• When this occurs, pimples may develop and if the skin is repeatedly affected by this condition then it is called acne. (parentinghealthybabies.com)
  • Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages. (nchmd.org)
  • Acne ( acne vulgaris , common acne ) is a disease of the hair follicles of the face, chest, and back that affects almost all teenagers during puberty -- the only exception being members of a few primitive Neolithic tribes living in isolation. (medicinenet.com)
  • A 20% azelaic acid cream or gel can be effective as many conventional acne treatments when used twice a day. (parentinghealthybabies.com)
  • Skinoren works by stopping the bacteria that causes acne from reproducing. (treated.com)
  • [ 1 ] Rosacea can contribute to lower self-esteem and have significant psychosocial implications, e.g., stress at work and social isolation. (medscape.com)
  • Cutibacterium endovascular, orthopedic, and neurosurgical infections remain problematic, causing significant morbidity and mortality in affected patients. (medscape.com)