tail causing even more intense pleasure as it lies up or down (whichever you desire) while in play… causing even more added waves of Orgasmic pleasure! (jinkstar.com)
  • Delivery of the young is quick and frequently followed by a period of intense maternal licking (Fig. When the oocytes are stimu- lated to re-enter the meiotic divisions (maturation), CPEB promotes cytoplasmic polyadenylation of the formerly qui- escent mRNA, the newly elongated poly(A) tail becomes bound by poly(A)-binding protein (PABP), which in turn binds eIF4G and helps it displace maskin from eIF4E, thereby inducing translation. (banglaforexacademy.com)
  • SharpBrains is an independent market research firm tracking health and performance applications of brain science. (sharpbrains.com)
  • Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatrylghttp.48653.nexcesscdn.net/80223CF/springer. (fdocuments.net)
  • Breggin, Peter Roger, 1936- Brain-disabling treatments in psychiatry : drugs, electroshock, and the psychopharmaceutical complex / Peter R. Breggin. (fdocuments.net)
  • Nevertheless the data on how the intelligence controls behavior and inner sample has moved ahead, since it has proved substantial in attempting to apprehend how knowledge diseases could climb and how behavior deficits could be caused nigh brain mayhem and to put treatments to plagiarize lessen their effects. (mein-schoenefeld.info)
  • Deep tissue massage targets the muscles in your body. (writeablog.net)
  • This exercises more and deeper muscles compared to performing the same exercises without the Balance Pad Elite. (gfitness.ee)
  • Notes: Wine and alcohol isn't just an expensive hobby - drinking alcohol gives your brain a reward it didn't earn, and consuming it often enough teaches your brain that the easiest way to feel good is to drink more, which can lead to dependence and alcoholism (which can exacerbate existing mental health problems like depression and anxiety). (punpedia.org)
  • Secondary bone grafting of alveolar clefts: a surgicalorthodontic treatment en- abling a non-prosthodontic rehabilitation in cleft lip and palate patients. (banglaforexacademy.com)
  • We have tak-en a look at many books, wrote reviews of The Dana Guide to Brain Health book review ‚ and Best of the Brain from Sci-en-tif-ic Amer-i-can , and inter-viewed sci-en-tists such as Judith Beck , Robert Emmons and James Zull . (sharpbrains.com)
  • deep inside its searching and impatient nature lies the seeking of an ideal but the chief problem is in recognizing what it is. (joycescapade.com)
  • Hidden deep in the remote regions of the Himalayas lies the most potent aphrodisiac ever unearthed. (lifenaturalcures.com)
  • Now we are launch-ing a new Author Speaks Series to pro-vide a plat-form for lead-ing sci-en-tists and experts writ-ing high-qual-i-ty brain-relat-ed books to reach a wide audi-ence. (sharpbrains.com)
  • should try hard to achieve rest, rest and more rest, to heal those jangled nerves and renew the over-active brain cells, because nervous exhaustion is a constant threat [Ok. (joycescapade.com)
  • The investigators then generated a list of topics related to those objects and used the fMRI images to determine the brain activity that words within each topic shared. (zurichhotelscentre.com)
  • PDF) Age Differences in Brain Activity during Emotion Processing: Reflections of Age-Related Decline or Increased Emotion Regulation? (researchgate.net)
  • Based on evidence for structural and functional preservation of the amygdala in older adults and findings that older adults show greater prefrontal cortex activity than younger adults while engaging in emotion-processing tasks, we argue that the cognitive control hypothesis is a more likely explanation for older adults' positivity effect than the aging-brain model. (researchgate.net)
  • Play with 10 deep vibration functions, solo or with a partner. (jinkstar.com)
  • The control functions of the brain are activated and the receptors in the area of the joints and fascia system are stimulated more strongly. (gfitness.ee)
  • Contact your therapist whether you feel any discomfort or pain during deep tissue massage. (writeablog.net)
  • Brain disorders can affect anyone. (zurichhotelscentre.com)
