• The hypocotyl (short for "hypocotyledonous stem", meaning "below seed leaf") is the stem of a germinating seedling, found below the cotyledons (seed leaves) and above the radicle (root). (wikipedia.org)
  • After emergence of the radicle, the hypocotyl emerges and lifts the growing tip (usually including the seed coat) above the ground, bearing the embryonic leaves (called cotyledons), and the plumule that gives rise to the first true leaves. (wikipedia.org)
  • Cotyledon can be understood as the central portion of seed to which the radicle and epicotyl are attached. (witty-question.com)
  • The part of the embryo between the cotyledon and the radicle is called the hypocotyl. (atikaschool.org)
  • At the tip of the epicotyl is the plumule, the bud that produces the first leaves. (irwantoshut.com)
  • The portion of the embryonic axis above the level of cotyledons is the epicotyl, which terminates with the plumule or stem tip. (pw.live)
  • In this germination the cotyledons remain inside the soil and the epicotyls elongates and pushes the plumule above. (sureden.com)
  • The epicotyl is the part of the embryo between the cotyledon and the plumule. (atikaschool.org)
  • The epicotyl elongates and the plumule grows out of the coleoptile and forms the first foliage leaves. (atikaschool.org)
  • In some plants, such as the many kinds of beans, the growth of the epicotyl carries the cotyledons above ground. (irwantoshut.com)
  • The part of the embryonic axis that projects above the cotyledons is known as the epicotyl. (witty-question.com)
  • The hypocotyl begins to elongate and forms a hook that pushes through the soil surface, pulling the cotyledons upward (Figure 2). (specialtyhybrids.com)
  • As the cotyledons open, the epicotyl is revealed. (specialtyhybrids.com)
  • The cylindrical portion below the level of cotyledons is hypocotyl that terminates at its lower end in the radical or root tip. (pw.live)
  • In laterne mutants, the cotyledons are precisely deleted, yet the hypocotyl and root are unaffected. (biologists.com)
  • In this method the cotyledons are lifted above the ground and they act as the first leaves as a result of the rapid elongation of the hypocotyls. (sureden.com)
  • The hypocotyls then straightens and elongates carrying with it the two cotyledons which turn green and leafy. (atikaschool.org)
  • Many scientists and botanists feel that coconut is a water dispersal fruit and seed that contains the hypocotyl, that is, embryo root and the epicotyl or the embryo leaves. (ethicathome.com)
  • By the time the epicotyl emerges, the stem has reached above the ground and the leaves start to emerge. (kidpid.com)
  • One of the widely used assays in the field of photobiology is the investigation of the effect of changes in light quantity and quality on hypocotyl elongation. (wikipedia.org)
  • In monocots, the hypocotyl does not show above ground because monocots do not exhibit stem elongation. (witty-question.com)
  • The hypocotyl is the primary organ of extension of the young plant and develops into the stem. (wikipedia.org)
  • Soil crusting can delay or prevent seedling emergence and cause soybean hypocotyls to become swollen or break when trying to push through the crust. (specialtyhybrids.com)
  • Stem tubers generally start off as enlargements of the hypocotyl section of a seedling but also sometimes include the first node or two of the epicotyl and the upper section of the root. (fei-ct.com)
  • Weaver H. L. Vascularization of the root-hypocotyl-cotyledon axis of Glycine max . (ucanr.edu)
  • The data obtained demonstrated that the observed Ca2+ uptake is associated with the very top of the hypocotyl hook of cucumber and butter bean, and with the whole epicotyl of pea, although the response was stronger for the upper parts of the epicotyl. (edu.au)
  • the epicotyl becomes the first leaves. (kidpid.com)
  • Under normal light conditions, hypocotyl growth is controlled by a process called photomorphogenesis, while shading the seedlings evokes a rapid transcriptional response which negatively regulates photomorphogenesis and results in increased rates of hypocotyl growth. (wikipedia.org)
  • Next, the upper part of the seedling, called the epicotyl, begins to grow upward. (irwantoshut.com)
  • To my knowledge hypocotyls grow in the lingering warmth of the fall, and not in the cold fase. (peonysociety.eu)
  • Epicotyl is a tiny shoot that gives rise to the plant's whole shoot system. (farmerscion.com)
  • Even if they germinate -which I doubt-, the first stage is only a hypocotyl, wich can withstand frost. (peonysociety.eu)