• these constitute the three primary cerebral vesicles, and correspond respectively to the future fore-brain ( prosencephalon ), mid-brain ( mesencephalon ), and hind-brain ( rhombencephalon ) (Fig. 18). (theodora.com)
  • The midbrain, along with the cerebellum , develops from the mesencephalon, differentiating it from the rest of the brainstem, which develops from the rhombencephalon. (fact-index.com)
  • These vesicles, from most anterior to most posterior, are the prosencephalon (forebrain) , the mesencephalon (midbrain) , and the rhombencephalon (hindbrain) . (msu.edu)
  • It is composed of the Prosencephalon (sum of Telencephalon and Diencephalon), the Mesencephalon and the Rhombencephalon, embryonic precursors of the forebrain , midbrain and hindbrain respectively. (washington.edu)
  • вместе же с mesencephalon и rhombencephalon образует головной мозг. (en-academic.com)
  • Together with the pons and the cerebellum, the medulla forms the hindbrain or rhombencephalon. (scienceabc.com)
  • Embryos lacking this portion of m2de1 displayed markedly reduced meis2a expression in the forebrain and optic tectum and lacked expression in the cerebellum and rhombencephalon, as compared to wildtype embryos. (uncg.edu)
  • The posteriormost part of the brain, the rhombencephalon is divided into two parts 1. (swarborno.com)
  • From his first note of 1906 on the Mauthner's fibers in the Salamandrina perspicillata to his further works (1911, 1913, 1915, 1919), Beccari persistently analyzed and clarified their functional significance in the structure of the rhombencephalon. (encyclopedia.com)