• Basidiospores typically each contain one haploid nucleus that is the product of meiosis, and they are produced by specialized fungal cells called basidia. (wikipedia.org)
  • In plants, spores are usually haploid and unicellular and are produced by meiosis in the sporangium of a diploid sporophyte . (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • Spores germinate to give rise to haploid gametophytes, while seeds germinate to give rise to diploid sporophytes. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • Vascular plant spores are always haploid . (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • Spores are usually haploid and grow into mature haploid individuals through mitotic division of cells ( Urediniospores and Teliospores among rusts are dikaryotic). (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • Individually they are uninucleate, naked haploid amoebae without cell-wall, showing typical amoeboid movement with the help of pseudopodia. (biologydiscussion.com)
  • The haploid spores after release, germinate to produce amoeboid cells which develop into flagellate male and female gametes. (biologydiscussion.com)
  • Myxozoan spores release amoeboid infectious germs ("amoebulae") into their hosts for parasitic infection, but also reproduce within the hosts through the pairing of two nuclei within the plasmodium, which develops from the amoebula. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • The main difference between spores and seeds as dispersal units is that spores are unicellular, the first cell of a gametophyte, while seeds contain within them a developing embryo (the multicellular sporophyte of the next generation), produced by the fusion of the male gamete of the pollen tube with the female gamete formed by the megagametophyte within the ovule. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • The diploid nuclei of the Plasmodium undergo reduction division before spore formation in the fruit-body. (biologydiscussion.com)
  • The mass of multinucleate protoplasm is a true Plasmodium which is not differentiated into individual cells. (biologydiscussion.com)
  • The portion of the Plasmodium which is not consumed for spore formation is converted into a net-like structure, known as capillitum. (biologydiscussion.com)
  • When basidiospores encounter a favorable substrate, they may germinate, typically by forming hyphae. (wikipedia.org)
  • Such plants typically give rise to the two kind of spores from within separate sporangia, either a megasporangium that produces megaspores or a microsporangium that produces microspores. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • The spores are released during periods of high humidity and generally have a night-time or pre-dawn peak concentration in the atmosphere. (wikipedia.org)
  • Some gilled mushrooms in the order Agaricales have the ability to release billions of spores. (wikipedia.org)
  • On liberation, a spore germinates through a pore in the wall and produces an amoeba which starts a vegetative phase and multiplies by binary fission. (biologydiscussion.com)
  • Under favourable conditions the spore can develop into a new organism using mitotic division, producing a multicellular gametophyte , which eventually goes on to produce gametes. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • Plants that are homosporous produce spores of the same size and type. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • The spores of seed plants are produced internally, and the megaspores (formed within the ovules) and the microspores are involved in the formation of more complex structures that form the dispersal units, the seeds and pollen grains. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • In common parlance, the difference between a "spore" and a " gamete " is that a spore will germinate and develop into a sporeling , while a gamete needs to combine with another gamete to form a zygote before developing further. (oxygenboules824.sbs)
  • These hyphae grow outward from the original spore, forming an expanding circle of mycelium. (wikipedia.org)
  • The pathogen induces hyperplastic growth of epidermal cells of potato tuber resulting in the formation of warts or galls. (biologydiscussion.com)
  • The Honeycomb Game is a word-building game: make words by clicking on cells in the honeycomb below. (claylane.uk)
  • Keep doing this until you have made a continuous chain of touching cells, forming a word of three letters or more. (claylane.uk)
  • The color of the spore print is usually found in the spore wall, although in rare instances - like the yellow spores of Clavaria helicoides - the cytoplasm is responsible for the spore color. (wikipedia.org)
  • The surface of the spore can be fairly smooth, or it can be ornamented. (wikipedia.org)
  • [3] Spores of P. indusiatus are thin-walled, smooth, elliptical or slightly curved, hyaline (translucent), and measure 2-3 by 1-1.5 μm. (wikipedia.org)