• The major passages and structures of the upper respiratory tract include the nose or nostrils, nasal cavity, mouth, throat (pharynx), and voice box (larynx). (mountsinai.org)
  • Pharynx - It is a passage behind the nasal chamber and serves as the common passageway for both air and food. (tiesen.nl)
  • Deep in the lungs, each bronchus divides into secondary and tertiary bronchi, which continue to branch to smaller airways called the bronchioles. (mountsinai.org)
  • Carcinoid tumors (sometimes called neuroendocrine tumors) usually originate in hormone-producing cells that line the small intestine or other parts of the digestive tract, but they can also occur in the passageways in the lungs (bronchi) and in other organs. (msdmanuals.com)
  • It is a passageway for air between the lungs and the external environment (Anne M Gilory 2012). (bestpremiumessays.com)
  • When the nerve endings in the throat, windpipe or lungs sense the irritation, a reflex causes air to be forcefully ejected through the passageways. (pampers.ae)
  • For example, an irritation in the windpipe or bronchi sounds deeper and raspier than when it's located in the larynx. (pampers.ae)
  • Symptoms of asthma may include the following: bronchospasm (abnormal contraction of the bronchi causing airway obstruction), coughing, wheezing or whistling sounds when exhaling, shortness of breath or rapid breathing, chest tightness or chest pain, and fatigue. (healthhutcr.com)
  • The main function of the Alveoli is to assist with the process of gas exchange. (cram.com)
  • This network of alveoli, bronchioles, and bronchi is known as the bronchial tree. (connecticutchildrens.org)
  • Tiny hairs called cilia (SIL-ee-uh) protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract, filtering out dust and other particles that enter the nose through the breathed air. (connecticutchildrens.org)
  • Laryngotracheal stenosis refers to abnormal narrowing of the central air passageways. (wikipedia.org)
  • Aorta: The main artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. (drpaulkilgore.com)
  • Veins are a type of blood vessel that carry blood with low levels of oxygen, and their main function is to return deoxygenated blood from the body tissues back to the heart for oxygenation. (proprofs.com)
  • It is a passageway for sperm and fluids from the reproductive system and urine from the urinary system . (cancer.gov)
  • Within each lung a bronchus splits into increasingly smaller branches called bronchioles. (jove.com)
  • Bronchi and bronchioles contain cilia that propel mucus and foreign substances toward the larynx. (nursingce.com)
  • The secondary bronchi subdivide into smaller and smaller tubes, which are known as the bronchioles. (blablawriting.net)
  • The bronchioles then divides into microscopic tubes called alveolar ducts which as you can see resemble the main stem of a bunch of grapes. (blablawriting.net)
  • It is the common passageway leading from the mouth to the esophagus and nose to the larynx , making it a part of both the digestive system and the respiratory system in humans. (etutorworld.com)
  • Pharynx: The throat, which serves as a common passageway for both air and food. (microbiologynote.com)
  • Bronchial carcinoids are rare, slow-growing tumors of the lining of the airways (bronchi). (msdmanuals.com)
  • The larynx is responsible for producing sound and protecting the airway, while the trachea serves as the main airway that connects the larynx to the bronchial tree. (proprofs.com)
  • The pharynx (throat) is a tubelike structure that connects the oral and nasal cavities to the larynx. (nursingce.com)
  • The upper respiratory system, or upper respiratory tract, consists of the nose and nasal cavity, the pharynx, and the larynx. (hya.kr)
  • It is divided into three sections, the nasopharynx (adjoining the nasal cavity), oropharynx (adjoining the oral cavity), and laryngopharynx (adjoining the larynx). (etutorworld.com)
  • The lobar and segmental bronchi facilitate adequate postural drainage. (nursingce.com)
  • The right main bronchus subdivides into three segmental bronchi while the left main bronchus divides into two. (en-academic.com)
  • Each of the segmental bronchi supplies a bronchopulmonary segment . (en-academic.com)
  • There are ten segments per lung, but due to anatomic development, several segmental bronchi in the left lung fuse, giving rise to eight. (en-academic.com)
  • The segmental bronchi divide into many primary bronchiole s which divide into terminal bronchiole s, each of which then gives rise to several respiratory bronchiole s, which go on to divide into 2 to 11 alveolar duct s. (en-academic.com)
  • The main ingredient, guaifenesin, helps loosen and thin mucus in your airways so it's easier to cough up. (moonbites.es)
  • Breathing in steam can help gently break up the mucus in your bronchi. (moonbites.es)
  • In humans, the main muscle of respiration that drives breathing is the diaphragm. (everipedia.org)
  • Lastly, the larynx is responsible for voice production, allowing us to speak and produce sound. (proprofs.com)
  • Together, these three components play a crucial role in the functioning of the larynx and the production of sound. (proprofs.com)