• Cephalosporins available for medical use today are semisynthetic derivatives of this natural antimicrobial compound. (cdc.gov)
  • For example, to date, hundreds of cephalosporin derivatives are available and they are classified into five "generations" that are characterized by different ways of administration and by an enhanced microbicidal activity towards Gram-negative bacteria (while the founder molecule is mainly active on Gram-positive bacteria) [ 12 ] . (encyclopedia.pub)
  • Italian scientist Giuseppe Brotzu first isolated the parent compound cephalosporin C from a sewer in Sardinia in 1948. (cdc.gov)
  • Another Italian pharmacologist, Giuseppe Brotzu, identified the presence of other compounds with bactericidal activity in crude filtrates of Cephalosporium cultures in 1945 [ 4 ] . (encyclopedia.pub)