  • Opi-ates, cocaine, cannabis deriv-a-tives, and assort-ed oth-er sub-stances which affect-ed brain func-tion became read-i-ly avail-able, both in patent med-i-cines and in admit-ted-ly recre-ation-al prepa-ra-tions, and an era of naive and wide-spread drug abuse was inaugurated. (ecomagic.org)
  • A single brain spot is associated with a number of related words. (zurichhotelscentre.com)
  • I've test-ed over 350 sex toys and love div-ing deep for cer-vi-cal orgasms, A‑spot stim-u-la-tion, and kinky odysseys into the subconscious. (supersmashcache.com)
  • Either way, in rela-tion to the near-est space around us, there are sev-er-al neu-rocog-ni-tive mech-a-nisms con-trol-ling the pres-ence of objects deep in the watched scenes. (afterimagia.pl)
  • The scale goes from 3, for a per-son in a deep coma, to 15, for a per-fect-ly conscious and orien-ted per-son, i.e. kno-wing who she is, what has hap-pe-ned to her, and being able to situate her-self in time and space. (ma-vie-quantique.com)
  • The Uberrime Night King is one of my all-​time favorite dil-dos for deep pen-e-tra-tion . (supersmashcache.com)
  • Swedish and deep tissue massages use similar techniques, but deep. (writeablog.net)
  • On July 31, 1997, the FDA granted a conditional approval for deep brain stimulation (i.e., implanted electrical thalamic stimu-lation system) for research, and on March 27, 1998, granted approval of the device contingent on further research safety and efficacy data. (medscape.com)
  • The sleep induced in this way is always short-lasting and is always easily reversed by external stimu lation. (univ-lyon1.fr)
  • Most women start watching porn out of curiosity and to get sexual stimu lation. (thefreedomfight.org)
  • What made this proof-of-prin-ci-ple tri-al suc-cess-ful was the dis-cov-ery of a neur-al bio-mark-er - a spe-cif-ic pat-tern of brain activ-i-ty that indi-cates the onset of symp-toms - and the team's abil-i-ty to cus-tomize a new DBS device to respond only when it rec-og-nizes that pat-tern. (sharpbrains.com)
  • Stim-u-lat-ing your brain activ-i-ty. (anaadi.org)
  • This approach of lesioned patients, fMRI studies of visually presented succeeds in identifying potential multimodal brain re- objects have shown that different categories of visual gions, but may be too liberal: any region responding objects activate different regions of visual association across conditions (not necessarily related to sensory cortex in occipital and temporal lobes (Beauchamp et processing) will be classified as multimodal. (nih.gov)
  • So start with a good exer-cise rou-tine, now is the time to get into yoga asanas, pranaya-ma, a lit-tle bit of med-i-ta-tion, a lit-tle bit of visu-al-iza-tion, a lit-tle chant-i-ng, some exer-cise for your brain in terms of some art, learn-ing some instru-ments, say even math, puz-zles. (anaadi.org)
  • As an aside: Maybe AIs that make use of deep learn-ing are par-tic-u-lar-ly well suit-ed to this part-ner mod-el? (leapfrog.nl)
  • There appar-ent-ly is a sig-nif-i-cant dif-fer-ence between holis-tic and reduc-tion-ist approach-es, deep learn-ing being holis-tic. (leapfrog.nl)
  • So mau-na is self-quar-an-tine, you iso-late your-selves not because of exter-nal cir-cum-stances, but because you are moti-vat-ed to go deep with-in, to research, so that can also be looked at as quar-an-tine. (anaadi.org)
  • And my luck was that I entered brain research at the time, in the late 1960s, when modern neuroscience was born, and in the labora- tory where a new groundbreaking microscopic technique, the Falck-Hillarp monoamine histofluorescence method, had just been developed. (lu.se)
  • Engage in puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku, or other brain games to challenge your mind and improve problem-solving skills. (itsallwellative.com)
  • The Addicted Brain → Renewing the mind. (thefreedomfight.org)
  • This might surprise you, though: your five senses actually hold one of the most important keys to deep relaxation and peace of mind. (bahaiteachings.org)
  • After all, ear-ly humans had to pre-serve brain pow-er for dodg-ing stam-ped-ing ele-phants, just like peo-ple today might need to focus on avoid-ing aggres-sive SUVs. (sharpbrains.com)
  • And the third mod-ule - most com-pli-cat-ed and least known, yet, as it seems, most impor-tant for see-ing - con-sists of inter-con-nect-ed cor-ti-cal areas in var-i-ous brain lobes (Fig. 4). (afterimagia.pl)